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    50MIL SM 40 Search Results

    50MIL SM 40 Datasheets Context Search

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    50mil SM 40

    Abstract: 50MSM40P SM 230
    Text: 50MIL SM 40 PINS PACKAGE PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS All dimensions in inches mm : 1.120 (28.45) .485 (12.32) MAX. MAX. .230 (5.84) MAX. .016 (0.41) .050 (1.27) TYP. TYP. .010 (0.25) TYP. .010 (0.25) .045 (1.14) TYP. TYP. .640 (16.26) .620 (15.75) 50MSM40P Rhombus

    50MIL 50MSM40P 50mil SM 40 50MSM40P SM 230 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 10/100 BASE-T SINGLE PORT MAGNETICS MODULES 16-PIN 50-MIL SM PACKAGE Meets all IEE 802.3 and ANSI X3.263 standards including 350 µH OCL with 8 mA bias Designed for reflow soldering at temperatures up to 235oC Electrical Specifications at 25o C Part Number

    16-PIN 50-MIL 235oC 30MHz 60MHz 100MHz 50MHz 1-100MHz PDF


    Abstract: fil-mag 23Z467 23Z466SM 23Z467SM LXT905
    Text: 23Z466/467SM Transformers Key Features n n n n n n All Fil-Mag components are manufactured in ISO 9001 certified facilities to meet the highest international standards Designed for use with Level One’s LXT905 IC Designed to meet IEEE 802.3 1990 10Base-T specifications

    23Z466/467SM LXT905 10Base-T 50-mil 85Asia) F-39270 fil-mag fil-mag 23Z467 23Z466SM 23Z467SM PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 23Z466/467SM Transformers Key Features n n n n n n All Fil-Mag components are manufactured in ISO 9001 certified facilities to meet the highest international standards Designed for use with Level One’s LXT905 IC Designed to meet IEEE 802.3 1990 10Base-T specifications

    23Z466/467SM LXT905 10Base-T 50-mil 16-pin F-39270 PDF


    Abstract: 1483 fil-mag 23Z467 sp 0410 23Z467SM LXT905 FIL-MAG fil-mag 23z467sm
    Text: 23Z466/467SM Transformers Key Features n n n n n n All Fil-Mag components are manufactured in ISO 9001 certified facilities to meet the highest international standards Designed for use with Level One’s LXT905 IC Designed to meet IEEE 802.3 1990 10Base-T specifications

    23Z466/467SM LXT905 10Base-T 50-mil 85Asia) F-39270 23Z466SM 1483 fil-mag 23Z467 sp 0410 23Z467SM FIL-MAG fil-mag 23z467sm PDF

    81 sm fil-mag

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 23Z466/467SM Transformers Key Features n n n n n n All Fil-Mag components are manufactured in ISO 9001 certified facilities to meet the highest international standards Designed for use with Level One’s LXT905 IC Designed to meet IEEE 802.3 1990 10Base-T specifications

    23Z466/467SM LXT905 10Base-T 50-mil 16-pin F-39270 81 sm fil-mag PDF


    Abstract: Inductors MIL-PRF-83531 P0805AG P0805
    Text: PASSIVE DIP DELAY LINES, TAPPED SMP1410 - 14 PIN, 10 TAP SM P0805 - 8 PIN, 5 TAP DIP & SM P1410 - 14 PIN, 10 TAP DIP & SM P2420 - 24 PIN, 20 TAP DIP & SM RESISTORS CAPACITORS COILS DELAY LINES Term.W is RoHS compliant RoHS RCD’s passive delay line series are a lumped constant design

    SMP1410 P0805 P1410 P2420 P1410, P1410A SMP1410, P0805, P2420) Inductors MIL-PRF-83531 P0805AG PDF

    LTA 902 sx

    Abstract: 3SK166
    Text: 3SK166 Sony. GaAs N-channel Dual-Gate MES FET Description Package Outline 3 S K 166 is a GaAs N-channel Dual-Gate MES FET fo r lo w noise UHF am plifiers. Low noise and high gain characteristics are accom plished by optim um mask pattern design. Easier high frequency circuits adjust­

    OCR Scan
    3SK166 9-10-a 50MIL) LTA 902 sx 3SK166 PDF


    Abstract: QFP Package 128 lead .5mm QFP 128 lead .5mm 100MIL circuit diagram of MOD 64 counter
    Text: CXA1541M SONY. 1.1GHz 2 Modulus Prescaler for Cellular Equipment Description The C X A 1541M is a 1.1GHz 2 m odulus prescaler developed fo r cellular equipment use. A low current consum ption of 3.5m A and sm all package makes it m ost suitable fo r lowering power consum ption and

