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    Vishay Sprague 715P223916MB3

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    Quest Components 715P223916MB3 33
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    715P223916M Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: SPRAGUE 715p 1600 ORANGE DROP SPRAGUE ORANGE DROP SPRAGUE 0.0047 715p sprague
    Text: Type 715P Vishay Sprague Polypropylene Film Capacitors ORANGE DROP , Low Loss Polyproplyene plastic film is employed as the dielectric in Type 715P ORANGE DROP® capacitors. Type 715P capacitors are ideal for applications where high AC current flow is found,

    2011/65/EU 2002/95/EC. 2002/95/EC 2011/65/EU. 12-Mar-12 ORANGE DROP SPRAGUE 715p SPRAGUE 715p 1600 ORANGE DROP SPRAGUE ORANGE DROP SPRAGUE 0.0047 715p sprague PDF


    Abstract: 715P10494L 715P vishay 715p4 715P10296 715P332 715P47494
    Text: Type 715P Vishay Sprague Polypropylene Film Capacitors ORANGE DROP , Low Loss Polypropylene plastic film is employed as the dielectric in Type 715P ORANGE DROP® capacitors. Type 715P capacitors are ideal for applications where high AC current flow is found,

    180any 18-Jul-08 715P104 715P10494L 715P vishay 715p4 715P10296 715P332 715P47494 PDF


    Abstract: ORANGE DROP SPRAGUE 600V SBE 715p CAP.200V sbe715p 715P10496 cde capacitor date codes cde cornell capacitor date codes
    Text: Type 715P, Orange Drop , Polypropylene Film/Foil Capacitors Ordering/Part Number Information 715P 222 5 6 J D 3 XXXX A suffix may be added b y the factory to denote special construction. Lead Length 1 = 0.187 (4.7) ±0.030 (0.8) 2 = 0.250 (6.4) ±0.030 (0.8)

    100VDC SBE715P600V ORANGE DROP SPRAGUE 600V SBE 715p CAP.200V sbe715p 715P10496 cde capacitor date codes cde cornell capacitor date codes PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Type 715P, Orange Drop , Polypropylene Film/Foil Capacitors Features • Long history of proven reliability • Low dissipation factor. • Tolerances as close as ±1%. • Excellent stability, virtually linear temperature coefficient. • Various lead spacings, crimp styles


    MAR 31750

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Type 715P Vishay Sprague Polypropylene Film Capacitors ORANGE DROP , Low Loss Polyproplyene plastic film is employed as the dielectric in Type 715P ORANGE DROP® capacitors. Type 715P capacitors are ideal for applications where high AC current flow is found,

    11-Mar-11 MAR 31750 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Type 715P Vishay Sprague Polypropylene Film Capacitors ORANGE DROP , Low Loss Polypropylene plastic film is employed as the dielectric in Type 715P ORANGE DROP® capacitors. Type 715P capacitors are ideal for applications where high AC current flow is found,

    18-Jul-08 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Type 715P, Orange Drop , Polypropylene Film/Foil Capacitors Features • Long history of proven reliability • Low dissipation factor. • Tolerances as close as ±1%. • Excellent stability, virtually linear temperature coefficient. • Various lead spacings, crimp styles

    100VDC CDE715P600 PDF


    Abstract: sbe715p 222J 1000V capacitor sbe715 222J 1600V 222J 800V ORANGE DROP SPRAGUE 600V 222J 1200v 715P600 SBE 715p
    Text: Type 715P/716P Polypropylene Film/Foil Capacitors Ordering/Part Number Information 715P 222 5 6 J D 3 XXXX A suffix may be added by the factory to denote special construction. Lead Length (0.8) 1 = 0.187 (4.7) ±0.030 2 = 0.250 (6.4) ±0.030 (0.8) 3 = 1.250 (32.0) Minimum

    715P/716P 100VDC SBE715P600V sbe715p 222J 1000V capacitor sbe715 222J 1600V 222J 800V ORANGE DROP SPRAGUE 600V 222J 1200v 715P600 SBE 715p PDF

    SBE 715p

    Abstract: SBE715P600V sbe715p 715P10496 222J 800V 222J 1600V 476 capacitor sprague 715 715p sprague 222J
    Text: Type 715P/716P Polypropylene Film/Foil Capacitors SBE Ordering/Part Number Information 715P 222 5 6 J D 3 XXXX A suffix may be added by the factory to denote special construction. Lead Length 1 = 0.187 (4.7) ±0.030 (0.8) 2 = 0.250 (6.4) ±0.030 (0.8) 3 = 1.250 (32.0) Minimum

