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    Microchip Technology Inc DSA6101BI2B-002.0480TVAO

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    DigiKey DSA6101BI2B-002.0480TVAO Reel
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    • 10000 -
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    Microchip Technology Inc DSA6101BI2B-002.0480TVAO Reel 8 Weeks
    • 1 $1.15
    • 10 $1.15
    • 100 $0.87
    • 1000 $0.84
    • 10000 $0.83
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    KING TONY 194480TV

    Interchangeable blade; Torx®; TX80
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    TME 194480TV 1
    • 1 $12.22
    • 10 $12.11
    • 100 $12.11
    • 1000 $12.11
    • 10000 $12.11
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    480TV Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: JEITA Package Code T-HBGA480-31x31-1.00 RENESAS Code TRBG0480FA-A Previous Code BT-480T/BT-480TV MASS[Typ.] 4.1g D w S B E w S A x4 v A1 y S A y1 S S ZD e e A AJ AH AG AF AE AD AC AB AA Y W V U T R P N M L K J H G F E D C B A Reference Symbol B Dimension in Millimeters

    T-HBGA480-31x31-1 TRBG0480FA-A BT-480T/BT-480TV 480TV PDF


    Abstract: SUN POSITION SENSOR 2SK523 BA 659 CM500S CXD1267AN ICX084AK 10 gr
    Text: ICX084AK Diagonal 6mm Type 1/3 Progressive Scan CCD Image Sensor with Square Pixel for Color Cameras Description The ICX084AK is a diagonal 6mm (Type 1/3) interline CCD solid-state image sensor with a square pixel array which supports VGA format. Progressive

    ICX084AK ICX084AK 16pin 450mil) 480TVL SUN POSITION SENSOR 2SK523 BA 659 CM500S CXD1267AN 10 gr PDF


    Abstract: CXD1267AN ICX084AK
    Text: ICX084AK Diagonal 6mm Type 1/3 Progressive Scan CCD Image Sensor with Square Pixel for Color Cameras For the availability of this product, please contact the sales office. Description The ICX084AK is a diagonal 6mm (Type 1/3) interline CCD solid-state image sensor with a square

    ICX084AK ICX084AK 16pin 450mil) CM500S CXD1267AN PDF

    Wireless Camera LCD Monitor Receiver/Recorder

    Abstract: transmitter and receiver MINI CAMERA cell phone camera module Audio Communication Using Fiber Optic Cable infrared based security alarm wireless video camera construction LASER based Four ZONE security system optical input to rca output circuit sony ccd image sensor industrial security system with auto dialer
    Text: STRIKEZONE Effective Multilayer Defense St StrikeZone™ enables any facility to integrate all of its security and safety de devices within a single system. StrikeZone provides for true centralized mo monitoring, which results in faster reporting, threat assessment and emerge

    S-MRR-850-T 850nm S-MRR-1300-T 1300nm S-SRR-1300-T S-MRR-850 S-MRR-1300 S-SRR-1300 Wireless Camera LCD Monitor Receiver/Recorder transmitter and receiver MINI CAMERA cell phone camera module Audio Communication Using Fiber Optic Cable infrared based security alarm wireless video camera construction LASER based Four ZONE security system optical input to rca output circuit sony ccd image sensor industrial security system with auto dialer PDF

    3 ccd progressive scan

    Abstract: sm1 5V CM500S CXD1268M ICX074AK 2sk523 CH269
    Text: ICX074AK Diagonal 8mm Type 1/2 Progressive Scan CCD Image Sensor with Square Pixel for Color Video Cameras Description The ICX074AK is a diagonal 8mm (Type 1/2) interline CCD solid-state image sensor with a square pixel array which supports VGA format. Progressive scan allows all pixels signals to be

    ICX074AK ICX074AK 22pin 600mil) 3 ccd progressive scan sm1 5V CM500S CXD1268M 2sk523 CH269 PDF


    Abstract: CM500S CXD1268M ICX074AL
    Text: ICX074AL 1/2-inch Progressive Scan CCD Image Sensor with Square Pixel for EIA B/W Video Cameras Description The ICX074AL is an interline CCD solid-state image sensor suitable for EIA black-and-white video cameras. Progressive scan allows all pixels signals

