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    Illinois Capacitor Inc 475CKH450M

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    475CKH450M Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: transistor 0882 330 0715 474CKH050M
    Text: CKE/ CKH +105°C General Purpose Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors FEATURES • Lead Free Leads ■ In Stock ■ Standardized Case Sizes ■ Multiple Case Styles SPECIFICATIONS ±20% at 120Hz, 20°C Operating Temperature Range -55°C to 105°C 6.3 to 100WVDC

    120Hz, 100WVDC) 400WVDC) 450WVDC) 18x35 228CKH025M 16x25 228CKE035M 476C transistor 0882 330 0715 474CKH050M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FEATURES Small size - High voltage - General purpose APPLICATIONS Operating Temperature Range Capacitance Tolerance WVDC Surge Voltage SVDC WVDC Dissipation Tan δ Factor Leakage Current Low temperature Stability Impedance Ratio 120 Hz WVDC -25°C to +20°C

    159CKE6R3M 16x35 688CKE016M 16x31 159CKE6R3MQW 688CKE016MQV 16x25 159CKE010M 18x35 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FEATURES Small size - High voltage - General purpose APPLICATIONS Operating Temperature Range Capacitance Tolerance WVDC Surge Voltage SVDC WVDC Dissipation Tan δ Factor Leakage Current Low temperature Stability Impedance Ratio 120 Hz WVDC -25°C to +20°C

    688CKE016MQV 16x25 159CKE6R3M 16x35 688CKE016M 16x31 159CKE010MQY 688CKE025MQY PDF

    ckh capacitor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: +105°C General Purpose Radial Lead Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors CKH/CKE •      Standard case sizes Multiple case sizes Lead free leads -55°C to +105°C 6.3 to 100 WVDC -40°C to +105°C (160 to 400 WVDC) -25°C to +105°C (450 WVDC)

    159CKE6R3M 16x35 228CKH016M 159CKE010MQY 228CKE025M 159CKE010M 18x35 228CKH025M 16x25 ckh capacitor PDF


    Abstract: 475CKH050M 227CKH035M 108CKH010M 226ckh063m 476CKH050M 106CKH450M 475CKH160M 107CKH100M 105CKH100M
    Text: Electrolytic Capacitors + 105°C Standard Radial Lead Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors CKH For all long life general purpose applications FEATURES • Standard size ■ Wide capacitance range: 0.1 µF to 15000 µF ■ Wide voltage range: 6.3 WVDC to 450 WVDC

    120Hz, 18x31 159CKH6R3M 18x35 143-1140 475CKH050M 227CKH035M 108CKH010M 226ckh063m 476CKH050M 106CKH450M 475CKH160M 107CKH100M 105CKH100M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: +105°C General Purpose Radial Lead Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors CKH/CKE •      Standard case sizes Multiple case sizes Lead free leads -55°C to +105°C 6.3 to 100 WVDC -40°C to +105°C (160 to 400 WVDC) -25°C to +105°C (450 WVDC)

    16x31 159CKE6R3M 16x35 688CKE016MQV 16x25 159CKE010M 18x35 688CKE025MQY 159CKE010MQY PDF


    Abstract: 475CKH160M 106CKH050M 107CKH050M 336CKH035M 335CKH100M 476CKH250M 106CKH160M 105CKH100M 1500-50
    Text: +105°C Standard Radial Lead Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors CKH For all long life general purpose applications FEATURES • Standard size ■ Wide capacitance range: 0.1 µF to 15,000 µF ■ Wide voltage range: 6.3 WVDC to 450 WVDC ■ Solvent tolerant end seals standard ≤ 250 WVDC

    120Hz, 159CKH6R3M 18x35 476CKH050M 475CKH160M 106CKH050M 107CKH050M 336CKH035M 335CKH100M 476CKH250M 106CKH160M 105CKH100M 1500-50 PDF

    capacitor 4700 uf 25v

    Abstract: 9374 474CKH100M 474CKH250M capacitor 1000uF 25v 10x16
    Text: +105°C General Purpose Radial Lead Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors CKH/CKE •      Standard case sizes Multiple case sizes Lead free leads -55°C to +105°C 6.3 to 100 WVDC -40°C to +105°C (160 to 400 WVDC) -25°C to +105°C (450 WVDC)

    159CKE6R3M 16x35 228CKH016M 159CKE010MQY 228CKE025M 159CKE010M 18x35 228CKH025M 16x25 capacitor 4700 uf 25v 9374 474CKH100M 474CKH250M capacitor 1000uF 25v 10x16 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FEATURES Small size - High voltage - General purpose APPLICATIONS Operating Temperature Range Capacitance Tolerance WVDC Surge Voltage SVDC WVDC Dissipation Tan δ Factor Leakage Current Low temperature Stability Impedance Ratio 120 Hz WVDC -25°C to +20°C