    OCR Scan
    CXA1541M CXA1541M 50MIL) 127mm QFP Package 128 lead .5mm QFP 128 lead .5mm 100MIL circuit diagram of MOD 64 counter PDF

    Shrink Zig-Zag In-line Package

    Abstract: P-8P-L03
    Text: CXA1541M SONY. 1.1GHz 2 Modulus Prescaler for Cellular Equipment D escription The C X A 1541M is a 1.1GHz 2 m odulus prescaler developed fo r cellular equipment use. A low current consum ption of 3.5m A and sm all package makes it m ost suitable fo r lowering power consum ption and

    OCR Scan
    CXA1541M 1541M 778mm 70MIL) 50MIL) Shrink Zig-Zag In-line Package P-8P-L03 PDF

    QFP Package 128 lead .5mm

    Abstract: Dt3 dual transistor QFP 128 lead .5mm CXA1474M CXA1474N for Operational Amplifier
    Text: _ SONY* CXA1474M/N Low Current Consumption FM IF Amplifier for Pagers Description The CXA1474M/N is a low current consumption FM IF amplifiers which employ the newest bipolar process. It is suitable for such sets as Japan single conversion pagers which require low current consumption.

    OCR Scan
    CXA1474M/N CXA1474M/N 16-pin 50MIL) 127mm 0005bb7 QFP Package 128 lead .5mm Dt3 dual transistor QFP 128 lead .5mm CXA1474M CXA1474N for Operational Amplifier PDF


    Abstract: Dt3 dual transistor 4H51
    Text: _ SONY* CXA1474M/N Low Current Consumption FM IF Amplifier for Pagers Description T h e C X A 1474M /N is a low current consumption FM IF amplifiers which employ the newest bipolar process. C X A 1474M CX A 1474N 16 pin S O P Plastic 16 pin V S O P (Plastic)

    OCR Scan
    CXA1474M/N 1474M 1474N 16-pin 70MIL) 778mm 50MIL) Dt3 dual transistor 4H51 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CXA1293M/N Sony. Low Power FM IF Amplifier Description The C X A 1 2 93 M /N are single-chip ICs FM radio such as CELLULAR mobile, etc. C XA1293M 24pin SOP Plastic CXA1293N 24pin VSOP (P lastic) Features • Low current consum ption (lcc = 3.8m A ,at VCC=3.6V )

    OCR Scan
    CXA1293M/N XA1293M 24pin CXA1293N CXA1003. 50MIL) PDF

    sony c

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CXA1484M/N SONY Low Current Consumption FM IF Amplifier for Double Conversion Pagers Description T h e C X A 1 484 M /N is a low current consumption FM IF amplifiers which employ the newest bipolar process. It is suitable for double conversion pagers for overseas

    OCR Scan
    CXA1484M/N CXA1484M CXA1484N 20-pin 50MIL) sony c PDF


    Abstract: cxa FM radio CXA1343M CXA1343 455KHZ operation limiter circuit ini basic fm demodulation cxa radio ic
    Text: CXA1343M/N SONY. Low Power FM IF Amplifier Description C X A 1 3 4 3 M /N are single-chip ICs fo r FM Radio such as CELLULAR mobile, etc. Package Outline CXA1343M Unit : mm 24 pin SOP Plastic Features • It includes the all the functions needed to the cellular mobile such as second mixer, FM

    OCR Scan
    CXA1343M/N CXA1343M/IM 50MIL) 127mm CXA1343N cxa FM radio CXA1343M CXA1343 455KHZ operation limiter circuit ini basic fm demodulation cxa radio ic PDF


    Abstract: CXA1484M CXA1484N 4 PIN THROUGH HOLE TRANSISTORS CDBM455 Shrink Zig-Zag In-line Package
    Text: CXA1484M/N SONY. Low Current Consumption FM IF Amplifier for Double Conversion Pagers Description T h e C X A 1 484 M /N is a low current consumption FM IF amplifiers which employ the newest bipolar process. It is suitable for double conversion pagers for overseas

    OCR Scan
    CXA1484M/N CXA1484M CXA1484N 20-pin 50MIL) cfvm455 4 PIN THROUGH HOLE TRANSISTORS CDBM455 Shrink Zig-Zag In-line Package PDF


