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    Mini-Circuits ZX75BP-1940-S-

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    DigiKey ZX75BP-1940-S- Tray 10 1
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    • 100 $84.65
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    Tripp Lite WEXT5-BP192V18

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    Avnet Americas WEXT5-BP192V18 Bulk 8 Weeks 1
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    Tripp Lite WEXT5-BP192V12

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    Avnet Americas WEXT5-BP192V12 Bulk 8 Weeks 1
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    KEMET Corporation TRS1-95BPR002

    Thermostats 95C 10W 100V Break PT Screw PT3/8
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    Mouser Electronics TRS1-95BPR002 30
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    KEMET Corporation TRS1-95BPR001

    Thermostats 95C 10W 100V Break PT Screw PT1/8
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    Mouser Electronics TRS1-95BPR001 30
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    • 10 $31.81
    • 100 $26.99
    • 1000 $26.09
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    5BP 19 Datasheets Context Search

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    small signal transistor MOTOROLA

    Abstract: w21 transistor MOTOROLA small signal transistor 2N3821JTX PHW4101 FIDL 5Bp transistor MOTOROLA TRANSISTOR
    Text: MOTOROU Orderthis document by2N3621JTND SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA ● 2N3821JTX, JANS Processed per MlL4-19500/375 N4hannel, Depletion Mode Junction Field-Effect Transistor JFETs .designed for small-ignal, Iowoise amplifier applications. * ~,)> . .$$”

    by2N3621JTND 2N3821JTX, MlL4-19500/375 TM06AF 2N3821JTX PHW4101 2Ns21JmD small signal transistor MOTOROLA w21 transistor MOTOROLA small signal transistor FIDL 5Bp transistor MOTOROLA TRANSISTOR PDF


    Abstract: Nippon Motorola
    Text: Microprocessor and Memory Technologies Group MC68349 UPDATE TO MC68349 Dragon 1 High Performance Integrated Processor User’s Manual and Addendum November 3, 1995 1. Negation of HALT and BERR for Retry Sequence and Late Retry Sequence. Figure 3-31 and Figure 3-32 on pages 3-48 and 3-49 respectively, should show BERR and HALT being negated one-half clock cycle earlier. The corrected drawings are shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2 of this document.

    MC68349 MC68349 Nippon Motorola PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Order this data sheet by PA900-19-60UD MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Advance Information PA900-19-60L The RF Line Linear Power Amplifier Designed for cellular radio base stations in the 850 to 900 MHz frequency solid state, Class AB amplifier incorporates

    PA900-19-60UD PA900-19-60L --19dB PA900-19-60L PDF

    2N3634 MOTOROLA

    Abstract: m21 transistor 2N3634 2N3637 transistor m21 MIL-19500 2N3634JTX 2N3635 2N3635JTX 2N3636
    Text: MOTOROU Orderth18 document by2N3WWD SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA o 2N3634JTX, 2N3635JTX, 2N3636JTX, 2N3637JTX, JTXV JTXV, JANS JTXV, JANS JTXV, JANS Processed per MIL+-19500/357 PNP Silicon SmallSignal o General-Purpose Transistor Ic Collector Current,Maimurn

    Orderth18 2N3634JTX, 2N3635JTX, 2N3636JTX, 2N3637JTX, CHARACTERlST19 2N3634, 2N3635 2N3636, 2N3637 2N3634 MOTOROLA m21 transistor 2N3634 2N3637 transistor m21 MIL-19500 2N3634JTX 2N3635 2N3635JTX 2N3636 PDF

    motorola 5118 user manual

    Abstract: MC68349 Nippon Motorola DSA0039274
    Text: Parts Not Suitable for New Designs For Additional Information End-Of-Life Product Change Notice Microprocessor and Memory Technologies Group MC68349 UPDATE TO MC68349 Dragon 1 High Performance Integrated Processor User’s Manual and Addendum November 3, 1995

