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    800 VOLT PNP TRANSISTOR Search Results

    800 VOLT PNP TRANSISTOR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TTA2097 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-5 A / hFE=200~500 / VCE(sat)=-0.27 V / tf=60 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    2SA1213 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-2 A / hFE=70~240 / VCE(sat)=-0.5 V / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    2SA1943 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-230 V / IC=-15 A / hFE=55~160 / VCE(sat)=-3.0 V / TO-3P(L) Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA012 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-80 V / IC=-4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=-0.22 V / tf=35 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA004B Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-160 V / IC=-1.5 A / hFE=140~280 / VCE(sat)=-0.5 V / TO-126N Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    800 VOLT PNP TRANSISTOR Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PNP SILICON PLANAR MEDIUM POWER TRANSISTOR BC369 ISSUE 1 – SEPT 93 FEATURES * 20 Volt VCEO * 1 Amp continuous current * Ptot= 800 mW E C B TO92 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS. PARAMETER SYMBOL VALUE UNIT Collector-Base Voltage VCBO -25 V Collector-Emitter Voltage

    BC369 -10mA, -100mA* -500mA, 100MHz BC369 PDF


    Abstract: MRF9282 MRF1510 triac MAC 97 AB MSB81T1 solid state 220 volt stabilizer circuit MHW8272 MRF9242 10 amp igbt 1000 volt 100 amp 1200 volt Triac
    Text: NEW PRODUCT CALENDAR and KEY FOCUS PRODUCTS 3Q96 CALCPSTG/D REV 8 This quarterly folder includes information on products by the Communications, Power and Signal Technologies Group CPSTG , which comprises four organizations. These organizations are the RF Semiconductor Division, specializing in low power and high power discrete transistors, hybrid circuits for power amplifiers (modules),


    MBT3904 datasheet

    Abstract: MBT3904 1 microfarad capacitor SOT23 MBT3904 MBT35200 MBT35200MT1 MRA4003T3 NCP100 TL431 TLV431
    Text: AND8028/D Precision Sub-One Volt 1.7 Ampere Output LDO Jason Hansen ON Semiconductor APPLICATION NOTE INTRODUCTION Figure 1 for the circuit schematic. Since a PNP transistor is implemented, the signal from the precision reference needs to be inverted. A small signal NPN, Q2, is used for this

    AND8028/D NCP100 r14525 MBT3904 datasheet MBT3904 1 microfarad capacitor SOT23 MBT3904 MBT35200 MBT35200MT1 MRA4003T3 NCP100 TL431 TLV431 PDF

    BC337-25 PNP transistor download datasheet

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR BC337-25 PNP 2N3906 Darlington transistor TRANSISTOR BC327-40 BC546B SOT23 transistor transistor bc548b BC338-40 BC556A NPN Transistor BC548B TRANSISTOR BC337-25
    Text: Small-Signal Bipolar Transistors Package Thru-hole TO-92 VCEO 4 (Volt) 20 NPN TO-92 PNP Surface Mount SOT-23 SOT-23 NPN GS9012 500 64 202 2N4126 200 120 360 1V / 2mA 500 100 250 1V / 100mA BC818-25 BC808-25 500 160 400 1V / 100mA BC818-40 BC808-40 500 250

    OT-23 GS9013 GS9012 2N4124 2N4126 100mA BC818-16 BC808-16 BC818-25 BC337-25 PNP transistor download datasheet TRANSISTOR BC337-25 PNP 2N3906 Darlington transistor TRANSISTOR BC327-40 BC546B SOT23 transistor transistor bc548b BC338-40 BC556A NPN Transistor BC548B TRANSISTOR BC337-25 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SBC557 Semiconductor PNP Silicon Transistor Descriptions • General purpose applicat ion • Swit ching applicat ion Features • High volt age : VCEO= - 45V • Com plem ent ary pair w it h SBC547 Ordering Information Type N O. M a r k ing Pa ck a ge Code

    SBC557 SBC547 KST-2010-000 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SBC558 Semiconductor PNP Silicon Transistor Descriptions • General purpose applicat ion • Swit ching applicat ion Features • High volt age : VCEO= - 30V • Com plem ent ary pair w it h SBC548 Ordering Information Type N O. M a r k ing Pa ck a ge Code

