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    51 TI JBR Search Results

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    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    74AC11086D Texas Instruments Quadruple 2-Input Exclusive-OR Gates 16-SOIC -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    74AC11244DW Texas Instruments Octal Buffers/Drivers 24-SOIC -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    74AC11245DW Texas Instruments Octal Bus Transceivers 24-SOIC -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    74AC16244DGGR Texas Instruments 16-Bit Buffers And Line Drivers With 3-State Outputs 48-TSSOP -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    74ACT11000DR Texas Instruments Quadruple 2-Input Positive-NAND Gates 16-SOIC -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy

    51 TI JBR Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: F48F MSM6679 automatic dialer F47F F48D M65512 F496 ST make IC 6994 14 pin MSM65524

    1-800-OKI-6994 F55A F48F MSM6679 automatic dialer F47F F48D M65512 F496 ST make IC 6994 14 pin MSM65524 PDF


    Abstract: NJM2136 NJM2137 NJM2137M NJM2137V NJM2138M NJM2138V NJN2136V jm21
    Text: co co T\ A h °< •k * » tí « » P n«Aj V * K? £ CL O CO CO ti K S£ \ CM \ S S-w «à Sp - i 4 w V . i * ' * o * 2 * # * > W à f c □ £ £<K S B * +> ? Ü5 <o . a 00 a a a a > > > * > . > . + » n g S S fS *C SS AJ ^ CL ■ Û . T- l l l î

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    NJNI2136/37/38 NJM2136/37/38IÃ 200KHz SS0P16 NJM2138M NJM2137M NJK2138Â NJN2136V NJM2137V NJM2138V NJK2138 NJM2136 NJM2137 NJM2138V jm21 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ROHM 4GE CO L T D D • TflS ûW |Q 9 M S B1RHI1 2SB909M/2SB1237 7 = 2 7 -2 J h 7 > V ^ 5 / T ransistors " 2S! DÜ QS S 0 3 1 77 ^ ^ U“ ^ PNP V U a > K 7 > V 7 ^ /M edium Power Amp. Epitaxial Planar PNP Silicon Transistors ' ÿ f-J f^ ^ H /D im e n s io n s Unit : mm

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    2SB909M/2SB1237 2SD1225M/2SD1858 2SD1225M, 2SD1858. 2sb1237 PDF


    Abstract: 69 lvb p38a CODE EFI .ASM rjz ah TI7C DSI LCD TFT fci hm1 FPI 3I 131cc 0297-f
    Text: ÿ * — & • S '— h M aÈ M o s m w a s s M O S fn te g ra te d C ircuit P D 1 7 6 A G F - 1 1 •ttlcfflFM, M W , 7 0 ,J X 4 ^ r - 7 , fc f y I- P L L J 1 5 ^ v > -tr-^ < 1 f, • V > ^ V U ^ * 7 ^ • * 7 - f i 7 P ¡iPD17006AGF-011 f i , EWiCDFM, MW, L W ^ 'S if

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    uPD17006AGF-011 131cc LW-LCD TV 69 lvb p38a CODE EFI .ASM rjz ah TI7C DSI LCD TFT fci hm1 FPI 3I 131cc 0297-f PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BUF744 Vishay Telefunken Silicon NPN High Voltage Switching Transistor Features • Simple-sWitch-Off Transistor SWOT • HIGH SPEED technology • Planar passivation • 100 kHz switching rate • Very low switching losses • Very low dynamic saturation

    OCR Scan
    BUF744 20-Jan-99 PDF


    Abstract: NJU7201 7221U 79LOO NJM431U NJM7800FA NJM79L00 ml 311 LTqs ifr 220
    Text: ü fî n % ,H d 1Ü ifrlffl Ijpffi 3 •R fJ a 2r !<3 gffl ^ V ^ « m .CN S £ r r f ¡¡g ■H ^ ►j u ft I ¿ K < í A A M "C ^ >f\ În Ç> -R ÍS ^ Q j g 33¥: H fil -R K « ft\ A >V A <W % 4> o A m ■ î^\ 'î^ ,. K ^ £ •* K „ H , -R ^ fi ■ R ^§§^«