    MC68349 MC68349 motorola 5118 user manual Nippon Motorola DSA0039274 PDF

    2N3501 MOTOROLA

    Abstract: 2N3501 k5c transistor 2N3501JAN AICB
    Text: MOTOROU Orderthls document by 2N3501JANID SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 2N3501JAN, JTX, JTXV, JANS Processed per MIL4-195001366 NPN Silicon SmallSignal Transistors .designed for genera~urpose switching and amplifier applications in hig~voltage .,!.\ ELECTRICAL

    2N3501JANID 2N3501JAN, MIL4-195001366 lPHX241011-2 2N3501 2N3501 MOTOROLA k5c transistor 2N3501JAN AICB PDF


    Abstract: 2N3251AJAN PHM4101
    Text: MOTOROW Order this document SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA by 2N3251AJAN/D e 2N3251AJAN, JTX Processed per MIL4-195001323 PNP Silicon Smal14ignal Transistors .designed for genera~urpose switching and amplifier applications. CASE 22*, TM06AA .,4., , ‘, ELECTRICAL CHARACTERlSTl~~#*25°C

    2N3251AJAN/D 2N3251AJAN, MIL4-195001323 Smal14ignal TM06AA PHM4101 2N3251AJANID M036 2N3251AJAN PDF

    w21 transistor

    Abstract: 2N3764 2N3764JTX MIL-19500 MOTOROLA LON motorola MN transistor Motorola transistor 358
    Text: . MoToRom Order this document by 2N3764~WD SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA ● 2N3764JTX, JTXV, JANS Processed per MIL+-19500/396 PNP Silicon Smal14ignal Transistor .designed for genera~urpose switching applications. ● Emtisr+ase Vohge * Colleotor Current — Cotinuous

    2N3764 2N3764JTX, Smal14ignal TW06AB 1PHW4101 2N37WTWD w21 transistor 2N3764JTX MIL-19500 MOTOROLA LON motorola MN transistor Motorola transistor 358 PDF

    motorola g18

    Abstract: 2N301 2N3700 Y14W 2N3019S 2N3019SJAN 2N3019S MOTOROLA MERET 2N3700 MOTOROLA motorola 2N3019S
    Text: MOTOROU o Orderthls document by 2N3019SJANID SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA ttl ,$$>. *t~i”*J,:~$< >,. j/ ,>, ,.!$: .> ~>‘ 1111~ ~~~ ‘‘}1lb “,., 2N3019SJAN, dTX, dTXV, dANS 2N3700dAN, JTX, JTXV, JANS I\o Processed per MlL4-19500/391 NPN Silicon Small+ignal

    2N3019SJANID 2N3019SJAN, 2N3700dAN, MlL4-19500/391 2N3019S T0205AD 1PHX24101 motorola g18 2N301 2N3700 Y14W 2N3019S 2N3019SJAN 2N3019S MOTOROLA MERET 2N3700 MOTOROLA motorola 2N3019S PDF


    Abstract: DSA0039274
    Text: Parts Not Suitable for New Designs For Additional Information End-Of-Life Product Change Notice Microprocessor and Memory Technologies Group MC68341 UPDATE TO MC68341 Integrated Processor User’s Manual and Addendum November 3, 1995 1. Negation of HALT and BERR for Retry Sequence and Late Retry Sequence.

    MC68341 MC68341 DSA0039274 PDF


    Abstract: Nippon Motorola
    Text: Microprocessor and Memory Technologies Group MC68341 UPDATE TO MC68341 Integrated Processor User’s Manual and Addendum November 3, 1995 1. Negation of HALT and BERR for Retry Sequence and Late Retry Sequence. Figure 3-25 and Figure 3-26 on pages 3-46 and 3-47 respectively, should show BERR and HALT being negated one-half clock cycle earlier. The corrected drawings are shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2 of this document.

