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    Abstract: 3152 2069B 2SB1452
    Text: Ordering number:EN3152 PNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors 2SB1452/2SD2201 80V/7A Switching Applications Features Package Dimensions • Surface mount type device making the following possible. -Reduction in the number of manufacturing processes for 2SB1452/2SD2201-applied equipment.

    EN3152 2SB1452/2SD2201 2SB1452/2SD2201-applied 2069B 2SB1452/2SD2201] 2SB1452 EN3152 3152 2069B 2SB1452 PDF


    Abstract: 2SB1449
    Text: Ordering number:EN3149 PNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors 2SB1449/2SD2198 50V/5A Switching Applications Features Package Dimensions • Surface mount type device making the following possible. -Reduction in the number of manufacturing processes for 2SB1449/2SD2198-applied equipment.

    EN3149 2SB1449/2SD2198 2SB1449/2SD2198-applied 2069B 2SB1449/2SD2198] 2SB1449 2069B 2SB1449 PDF


    Abstract: 2SB1451 EN3151
    Text: Ordering number:EN3151 PNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors 2SB1451/2SD2200 80V/5A Switching Applications Features Package Dimensions • Surface mount type device making the following possible. -Reduction in the number of manufacturing processes for 2SB1451/2SD2200-applied equipment.

    EN3151 2SB1451/2SD2200 2SB1451/2SD2200-applied 2069B 2SB1451/2SD2200] 2SB1451 2069B 2SB1451 EN3151 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number:ENN3152 PNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors 2SB1452/2SD2201 80V/7A Switching Applications Package Dimensions unit:mm 2069C [2SB1452/2SD2201] 10.2 4.5 1.4 3 1.2 2.55 : 2SB1452 2.55 0 to 0.3 0.4 1 : Base 2 : Collector 3 : Emitter

    ENN3152 2SB1452/2SD2201 2SB1452/2SD2201-applied 2069C 2SB1452/2SD2201] 2SB1452 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number:ENN3150 PNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors 2SB1450/2SD2199 50V/7A Switching Applications Package Dimensions unit:mm 2069C [2SB1450/2SD2199] 10.2 4.5 1.4 3 1.2 2.55 : 2SB1450 2.55 0 to 0.3 0.4 1 : Base 2 : Collector 3 : Emitter

    ENN3150 2SB1450/2SD2199 2SB1450/2SD2199-applied 2069C 2SB1450/2SD2199] 2SB1450 PDF


    Abstract: 2SD2198
    Text: 2SB1449 / 2SD2198 Ordering number : EN3149A SANYO Semiconductors DATA SHEET PNP / NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors 2SB1449 / 2SD2198 High-Current Switching Applications Features • • Surface mount type device making the following possible. - Reduction in the number of manufacturing processes for 2SB1449/2SD2198-applied equipment.

    2SB1449 2SD2198 EN3149A 2SB1449/2SD2198-applied 2SB1449 2SD2198 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SB1450 / 2SD2199 Ordering number : EN3150A SANYO Semiconductors DATA SHEET 2SB1450 / 2SD2199 PNP / NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors 50V/7A Switching Applications Features • • • Surface mount type device making the following possible. - Reduction in the number of manufacturing processes for 2SB1450/2SD2199-applied equipment.

    2SB1450 2SD2199 EN3150A 2SB1450/2SD2199-applied 2SB1450 EN3150 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number:ENN3149 PNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors 2SB1449/2SD2198 50V/5A Switching Applications Package Dimensions unit:mm 2069C [2SB1449/2SD2198] 10.2 4.5 1.3 3 1.2 2.55 : 2SB1449 Specifications 2.55 0 to 0.3 0.4 1 : Base 2 : Collector

    ENN3149 2SB1449/2SD2198 2SB1449/2SD2198-applied 2069C 2SB1449/2SD2198] 2SB1449 PDF


    Abstract: 2069B 2SB1450
    Text: Ordering number:EN3150 PNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors 2SB1450/2SD2199 50V/7A Switching Applications Features Package Dimensions • Surface mount type device making the following possible. -Reduction in the number of manufacturing processes for 2SB1450/2SD2199-applied equipment.

    EN3150 2SB1450/2SD2199 2SB1450/2SD2199-applied 2069B 2SB1450/2SD2199] 2SB1450 EN3150 2069B 2SB1450 PDF


    Abstract: 2SD2200
    Text: Ordering number:ENN3151 PNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors 2SB1451/2SD2200 80V/5A Switching Applications Package Dimensions unit:mm 2069C [2SB1451/2SD2200] 10.2 4.5 1.3 3 1.2 2.55 : 2SB1451 Specifications 2.55 0 to 0.3 0.4 1 : Base 2 : Collector

    ENN3151 2SB1451/2SD2200 2069C 2SB1451/2SD2200] 2SB1451 2SB1451/2SD2200-applied 2SB1451 2SD2200 PDF


    Abstract: 2SB1450 2SD2199
    Text: 2SB1450 / 2SD2199 Ordering number : EN3150A SANYO Semiconductors DATA SHEET 2SB1450 / 2SD2199 PNP / NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors 50V/7A Switching Applications Features • • • Surface mount type device making the following possible. - Reduction in the number of manufacturing processes for 2SB1450/2SD2199-applied equipment.

