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    Abstract: cxa1337 cx-7925b sony frequency synthesizer pll ILX501 lhi 778 cn/A/U 237 BG CXD1149 Semicon volume 1 IU02 icx024
    Text: Semiconductor IC Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Data Book 1992 List of Model Names/ Index by Usage Description CCD Image Sensor Color CCD Image Sensor (Black/White) CCD Image Sensor System Scanning System IC for Video Camera Signal Processing IC for Video

    DE91Z22-HP CXD1255Q cxa1337 cx-7925b sony frequency synthesizer pll ILX501 lhi 778 cn/A/U 237 BG CXD1149 Semicon volume 1 IU02 icx024 PDF


    Abstract: Monostable multivibrator 74121 74121 ttl function table TTL 74121 pin configuration of 74121 74121 equivalent 74121 SIGNETICS 853051 N74121
    Text: 74121 Signetics Multivibrator Monostable Multivibrator Product Specification Logic Products FEATURES • Very good pulse width stability • Virtually immune to temperature and voltage variations • Schmitt trigger input for slow input transitions • internal timing resistor provided

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    N74121 1N916, 1N3064, 500ns 500ns 74121 Monostable multivibrator 74121 74121 ttl function table TTL 74121 pin configuration of 74121 74121 equivalent 74121 SIGNETICS 853051 PDF

    L6561 equivalent

    Abstract: ETD 41 035 L6561D litz wire 38 awg L6561 L6561 AN L6561D equivalent orega core THOMSON-CSF B1ET2910A thomson-csf B1ET2910A

    OCR Scan
    L6561 400mA L6561 L6560 L6561 equivalent ETD 41 035 L6561D litz wire 38 awg L6561 AN L6561D equivalent orega core THOMSON-CSF B1ET2910A thomson-csf B1ET2910A PDF


    Abstract: capacitors smg United SMG
    Text: Miniature Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors SMG • • • 85°C SIZE; SM E -» SMG Load life 2,000 hours at 85°C. Operating temperature range, -40 to 85°C. Solvent proof type except 350-450V products, see page 6. CHARACTERISTICS Item Characteristics Operating temperature

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    50-450V 120Hz) 40jiA 100nA 2200MHz 120Hz 300Hz CAPACITORS CHEMICON SM capacitors smg United SMG PDF

    8 pin ic 3773

    Abstract: thyristor scr
    Text: U-158 UNITRODE CORPORATION THE UC3910 COMBINES PROGRAMMABILITY, ACCURACY AND INTEGRATED FUNCTIONS TO CONTROL AND MONITOR HIGH END PROCESSOR POWiR SUPPLIES by Larry Spaziarli ABSTRACT /4s high performance processors continue to develop, their respective power supply requirements become

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    U-158 UC3910 200kHz/10) 1170pF 1200pF 20kHz. 8 pin ic 3773 thyristor scr PDF

    TEXTOOL zif socket

    Abstract: MS-012-AB 74ALS 74ALS74A ALS74A N74ALS74AD N74ALS74AN SOL-24
    Text: Signetics 74ALS74A FLIP-FLOP 74ALS74A Dual D-Type Flip-Flops with Set and Reset Product Specification ALS Products DESCRIPTION T h e 'A LS 74A is a dual edge-triggered D type flip-flop featuring individual data, Set and R es e t inputs, with_true and com ple­

    OCR Scan
    74ALS74A 74ALS74A ALS74A MS-012-AB 5M-1982. eounterdock-22) TEXTOOL zif socket 74ALS N74ALS74AD N74ALS74AN SOL-24 PDF

    8002 1011 amplifier

    Abstract: Power AMPLIFIER 6012 AM6012F OBG analog Philips OR Mullard CRT FOR OSCILLOSCOPES AM6012 AM6012D HTL LOGIC
    Text: Product specification Philip« Semiconductors Linear Products 12-Bit multiplying D/A converter AM6012 PIN CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION The AM6012 12-bit multiplying Digital-to-Analog converter provides high-speed and 0.025% differential nonlinearity over its full

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    12-Bit AM6012 AM6012 peak-to-200 NE529 383ns 705ns 8002 1011 amplifier Power AMPLIFIER 6012 AM6012F OBG analog Philips OR Mullard CRT FOR OSCILLOSCOPES AM6012D HTL LOGIC PDF

    jis z 0237

    Abstract: transformer less power supply 12 volt 3A cs615j
    Text: CS6158A A Cirrus Logic Company T1/E1 Line Interface Features • Provides Analog Transmission Line Interface for T1 and E1 Applications • Provides Line Driver, and Clock and Data Recovery Functions • Internal Generation of Transmitted Pulse Width and Pulse Shape