    SBC558 SBC548 KST-9029-000 200Hz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SBC556 Semiconductor PNP Silicon Transistor Descriptions • General purpose applicat ion • Swit ching applicat ion Features • High volt age : VCEO= - 55V • Com plem ent ary pair w it h SBC546 Ordering Information Type N O. M a r k ing SBC556 SBC556

    SBC556 SBC546 KST-9027-000 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: STS8550 Semiconductor PNP Silicon Transistor Descriptions • High current applicat ion • Radio in class B push- pull operat ion Feature • Com plem ent ary pair w it h STS8050 Ordering Information Type N O. M a r k in g Pa ck a ge Code STS8550 STS8550

    STS8550 STS8050 KST-9013-000 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PNP SILICON PLANAR MEDIUM POWER TRANSISTOR BC369 ISSUE 1 - SEPT 93 FEATURES * 20 Volt VCE0 * 1 Amp continuous current * Ptot= 800 mW ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS. PARAMETER SYMBOL Collector-Base Voltage VALUE V C B0 UNIT -25 V V C ollector-Em itter Voltage V CEO

    OCR Scan
    BC369 -100hA -100m 100MHz PDF

    40khz ultrasonic transmitter

    Abstract: 40KHZ ULTRASONIC NA01 nb111eh NR001E NB021EY toko k
    Text: Sö NATL SEHICOND {DISCRETE} NA01 NPN , NA02(PNP) 6 5 0 1 1 3 0 NA TL S E M I C O N D , DE I t.SD113G DG3SSS3 (D I S C R E T E ) _28C 35553 D National Semiconductor NA02(PNP) 80 mA complementary power transistors [~1~| package and lead coding features • 20 Volt/800 mA Amp rating

    OCR Scan
    SD113G Volt/800 NB111EH/J NA01EG/J NR001E 380mW NR001E 40khz ultrasonic transmitter 40KHZ ULTRASONIC NA01 nb111eh NB021EY toko k PDF

    40khz ultrasonic transmitter

    Abstract: 40KHZ ULTRASONIC NB111 NB111EH "Ultrasonic" "transmitter" 40khz ultrasonic transmitter 12V k 3555 NA01EX NR001E NB021EY
    Text: 20 NATL SEHICOND {DISCRETE} 6501130 NATL SEMICOND, STr z a z a DISCRETE _28C 35553 NA02(PNP) 80 mA complementary power transistors [T~| package and lead coding features • 20 Volt/800 mA Amp rating ■ Low V qe (sat) and V qe (sat) characteristics at §

    OCR Scan
    SD113G 800mA Volt/800 NB111EH/J NA01EG/J NR001E NA01EG/J 380mW 40khz ultrasonic transmitter 40KHZ ULTRASONIC NB111 NB111EH "Ultrasonic" "transmitter" 40khz ultrasonic transmitter 12V k 3555 NA01EX NB021EY PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PNP SILICON PLANAR M EDIUM POWER TRANSISTOR BC369 IS S U E 1 - SEPT 93 _ FEATURES * 20 Volt V CE0 * 1 Am p continuous current * Ptot= 800 m W ABSOLUTE M A XIM U M RATINGS. PARAM ETER SYM BO L C o lle cto r-B ase V o ltag e VALUE U N IT

    OCR Scan
    BC369 001G35S PDF

    SMD Code 12W SOT-23

    Abstract: CXT5401 BK SMD MARKING CODE 4E C2TA44 SMD MARKING CODE FE sot89 marking code C3E SOT-89 npn smd bc550 smd SMD Code 12W SOT23 marking BH SOT-223 marking da sot89
    Text: SMD Transistors SOT-23 Case U.S. Specification Preferred Series 350mW IM MW MM 30 15 30 e k « >Vcf (VOLTS) m *lFI (VOLTS) MAX 10 15 20 _ 1.0 3.0 NF Vet (SAD< »•c (VOLTS) (mA) MAX C« (pF) MAX (MHz) MM m MAX 0.4 1.7 600 6.0 10 MARKING SttVLAR CODE LEADED

