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    APPLICATIONS OF astable multivibrator

    Abstract: 555 timer astable multivibrator ic 555 timer astable multivibrator IC 555 timer monostable ic 555 timer Astable Multivibrator ic 555 timer astable multivibrator 555 timer as monostable 555 timer monostable multivibrator IC 555 timer applications
    Text: SANYO SE MI CONDU CT OR CORP 7b » e | 7T1707b O O O M g D t 7 9 970 76 SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP LB8050 76C 01920 m o n o lith ic digital 1C D CIRCUIT D3RAÄ R A W ING N 0 .3 Q 7 S INTERMITTENT WINDOW WIPER CONTROLLER 3001A Applications • Seat belt warning lamp, ajar door warning lamp, timer, Schmitt circuit.

    OCR Scan
    7T1707b LB8050 LB8555D 8555S 30ger APPLICATIONS OF astable multivibrator 555 timer astable multivibrator ic 555 timer astable multivibrator IC 555 timer monostable ic 555 timer Astable Multivibrator ic 555 timer astable multivibrator 555 timer as monostable 555 timer monostable multivibrator IC 555 timer applications PDF

    STK4192 equivalent amplifier

    Abstract: STK4182-II STK4142II STK412-20 stk4192 STK4172II STK4132 stk4192 2 STK4172 stk 4192 II
    Text: 1 SANY O S E M I C O N D U C T O R CORP h3E D m 7T1707b D G i n S S 354 « T S A J STK Audio Power Amplifier STK4102 n Series ★ 2 c h . / 1 package, ± Power Supply ★ B u i It-in Mut ing Ci rcui t ★6W/ch. ~ 50W/ch. ★ T H D = 0. 4 % Maximum Ratings

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    QG111SS STK4102 20kHz STK4102II STK4112n STK41220 STK413213 STK4192H STK4192 equivalent amplifier STK4182-II STK4142II STK412-20 stk4192 STK4172II STK4132 stk4192 2 STK4172 stk 4192 II PDF


    Abstract: pa 2030a 2SK1241 2SK1240 2SK1242 2SK1243
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP SEE 7T1707b D GOObTOO 3 T-3Ì -ZS 2SK1240-1243 HEMT Series 2072 N -C hannel AIGaAs/GaAs H etero J u n c tio n FET 2073 X-Band Very Low-l\loise Am p Applications 3186 F e a tu re s • Very low noise • High associated gain &

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    2SK1240-1243 2SK1241 2SK1243 2SK1240-1243 pa 2030a 2SK1240 2SK1242 2SK1243 PDF


    Abstract: LC33832P LC33832S
    Text: IOrdering number : EN4430B| CMOS LSI LC33832P, S, M, PL, SL, ML-70/80/10 No. 4430B 256 K 32768 words x 8 bits Pseudo-SRAM Overview Package Dimensions The LC33832 series is composed of pseudo static RAM that operates on a single 5 V power supply and is organized as 32768 words x 8 bits. By using memory

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    LC33832 LC36256A LC33832P, ML-70/80/10 7cJc1707b LC33832M LC33832P LC33832S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number:EN6106 Thick Film Hybrid IC _ STK740-441 ¡SAfiYOl 3.3V/5A Single Output Separate Excitation Chopper Regulator Overview Package Dimensions The STK740-441 is a separate-excitation step-down chopper regulator hybrid IC for the secondstage circuit

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    EN6106 STK740-441 STK740-441 H707b Q0H333M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number:ENN6079 PNP/NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistors CPH 3110/3210 IS A 0 O I DC/DC Converter Applications Applications • Relay drivers, lamp drivers, motor drivers, and strobes. Package Dimensions unit:mm 2150A [CPH3110/3210] 2.9 0.15. r 0, 4

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    ENN6079 CPH3110/3210] PH311 600mm2x0 7T1707b PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : EN Sí5341 CMOS LSI No. LC322260J, T-70/80 5341 SA%YO 2 MEG 131072 words x 16 bits DRAM Fast Page Mode, Byte Read/Write Preliminary Overview Package Dimensions The LC322260J, T are CMOS dynamic RAMs operating on a single 5 V power source and having a 131072 words x

