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    LT 7223

    Abstract: al229 be512 ICM7223
    Text: ICM7223 4-Digit LCD Clock Circuit with Snooze Alarm FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • 3-1/2 o r 4 digit display w ith AM/RM and alarm flags The ICM7223 is a fully integrated 4-d igit LCD clock circu it w ith 24 hour alarm and 8 minute snooze timer. For high accuracy and low power consum ption a

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    ICM7223 allow7-01 LAD-001 T1001 ICM7223 LT 7223 al229 be512 PDF

    7107 ic

    Abstract: SDAY
    Text: D fflD m IC M 7272 4 -D ig it Duplexed LCD Chronograph W atch C ircuit FEATURES • 4-digit duplexed display with time and day of week, date and chrono flags G ENERA L D E S C R IP T IO N T h e IC M 7 2 7 2 is a fu lly in te g ra te d 4 - d ig it 6 - fu n c tio n L C D

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    47r2f2 7107 ic SDAY PDF