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    64K NMOS STATIC RAM Search Results

    64K NMOS STATIC RAM Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    DF2B5M4ASL Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation TVS Diode (ESD Protection Diode), Bidirectional, +/-3.6 V, SOD-962 (SL2) Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    DF2B6M4CT Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation TVS Diode (ESD Protection Diode), Bidirectional, +/-5.5 V, SOD-882 (CST2) Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    DF2B6M4ASL Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation TVS Diode (ESD Protection Diode), Bidirectional, +/-5.5 V, SOD-962 (SL2) Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    DF2B5PCT Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation TVS Diode (ESD Protection Diode), Bidirectional, +/-3.6 V, SOD-882 (CST2) Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    DF2B7AFS Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation TVS Diode (ESD Protection Diode), Bidirectional, +/-5.5 V, SOD-923, AEC-Q101 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    64K NMOS STATIC RAM Datasheets Context Search

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    Water level indicator using 8051

    Abstract: Water Level Indicator 8051 DS1216 equivalent DS1216B equivalent ds1243 DS1216 DS1216B DS1216C DS1216D DS1243 DS1244
    Text: Application Note 52 Using the Dallas Phantom Real Time Clocks DESCRIPTION The Dallas Phantom Real Time Clocks are a family of devices that offer the combination of a transparent CMOS timekeeper and a nonvolatile static RAM meeting the standard JEDEC bytewide pinouts. Some


    DS1216 equivalent

    Abstract: DS124X Water Level Indicator 8051 ds1216 Water level indicator using 8051 Daiwa Associate Holdings DS1215 DS1215 equivalent DS1216C DS1216D
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE 52 Application Note 52 Using the Dallas Phantom Real Time Clocks DESCRIPTION DS1216: The Dallas Phantom Real Time Clocks are a family of devices that offer the combination of a transparent CMOS timekeeper and a nonvolatile static RAM meeting the standard JEDEC bytewide pinouts. Some varieties of the Dallas Phantom Real Time Clocks also provide a transparent CMOS timekeeper for use with ROM.

    DS1216: DS1216 equivalent DS124X Water Level Indicator 8051 ds1216 Water level indicator using 8051 Daiwa Associate Holdings DS1215 DS1215 equivalent DS1216C DS1216D PDF


    Abstract: MB81C84 mb81c84a
    Text: May 1990 Edition 1.0 FUjflSU DATA SHEET MB81C84A-25/-35 CMOS 256K-BIT HIGH-SPEED SRAM 64K Words x 4 Bits High-Speed CMOS Static Random Access Memory The Fujitsu MB81C84A is a 65,536 words x 4 bits static random access memory fabricated with CMOS silicon gate process technology. The MB81C84A uses NMOS

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    MB81C84A-25/-35 256K-BIT MB81C84A MB81C84A-25 MB81C84A-35 24-LE DIP-24P-M MB81C84A-35 MB81C84 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: , PREVIEW NMC4864 64k Pseudo-Static Byte-Wide RAM NMC4864 NMOSRAMs National Semiconductor Features General Description • The NMC4864 is a single 5V power supply pseudo-static NMOS RAM organized a?;8l92w ords by S ijrtS jT h e c irc u it ■ uses singie -tra nslstor dynam ic sto ra g e 'ce lls w ith inte r­

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    NMC4864 NMC4864 8l92w PDF

    a5 gnd

    Abstract: NTE4164 NTE2117 NTE2164 BB 298 NTE2102 64k dynamic RAM 64k nmos static ram NTE2114 NTE2128
    Text: MICROPROCESSOR & MEMORY CIRCUITS INCLUDES PERIPHERALS NTE2056 16-Lead DIP, See Diag. 249 8 -B it Multiplying D/A Converter NTE2102 16-Lead DIP, See Diag. 249 NMOS, 1K Static RAM (SRAM), 350ns NTE2104 16-Lead DIP, See Diag. 249 NMOS, 4K Dynamic RAM (DRAM), 200ns

    OCR Scan
    NTE2056 16-Lead NTE2102 350ns NTE2104 200ns NTE2107 22-Lead a5 gnd NTE4164 NTE2117 NTE2164 BB 298 64k dynamic RAM 64k nmos static ram NTE2114 NTE2128 PDF


    Abstract: NTE6532
    Text: MICROPROCESSOR & MEMORY CIRCUITS INCLUDES PERIPHERALS NTE6507 28-Lead DI P, See Diag. 253 NMOS, 8-B it Microprocessor (MPU) w/On Chip Clock OSC R E 3 rf_V - / _ Q 0 2 (Outp) V ssH Q 0 0 (In) NTE6508 16-Lead DIP, See Diag. 249 CMOS, 1K Static RAM (SRAM), 300ns

    OCR Scan
    NTE6507 28-Lead NTE6532 40-Lead NTE6508 16-Lead 300ns NTE6802 NTE6532 PDF