    2SB1450 2SD2199 EN3150A 2SB1450/2SD2199-applied 2SB1450 EN3150 2SD2199 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number:ENN3151 PNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors 2SB1451/2SD2200 80V/5A Switching Applications Package Dimensions unit:mm 2069C [2SB1451/2SD2200] 10.2 4.5 1.3 3 1.2 2.55 : 2SB1451 Specifications 2.55 0 to 0.3 0.4 1 : Base 2 : Collector

    ENN3151 2SB1451/2SD2200 2SB1451/2SD2200-applied 2069C 2SB1451/2SD2200] 2SB1451 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : EN 3 1 5 1 □ 2SB1451/2SD2200 N o . 3151 SA \Y O PNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors High-Current Switching Applications F e a tu re s - Surface mount type device making the following possible -Reduction in the number of m anufacturing processes for 2SB1451/2SD2200-applied equipment

    OCR Scan
    2SB1451/2SD2200 2SB1451/2SD2200-applied 2SB1451 D2200 2SR1451 PDF


    Abstract: 2069B 2SB1452 2SD2201 AN227 TSS-3B TOKYO
    Text: Ordering number-.EN 3152 2SB1452/2SD2201 No.3152 PNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors 80V/7A Switching Applications Features •Surface mount type device making the following possible -Reduction in the number of m anufacturing processes for 2SB1452/2SD2201-applied equipment

    OCR Scan
    2SB1452/2SD2201 2SB1452/2SD2201-applied 2SB1452 2SD2201 52/2S sd220 2069B 2SB1452 2SD2201 AN227 TSS-3B TOKYO PDF


    Abstract: D2198 2069B 2SB1449 2SD2198
    Text: Ordering num ber:EN3149 2SB1449/2SD2198 N o.3149 PNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors SAW O i 50V/5A Switching Applications Features • S u rface m o u n t type device m ak in g th e follow ing possible -R eduction in the num ber of m an u fa ctu rin g processes for 2SB1449/2SD 2198-applied eq u ip m en t

    OCR Scan
    EN3149 2SB1449/2SD2198 2SB1449/2SD2198-applied 2SB1449 sd2198 D2198 2069B 2SB1449 2SD2198 PDF


    Abstract: 2069B A 3150 ic D2199 hp 3150 2SB1450 2SD2199
    Text: Ordering num ber: EN 3 1 5 0 2SB1450/2SD2199 No.3150 PNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors SAiYO 50V/7A Switching Applications Features • Surface mount type device making the following possible -Reduction in the number of manufacturing processes for 2SB1450/2SD2199-applied equipment

    OCR Scan
    2SB1450/2SD2199 2SB1450/2SD2199-applied 2SB1450 Ti707b 2SB1460 2069B A 3150 ic D2199 hp 3150 2SB1450 2SD2199 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SB1450/2SD2199 No.3150 i S A \Y O PNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors H igh-Current Sw itchin g A pplications F eatu res •Surface mount type device making the following possible -Reduction in the num ber of m anufacturing processes for 2SB1450/2SD2199-applied equipment

    OCR Scan
    2SB1450/2SD2199 2SB1450/2SD2199-applied 2SB1450 7039MO PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O rdering n u m b e r:E N 3 1 4 9 SA\YO t 2SB1449/2SD2198 No.3149 PNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors 50V/5A Switching Applications i Features • Surface mount type device making the following possible -Reduction in the number of manufacturing processes for 2SB1449/2SD2198-applied equipment

    OCR Scan
    2SB1449/2SD2198 2SB1449/2SD2198-applied 2SB1449 2069B tn707fci 7039MO PDF


    Abstract: 2069B D2200 2SB1451
    Text: Ordering num ber: EN3151 No.3151 SAiYO 2SB1451/2SD2200 PNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors 80V/5A Switching Applications i Features • Surface mount type device making the following possible -Reduction in the number of manufacturing processes for 2SB1451/2SD2200-applied equipment

    OCR Scan
    EN3151 2SB1451/2SD2200 2SB1451/2SD2200-applied 2SB1451 EN3151 2069B D2200 PDF


    Abstract: 3152 sd220 2069B 2SB14 2SB1452 2SD22 q1005 2201I
    Text: Ordering number: EN 3152 2SB1452/2SD2201 PNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors 80V/7A Switching Applications oC<=J O F eatu res • Surface mount type device making the following possible -Reduction in the number of manufacturing processes for 2SB1452/2SD2201-applied equipment

    OCR Scan
    2SB1452/2SD2201 2SB1452/2SD2201-applied 2SB1452 AJ312 3152 sd220 2069B 2SB14 2SB1452 2SD22 q1005 2201I PDF


    Abstract: 2069B 2SB1450 2SD2199
    Text: Ordering num ber: EN 3 1 5 0 2SB1450/2SD2199 N o.3150 PN P/N PN E pitaxial P la n ar Silicon T ransistors SAXYO i 50V/7A Switching Applications F e a tu r e s •Surface m ount type device m aking the following possible -Reduction in the num ber of m anufacturing processes for 2SB1450/2SD2199-applied equipm ent

    OCR Scan
    2SB1450/2SD2199 2SBl450/2SD2199-applied 2SB1450/2SD2199-appIied 2SB1450 2sd299 2069B 2SD2199 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering num ber: EN 3 1 5 2 J 2SB1452/2SD2201 No.3152 SA \YO P N P /N P N E p itax ial P la n a r Silicon T ran sisto rs High-Current Switching Applications F e a tu r e s •Surface m ount type device m aking the following possible -Reduction in th e num ber of m anufacturing processes for 2SB1452/2SD2201-applied equipm ent

    OCR Scan
    2SB1452/2SD2201 2SB1452/2SD2201-applied 2SB1452 7039MO PDF