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    402GAL066HDS Search Results

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    402GAL066HDS Price and Stock


    Igbt Module, Single, 600V, 502A; Continuous Collector Current:502A; Collector Emitter Saturation Voltage:1.45V; Power Dissipation:-; Operating Temperature Max:125°C; Igbt Termination:Press Fit; Collector Emitter Voltage Max:600V Rohs Compliant: Yes |Semikron SEMIX402GAL066HDS
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Newark SEMIX402GAL066HDS Bulk 6
    • 1 -
    • 10 $104.62
    • 100 $95.65
    • 1000 $95.65
    • 10000 $95.65
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    SEMIKRON SEMIX402GAL066HDS 27891104

    Module: IGBT; diode/transistor; boost chopper,thermistor; screw
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    TME SEMIX402GAL066HDS 27891104 5 1
    • 1 $102.59
    • 10 $92.33
    • 100 $92.33
    • 1000 $92.33
    • 10000 $92.33
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    402GAL066HDS Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: semix igbt GAL 402GAL066HD
    Text: SEMiX 402GB066HDs Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Conditions IGBT  $ $ $#! 4 -6     SEMiX 2s   ' :. 6 -  &(. )   '( :. )6 -  &>( )   &  Values Units 1. ;<. 5;. (5. ;&. :. ? '. 8 ;. * @ &>( &'(  = = =

    402GB066HDs 402GAL066HDs 402GAR066HDs 402GB066HDS semix igbt GAL 402GAL066HD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SEMiX 402GB066HDs Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Conditions IGBT  -  '  $ -  &5( ) $#!   '()2       % 4.  (6. 7   8. ) 9. 7 8. 7 : '.  -  &(. ) 4 >   '( ) 9&( 7   8. ) 6. 7 8. 7 &8. 7 4. 7 1 9. * @ &5(

    402GB066HDs 402GAL066HDs 402GAR066HDs PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SEMiX 402GB066HDs Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Conditions IGBT  -  '  $ -  &5( ) $#!   '()2       % 4.  (6. 7   8. ) 9. 7 8. 7 : '.  -  &(. ) 4 >   '( ) 9&( 7   8. ) 6. 7 8. 7 &8. 7 4. 7 1 9. * @ &5(

    402GB066HDs 402GAL066HDs 402GAR066HDs 402GB066HDS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SEMiX 402GB066HDs power semiconductor power electronics igbt bridge rectifier diode thyristor cib rectifier ipm driver inverter converter thyristor module gleichrichter Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Conditions IGBT  -  '  $ -  &5( ) $#!   '()2

    402GB066HDs 402GB066HDs 402GAL066HDs 402GAR066HDs PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SEMiX 402GB066HDs Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Conditions IGBT  -  '  $ -  &5( ) $#!   '()2       % 4.  67. 8   9. ) :6. 8 9. 8 ; '.  -  &(. ) 4 ?   '( ) 6'. 8   9. ) :&. 8 9. 8 &9. 8 4. 8 1 6. * A &5( &'(

    402GB066HDs 402GB066HDs 402GAL066HDs 402GAR066HDs 402GAR066HD PDF


    Abstract: SEMIX 402GB066HDS 402GB066HD 402GB066HDS
    Text: SEMiX 402GB066HDs Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Conditions IGBT  -  '  $ -  &5( ) $#!   '()2       % 4.  (.( 6   7. ) 87. 6 7. 6 9 '.  -  &(. ) 4 =   '( ) (?. 6   7. ) 8@( 6 7. 6 &7. 6 4. 6 1 ?. * A &5(

    402GB066HDs 402GAL066HDs 402GAR066HDs 02GB066HDs 402GAR066HDs SEMIX 402GB066HDS 402GB066HD 402GB066HDS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SEMiX 402GB066HDs Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Conditions IGBT  -  '  $ -  &5( ) $#!   '()2       % 4.  (.( 6   7. ) 87. 6 7. 6 9 '.  -  &(. ) 4 =   '( ) (?. 6   7. ) 8@( 6 7. 6 &7. 6 4. 6 1 ?. * A &5(

    402GB066HDs 402GAL066HDs 402GAR066HDs PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SEMiX 402GB066HDs Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Conditions IGBT  -  '  $ -  &5( ) $#!   '()2       % 4.  (.( 6   7. ) 87. 6 7. 6 9 '.  -  &(. ) 4 =   '( ) (?. 6   7. ) 8@( 6 7. 6 &7. 6 4. 6 1 ?. * A &5(

    402GB066HDs 402GAL066HDs 402GAR066HDs PDF