    ICX074AL ICX074AL 22pin 600mil) 2SK523 CM500S CXD1268M PDF


    Abstract: CXD1267AN ICX084AK
    Text: ICX084AK 1/3-inch Progressive Scan CCD Image Sensor with Square Pixel for Color Cameras Description The ICX084AK is a 1/3-inch interline CCD solidstate image sensor with a square pixel array which supports VGA format. Progressive scan allows all pixels signals to be output independently within

    ICX084AK ICX084AK 16pin 450mil) CM500S CXD1267AN PDF


    Abstract: CXD1268M ICX074AL
    Text: ICX074AL 1/2-inch Progressive Scan CCD Image Sensor with Square Pixel for EIA B/W Video Cameras Description The ICX074AL is an interline CCD solid-state image sensor suitable for EIA black-and-white video cameras. Progressive scan allows all pixels signals

    ICX074AL ICX074AL 22pin 600mil) CM500S CXD1268M PDF


    Abstract: svs 357 Sony ICX414AL ICX414AL 27MHZ Sony ICX414
    Text: ICX414AL 対角8mm(1/2型)EIA準拠正方画素型白黒用全画素読み出し方式固体撮像素子 概 要 ICX414ALは,対角8mm(1/2型)EIA方式準拠の 白黒カメラに適した正方画素配列インタライン型 CCD固体撮像素子です。全画素独立読み出し方式に

    ICX414AL 8mm12EIA ICX414AL8mm12EIA 480TV 54MHz 8mm12 48mmH 15mmV J02115E8Y CXD3400N svs 357 Sony ICX414AL ICX414AL 27MHZ Sony ICX414 PDF

    Sony ICX424Al

    Abstract: ICX424AL sony ICX424 CM500S CXD3400N
    Text: 対角6mm 1/3型 正方画素型白黒用全画素読み出し方式固体撮像素子 ICX424AL 概要・用途 ICX424ALは,対角6mm (1/3型) EIA方式準拠の白黒カメラに適した正方画素配列インタライン型CCD固体撮 像素子です。全画素独立読み出し方式により,約1/60秒で全ての画素の信号を独立に出力することが可能で

    ICX424AL ICX424AL6mm 480TV) 54MHz 16pin J01Z09E88-CR 450mil) Sony ICX424Al ICX424AL sony ICX424 CM500S CXD3400N PDF


    Abstract: CXD1268M ICX074AK
    Text: ICX074AK 1/2-inch Progressive Scan CCD Image Sensor with Square Pixel for Color Video Cameras Description The ICX074AK is a 1/2-inch optical interline CCD solid-state image sensor with a square pixel array which supports VGA format. Progressive scan allows all pixels signals to be output independently

    ICX074AK ICX074AK 22pin 600mil) CM500S CXD1268M PDF


    Abstract: Sony V12A V32B 31pixels ICX098B
    Text: ICX098BL Diagonal 4.5mm Type 1/4 Progressive Scan CCD Image Sensor with Square Pixel for B/W Cameras Description The ICX098BL is a diagonal 4.5mm (Type 1/4) interline CCD solid-state image sensor with a square pixel array which supports VGA format. Progressive

    ICX098BL ICX098BL 400mil) Sony V12A V32B 31pixels ICX098B PDF


    Abstract: V12A V32B
    Text: ICX098AL Diagonal 4.5mm Type 1/4 Progressive Scan CCD Image Sensor with Square Pixel for B/W Cameras Description The ICX098AL is a diagonal 4.5mm (Type 1/4) interline CCD solid-state image sensor with a square pixel array which supports VGA format. Progressive

    ICX098AL ICX098AL 400mil) V12A V32B PDF


    Abstract: V12A V32B
    Text: ICX098AL 1/4-inch Progressive Scan CCD Image Sensor with Square Pixel for B/W Cameras Description The ICX098AL is a 1/4-inch optical interline CCD solid-state image sensor with a square pixel array which supports VGA format. Progressive scan allows all pixels signals to be output independently within

    ICX098AL ICX098AL 400mil) V12A V32B PDF


    Abstract: CXD1267AN ICX084AK
    Text: ICX084AK 1/3-inch Progressive Scan CCD Image Sensor with Square Pixel for Color Cameras Description The ICX084AK is a 1/3-inch interline CCD solidstate image sensor with a square pixel array which supports VGA format. Progressive scan allows all pixels signals to be output independently within