    OCR Scan
    OT-23 350mW CMPT2222A CMPT2369 CMPT24 CMPT2907A CMPT3640 CMPT3646 CMFT3904 CMPT3906 SMD Code 12W SOT-23 CXT5401 BK SMD MARKING CODE 4E C2TA44 SMD MARKING CODE FE sot89 marking code C3E SOT-89 npn smd bc550 smd SMD Code 12W SOT23 marking BH SOT-223 marking da sot89 PDF


    Abstract: smd transistor 5c sot-23 NB ad smd transistor SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING 6C SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING 5c npn smd dual diode marking code AH sot-23 BC548 TRANSISTOR SMD smd diode ZENER marking code BC marking code diode C1J SMD SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING c1p
    Text: CENTRAL SENICONDUCTOR 50E D • DDDQS11 3Gb ■ CEN SMD Transistors SOT-23 Case U.S. Specification Preferred Series 350mW T Y P E NO. DESCRIPTION BVCBq (VOLTS) MW BV qeo (VOLTS) MIN BVebq (VOLTS) MIN Icbo 1^ V M (nA) (VOLTS) MAX MIN CMPT918 CMPT2222A CMPT2369

    OCR Scan
    DDDQS11 OT-23 350mW CMPT918 CMPT2222A CMPT2369 CMPT2484 CMPT2907A CMPT3640 CMPT3904 1ff TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE smd transistor 5c sot-23 NB ad smd transistor SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING 6C SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING 5c npn smd dual diode marking code AH sot-23 BC548 TRANSISTOR SMD smd diode ZENER marking code BC marking code diode C1J SMD SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING c1p PDF


    Abstract: smd code marking C2G
    Text: SMD Transistors SOT-23 Case U.S. Specification Preferred Series 350mW TYPE NO. NEW ! NEW ! DESCRIPTION BVC*0 (VOLTS) BVcto (VOUS) w ao (VOLTS) 1 * 0 « S Ve. (VOUS) MM MM MM MAX 10 15 n FE m MM MAX 20 _ « «»V« (VOUS) le m Va< S *n < H (mA) (VOUS) MAX

    OCR Scan
    OT-23 350mW CMPT918 CMPT2222A CMPT2369 CMPT2484 CMPT2907A BC857C BC858 BC858A SMD MARKING CODE C2U smd code marking C2G PDF

    Array resistor 1K

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ALA300/301 90 Volt Linear Arrays Description The ALA300 and ALA301 Linear Arrays provide design engineers the means to obtain 90 V semicustom integrated circuits. The single-module array ALA300 consists of 13 vertical NPN and 15 vertical PNP transistors, three 6 pF capacitors, and 1 kO diffused and 10 kQ ion-implanted resistor banks. The quadmodule array (ALA301) is identical to the single-module array (ALA300) but has four times the number of

    OCR Scan
    ALA300/301 ALA300 ALA301 ALA300) ALA301) 3-02A/04 DS89-118LBC DS88-160LBC. Array resistor 1K PDF


    Abstract: npn smd bc550 smd transistor smd 1FT BC5488 smd marking code BC817 BC546 SMD bc816 SMD MARKING CODE C2U SMD MARKING CODE c1l c1g smd
    Text: SMD Transistors SOT-23 Case U.S. Specification Preferred Series 350mW NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! TYPE NO. DESCRIPTION BVC*0 (VOUS) MM BVcto (VOLTS) MM *¥»0 (VOUS) MM 1*0 <8 Ve, (•*) (VOUS) MAX CMPT 918 CMPT2222A CMPT2369 CMPT2484

    OCR Scan
    OT-23 350mW CMPT918 2N918 CMPT2222A 2N2222A CMPT2369 2N2369 CMPT2484 2N2484 BC5578 npn smd bc550 smd transistor smd 1FT BC5488 smd marking code BC817 BC546 SMD bc816 SMD MARKING CODE C2U SMD MARKING CODE c1l c1g smd PDF

    1000 volt pnp transistor

    Abstract: IC 7424 800 volt PNP transistor
    Text: PRELIMINARY SFT5321/23-28D SOLID STATE DEVICES, INC 14849 Firestone Boulevard • La Mirada,CA 90638 Phone: 714 670-SSDI (7734) • Fax: (714) 522-7424 2 AMP NPN - 2 AMP PNP 75 VOLT NPN - 75 VOLT PNP NPN AND PNP BIPOLAR COMPLEMENTARY TRANSISTOR Designer’s Data Sheet

