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    64KX8 OTP Search Results

    64KX8 OTP Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ICE27LC512 512K bit, 64KX8 OTP EPROM Description The ICE27LC512 is a low-power, high-performance 512k(524288) bit one-time programmable read only memory (OTP EPROM) organized as 64K by 8 bits. It is single 3.3V power supply in normal read mode operation. Any byte can be accessed in less than 100ns. The ICE27LC512 typically consumes 10mA ,

    ICE27LC512 64KX8) ICE27LC512 100ns. voltage69 120ns PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DS-ICE27LC512 512K bit, 64KX8 OTP EPROM Description The ICE27LC512 is a low-power, high-performance 512k(524288) bit one-time programmable read only memory (OTP EPROM) organized as 64K by 8 bits. It is single 3.3V power supply in normal read mode operation. Any byte can be accessed in less than 100ns. The ICE27LC512 typically consumes 10mA ,

    DS-ICE27LC512 64KX8) ICE27LC512 100ns. 100ns PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DS-ICE37LC512 512K bit, 64KX8 OTP EPROM Description The ICE37LC512 is a low-power, high-performance 512k(524288) bit one-time programmable read only memory (OTP EPROM) organized as 64K by 8 bits. It is single 3.3V power supply in normal read mode operation. Any byte can be accessed in less than 100ns. The ICE37LC512 typically consumes 10mA ,

    DS-ICE37LC512 64KX8) ICE37LC512 100ns. 32-Lead, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 512kbit 64KX8 OTP EPROM ICE37C512 Description The ICE37C512 is a low-power, high-performance 512k(524288) bit one-time programmable read only memory (OTP EPROM) organized as 64K by 8 bits. It is single 5V power supply in normal read mode operation. Any byte can be accessed in less than 70ns. The ICE37C512 typically consumes 10mA , standby

    512kbit 64KX8) ICE37C512 ICE37C512 voltaICE37C512 32-Lead, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 512kbit 64KX8 OTP EPROM ICE27C512 Description The ICE27C512 is a low-power, high-performance 512k(524288) bit one-time programmable read only memory (OTP EPROM) organized as 64K by 8 bits. It is single 5V power supply in normal read mode operation. Any byte can be accessed in less than 70ns. The ICE27C512 typically consumes 10mA , standby mode supply

    512kbit 64KX8) ICE27C512 ICE27C512 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ICE27C512 512kbit 64KX8 OTP EPROM Description The ICE27C512 is a low-power, high-performance 512k(524288) bit one-time programmable read only memory (OTP EPROM) organized as 64K by 8 bits. It is single 5V power supply in normal read mode operation. Any byte can be accessed in less than 70ns. The ICE27C512 typically consumes 10mA , standby

    ICE27C512 512kbit 64KX8) ICE27C512 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ICE37LC512 512K bit, 64KX8 OTP EPROM Description The ICE37LC512 is a low-power, high-performance 512k(524288) bit one-time programmable read only memory (OTP EPROM) organized as 64K by 8 bits. It is single 3.3V power supply in normal read mode operation. Any byte can be accessed in less than 100ns. The ICE37LC512 typically consumes 10mA ,

    ICE37LC512 64KX8) ICE37LC512 100ns. PDF


    Abstract: HD63701VOP HD63705VOP hd63701xop HD637A01VOP HD64F3048F16 MB8516 HD637B01YOP HD63701YOP lh57257

    AF-9700 24DIP 28DIP HD637B01VOP HD63701VOP HD63705VOP hd63701xop HD637A01VOP HD64F3048F16 MB8516 HD637B01YOP HD63701YOP lh57257 PDF

    plcc32 pinout

    Abstract: BIOS 32 Pin PLCC TSOP 28 SPI memory Package flash 89C58 64Kx8 CMOS RAM sst BIOS 8 Pin PLCC tsop32 static ram 64kx8 SST49LF040A MCU 64KX16
    Text: Application Specific Memory Products Serial Flash—45 Series ComboMemory Family—31, 32 & 34 Series The Serial Flash family of products is a low-power application specific memory that implements Read and Program/Erase operations through the Serial Peripheral Interface SPI bus compatible serial protocol.