    ICX084AK ICX084AK 16pin 450mil) CM500S CXD1267AN PDF


    Abstract: ACCM485TPX ACM575X ACCM484TPX 480TVL 570TVL ACM574 ccd dsp direct drive auto-iris
    Text: December 2004 ACM574TPX / ACM575X ACCM484TPX / ACCM485TPX High Resolution DSP Colour and Monochrome Systems Camera Range Honeywell Video systems series cameras are the first choice for any video surveillance applications that require exceptional levels of

    ACM574TPX ACM575X ACCM484TPX ACCM485TPX 20-29VAC 50-60Hz SPCMHSYS041203UK ACCM485TPX ACM575X 480TVL 570TVL ACM574 ccd dsp direct drive auto-iris PDF


    Abstract: f1.6 dome camera 480TVL HD3VC4AX CCD Dome Camera
    Text: April 2004 HD3VC4AX / HD3VC4HRX Varifocal Fixed Dome At just 110mm in diameter and 80mm in height, the 3"varifocal fixed domes offer all the performance of a traditional fixed camera with the discretion of a dome. Available in colour with standard or high

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    matrix CCD sony

    Abstract: CM500S CXD1268M ICX074AL
    Text: ICX074AL Diagonal 8mm Type 1/2 Progressive Scan CCD Image Sensor with Square Pixel for EIA B/W Video Cameras For the availability of this product, please contact the sales office. Description The ICX074AL is an interline CCD solid-state image sensor suitable for EIA black-and-white video

    ICX074AL ICX074AL 22pin 600mil) matrix CCD sony CM500S CXD1268M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ICX098AL Diagonal 4.5mm Type 1/4 Progressive Scan CCD Image Sensor with Square Pixel for B/W Cameras Description The ICX098AL is a diagonal 4.5mm (Type 1/4) interline CCD solid-state image sensor with a square pixel array which supports VGA format. Progressive

    ICX098AL ICX098AL AS-D3-01 PDF

    sony image sensor

    Abstract: silicon thermal grease
    Text: ,ONY I_ ICX084AK 1/3-inch Progressive Scan CCD Image Sensor with Square Pixel for Color Cameras Description The ICX084AK is a 1/3-inch interline CCD solidstate image sensor with a square pixel array which supports VGA format. Progressive scan allows all

    OCR Scan
    ICX084AK ICX084AK sony image sensor silicon thermal grease PDF

    V32B c3

    Abstract: Sony ICX098 sony HD image sensor
    Text: SONY ICX098AL 1/4-inch Progressive Scan CCD Image Sensor with Square Pixel for B/W Cameras Description The ICX098AL is a 1/4-inch optical interline CCD solid-state image sensor with a square pixel array which supports VGA tormat. Progressive scan allows all pixels signals to be output independently within

    OCR Scan
    ICX098AL ICX098AL than25 V32B c3 Sony ICX098 sony HD image sensor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SONY ICX074AK 1/2-inch Progressive Scan CCD Image Sensor with Square Pixel for Color Video Cameras Description The ICX074AK is a 1/2-inch optical interline CCD solid-state image sensor with a square pixel array which supports VGA format. Progressive scan allows all pixels signals to be output independently

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: V12A V32B sony HD image sensor
    Text: SONY ICX098BL Diagonal 4.5mm Type 1/4 Progressive Scan CCD Image Sensor with Square Pixel for B/W Cameras Description The ICX098BL is a diagonal 4.5mm (Type 1/4) interline CCD solid-state image sensor with a square pixel array which supports VGA format. Progressive

    OCR Scan
    ICX098BL 10X098BL 400mil) AS-D3-02 ICX098BL V12A V32B sony HD image sensor PDF

    sensor 10 pins sony

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SONY ICX074AL 1/2-inch Progressive Scan CCD Image Sensor with Square Pixel for EIA B/W Video Cameras Description The ICX074AL is an interline CCD solid-state image sensor suitable for EIA black-and-white video cameras. Progressive scan allows all pixels signals

    OCR Scan
    ICX074AL ICX074AL sensor 10 pins sony PDF