    715P/716P 100VDC SBE 715p SBE715P600V sbe715p 715P10496 222J 800V 222J 1600V 476 capacitor sprague 715 715p sprague 222J PDF


    Abstract: SBE715P SBE 715p
    Text: Type 715P/716P Polypropylene Film/Foil Capacitors SBE Ordering/Part Number Information 715P 222 5 6 J D 3 XXXX A suffix may be added by the factory to denote special construction. Lead Length 1 = 0.187 (4.7) ±0.030 (0.8) 2 = 0.250 (6.4) ±0.030 (0.8) 3 = 1.250 (32.0) Minimum

    715P/716P 100VDC SBE715P600V SBE715P SBE 715p PDF


    Abstract: ORANGE DROP SPRAGUE 715p SPRAGUE 715p 715P10496L 715p sprague SPRAGUE 047 715P 715P12392J 715P15392J 715P18392J
    Text: Type 715P Vishay Sprague Polypropylene Film Capacitors ORANGE DROP , Low Loss Polyproplyene plastic film is employed as the dielectric in Type 715P ORANGE DROP® capacitors. Type 715P capacitors are ideal for applications where high AC current flow is found,

    18-Jul-08 ORANGE DROP SPRAGUE ORANGE DROP SPRAGUE 715p SPRAGUE 715p 715P10496L 715p sprague SPRAGUE 047 715P 715P12392J 715P15392J 715P18392J PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Type 715P, Orange Drop , Polypropylene Film/Foil Capacitors Features • Long history of proven reliability • Low dissipation factor. • Tolerances as close as ±1%. • Excellent stability, virtually linear temperature coefficient. • Various lead spacings, crimp styles

    100VDC PDF


    Abstract: 715P 715P12392J 715P15392J 715P18392J 715P22392J VISHAY MARKING 2U 715p sprague
    Text: Type 715P Vishay Sprague Polypropylene Film Capacitors ORANGE DROP , Low Loss Polypropylene plastic film is employed as the dielectric in Type 715P ORANGE DROP® capacitors. Type 715P capacitors are ideal for applications where high AC current flow is found,

    13-Nov-03 715P47396L 715P 715P12392J 715P15392J 715P18392J 715P22392J VISHAY MARKING 2U 715p sprague PDF


    Abstract: 222J 800V orange drop 715P10496
    Text: Type 715P, Orange Drop , Polypropylene Film/Foil Capacitors Features • Long history of proven reliability • Low dissipation factor. • Tolerances as close as ±1%. • Excellent stability, virtually linear temperature coefficient. • Various lead spacings, crimp styles

    100VDC CDE715P600V 222J 800V orange drop 715P10496 PDF

    Sprague Orange Drop

    Abstract: ORANGE DROP SPRAGUE 715P 715P12392J 715P15392J 715P18392J 715P22392J 715P200 715P10396
    Text: Type 715P Polypropylene Film Capacitors Vishay Sprague ORANGE DROP , Low Loss Polypropylene plastic film is employed as the dielectric in Type 715P ORANGE DROP® capacitors. Type 715P capacitors are ideal for applications where high AC current flow is found, as in certain solid-state TV vertical circuits,

    20-Sep-00 Sprague Orange Drop ORANGE DROP SPRAGUE 715P 715P12392J 715P15392J 715P18392J 715P22392J 715P200 715P10396 PDF


    Abstract: VISHAY MARKING 2U SPRAGUE 715p 715P200 715P 715P12392J 715P15392J 715P18392J 715P22392J
    Text: Type 715P Vishay Sprague Polypropylene Film Capacitors ORANGE DROP , Low Loss Polypropylene plastic film is employed as the dielectric in Type 715P ORANGE DROP® capacitors. Type 715P capacitors are ideal for applications where high AC current flow is found,

    08-Apr-05 715P223916M VISHAY MARKING 2U SPRAGUE 715p 715P200 715P 715P12392J 715P15392J 715P18392J 715P22392J PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VISH A Y _ Type 715P T Polypropylene Film C apacitors Vishay Sprague ORANGE DROP , Low Loss Polypropylene plastic film is employed as the dielectric in Type 715P ORANGE DROP® capacitors. Type 715P capacitors are ideal for applications where high AC current

    OCR Scan
    The56LD3) 20-Sep-00 D715P200 20-Sep-00 PDF