    Flash--45 Family--31, 32-Pin SST58SD008 SST58SD016 SST58SD024 SST58SD032 SST58SD048 SST58SD064 SST58LD008 plcc32 pinout BIOS 32 Pin PLCC TSOP 28 SPI memory Package flash 89C58 64Kx8 CMOS RAM sst BIOS 8 Pin PLCC tsop32 static ram 64kx8 SST49LF040A MCU 64KX16 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SEMICONDUCTOR TM FM27LV512L 524,288-Bit 64Kx8 Low Voltage, Low Power EPROM General Description • Programming Voltage +12.75V ■ Typical programming time 50ns The FM27LV512 is a low voltage, low-power 512Kbit, 3.3V-only one-time-programmable (OTP) read-only memory (EPROM), or­

    OCR Scan
    FM27LV512L 288-Bit 64Kx8) FM27LV512 512Kbit, 150ns, 512Kb PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: July 1998 SEMICONDUCTOR TM FM27LV512L 524,288-Bit 64Kx8 Low Voltage, Low Power EPROM • Programming Voltage +12.75V General Description ■ Typical programming time 50ps The FM27LV512 is a low voltage, low-power 512Kbit, 3.3V-only one-time-programmable (OTP) read-only memory (EPROM), or­

    OCR Scan
    FM27LV512L 288-Bit 64Kx8) FM27LV512 512Kbit, 150ns, FM27LV512 PDF


    Abstract: EK1200 A27C512 64KX8 OTP
    Text: Signetics 27C512 512K CMOS UV Erasable PROM 64Kx8 Product Specification Military Standard Products PIN CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION FEATURES The Signetics 27C512 CMOS EPROM is a 512K-bit, 5V-only memory organized as 65,536 words of 8 bits each. It employs advanced CMOS circuitry for systems re­

    OCR Scan
    27C512 64Kx8) 27C512 512K-bit, 27C512, 27C512. EK1200 A27C512 64KX8 OTP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: April 1998 S E M I C O N D U C T O R TM FM27LV512L 524,288-Bit 64Kx8 Low Voltage, Low Power EPROM • Programming Voltage +12.75V General Description ■ Typical programming time 50ps The FM27LV512 is a low voltage, low-power 512Kbit, 3.3V-only one-time-programmable (OTP) read-only memory (EPROM), or­

    OCR Scan
    FM27LV512L 288-Bit 64Kx8) FM27LV512 512Kbit, 150ns, FM27LV512 PDF

    fairchild fpc

    Abstract: 27C020 27C040 27C080 27C256 FM27C512 27C08
    Text: Ju ly 1998 S E M IC O N D U C T D R tm FM27C512L 524,288-Bit 64Kx8 Low Power Fast EPROM General Description • Program ming Voltage +12.75V ■ Typical programm ing tim e 50ns The FM27C512 is a low-power 512Kbit, 5V-only one-tim e-program m abie (OTP) read-only memory (EPROM), organized into

    OCR Scan
    FM27C512L 288-Bit 64Kx8) FM27C512 512Kbit, 256Kb -55ns I1793-856856 fairchild fpc 27C020 27C040 27C080 27C256 27C08 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: July 1998 M I C O N D U C T O R tm FM27C512L 524,288-Bit 64Kx8 Low Power Fast EPROM General Description • Program ming Voltage +12.75V ■ Typical program m ing tim e 50ns The FM27C512 is a low-power 512Kbit, 5V-only one-tim e-program m abie (OTP) read-only m em ory (EPROM), organized into

    OCR Scan
    FM27C512L 288-Bit 64Kx8) FM27C512 512Kbit, PDF


    Abstract: HT27LC512
    Text: HOLTEK r r HT27L C512 OTP CMOS 64Kx8-Bit EPROM Features • • • • • • • • 64K x8-bit o rg an izatio n S ingle +3.3V pow er supply P ro g ram m in g voltage - Vpp=12.2V±0.2V - Vcc=5.8V ±0.2V Low pow er consum ption - Active: 15mA m ax. - S tandby: l|iA typ.