    MC68341 MC68341 Nippon Motorola PDF


    Abstract: GE-3 PNP transistor 2N3743 2N3743JTX
    Text: MOTOROU Orderthls document by2N37-D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA a ,+!$ ,*: 1. ~t , ~ t,. ~, ., .6> ~ { , ~s. II 2N3743JTX, JTXV 2N4931JTX, JTXV ,11 Processed per MlL4-19500/397 : ‘t. 4 A: Plmlachnologle: ‘L Operallon qejlai .<. ?~, t:,~‘ PNP Silicon, High Voltage

    by2N37-D 2N3743JTX, 2N4931JTX, MlL4-19500/397 1PHX241011-2 2N37WTWD 2N4931 GE-3 PNP transistor 2N3743 2N3743JTX PDF


    Abstract: 2N2060J 2N2060JTX small signal transistor
    Text: , MOTOROW Order thie document by 2N2080JWD SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA ● *{iv \ :,+ \ ‘! .,? .>W, : \ .,i. ,: . ~ ,:, , , IIUlp 2N2060JTX, JANS Processed per MIL4-195001270 J ’11. ~1. .8:6 : qo ~ Dual NPN Silicon Smal14ignal Transistor .dasignedfor genera~urpose amptifierap~oations.

    2N2080JWD 2N2060JTX, MIL4-195001270 Smal14ignal 1PHW4101 2N20MJTND L1201 2N2060J 2N2060JTX small signal transistor PDF


    Abstract: 2N301 2N3013JTX
    Text: MOTOROU Order this document by 2N3013J~D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA o 2N3013JTX Processed per MlL4-19500/287 NPN Silicon Smal14ignal Transistor .designed for genera+urpose switching applications. ,.i;:” .:*,%, ,1,>< ,\:.!\tf, , ., ,. Y MAXIMUM RATINGS

    2N3013J 2N3013JTX MlL4-19500/287 Smal14ignal CASE2243, 206AA 2D91Z 1PHW4101 2N301 tiac 2N3013JTX PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: V i s h ay I n t e r t e c h n o l o g y, I n c . AND TEC I INNOVAT O L OGY 5K ASMC Series N HN Diodes O 19 62-2012 DIodes - Surface-Mount PAR TVS 5KASMC Series of Surface-Mount PAR® Transient Voltage Suppressors Combines 5 kW High Surge Capability with + 185 °C

    DO-214AB AEC-Q101 23-May-11 VMN-PT0342-1210 PDF

    transistor 5bw

    Abstract: MARKING CODE 5bw marking 5bw marking code 5bw 67 5BW MARKING marking 5ah marking code 5AW SMA5J22 transistor 6bn SMA5J36
    Text: SMA5J5.0 thru SMA5J40CA Vishay General Semiconductor High Power Density Surface Mount TRANSZORB Transient Voltage Suppressors FEATURES • Low profile package • Ideal for automated placement • Glass passivated chip junction • Available in Unidirectional and Bidirectional

    SMA5J40CA DO-214AC J-STD-020C, 2002/95/EC 2002/96/EC 08-Apr-05 transistor 5bw MARKING CODE 5bw marking 5bw marking code 5bw 67 5BW MARKING marking 5ah marking code 5AW SMA5J22 transistor 6bn SMA5J36 PDF


    Abstract: EC000 MC68306 VT100
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Microprocessor and Memory Technologies Group MC68306 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. UPDATE TO MC68306 Integrated EC000 Processor User’s Manual October 7, 1995 This update to the initial release of the MC68306UM/AD User’s Manual and the MC68306UMAD/AD User’s

    MC68306 MC68306 EC000 MC68306UM/AD MC68306UMAD/AD VT100 PXPR PDF

    transistor 5bw

    Abstract: marking code 5bw SMA5J22 marking 5bw marking code 5AW SMA5J18A SMA5J36 marking 5AY 5Am Marking marking code 5bw 67
    Text: SMA5J5.0 thru 40CA Vishay Semiconductors New Product formerly General Semiconductor High Power Density Surface Mount TRANSZORB Transient Voltage Suppressors Stand-off Voltage 5.0 to 40 V Peak Pulse Power 500 W DO-214AC SMA Cathode Band 0.065 (1.65) 0.110 (2.79)

    DO-214AC DO-214AC 11-Mar-04 transistor 5bw marking code 5bw SMA5J22 marking 5bw marking code 5AW SMA5J18A SMA5J36 marking 5AY 5Am Marking marking code 5bw 67 PDF

    display vfd

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: JÄH 1 0 1991 Order this document MOTOROLA as a sMC68HC05M6/D MC68HC05M6/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC68HC05M6 Product Preview MC68HC05M6 microcomputer unit with VFD drive capacity The MC68HC05M6 HCMOS 8-bit microcomputer unit (MCU) is a member of the M68HC05 family of devices. Its special features

