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    lm 3254

    Abstract: Ec 1030
    Text: 5ME SERIES Metallized Polyester Metallized Polyester Film Switching Power Supply Capacitors For applications requiring high current carrying temperatures with high DV/DT and peak current FEATURES - High Current Carrying Capability - High Operating Temperature

    5ME22 5ME26 5ME27 5ME28 5ME29 lm 3254 Ec 1030 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 5ME Series Metallized Polyester 5ME Series Metallized Polyester Film Switching Power Supply Capacitors For applications requiring high current carrying capability at elevated temperatures with high DVDT and peak current FEATURES

    5ME22 5ME26 5ME27 5ME28 5ME29 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 5ME SERIES Metallized Polyester Metallized Polyester Film Switching Power Supply Capacitors For applications requiring high current carrying capability at elevated temperatures with high DV/DT and peak current FEATURES - High Current Carrying Capability

    5ME22 5ME26 5ME27 5ME28 5ME29 PDF

    EC 1030

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 5ME SERIES Metallized Polyester Metallized Polyester Film Switching Power Supply Capacitors For applications requiring high current carrying capability at elevated temperatures with high DV/DT and peak current FEATURES - High Current Carrying Capability

    5ME22 5ME26 5ME27 5ME28 5ME29 EC 1030 PDF

    281 C 38 100 D

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BULLETM NO. L 9 9 - 1 3 7 P/N 161011290 5 M E series METALLIZED POLYESTER FILM SWITCHING POWER SUPPLY CAPACITORS torapplicationsrewiring highcurrentcarryingcapabilityatelevated temperatureswithhighDVBTandpeakcurrent • HIGH C U R R E N T C A R R Y IN G C A P A B I L I T Y ■ HIGH O P E R A T IN G T E M P E R A T U R E ■ LOW E S R AHD E S L

    OCR Scan
    400VDC 281 C 38 100 D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BULLETIN NO. L99-137 161011290 METALLIZED POLYESTER FILM SWITCHING POWER SUPPLY CAPACITORS forapplicationsrequiringhigh currentcarryingcapabilityatelevated temperatureswithhighDVDTandpeakcurrent • HIGH CURRENT C AR RYIN G C A P A B IL IT Y ■ H IG H OPERATING TEM PER ATU R E ■

    OCR Scan
    L99-137 400VDC 507V4/S L9913 PDF