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    LC322260J, T-70/80 40-pin 44-pin 7W07b 0017bb7 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : EN2769B Monolithic Linear 1C LA5693D, 5693S, 5693M Voltage Regulator Driver with Watchdog Timer Overview Package Dimensions T h e L A 5 6 9 3 is a s in g le -c h ip v o lta g e re g u la to r fo r unit: mm m ic ro c o m p u te r sy stem m on ito r use th a t perfo rm s the

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    EN2769B LA5693D, 5693S, 5693M 3001B-DIP8 LA5693 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: lOrdering number : EN4868A CMOS 1C LC7872E js A fÊ Y o j' CD Graphics Decoder Overview Features The LC7872E is a CMOS LSI that integrates in a single chip the signal processing functions required for compact disk graphics CD-G decoding. The LC7872E accepts the

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    EN4868A LC7872E LC7872E 7862X LC7863XE 64-pin 7TT707b GD23711 7071A PDF


    Abstract: V 4136
    Text: Ordering number: EN 4136 136 2SC4884 NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor High-Definition CRT Display Video Output Applications Applications • High Definition CRT Display. • Especially suited for use in Color TV Chrome Output and High Breakdown Voltage Driver Applications.

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    2SC4884 7T1707b DDEDS11 2SC4884 V 4136 PDF

    murata hfs

    Abstract: SFC 2300 7707 serial counter marking c3j
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP SEE D LC5866H, 5868H • 7‘n ? Q 7 b QOQt.DQ4 ñ ~ r - W - n - c H C M O S LSI 3044B 4-Bit Single Chip Microcomputer - On-Chip LCD Driver, 12K/16K-Byte ROM, 1K-Bit RAM The LC5866H/68H are CMOS type 4-bit single chip microcomputers wi th Internal 12K/16K-byte ROM VK-bit

    OCR Scan
    LC5866H, 5868H 3044B 12K/16K-Byte LC5866H/68H 7T1707b 3044B] QIP80A murata hfs SFC 2300 7707 serial counter marking c3j PDF


    Abstract: 2SK9
    Text: SANYO S E M I C O N D U C T O R CORP 2SK968 S2E D • 7 en ? ü 7 b ODQb'IbB 5 ■ T - 3 I .- Z S # N -C h a n n e l Junction Silicon FET 2065 High-Frequency General-Purpose Amp Applications F e a tu re s • Small-sized package p erm ittin g 2SK968-applied se ts to be m ade sm a lle r an d slim m er

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    2SK968 2SK968-applied 2SK968 2SK9 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number: EN 5564 M o n o lith ic L in e a r 1C LA9241M I s m r o Analog Signal Processor ASP for CD players i Overview Package Dimensions T h e L A 9 2 4 1 M is an a n a lo g s ig n a l p ro c e s s in g a n d s e rv o c o n tro l u n ,t ' m m b ip o la r IC d e s ig n e d fo r u se in c o m p a c t d is c p la y e rs ; a c o m p a c t

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    LA9241M 3159-QFP64E LA9220M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ¡Ordering number : EN *5223 CMOS 1C Overview The LC78621E is a CM OS L S I that implements the signal processing and servo control required by compact disk players, laser disks. CD-V. CD-I and related products. The LC78621E provides several types of signal processing,

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    LC78621E LC78621E LC78621 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O rd e rin g n u m b e r : EN 4613 Thick Film Hybrid IC STK79315A No.4613 Vertical Daflection Processor + Output Amplifier for CRT Displays lo m a x= 2A Overview Package Dimensions The STK79315A is a vertical deflection output IC that incorporates a vertical signal processor, output amplifier

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    STK79315A STK79315A A01669 711707b A01671 A01672 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : EN 9 2 4 E 2SB880/2SD1190 N0.924E PNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Darlington Transistors SA WO 60V/4A Driver Applications Applications • Motor drivers, printer hammer drivers, relay drivers, voltage regulators Features • High DC current gain

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    2SB880/2SD1190 2SB880 880/2SD 880/2S PDF

    2tj transistor

    Abstract: A1786 sanyo s-w 1000 MARKING 3512B pnp transistor 400V 500mA C4646 2SA1786 2SC4646 3512B en3512
    Text: 7 cH 7 0 ? b DDlSbST T ib O rdering num ber: E N 3 5 1 2 B 2SA1786/2SC4646 N0.35 12B k 2SA1786:PNP Epitaxial P lanar Silicon Transistor 2SC4646:NPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor SAXYO i High Voltage Driver Applications F e a tu re s • Large current capacity Ig = 2A

