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    5495AFM Price and Stock

    Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation 5495AFMQB

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Quest Components 5495AFMQB 24
    • 1 $29.17
    • 10 $27.7115
    • 100 $26.253
    • 1000 $26.253
    • 10000 $26.253
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    5495AFMQB 12
    • 1 $17
    • 10 $12.75
    • 100 $12.75
    • 1000 $12.75
    • 10000 $12.75
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    5495AFM Datasheets (3)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    5495AFM Fairchild Semiconductor 4-Bit Right / Left Shift Register Scan PDF
    5495AFMQB National Semiconductor 4 Bit Parallel Access Shift Register Original PDF
    5495AFMQB Unknown Historical semiconductor price guide (US$ - 1998). From our catalog scanning project. Historical PDF

    5495AFM Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: DM7495 5495ADMQB 5495AFMQB C1995 DM74 J14A N14A W14B
    Text: 5495A DM7495 4-Bit Parallel Access Shift Registers General Description These 4-bit registers feature parallel and serial inputs parallel outputs mode control and two clock inputs The registers have three modes of operation Parallel broadside load Shift right (the direction QA toward QD)

    DM7495 DM7495N DM7495 5495ADMQB 5495AFMQB C1995 DM74 J14A N14A W14B PDF

    7495 4-bit shift register

    Abstract: 7495 shift register LS 7495 right left shift register 7495APC 74LS95BPC AN157 shift register 7495 5495ADM 5495AFM
    Text: 95 C O N N E C T IO N D IA G R A M PINOUT A -' /54/7495A /p î^3,54LS/74LS95B 14l Vcc Ds T 4-BIT R IG H T/LEFT SHIFT REGISTER P o [T 1 3 ] Qo Pi [ 7 « ] Oi P2 [ 7 Ï Ï ] °2 PaQT io |Q 3 PE [ T g n d TJcP r {T T | cp2 D E S C R IP T IO N — The ’95 is a 4-bit shift register w ith serial and parallel syn­

    OCR Scan
    /54/7495A 4LS/74LS95B 54/74LS 7495 4-bit shift register 7495 shift register LS 7495 right left shift register 7495APC 74LS95BPC AN157 shift register 7495 5495ADM 5495AFM PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ZWA National ä ü Semiconductor 5495A/DM7495 4-Bit Parallel Access Shift Registers General Description mode control is high by connecting the output of each flipflop to the parallel Input of the previous flip-flop Qd to input C, etc. and serial data Is entered at input D. The clock input

    OCR Scan
    495A/DM7495 Tl/F/6534-2 PDF


    Abstract: T37E
    Text: NATIONAL SENICOND -CLOGICÌ OSE D I tsoiiaa D0b3?b0 ? | 95 - o l'o i' CONNECTION DIAGRAM PINOUT A 54/7495A 54LS/74LS95B Ds [ T 14] Vce 4-BIT RIGHT/LEFT SHIFT REGISTER P o T 13] Qo Pi [ 7 12] Ol P a [T 1 3 02 P a [T ]0 ]û 3 pe [T gnd (T D cp 2 DESCRIPTION — The '95 is a 4-bit shift register with serial and parallel syn­

    OCR Scan
    54/7495A 54LS/74LS95B 54/74LS F--07 74LS95BDC T37E PDF


    Abstract: 7495ADC 5495ADM 5495AFM 54LS95BDM 7495AFC 7495APC 74LS95BDC 74LS95BFC right left shift register
    Text: 95 CO NNECTIO N DIAGRAM PINOUT A ^ ^ /5 4 /7 4 9 5 A «C 0 0 i,«\?4LS/74LS95B 4-BIT RIGHT/LEFT SHIFT REGISTER Ds ( T v [] Vcc P o [T 13] Qo Pi [ 7 12] Qi P2 ( T Ï Ï I 02 Pa [ 7 ïô | q 3 p e |T TJcP t GND [ 7 T | cp2 DESCRIPTION — The ’95 is a 4-bit shift register w ith serial and parallel syn­

    OCR Scan
    /S4/7495A 4LS/74LS95B 54/74LS 74LS95BPC 7495ADC 5495ADM 5495AFM 54LS95BDM 7495AFC 7495APC 74LS95BDC 74LS95BFC right left shift register PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NATIONAL SEMICÔND -ELOGIO bSG1122 QG70SS3 b 31E D -p- i4 u - o q . - '0 5 National Semiconductor 5495A/DM7495 4-Bit Parallel Access Shift Registers General Description mode control is high by connecting the output of each flipflop to the parallel Input of the previous flip-flop Qq to input

    OCR Scan
    bSG1122 QG70SS3 495A/DM7495 TL/F/0534-2 PDF

    IC dm7495n

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: June 1989 5495A/DM7495 4-Bit Parallel Access Shift Registers General Description mode control is high by connecting the output of each flipflop to the parallel input o f the previous flip-flop Qp to input C, etc. and serial data is entered at input D. The clock input

    OCR Scan
    495A/DM7495 IC dm7495n PDF


    Abstract: 7495APC 7495ADC 74LS95BDC 74LS95 5495ADM 5495AFM 54LS95BDM 7495AFC 74LS95BFC
    Text: 95 CONNECTION DIAGRAM PINOUT A S4/7495A 54LS/74LS95B ds 4-BIT RIGHT/LEFT SHIFT REGISTER ü ] vcc [T PoU n ]a o p ,[T Ü]o< p, [ 7 n io ? 7] g n d [T T J cPî DESCRIPTION — The '95 is a 4-bit shift register with serial and parallel syn­ chronous operating modes. The serial shift right and parallel load are acti­

    OCR Scan
    S4/7495A 54LS/74LS95B 54/74LS 74LS95BPC 7495APC 7495ADC 74LS95BDC 74LS95 5495ADM 5495AFM 54LS95BDM 7495AFC 74LS95BFC PDF