    OCR Scan

    3101 7 Segment Display

    Abstract: SP431-001 SP-431-001 Babcock Display 7 digit Babcock sp babcock ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAY Gas discharge display SP431 ALPHANUMERIC GAS PLASMA DISPLAY SP-462
    Text: 1 Line x 4 Character Alphanumeric Gas Discharge Display The Babcock Plasmaflex SP-462 is a bright, easily read, 16-segment, alphanumeric, dc gas discharge display. It has four, two-inch-high characters, plus periods, com m as, and colon. Its 16-segment format provides a display set of 64

    OCR Scan
    SP-462 16-segment, 16-segment 14930EastAlondra 3101 7 Segment Display SP431-001 SP-431-001 Babcock Display 7 digit Babcock sp babcock ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAY Gas discharge display SP431 ALPHANUMERIC GAS PLASMA DISPLAY PDF


    Abstract: blf 178 ROHC 17p107 IR LFN tt 250 n 16 kof HMAF 8345B TL 413 ami jbi 120
    Text: MOSÎ M O S In te g ra te d C ircu it JU /¿PD17104 fi, R O M I K / 'K h 512 x 16 , R A M 1 6 x 4 t:'y K I/O PD17104 h 16^Tfl|J5St$ ? -f - v - r ^ n z i> h p — 5 T T o ^ •/ i ' J CPU LT^/zaò, / z J C £ <75T # : ^ Uv * ? A t if c 1 7 K 7 - ^ r ^ f t

    OCR Scan
    uPD17104 17p104 blf 178 ROHC 17p107 IR LFN tt 250 n 16 kof HMAF 8345B TL 413 ami jbi 120 PDF

    MP 130I 00

    Abstract: MP 130I MP -130I cmkm ECP11 BKD JE GLDG LC74795 LC74795M djrp
    Text: Orònrirfl «MJfTTbCf : EM%555? CMOS LSI LC74795, 74795M SAgifOI On-Screen Display Controller LSI Preliminary Overview Package Dimensions The LC74795 und LCM795M are. CMOS LSIs las on­ screen diiplny, a function that displays characters and pattern* ori a TV acreen under microprocessor control,

    OCR Scan
    LC74795, 74795M LC74795 LC74795M diCtiiC-11k MP 130I 00 MP 130I MP -130I cmkm ECP11 BKD JE GLDG djrp PDF

    51 ti jbr

    Abstract: P587
    Text: E2E1033 -27-Y6 O K I Semiconductor Previous version: Nov. 1996 M S M 6 6 5 8 5 /5 8 6 /5 8 7 /P 5 8 7 /Q 5 8 7 Built-in 16 bit PWM and 8 bit A/D Converter, High-speed High-preformance 16 bit Microcontroller GENERAL DESCRIPTION M SM 66585/586/587 are high-performance CMOS 16-bit microcontrollers that integrate a 16bit CPU, ROM, RAM, 8-bit A /D converter, serial port, timers, and PWM. They also allow ROM

    OCR Scan
    E2E1033 -27-Y6 16-bit 16bit MSM66P587 MSM66Q587 66585/586/587/P587/Q TQFP100-P-1414-0 51 ti jbr P587 PDF

    str 1096

    Abstract: LM8054 ki31 JST MUF sm9b POOP07 NJ 20 U1 W 599e AIRIS smd wj x8
    Text: ^ SAWYO _ LM8854 Na Î 9 6 6 1 • 1 - j . - E / D MOS LSI 6195 X M H i 1 * y 7 8 lÍ7 h 1. «v LM 8854 ¿. & £ l* 8 S C 0 * a , * # * g & ja o ¿ :O A « S § < D W ía * íffl» ¿ U fc 8 3 > t f 3 .- í» r » - 5 < , * ' J ¡ M J $ C i 8 L f c ; P - * T ^ * v * « f l l U . 6 * 4

    OCR Scan
    LM8854 DIP64S LM8804G 256X8 DIP42S M18802G 128x8 DIP42S str 1096 LM8054 ki31 JST MUF sm9b POOP07 NJ 20 U1 W 599e AIRIS smd wj x8 PDF