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    EN3512B 3512B 2SA1786/2SC4646 2SA1786 2SC4646 2034/2034A SC-43 7tlt17D7b 2tj transistor A1786 sanyo s-w 1000 MARKING 3512B pnp transistor 400V 500mA C4646 3512B en3512 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : ENN6123 CMOS IC LC72722, 72722M js A H m j' Single-Chip RDS Signal-Processing System LSI H H l Overview Features The LC72722 and LC72722M are single-chip system ICs that implement the signal processing required by the European Broadcasting Union RDS Radio Data System

    OCR Scan
    ENN6123 LC72722, 72722M LC72722 LC72722M PDF


    Abstract: LC78820M 3036B
    Text: b3E D 7 cì tì 7 0 7 b 0011310 LC78820, 78820M 72=ì TSAJ SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP C M O S LSI 3036B 3317C Two-channel 18-bit D/A Converter for Digital Audio OVERVIEW PINOUT The LC78820 and LC78820M are two-channel 18-bit D/A conveners designed for digital audio applications.

    OCR Scan
    LC78820, 78820M 3036b 3317C 18-bit LC78820 LC78820M 512-element 3036B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number: EN 1707B _ Thick Film Hybrid IC _ STK4036II AF Power Amplifier Split Power Supply (50W min, THD = 0.4%) Features Package Dimensions • Com pact package for thin-type audio sets • Member o f pin-compatible series with outputs o f 20 to

    OCR Scan
    1707B STK4036II STK4036II] MG-200 STK4036II PDF


    Abstract: LC78820M lc7882
    Text: b3E D LC78820, 78820M 7'}ci7G7b 0011310 72=1 S ANYO S E M I C O N D U C T O R CORP < w w 3 0 2 1B 33I7C TSAJ C M O S LSI 3036B Two-channel 18-bit D /A Converter for Digital Audio OVERVIEW PINOUT The LC78820 and LC78820M are two-channel 18-bit D/A converters designed for digital audio applications.

    OCR Scan
    LC78820, 78820M 33I7C 3036B 18-bit LC78820 LC78820M 12-element 78820 lc7882 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number: EN 1597C 2SC3552 i N PN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor SA i YO i 800V/12A Switching Regulator Applications Features . High breakdown voltage and high reliability. . Fast switching speed tf: 0.1ps typ. . Wide ASO. . Adoption of MBIT process.

    OCR Scan
    1597C 2SC3552 00V/12A 300jis T03PB 4237AT/N295MW/3095KI/D054KI 7T1707b 2sc3552 PDF

    sanyo v38

    Abstract: 2611B LC7860K EN 2611B sanyo Laser pickup LA9200NM SANYO LC7881 EFM 9201 LA9201M LC7881
    Text: b3E T> 7 T 1 7 D 7 fci 0 0 1 1 T B 7 » T S A J SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP LA9200NM, 9201M 3102 2 6 IIB £ 3 5 M onolithic Linear IC 3052A A n alog Signal Processor for C o m p a ct D isc Players O V ER VIEW PINOUT The LA9200NM and LA9201M are bipolar, analog

    OCR Scan
    LA9200NM, 9201M 7T17D7fci 3052a 26IIB LA9200NM LA9201M LC7860K sanyo v38 2611B EN 2611B sanyo Laser pickup SANYO LC7881 EFM 9201 LC7881 PDF

    SANYO LC7881

    Abstract: sanyo v38 LC7860k
    Text: b3E T> 7 T 1 7 D 7 fci 0 0 1 1 T B 7 » T S A J SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP LA9200NM, 9201M 3102 2 6 IIB £ 3 5 M onolithic Linear IC 3052A A n alog Signal Processor for C o m p a ct D isc Players O V ER VIEW PINOUT The LA9200NM and LA9201M are bipolar, analog

    OCR Scan
    LA9200NM, 9201M 7T17D7fci 3052a 26IIB LA9200NM LA9201M LC7860K SANYO LC7881 sanyo v38 PDF