    Abstract: 100MIL CXD1230M SPA31
    Text: CXD1231Q-Z SONY. Cellular Radio Telephone DATA SAT LSI Description C X D 1231Q -Z is a DATA SAT m o d u la tio n / dem odulation IC developed fo r cellular radio telephone. Usage in con ju nction w ith filte r IC CXD1230M provides a modem. Package Outline

    OCR Scan
    CXD1231Q-Z CXD1230M QFP-48P-L04 50MIL) 127mm 100MIL SPA31 PDF

    connector male 6 pin 1.27mm

    Abstract: 40-pin male connector 801OO
    Text: 8 8 0 0 s e r ie s p,u9 StraightTerminal M oJl No. of contacts \È é 20, 26, 3 0 , 32, 34, 40, 50, 5 2 , SO, 6 3 , 8 0 , 1 OO “ 9/7(J30^) l . i l . l u l n O J v Jf W ith Flange (W ith hook) Ni. o! contacts Section X -X' o x ix in ix o x L W ith Flange (No hook)

    OCR Scan
    UL94V-0) 25mii /500V DJE33fa connector male 6 pin 1.27mm 40-pin male connector 801OO PDF


    Abstract: CXD1172 CXD1172AM CXD1172AP
    Text: CXD1172AM/AP SONY 6-bit 20MSPS Video A/D Converter CMOS Description The CXD1172A is a 6-bit CMOS A/D converter for video use. The adoption of a 2-step parallel system achieves low power consumption at a maximum conversion speed of 20MSPS mini­ mum, 35MSPS is typical.

    OCR Scan
    CXD1172 20MSPS CXD1172A 35MSPS CXD1172AM 16pin 20MSPS 300i2 100MIL CXD1172AP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SURFACE MOUNT ACTIVE DIGITAL DELAY C L M T LINES unco SERIES SMA1405 SMALL OUTLINE 5-TAP SERIES SMA2805 PLCC PACKAGE 5-TAP SERIES SMA2810 PLCC PACKAGE 10-TAP • SO and PLCC formats with 50-mil pin spacing ■ Excellent for applications requiring high delay

    OCR Scan
    SMA1405 SMA2805 SMA2810 10-TAP 50-mil 100ppm/Â SMA1405 26QUT PDF


    Abstract: 22J63 CXD2550 QFP 128 lead .5mm 100MIL
    Text: NOV i 9 1990 CXD2550P SONY Digital Filter for CD Description CXD2550P is a digital filter LSI with 4-times/8times over sampling rate, developed for compact disc player. Package Outline unit: mm Features • Provide a 4-times/8-times sampling digital filter.

    OCR Scan
    CXD2550P CXD2550P -40dB 18pin DIP-18P-101 50MIL) 50MIL 22J63 CXD2550 QFP 128 lead .5mm 100MIL PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 10/100 BASE-T SINGLE PORT MAGNETICS MODULES 16-PIN 50-MIL SM PACKAGE • Meets all IEE 802.3 and ANSI X3.263 standards including 350 fiH OCL with 8 mA bias ■ Designed for reflow soldering at temperatures up to 235°C Electrical Specifications at 25° C Part

    OCR Scan
    16-PIN 50-MIL 1-100MHz 50MHz 60MHz 80MHz 30MHz 60MHz 100MHz T-17200 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SONY CORP/COMPONENT PRODS IflE D S o n y » • 0302303 D000723 7 C X D 1 1 7 5 M /P 8-bit 20 M SPS Video A/D Converter CM O S E v a lu a tio n B o a rd A v a ila b le Description CXD1175 is an 8-bit CMOS A/D converter for video use. The adoption of a 2-step parallel

    OCR Scan
    D000723 CXD1175 CXD1175P/CXA1106P 50MIL PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SURFACE MOUNT ACTIVE DIGITAL DELAY LINES SMA1405 SERIES /*•> SMA2805 SERIES SMA2810 SERIES - SM ALL OUTLINE 5-TAP - PLCC PACKAGE 5-TAP - PLCC PACKAGE 10-TAP FEATURES DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS □ SO and PLCC formats with 50-MIL pin spacing □ Excellent for applications requiring high delay stability, fast rise

    OCR Scan
    SMA1405 SMA2805 SMA2810 10-TAP 50-MIL 100ppm/Â PDF