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    7Z74624 Search Results

    7Z74624 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: HEF4046B HEF4046BD HEF4046BT 7Z74624 HE4000B P10102 HEF4046B MSI HEF4046BPN
    Text: HEF4046B M SI PHASE-LOCKED LOOP The HEF4046B is a phase-locked loop circuit that consists of a linear voltage controlled oscillator VCO and two different phase comparators with a common signal input amplifier and a common comparator input. A 7 V regulator (zener) diode is provided for supply voltage regulation if necessary.

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    HEF4046B HEF4046BP 16-lead OT38-1) HEF4046BD HEF4046BT 7Z74624 HE4000B P10102 HEF4046B MSI HEF4046BPN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HEF4046B i ^ _ MSI PHASE-LOCKED LOOP T he H E F 4046B is a phase-locked loop c irc u it th a t consists o f a linear voltage c o n tro lle d o scilla to r VCO and tw o d iffe re n t phase com parators w ith a com m on signal in p u t a m p lifie r and a com m on

    OCR Scan
    HEF4046B 4046B 16-lead T38-1) 7Z84452 7Z84453 PDF