    Abstract: LM33256N 64K x 8 BIT DYNAMIC RAM LM33256K sanyo LC3564PL lc3664* sanyo LC324256 4m static ram 8K Static RAM 16k nmos dynamic ram
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP Continued from preceding page. 3SE D • 7 n 7 D 7 b 0QD75b3 S ■ T'W'Zl-V- M E M O R I E S monolithic integrated circuit —-v.y *f* ; Type 1 . ij Package' Pins 4 Package’ -■Circuit Functions & Applications c : * j: MainSjedficafibns

    OCR Scan
    0QD75b3 150ns, versionofLC3518B ofLC3518B ofLC3518BL 120ns, LM33256 LM33256N 64K x 8 BIT DYNAMIC RAM LM33256K sanyo LC3564PL lc3664* sanyo LC324256 4m static ram 8K Static RAM 16k nmos dynamic ram PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CMOS STATIC RAM 256K 64K x 4-BIT ADVANCE INFORMATION IDT71258 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • High-speed (equal access and cycle time) — Military: 25/35/45/55ns (max.) — Commercial: 20/25/35/45ns (max.) • Low-power operation

    OCR Scan
    IDT71258 25/35/45/55ns 20/25/35/45ns IDT71258S 400mW IDT712581Active: 350mW 24-pin, 24-pin 28-pin IDT71258 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MICROPROCESSOR & MEMORY CIRCUITS INCLUDES PERIPHERALS NTE2056 16-Lead DIP, See Diag. 249 8-B it Multiplying D/A Converter Range Control 0 Compensation A6 n 0 A7 0 V ret(-) A 5B ^ A1 Q 0 A8 (LSB) A2 B 0 Data Out a: Q A7 A3 Q Q Data In A 2 g 0 A6 A4 Q j A0 Q

    OCR Scan
    NTE2056 16-Lead NTE2102 350ns NTE2104 200ns NTE2107 22-Lead PDF


    Abstract: 1601l 4Kx4 SRAM MK48T87B Z30A SRAM 2kx8 sram IMS1630 256KX1 MK41S80
    Text: ALPHANUMERICAL INDEX unless otherwise specified all Static RAMs listed are produced in CMOS technology Part Nuraöer Organization 4Kx1 IMS1203 ( 4Kx1 IMS1203M , 1Kx4 IMS1223 1Kx4 IMS1223M ' 16Kx1 IMS1400M 16Kx1 IMS1403 ' IMS1403M/LM f 16Kx1 IM S1420M A 4Kx4

    OCR Scan
    IMS1203 IMS1203M IMS1223 IMS1223M 16Kx1 IMS1400M IMS1403 IMS1403M/LM K4505 1601l 4Kx4 SRAM MK48T87B Z30A SRAM 2kx8 sram IMS1630 256KX1 MK41S80 PDF

    PT 1017

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CMOS STATIC RAM 256K 64K x 4-BIT ADVANCE INFORMATION IDT71258 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • High-speed (equal access and cycle time) — Military: 25/35/45/55ns (max.) — Commercial: 20/25/35/45ns (max.) • Low-power operation

    OCR Scan
    IDT71258 25/35/45/55ns 20/25/35/45ns IDT71258S 400mW 400nW IDT712581Active: 350mW 100jiW 24-pin, PT 1017 PDF


    Abstract: S4125
    Text: C M O S STATIC RAM 256K 64K x 4-BIT PRELIMINARY IDT 71258S IDT 71258L FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • High-speed (equal access and cycle time) The IDT71258 is a 262,144-blt high-speed static HAM organized as 64K x 4. It is fabricated using IDT's high-performance, high-reliability CEMOS technology. This state-of-the-art technology, com­

    OCR Scan
    25/35/45/55/70ns 20/25/35/45/55/ns IDT71258S 400mW IDT712581Active: 350mW 100mW 24-pln, 24-pin 28-pin XDH10 S4125 PDF


    Abstract: MIL-STD-8831
    Text: CMOS STATIC RAMS 256K 64K x 4-BIT Separate Data Inputs and O utputs Integrated Device Technology, Inc. ADVANCE INFORMATION IDT71281S/L IDT71282S/L FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • • • • The IDT71281/IDT71282 are 262,144-bit high-speed static RAMs organized as 64K x 4. They are fabricated using IDT’s

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    IDT71281S/L IDT71282S/L IDT71281S/L: IDT71282S/L: 30/35/45/55ns 25/35/45ns IDT71281/2S 400mW IDT71281/2L 350mW 71282 MIL-STD-8831 PDF


    Abstract: AK42064
    Text: HIGH DENSITY DYNAMIC RANDCM ACCESS MEMORY MODULES ACCUTEK DESCRIPTION The Accutek family of high density dynamic RAM modules are comprised of 64K x 1 or 256K x 1 dynamic RAMs packaged in LCCs or PLCCs along with chip capacitors, mounted to multi-layer ceramic

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    150ns AK41128 AK42064 PDF


    Abstract: 2L20 S4140 2S20 DSC1018
    Text: | àt Integrated DeviceTechnology Inc CMOS STATIC RAMS 256K 64K x 4-BIT) Separate Data Inputs and Outputs P R E L IM IN A R Y ID T 7 1 2 8 1 S /L ID T 7 1 2 8 2 S /L FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • S eparate d ata inp u ts and o utp uts • IDT71281S/L: o utp u ts tra ck Inputs d u rin g w rite m ode

