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    61970L Search Results

    61970L Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Integrated Device Technology, Inc. IDT61970S 61970L CMOS STATIC RAM WITH OUTPUT ENABLE 16K 4Kx 4-BIT T h e ID T61970 fea ture s tw o m em ory control fun ctions: C hip S elect (CS) and O utput E nable (OE). T h ese tw o functions greatly enhance the ID T61970s overall flexibility in high­

    OCR Scan
    IDT61970S IDT61970L 61970L 24-pin T61970 384-bit IDT61970S/L MIL-STD-883, P22-1) D22-1 PDF


    Abstract: ic 2952 pin out diagram
    Text: jji'N.C! )dt) Integrated Dev ce Technology, Inc. CMOS STATIC RAM WITH OUTPUT ENABLE 16K 4Kx 4-BIT) FEATURES: • High Speed (equal Access and Cycle Times) - Military: 12 /15/2 0/25 /35/45/5 5 - Commercial: 10 /12/1 5/20 /25/35/4 5 • Fast Output Enable

    OCR Scan
    IDT61970S IDT61970L 61970L 22-pin 24-pin T61970 384-bit IDT61970S/L P22-1) D22-1 52HA ic 2952 pin out diagram PDF


    Abstract: IDT61970S
    Text: CM O S STATIC RAM W ITH O UTPUT ENABLE 16K 4 K x 4-BIT FEATURES: • H igh S p e ed (equal a ccess and c y c le lim e s) - Military 20/25/35/45/55 - Commercial 12/15/20/25/35/45 • Low p o w e r c o n su m p tio n - IDT61970S Active: 300mW (typ) Standby: 100)jW (typ)

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    IDT61970S 300mW IDT61970L 24-pln IDT61970S/L IDT61970 PDF


    Abstract: IDT61970S/L
    Text: In te g ratec i D ev ice T e c h n o lo g y , Inc. CMOS STATIC RAM WITH OUTPUT ENABLE 16K 4Kx 4-BIT FEATURES: • High S peed (equal A ccess and C ycle Tim es) - M ilitary: 12 /15/2 0/25 /35/45/5 5 - C om m ercial: 10 /12/15/20/25/35/45 • Fast O utput Enable

    OCR Scan
    IDT61970S IDT61970L 22-pin 24-pin MIL-STD-883, IDT61970 384-bit IDT61970S/L S0244 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SSTNS» |d f/ Integrated Devi ce Technology, Inc. CMOS STATIC RAM WITH OUTPUT ENABLE 16K 4K x 4-BIT FEATURES: • High Speed (equal Access and Cycle Times) - Military: 12/15/20/25/35/45/55 - Commercial: 10/12/15/20/25/35/45 • Fast Output Enable • Low power consumption

    OCR Scan
    IDT61970S 300mW IDT61970L 22-pin 24-pin MIL-STD-883, T61970S/L PDF