    Abstract: UPD70320GJ UPD70320L-8 uPD70108 MPD70320 ACE SC CSA10.0MT shs-40 70116c stm cl-11
    Text: z r — S 7 • is — S MOS M O S Integrated Circuit ¿uPP7 0 3 2 0 V25 16/8 t f "S h • > > 9 /¿PD70320 m #V25 7 7° (i, 161'-y hCPU, RAM, > h n - 7 Ì f 1 -f- flj h • •vf 9d7dì ÿ ')7 'W -i^ 7 i-X , tzis >7 Ki- ■y-t//PD70108/70116 (SiJ«#V20™/V30™)

    OCR Scan
    V25TM V20TM /V30TM uPD70320 V35TM IEM-967 U12120J PD70320 UPD70320GJ UPD70320L-8 uPD70108 MPD70320 ACE SC CSA10.0MT shs-40 70116c stm cl-11 PDF

    intel 8039

    Abstract: intel 8049 8039 intel 8039 instruction set MBL8049N intel g45 circuit diagram RN P2V intel id 8039 Fujitsu FP 410 MBL8049
    Text: FUJITSU A d v a n c e d P ro d u c ts • M B L 8 0 4 9 N /E /H M B L 8 0 3 9 N /E /H NMOS Single-Chip 8-Bit Microcomputer D e s c rip tio n The Fujitsu M BL8049/M BL8039 is a to ta lly self-contained 8-bit parallel one-chip m icrocom puter fabricated with an N-channel

    OCR Scan
    MBL8049N/E/H MBL8039N/E/H M8L8049/MBL8039 MBL8049 MBL8039 MBL8049/MBL8039 DIP-40C-A01) 521MAX 177I4 intel 8039 intel 8049 8039 intel 8039 instruction set MBL8049N intel g45 circuit diagram RN P2V intel id 8039 Fujitsu FP 410 PDF

    QMA INVERTER setting data

    Abstract: QMA INVERTER CD2027 486dx isa bios F84031 8042AM 20mhz crystal oscillator dil package BOS 0 206 002 111 F84035 AA244
    Text: CHIPS Product Overview CS4031 CHIPSet • Very low-cost and high-integration chip set ■ 3-2-2-2 or 4-3-3-3 for reads, and 0 or 1WS for writes ■ Supports 486SX, 487SX, 486DX, and 486DX2 CPUs ■ Up to 64MB memory with 4 banks of DRAM or 32MB with 2 banks

    OCR Scan
    CS4031 486SX, 487SX, 486DX, 486DX2 33MHz 318MHz 768KHz 256KB, 0X131 QMA INVERTER setting data QMA INVERTER CD2027 486dx isa bios F84031 8042AM 20mhz crystal oscillator dil package BOS 0 206 002 111 F84035 AA244 PDF

    XGH crystal

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semlœnductor MSM65524/65P524 Oki Original High Perform ance C M O S 8-Bit M icrocontroller GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM65524 is a high-perform ance 8-bit m icrocontroller th at em ploys Oki's original nX-8/50 CPU core. W ith a m inim um instruction execution tim e of 400 ns 10MHz clock , the MSM65524 is

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    MSM65524/65P524 MSM65524 nX-8/50 10MHz MSM65P524, M65524/65P24 MSM65524/65P24 b724Z4G XGH crystal PDF

    omron reed relay

    Abstract: omron water level motor control wiring diagram omron reed EE-SX671 EE-SX672 RELAY OMRON 1n EE-1001-1 51 ti jbr
    Text: Selection Guide-• Microdisplacement Sensor Sensing distance Appearance and dimensions 4 ± 0 .3 mm Output configuration Model Z4D-F04A Optical modulation Modulated Analog Features Page 44 Compact High performance at the resolution of 5 |xm. ON/OFF Z4D-F04D

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    Z4D-F04A Z4D-F04D EE-SPX613 EE-SPW321 omron reed relay omron water level motor control wiring diagram omron reed EE-SX671 EE-SX672 RELAY OMRON 1n EE-1001-1 51 ti jbr PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Panasonic N TC T h e n n is to is P h p T y p e M u M l a y e r C h p NTC Therm óstors E R TJ Type : The M u H a y e r C h p NTC T h e m istois aie e s p e c i a l ^ d e s i g n e d fcr surfece m o u ntings featuring the m iniatuie sizes o f '04 0 2 " a n d 'ID 6 0 3 " type