    OCR Scan
    sMC68HC05M6/D MC68HC05M6 MC68HC05M6 M68HC05 16-bit ENP0103 display vfd PDF

    vfd circuit diagram

    Abstract: vfd CONTROL circuit diagram vfd display japan vfd block diagram peo 111 5bp making display vfd MC68 MC68HC05M6 HC05
    Text: JAH i0 1991 Order this document as MC68HC05M6/D MOTOROLA SEM ICO N DUCTO R TECHNICAL DATA MC68HC05M6 Product Preview M C68HC05M6 m icrocom puter unit with VFD drive capacity The M C68HC05M 6 HCMOS 8-bit m icrocom puter unit (MCU} is a m em ber o f the M68HC05 fam ily o f devices. Its special features

    OCR Scan
    MC68HC05M6/D MC68HC05M6 M68HC05 16-bit MC68HC05M6 ENP0103 vfd circuit diagram vfd CONTROL circuit diagram vfd display japan vfd block diagram peo 111 5bp making display vfd MC68 HC05 PDF


    Abstract: transistor 5cp BC808 BC808 5Hp 5dp transistor marking code 5Cp BC808-16 5Cp SOT23 5HP ibm 5Cp transistor
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS Product specification Supersedes data of September 1994 File under Discrete Semiconductors, SC04 Philips Sem iconductors This Material Copyrighted By Its Respective Manufacturer 1997 Feb 28 PHILIPS Philips Semiconductors Product specification

    OCR Scan
    BC807; BC808 BC817and BC818. BC807 BC808 BC807-16 BC808-16 BC807-25 BC808-25 transistor 5cp BC808 5Hp 5dp transistor marking code 5Cp 5Cp SOT23 5HP ibm 5Cp transistor PDF

    WO2 transistor

    Abstract: AN-HK-17 second order low pass filter application MC68HC05F2 motorola cmos 5Bp transistor
    Text: MOTOROLA • SEMICONDUCTOR APPLICATION NOTE AN-HK-17 LOW COST LOW VOLTAGE ACTIVE FILTER FOR MC68HC05F2 DTMF OUTPUT Prepared by Sam Cheung Motorola Semiconductors Hong Kong Ltd. MPU Technical Marketing. Introduction The MC68HC05F2 is a fully static single chip CMOS Microcomputer. It has 256 Bytes RAM , 2048

    OCR Scan
    AN-HK-17 MC68HC05F2 AN-HK-17/H WO2 transistor AN-HK-17 second order low pass filter application motorola cmos 5Bp transistor PDF

    WO2 transistor

    Abstract: S60k AN-HK-17
    Text: F reescale Sem iconductor, Inc MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR AN-HK-17 APPLICATION NOTE LOW COST LOW VOLTAGE ACTIVE FILTER FOR MC68HC05F2 DTMF OUTPUT Prepared by Sam Cheung Motorola Semiconductors Hong Kong Ltd. MPU Technical Marketing. Introduction The MC68HC05F2 is a fully static single chip CMOS Microcomputer. It has 256 Bytes RAM , 2048

    OCR Scan
    AN-HK-17 MC68HC05F2 AN-HK-17/H AN-HK-17/H WO2 transistor S60k AN-HK-17 PDF

    dynamic ram 8 bit 256 locations

    Abstract: I1130
    Text: MOV i 2 1990 Order this data sheet by MCM528128A/D MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MCM528128A Product Preview 128K x 8 CMOS Multiport Video RAM Page Mode The M C M 5 281 28 A is a C M O S multiport video RAM. It is organized as a 131,072 by 8-bit word dynamic random access memory RA M port with a 256 by 8-bit word static,

    OCR Scan
    MCM528128A/D MCM528128A MCM528128A A26293 C74702 dynamic ram 8 bit 256 locations I1130 PDF