    OCR Scan
    670-SSDI SFT5321/23-28D 500mA, 500mA) 10MHz) 1000 volt pnp transistor IC 7424 800 volt PNP transistor PDF


    Abstract: TRSP4015 TRSP2755S TRSP3015 TRSP3015S TRSP3505 TRSP3515S TRSP4015S TRSP4255S TRS4506
    Text: HIGH VOLTAGE flO DE • 4 471D7Ö 00000G7 T SILICON PNP - POWER TRANSISTORS MAX. COLL. DISS. in Free Air #25“ C MAX. THERMAL RES. Junctiqp to Case - h FE BIAS T E M R Watts Is Ic BV cb q BV “ ° BVcE° B V « , @280 U 0118»» (AMP) (AMP) (VOLT) (VO LT) (VOLT)

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    471D7Ã 00000G7 TRSP2755S MD-14 TRSP3015 TRSP3015S TRSP3505 MD14 TRSP4015 TRSP3515S TRSP4015S TRSP4255S TRS4506 PDF

    bc 207 npn

    Abstract: BC209 bc audio transistors bc 209 BC116A BC low noise BC377 audio pnp
    Text: CONSUMER TRANSISTORS CD U > X CO E_ c E LÜ u_ .c < _E _u @ > J < E ra _u LÜ O > o 1< oc e >< CD E ÜJ u. o LT> CNJ X CB E _o II IO h@ 5 _E Ü Q- 45 80/240 150 400 150 0.1-150 _ 500 50 60 typ 150 200 150 1-500 - 500 General purpose c j < J PACKAGE ì> > lc RANGE mA

    OCR Scan
    BC116A O-39epoxy bc 207 npn BC209 bc audio transistors bc 209 BC low noise BC377 audio pnp PDF

    marking code H.5 Sot 23-5

    Abstract: Volt regulator 723 10 Pin IC 723 voltage regulator 723 voltage regulator ic TC47BR ntc-47 TC-47 TL 4946 ntc47
    Text: t v . • i1',!ï î .1l II^I[I:î ¡ e i w O A ln i“ ' ¡1 à f;] m Semiconductor, Inc. TC47 Series VOLTAGE REGULATOR CONTROLLER FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION ■ ■ The TC47 Series are CMOS voltage regulator controller ICs for use with an external power transistor. They feature

    OCR Scan
    TC4730A) 100mA: OT-23-5 100mA marking code H.5 Sot 23-5 Volt regulator 723 10 Pin IC 723 voltage regulator 723 voltage regulator ic TC47BR ntc-47 TC-47 TL 4946 ntc47 PDF


    Abstract: P-Channel JFETs "P-Channel JFETs" DD11001
    Text: SIPEX CORP S SE D • fl S ö 3 7 1 1 0Q055Efci 4 T-42-21 S P I204 SIGNAL PROCESSING EXCELLENCE HIGH I/O AN A LO G ARRAY WITH JFETS DESCRIPTION The SPI204 Is a high density, high performance analog array containing 428 lin ear bipolar transistors and 16 P-channel JFET transistors as well

    OCR Scan
    0Q055Efci T-42-21 SPI204 SPI000 SP1204 MXRB01 MXRB02 MXRB03 SPI-204 P-Channel JFETs "P-Channel JFETs" DD11001 PDF


    Abstract: 2N3711 2N3708 2n3710 2N3707 MICRO ELECTRONICS 2N4062 2N4061 2N3709 2N370 2N3707

    OCR Scan
    2N5707 2N37H 2N4058 2N4062 O-92B 2N3707 2N3711 2N4062 200mA 2N3708 2n3710 2N3707 MICRO ELECTRONICS 2N4061 2N3709 2N370 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: C lr > A v C o ik A ^ A D n n . SPI 204 C o rp o ra tio n * SIGNAL PROCESSING EXCELLENCE HIGH I/O ANALOG ARRAY WITH JFETS DESCRIPTION The SPI 204 is a high density, high performance an alo g array containing 428 linear bipolar transistors and 16 P-channel JFET transistors as well

    OCR Scan
    SPI000 SPI204 MXOP02 MXOP03 MXCM01 PDF