    OCR Scan
    ieliab35 J1VR683 PDF


    Abstract: saa1094 LS1240A equivalent relay oub 12v LM358 wheatstone bridge LH105

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: CA3005 or CA3006 inverted welding machine schematic diagram .1microfarad capacitor transistor bf 175 RCA Transistors CA3034V1 RCA transistor CA3005 CA3004
    Text: This Manual, like its preceding edition, has been prepared to provide an understanding of the basic princi­ ples involved in the design and application of linear integrated circuits. It may be used as a guide by circuit and systems designers in determining optimum design

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: MSM65513 MSM65P513 vibrator ad0p07
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM65513/65P513 Oki Original High Perform ance C M O S 8-Bit Microcontroller GEN ERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM65513 is a high-performance 8-bit microcontroller that employs Oki's original nX-8/50 CPU core. With a minimum instruction execution time of 400 ns 10MHz clock , the MSM65513 is

    OCR Scan
    MSM65513/65P513 MSM65513 nX-8/50 10MHz MSM65P513, Se3/65P513 b7242MD b724240 P51NR MSM65P513 vibrator ad0p07 PDF

    ECU 206 7.4.5

    Abstract: TYN 208 equivalent JRC 2100 15j01 sem 2106 diagram A44D tyn 208 ltw 12 pin circular connector
    Text: ADSP- 2106x SHARCF DSP Microcomputer Family AD6F-21062/ADSF-21062L ANALOG DEVICES SUMMARY High Performance Signal Processor for Communica­ tions, Graphics and Imaging Applications Super Harvard Architecture Four Independent Buses for Dual Data Fetch, Instruction Fetch and Nonintrusive I/O

    OCR Scan
    32-Bit 2106x -21062L SP-21062L ECU 206 7.4.5 TYN 208 equivalent JRC 2100 15j01 sem 2106 diagram A44D tyn 208 ltw 12 pin circular connector PDF

    HC SR04

    Abstract: lcm-5331-22ntk toshiba Notebook lcd inverter schematic schematic LG TV lcd backlight inverter NEC plasma tv schematic diagram lcd power board schematic lg yp LCM-5327-24NAK mod 8 using jk flipflop NEC J330 lcd backlight inverter schema
    Text: Introduction 65535 High Performance Flat Panel / CRT VGA Controller • Highly Integrated Design Flat Panel/CRT Controller, RAMDAC, Clock Synthesizer, non­ multiplexed bus, direct panel drive ■ Integrated Interface for Multiple Bus Architec­ tures • Local Bus (32-bit 386/486 or 16-bit 386SX)

    OCR Scan
    32-bit 16-bit 386SX) 256Kx 512KB) 256Kxl6 256Kx4 160-Pin HC SR04 lcm-5331-22ntk toshiba Notebook lcd inverter schematic schematic LG TV lcd backlight inverter NEC plasma tv schematic diagram lcd power board schematic lg yp LCM-5327-24NAK mod 8 using jk flipflop NEC J330 lcd backlight inverter schema PDF

    intel 8035

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FU JITSU Advanced Products O c to b e r 1986 M B L 8 0 4 8 N /E /H M B L 8 0 3 5 N /E /H N M O S Single-Chip 8-Bit Microcom puter D e s c rip tio n The Fujitsu MBL8048/M BL8035 is a to ta lly self-contained 8-bit parallel one -ch ip m icroco m p ute r fabricated w tih an N-channel

    OCR Scan
    MBL8048/M BL8035 BL8048 MBL8035 MBL8048 020I0 D40005S-1C MBL8035 intel 8035 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LM 49100 LM49100 Mono Class AB Audio Sub-System with a True-Ground Headphone Amplifier J u T exa s In s t r u m e n t s Literature Number: SNAS392E Semiconductor LM49100 Boom er Audio Power Amplifier Series Mono Class AB Audio Sub-System with a True-Ground

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    LM49100 SNAS392E LM49100 PDF