    OCR Scan
    HT27LC512 64Kx8-Bit 120ns 100mA 28-pin 32-pin 64Kx8bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HOLTEK r r HT27C512 OTP CMOS 64Kx8-Bit EPROM Features • • • • • • O p e ra tin g voltage: +5.0V P ro g ram m in g voltage - Vpp=12.2V±0.2V - Vcc=5.8V ±0.2V H ig h -reliab ility CM OS technology L atch -u p im m u n ity to 100m A from -1.0V to

    OCR Scan
    HT27C512 64Kx8-Bit 120ns 28-pin 32-pin 105ns PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ju ly 1998 s e m ic o n d u c t o r FM27LV512L 524,288-Bit 64Kx8 Low Voltage, Low Power EPROM General Description • Programming Voltage +12.75V ■ Typical programming time 50|is The FM27LV512 is a low voltage, low-power 512Kbit, 3.3V-only one-time-programmable (OTP) read-only memory (EPROM), or­

    OCR Scan
    FM27LV512L 288-Bit 64Kx8) FM27LV512 512Kbit, 150ns, 6755w PDF


    Abstract: cat22c12 CAT27HC256 cerdip z PACKAGE lb2f 64KX16 CAT27C210 CAT28F010 CAT28F512 4Q91
    Text: CATALYST SEMICONDUCTOR 1 Device fl CAT28F010 Temp Range » • OOOIB'ÌS Access Time ns Size (Organization) CS T Pkg Types # Pins (Max/Standby) 1 ■ T-90-30 Availability C 1MBit 120/150/200 30mA/100nA 32 P,N 4Q91 CAT28F512 C 512KBit <64Kx8) 200/250 50mA/500pA

    OCR Scan
    T-90-30 CAT28F010 12SKx8) 30mA/100 CAT28F512 512KBit 64Kx8) 50mA/500pA CAT28F512V5 CAT71C256L-85 cat22c12 CAT27HC256 cerdip z PACKAGE lb2f 64KX16 CAT27C210 4Q91 PDF


    Abstract: A14C N28B NM27C512 VA32A
    Text: Ju ly 1998 S E M IC O N D U C TD R tm FM27LV512L 524,288-Bit 64Kx8 Low Voltage, Low Power EPROM General Description • Program ming Voltage +12.75V ■ Typical programm ing tim e 50ns The FM27LV512 is a low voltage, low-power 512Kbit, 3.3V-only one-tim e-program m able (OTP) read-only memory (EPROM), or­

    OCR Scan
    FM27LV512L 288-Bit 64Kx8) FM27LV512 512Kbit, 150ns, 512Kb 150ns 1N914 A14C N28B NM27C512 VA32A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY S E M I C O N D U C T O R TM FM27C512L 524,288-Bit 64Kx8 Low Power Fast EPROM General Description FM27C512L P A .P C H .L D • Programming Voltage +12.75V ■ Typical programming time 50ns The FM27C512 is a low-power 512Kbit, 5V-only one-time-programmable (OTP) read-only memory (EPROM), organized into

    OCR Scan
    FM27C512L FM27C512L 288-Bit 64Kx8) FM27C512 512Kbit, 256Kb 27C512N PDF


    Abstract: 0427CO 27C010X
    Text: J u ly 1 9 9 8 M IC O N D U C T O R tm FM27C512L 524,288-Bit 64Kx8 Low Power Fast EPROM General Description • Programming Voltage +12.75V ■ Typical programm ing tim e 50|is The FM27C512 is a low-power 512Kbit, 5V-only one-tim e-program m able (OTP) read-only m em ory (EPROM), organized into

    OCR Scan
    FM27C512L 288-Bit 64Kx8) FM27C512 512Kbit, 27C512 256Kb 27C256D 0427CO 27C010X PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S E M I C O N D U C T O R TM 524,288-Bit 64Kx8 Low Voltage, Low P o w e r E P R O M • Programming V o lta g e +12.75V General Description ■ Typical programm ing time 50|is The FM27LV512 is a low voltage, low-pow er 512Kbit, 3.3V-only one-tim e-program m able (OTP) read-only m em ory (EPROM), or­

    OCR Scan
    FM27LV512L FM27LV512L 288-Bit 64Kx8) FM27LV512 512Kbit, 150ns, 27LV512 512is PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I R C H I L D April 1998 S E M I C O N D U C T O R TM 524,288-Bit 64K FM27C512L 524,288-Bit (64Kx8 Low Power Fast EPROM • Programming V o lta g e +12.75V General Description ■ Typical programm ing time 50|is The FM27C512 is a low -pow er 512Kbit, 5V-only one-tim e-program m able (OTP) read-only m em ory (EPROM), organized into

    OCR Scan
    FM27C512L FM27C512L 288-Bit 64Kx8) FM27C512 512Kbit, 27C512 256Kb 27C512N PDF