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    CS6158A CS6158A-IP1 CS6158A-IL1 CS6158A 28-pin DS40DB3 jis z 0237 transformer less power supply 12 volt 3A cs615j PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

    OCR Scan
    TDA4950 TDA4950 DD5fl44b PDF


    Abstract: F245 N74F640D N74F640N 239LA bo33b 239L
    Text: Philips Semiconducton-Signotics Document No. B53-0381 ECN No. 98171 Date of issue November 27,1989 Status Product Specification FAST 74F640 Transceiver Octal Bus Transceiver, Inverting 3-State FAST Products FEATURES • Hlgh-impedance NPN base inputs for reduced loading (70|iA in High

    OCR Scan
    B53-0381 74F640 500ns F245 N74F640D N74F640N 239LA bo33b 239L PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0147; Rev. 0; 6/93 M icroprocessor and N on-Volatile M em ory Supervisory C ircuits 1 nP reset: Assertion of RESET and RESET outputs dur­ ing power-up, power-down, and brownout conditions. RESET is guaranteed valid for Vcc down to 1V. 2) Manual-reset input.

    OCR Scan
    120mV 200ms MAX820 981mm) 778mm) AX792/MAXQ20 PDF

    pin diagram of 74160

    Abstract: 74160 function table pin diagram of 74163 74160 pin 74163 pin configuration 74ls161 counter pin configuration 74160 logic diagram of 74160 logic diagram 74160 74160 counter
    Text: Signetics 74160, 74161, 74163, LS160A, LS161A, LS162A, LS163A Counters '160, '162 BCD Decade Counter '161, '163 4-Bit Binary Counter Logic Products Product Specification FEATURES • Synchronous counting and loading • Two Count Enable inputs for nbit cascading

    OCR Scan
    LS160A, LS161A, LS162A, LS163A 74LS160A, 74LS162A) 74LS161 74LS163A) 54ls/74ls pin diagram of 74160 74160 function table pin diagram of 74163 74160 pin 74163 pin configuration 74ls161 counter pin configuration 74160 logic diagram of 74160 logic diagram 74160 74160 counter PDF

    Philips NME

    Abstract: 80C51 PCB80C851P PCB83C851P
    Text: Philips Components-Signetics Document No. 853-1466 ECN No. 000324 Date of Issue September 6, 1990 Status Product Specification 80C851/83C851 CMOS single-chip 8-bit microcontroller with on-chip EEPROM Application Specific Product PIN CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION

    OCR Scan
    80C851/83C851 80C851/83C851 80C51. 100mV 10Qr-iV -20rnA. Philips NME 80C51 PCB80C851P PCB83C851P PDF


    Abstract: PCF80C552-5-16WP 80C51 80C552 83C552 87C552 8XC552 TNR 7y pcf83c552-5wp PCB80C552-5-24WP
    Text: Philips Sem iconductors M icrocontroller Products Product specification Single-chip 8-bit microcontroller 80C552/83C552 Single-chip 8-bit microcontroller with 10-bit A/D, capture/compare timer, high-speed outputs, PWM D ESCRIPTIO N PIN C O N FIG U RA TIO N S

    OCR Scan
    80C552/83C552 10-bit 80C552/83C552 8XC552) 80C51 8XC552 80C51. 33C552â 80C552â 83C552 PCB80C552-5-16WP PCF80C552-5-16WP 80C552 83C552 87C552 TNR 7y pcf83c552-5wp PCB80C552-5-24WP PDF

    74150 multiplexer

    Abstract: pin diagram of 74150 Multiplexer 74150 TTL 74150 74150 PIN DIAGRAM
    Text: Signetìcs 74150 Multiplexer 16-Input Multiplexer Product Specification Logic Products FEATURES • Select data from 16 sources • Dem ultiplexing capability • Active-LOW enable o r strobe • Inverting data o utput TYPE TYPICAL PROPAGATION DELAY TYPICAL SUPPLY CURRENT

    OCR Scan
    16-Input N74150N 16-position WP06450S 1N916, 1N3064, 500ns 500ns 74150 multiplexer pin diagram of 74150 Multiplexer 74150 TTL 74150 74150 PIN DIAGRAM PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors-Signetics FA ST Products Product specification Shift Register FAST 74F195, 74F195A 4-Bit Parallel-Access Shift Register FEATURES • High-impedance NPN base inputs for reduced loading 20nA in Low and High states ('F195 only) • Shift right and parallel load capability

    OCR Scan
    74F195, 74F195A F195A 74F195 115MHz 180MHz N74F195N N74F195D N74F195AN fl232 PDF


