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    66330S Search Results

    66330S Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M ITSUBISHI CDIGITAL ASSP> M 66330S P /F P BAND COMPRESSION AND EXPANSION CONTROLLER DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW The M66330 is a high-speed coder & decoder (CODEC) LSI under the control of a micro-processor unit (M PU). The (O V )G N D M66330 supports coding and decoding of MH, MR, and

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    66330S M66330 2048-bit M37700> PDF


    Abstract: LM3125 m37700 M5m80c85 LM10U M58990 LM132 LM104 lm221 M4514
    Text: M ITSUBISHI CDIGITAL ASSP> M 66330S P /F P BAND COMPRESSION AND EXPANSION CONTROLLER DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW The M66330 is a high-speed coder & decoder (CODEC) LSI under the control of a micro-processor unit (M PU). The (O V )G N D M66330 supports coding and decoding of MH, MR, and

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    M66330SP/FP M66330 2048-bit lm303 LM3125 m37700 M5m80c85 LM10U M58990 LM132 LM104 lm221 M4514 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI <DIGITAL ASSP> M 66330SP/FP BAND COMPRESSION AND EXPANSION CONTROLLER DESCRIPTION The M66330 is a high-speed coder & decoder C O D E C LSI under the control of a micro-processor unit (M P U ). The M 66330 supports coding and decoding of MH, MR, and

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    66330SP/FP M66330 M66330 66330S M37700> PDF


    Abstract: M54630P M38881M2 m59320 57704L M38173M6 SF15DXZ M34236 m37204m8 54630p
    Text: REFERENCE LIST T ype Page 2 S A 1 115 2SA1235 2 SA1235A 149 2 SC2237 *★ 2SA1282 2SA1282A 103 2 S C 5 1 25 149 2 S C 5 1 68 150 2 SC2320 150 2 SC 2320L 149 2 SC2538 2SA1283 2SA1284 2SA1285 149 2S C 2 6 03 149 2S C 2 6 27 2SA1285A 149 2 SC2628 2SA1286 153 AS 30

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    2SA1115 2SA1235 2SA1235A 2SA1282 2SA1282A 2SA1283 2SA1284 2SA1285 2SA1285A 2SA1286 M52777SP M54630P M38881M2 m59320 57704L M38173M6 SF15DXZ M34236 m37204m8 54630p PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M IT S U B IS H I < DIGITAL A SSP> M 6 6 3 3 0 S P /F P BAND C O M P R E S S IO N AND EXPANSION C O N TR O LLE R T h e s p e c if ic a t io n s a r e s u b je c t t o c h a n g e w it h o u t n o tic e . DESCRIPTION 66330SP/FP is a high speed CODEC Coder and

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    M66330SP/FP 66330S PDF


    Abstract: MG6330 66330 80c85
    Text: MITSUBISHI CDIGITAL ASSP> 66330SP/FP BAND COMPRESSION AND EXPANSION CONTROLLER DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW The M66330 is a high-speed coder & decoder (CODEC) LSI under the control of a micro-processor unit (M PU). The M66330 supports coding and decoding of MH, MR, and

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    M66330SP/FP M66330 2048-bit lm221 MG6330 66330 80c85 PDF