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    IDT71281S/L: T71282S/L: T71281/2S T71281/2L MIL-STD-883, S4-142 s4141 2L20 S4140 2S20 DSC1018 PDF


    Abstract: M51C259HL-15 M51C259HL-20
    Text: in te T M51C259HL HIGH PERFORMANCE LOW POWER STATIC COLUMN 64K x 4 CHMOS DYNAMIC RAM M ilitary M51C259HL-15 M51C259HL-20 Maximum Access Time ns 150 200 Maximum Column Address Access Time (ns) 70 90 Maximum CHMOS Standby Current (mA) 0.1 0.1 Static Column Mode Operation

    OCR Scan
    M51C259HL M51C259HL-15 M51C259HL-20 M51C259HL-20 PDF


    Abstract: SIMM 30-pin 30-pin SIMM RAM KM41C256P KM44C256bp KM41C1000BJ 257J KM44C256BZ 1K x4 static ram 30-pin simm memory "16m x 8"
    Text: FUNCTION GUIDE MEMORY ICs 2. PRODUCT GUIDE 2.1 Dynamic RAM Part Number Capacity Organization Speed ns Technology Features Packages Remark 64K bit KM4164BP 100/120/150 NMOS Page Mode 16 Pin DIP Now 256K bit KM41C256P KM41C256J KM41C256Z KM41C257P KM41C257J

    OCR Scan
    KM4164BP KM41C256P KM41C256J KM41C256Z KM41C257P KM41C257J KM41C257Z KM41C258P KM41C258J KM41C258Z KM424C256Z SIMM 30-pin 30-pin SIMM RAM KM44C256bp KM41C1000BJ 257J KM44C256BZ 1K x4 static ram 30-pin simm memory "16m x 8" PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CM O S RESETTABLE RAM W ITH C M O S I/O LEVELS 6 4 K 8K x 8-BIT IDT 71C65S IDT 71C65L FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • Input and output directly CMOS-compatible The IDT71C65 is a 65,536-bit high-speed static RAM organized as 8 K x 8 . Inputs and outputs are com patible with industry stan­

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    71C65S 71C65L IDT71C65 536-bit 250mW. MIL-STD-883, 71C65 S4-180 PDF

    samsung 64k nmos static ram

    Abstract: No abstract text available

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    100ns 120ns 200ns 100ns 120ns 150ns 200ns 75CXXA samsung 64k nmos static ram PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MEMORY ICs FUNCTION GUIDE 4. ORDERING INFORMATION 4.1 COM PONENT KM XX X C XXXX X X X X - XX DEVICE TYPE SPEED •4 : •42: •6 : •23: •28: •93: •75: •65: •6: 60ns •7: 70ns •8: 80ns •10: 100ns •12: 120ns •20: 200ns DRAM VIDEO MEMORY

    OCR Scan
    100ns 120ns 200ns 100ns 120ns 150ns 200ns 75CXXA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: APPLICATION NO TE 52 PALLAS s e m ic o n d u c to r Application Note 52 Using the Dallas Phantom Real Time Clocks DESCRIPTION DS1216: The Dallas Phantom Real Time Clocks are a family of devices that offer the combination of a transparent CMOS timekeeper and a nonvolatile static RAM meet­

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    64-bit DS1248V PDF

    interfacing of ROM with 8051

    Abstract: microcontroller 8051 7 segment alarm clock
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE 52 DALLAS s e m ic o n d u c to r Application Note 52 Using thG Dallss PhBntorn R6 3 l Tirn Clocks DESCRIPTION DS1216: The Dallas Phantom Real Time Clocks are a family of devices that offer the combination of a transparent CMOS timekeeper and a nonvolatile static RAM meet­

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    64-bit interfacing of ROM with 8051 microcontroller 8051 7 segment alarm clock PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CM OS STATIC RAMS 256K 64K x 4-BIT ' , S ep a ra te Data Inputs an d O u tp u ts pr e lim in a r y IDT71281S/L IDT71282S L FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • • • • The IDT71281/IDT71282 are 262,144-bit high-speed static RAMs organized as 64K x 4. They are fabricated using IDT’s highperformance, high-reliability technology—CEMOS. This state-ofthe-art technology, combined with innovative circuit design

    OCR Scan
    IDT71281S/L IDT71282S IDT71281/IDT71282 144-bit 350mW. IDT71281 IDT71282 IL-STD-883, PDF

    bubble memory

    Abstract: Non-Volatile Random Access Memory nvrams magnetic bubble memories
    Text: ARTICLE REPRINT AR-468 Keeping data sale with nonvolatile memory The author sorts out the myriad nonvolatile memory options available, including ROMs, PROMs, EPROMs, EsPROMs, NVRAMs, plus others. T erry Kendall Technical Marketing Engineer Memory Com ponents Div.

    OCR Scan
    AR-468 16-bit bubble memory Non-Volatile Random Access Memory nvrams magnetic bubble memories PDF