    688CKE016M 16x31 159CKE6R3MQW 688CKE016MQV 16x25 159CKE010MQY 16x35 688CKE025MQY PDF


    Abstract: 475CKH450M
    Text: +105°C Standard Radial Lead Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors CKH For all long life general purpose applications FEATURES • Standard size ■ Wide capacitance range: 0.1 µF to 15,000 µF ■ Wide voltage range: 6.3 WVDC to 450 WVDC ■ Solvent tolerant end seals standard ≤ 250 WVDC

    120Hz, 120Hz -40/3M 16x25 16x31 18x35 335CKH350M 475CKH450M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FEATURES Small size - High voltage - General purpose APPLICATIONS Operating Temperature Range Capacitance Tolerance WVDC Surge Voltage SVDC WVDC Dissipation Tan δ Factor Leakage Current Low temperature Stability Impedance Ratio 120 Hz WVDC -25°C to +20°C

    688CKE016MQV 16x25 159CKE6R3MQW 16x31 688CKE016M 159CKE010M 18x35 688CKE025M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FEATURES Small size - High voltage - General purpose APPLICATIONS Operating Temperature Range Capacitance Tolerance WVDC Surge Voltage SVDC WVDC Dissipation Tan δ Factor Leakage Current Low temperature Stability Impedance Ratio 120 Hz WVDC -25°C to +20°C

    688CKE016MQV 16x25 159CKE6R3M 16x35 688CKE016M 16x31 159CKE010MQY 688CKE025MQY PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: +105°C General Purpose Radial Lead Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors CKH/CKE •      Standard case sizes Multiple case sizes Lead free leads -55°C to +105°C 6.3 to 100 WVDC -40°C to +105°C (160 to 400 WVDC) -25°C to +105°C (450 WVDC)

    16x31 159CKE6R3M 16x35 688CKE016MQV 16x25 159CKE010M 18x35 688CKE025MQY 159CKE010MQY PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: +105°C General Purpose Radial Lead Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors CKH/CKE •      Standard case sizes Multiple case sizes Lead free leads -55°C to +105°C 6.3 to 100 WVDC -40°C to +105°C (160 to 400 WVDC) -25°C to +105°C (450 WVDC)

    159CKE6R3M 16x35 109CKE6R3M 16x25 159CKE010MQY 109CKH6R3M 16x31 159CKE010M 18x35 337CKE050M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CKH/CKE +105°C General Purpose Radial Lead Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Features •  Standard case sizes Multiple case sizes  Lead free leads   Filtering De-coupling Applications   Bypass Coupling Specifications Operating Temperature

    159CKE6R3M 16x35 688CKE016M 16x31 159CKE6R3MQW 688CKE016MQV 16x25 159CKE010M 18x35 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CKH/CKE +105°C General Purpose Radial Lead Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Features •  Standard case sizes Multiple case sizes  Lead free leads   Filtering De-coupling Applications   Bypass Coupling Specifications Operating Temperature

    16x31 159CKE6R3M 16x35 688CKE016MQV 16x25 159CKE010M 18x35 688CKE025MQY 159CKE010MQY PDF


    Abstract: 474CKH100M 474CKH250M 109CKE025M 226CKH050M
    Text: +105°C General Purpose Radial Lead Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors CKH/CKE •      Standard case sizes Multiple case sizes Lead free leads -55°C to +105°C 6.3 to 100 WVDC -40°C to +105°C (160 to 400 WVDC) -25°C to +105°C (450 WVDC)

    159CKE6R3M 16x35 228CKH016M 159CKE010MQY 228CKE025M 159CKE010M 18x35 228CKH025M 16x25 9374 474CKH100M 474CKH250M 109CKE025M 226CKH050M PDF

    ln electrolytic capacitors

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CKH 1 ^ 10 5 S ta n d a rd Radial Lead Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors F o r al l l o n g l i f e g e n e r a l p u r p o s e a p p l i c a t i o n s FEATURES • Standard size ■ Wide capacitance range: 0.1 y F ■ Wide voltage range: 6.3 WVDC to 450 WVDC

    OCR Scan
    250WVDC) 50-100K QDD2143 ln electrolytic capacitors PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: +105°C Standard Radial Lead Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors F o r a l l l o n g l i fe g e n e r a l p u r p o s e a p p l i c a t i o n s Standard size Wide capacitance range: 0.1 pF to 15,000 pF Wide voltage range: 6.3 WVDC to 450 WVDC Solvent tolerant end seals standard < 250 WVDC

    OCR Scan
    120Hz, 18x35 PDF