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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: % M icro Linear October 1996 ML4761 Adjustable Output Low Voltage Boost Regulator GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML4761 is a boost regulator designed for DC to DC conversion in 1 to 3 cell battery powered systems. The combination of BiCM OS process technology, internal

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    ML4761 1OOnf PDF

    t 3866 transistor equivalent transistor

    Abstract: ML4868E lt 7245
    Text: December 1994 PRELIMINARY % ,M ic r o L in e a r ML4868 High Frequency, Low Voltage Boost Regulator GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML4868 is a high frequency boost regulator designed for DC to DC conversion in 2 to 3 cell battery powered systems. The maximum switching frequency can exceed

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    ML4868 ML4868 150kHz, ML4868CS-3 ML4868CS-5 ML4868ES-3 ML4868ES-5 L4868IS-3 L4868IS-5 t 3866 transistor equivalent transistor ML4868E lt 7245 PDF


    Abstract: MSM65354 QFP100-P-1420-BK4 OLMS65K P2390
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM65354/65353A OLMS-65K Series CMOS 8-Bit Microcontroller GENERAL DESCRIPTION T he M S M 65354/M S M 65353A is a h ig h p erform an ce 8-bit m icrocontroller that e m p lo y s OKI origin al C P U core nX -8/50. The MSM65354 contains 24K-byte program m em ory, 640-byte data

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    MSM65354/65353A OLMS-65K MSM65354/MSM65353A nX-8/50. MSM65354 24K-byte 640byte MSM65353A 16K-byte 384-byte QFP100-P-1420-BK4 OLMS65K P2390 PDF

    4046 analog IC

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: October 1996 % M i c r o Linear ML4861 Low Voltage Boost Regulator GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML4861 is a boost regulator designed for DC to DC conversion in 1 to 3 cell battery powered systems. The combination of BiCMOS process technology, internal

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    ML4861 4046 analog IC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: : j *fi 1^0039; Rev 0; 10/92 High-Speed, 6A Single MOSFET Drivers A 40ns delay time and a 25ns rise or fall tim e while driving 2500pF to 18V m inim ize power losses during MOSFET sw itching transitions. The MAX4420/MAX4429/MXT429 interface easily with

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    2500pF MAX4420/MAX4429/MXT429 MAX442CVMAX4429, MXT429. 10jxA) MAX4420/MAX4429) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor M SM 65354/65353A OLMS-65K Series CM OS 8-Bit Microcontroller GENERAL DESCRIPTION T he M S M 65354/M S M 65353A is a h ig h p erform an ce 8-bit m icrocontroller that e m p lo y s OKI origin al C P U core nX -8/50. The MSM65354 contains 24K-byte program m em ory, 640-byte data

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    65354/65353A OLMS-65K 65354/M 5353A MSM65354 24K-byte 640-byte MSM65353A 16K-byte 384-byte PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: October 1996 % M i c r o Linear ML4961 Adjustable Output Low Voltage Boost Regulator with Detect GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML4961 is a boost regulator designed for DC to DC conversion in 1 to 3 cell battery powered systems. The combination of BiCMOS process technology, internal

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    ML4961 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SGS-IHOMSON M28F410, F420 M28V410, V420 ¡y CMOS 4 Megabit x8 or x16, 7 Block Erase FLASH MEMORY ADVA N CE DATA • SMALL SIZE TSOP56 and S044 PLASTIC PACKAGES - Normal and Reverse Pinout for TSOP ver­ sion ■ DUAL x8 and x16 ORGANISATION ■ MEMORY ERASE in BLOCKS

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    M28F410, M28V410, TSOP56 M28F410 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product spécification Philip* Semiconductors 3V zero power, TotalCMOS , universal PLD device P3Z22V10 FEATURES • Programmable output polarity • Industry’s first TotalCMOS™ 22V10 - both CMOS design and process technologies • Synchronous preset/asynchronous reset capability

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    P3Z22V10 22V10 45jiA 22V10s 24-pin 28-pin PDF