    Abstract: ic 2713 4wire telephone 2950Hz
    Text: SSI 78A400/420 MmMknts' DESCRIPTION Four-Wire LoopbackIC June, 1989 FEATURES The SSI 78A400 is a low-power CMOS integrated circuit that provides the 2713 and 2913 Hz detector and control circuitry needed to perform remote loopback testing on 4-wire telephone lines. As the major func­

    OCR Scan
    78A400/420 78A400 78A420 16-PIN 18-PIN 22-PIN A2713 ic 2713 4wire telephone 2950Hz PDF


    Abstract: da yao electronic 74F240 74F240A 74F241 74F241A N74F240AN N74F240N n74f240 BKA marking code
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors-Signetics FAST Products 74F240/74F240A 74F241 /74F241A Buffers 74F240/240A Octal inverter buffer 3-state 74F241/241A Octal buffer (3-state) FEATURES TYPE TYPICAL PROPAGATION DELAY TYPICAL SUPPLY CURRENT (TOTAL)

    OCR Scan
    74F240/74F240A 74F241 /74F241A 74F240/240A 74F241/241A 74F240A/74F241 74F241A 74F240A 100nA, 74LS245N da yao electronic 74F240 N74F240AN N74F240N n74f240 BKA marking code PDF


    Abstract: 80C32E 80C52E LCC44 MCS-51 YF02 AR7502
    Text: european space agency agence spatiale européenne Pages 1 to 75 INTEGRATED CIRCUITS, SILICON MONOLITHIC, CMOS 8-BIT MICRO-CONTROLLER, BASED ON TYPES 80C32E AND 80C52E ESA/SCC Detail Specification No. 9521/002 space components coordination group ESA/SCC Detail Specification

    OCR Scan
    80C32E 80C52E mhs80c32 LCC44 MCS-51 YF02 AR7502 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM66P54-01702/03/04 MSM6650 family 1 Mbit OTP Built-in Speech Synthesis LSI G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N The MSM66P54 is a single-chip CMOS speech synthesis LSI that has an on-chip OTP One Time PROM for speech data storage. This LSI is the OTP version for on-chip mask ROMs from the

    OCR Scan
    MSM66P54-01702/03/04 MSM6650 MSM66P54 MSM6652 MSM6656. 12bit 40dB/oct AR76-202. B72L PDF


    Abstract: 2316 rom
    Text: KS0068 16COM/6QSEG DRIVER & CO N TRO LLER FOR DOT MATRIX LCD INTRODUCTION 100QFP The KS0068 is a dot matrix LC D driver & controller LSI which is fabricated by low power C M O S technology. FUNCTION • Character type dot matrix LC D driver & controller • Internal driver: 16 common and 60 segment signal output.

    OCR Scan
    KS0068 16COM/6QSEG 100QFP KS0068 32kinds KS0068B-00; KS0068-00 2316 rom PDF

    Burr Brown 3510am

    Abstract: ner eN8 capacitor 3421J A5 GNC mosfet OPA103 OPA104 TF 6221 HEN LED display LOG100 3510CM Burr Brown OPA Application Reference
    Text: BURR-BROWN Internatlenal Airport Industrial Park - P.0. Box 11400 - Tucson. Arizona B5734 Tel [602 746-1111 - TW X: 910-952-1111 - Cable: BBRCORP - Telex: 66-6491 PR O D U C T DATA BOOK The information in this publication has been carefully checked and is believed to be reliable; however, no responsibility is assumed for

    OCR Scan
    B5734 305/395-61C8 Burr Brown 3510am ner eN8 capacitor 3421J A5 GNC mosfet OPA103 OPA104 TF 6221 HEN LED display LOG100 3510CM Burr Brown OPA Application Reference PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a WY128K72V-XG5X WHITE /MICROELECTRONICS 128Kx72 Synchronous Flow Through SRAM MODULE advanced* FEATURES • Fast A cc e ss Tim e s of 10 and 11ns ■ Flo w th ro u g h Data Bus ■ Fast OE A cce s s T im e of 5ns ■ C o m m e rc ial, Industrial and M i l i t a r y T e m p e r a tu re Ranges

    OCR Scan
    WY128K72V-XG5X 128Kx72 Pin8K72V-XG5X 128KX72 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DPS1MS8AA3 Dense-Pac Microsystems, Inc. H IG H SPEED C ER A M IC 1024K X 8 BU FFER ED /D EC O D ED C M O S SR A M M O D U LE O ADVANCED INFORMATION DESCRIPTION: The DPS1MS8AA3 "DENSE-STACK" module is a revolutionary new high speed memory subsystem using Dense-Pac Microsystems' ceramic

    OCR Scan
    1024K -I/07A, -I/07B 1/04A I/05B* I/06B* I/03A I/06A I/07B» 30A040-11 104A1 PDF