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    38S0110 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: ipad data sheet MSM38S0000 MSM98S MSM98S000
    Text: DATA SHEET O K I A S I C P R O D U C T S 0.8µm Mixed 3-V/5-V MSM38S0000 Sea of Gates and MSM98S000 Customer Structured Arrays February 1995 TRADEMARKS AIX, DOS, PC, and Windows are trademarks, and IBM is a registered trademark of IBM Corporation Apollo, Domain, and DomainOS are trademarks of Apollo Computer, a subsidiary of Hewlett-Packard

    MSM38S0000 MSM98S000 1-800-OKI-6388 38S02 ipad data sheet MSM98S PDF


    Abstract: MSM38S0000 786F
    Text: J2N0008-38-81 ¡ 電子デバイス 作成:1998年 8月 MSM38S0000 l 前回作成:1996年10月 MSM38S0000ファミリ 0.8mm CMOS ゲートアレイ n 概要 )タ

    J2N0008-38-81 MSM38S0000 MSM38S0000 MSM38S00000 28nsVDD5V0 49nsVDD3 3k50kW50kWVDD5V 6k100kW100kWVDD3 8/12/16/24/48mAVDD5V1/2/4/6/8/12/24mAVDD3 40MHz 38S02 786F PDF


    Abstract: MSM98S MSM98S000 MSM OKI
    Text: DATA SHEET O K I A S I C P R O D U C T S MSM38S Sea of Gates and MSM98S Customer Structured Arrays 0.8µm Mixed 3-V/5-V July 2001 • ■ –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

    MSM38S MSM98S MSM38S/98S 38S02 MSM98S000 MSM OKI PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM38S0000/MSM98S000 0.8|im Mixed 3-V/5-V Sea of Gates and Customer Structured Arrays DESCRIPTION OKI's 0.8 tm ASIC products, specially designed for mixed 3-V /5-V applications, are now available in both Sea Of Gates (SOG and Customer Structured Array (CSA) architectures. Both the SOG-based MSM38S

    OCR Scan
    MSM38S0000/MSM98S000 MSM38S MSM98S 16-Mbit 38S/98S 44x44 35x35 28x28 33x33 38x38 PDF

    MH 74151

    Abstract: Cxt01 38S02 74151 data sheet 74151 pin configuration bel 188 transistor MSM98S 065x0
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM38S0000/MSM98S000 0.8|im Mixed 3-V/5-V Sea of Gates and Customer Structured Arrays D E S C R IP TIO N OKI's 0.8 im ASIC products, specially designed for mixed 3-V /5-V applications, are now available in both Sea Of Gates (SOG and Customer Structured Array (CSA) architectures. Both the SOG-based MSM38S

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    MSM38S0000/MSM98S000 MSM38S MSM98S 16-Mbit MSM38S/98S 068x068 071x071 074x074 077x077 080x080 MH 74151 Cxt01 38S02 74151 data sheet 74151 pin configuration bel 188 transistor 065x0 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ASICs A SIC P a c k a g i n g O p t i o n s M S M 1 0 S , M S M 3 8 S , M S M 9 1 S and M SM 98S Q FP PLCC TQ FP CPGA 44 60 64 80 100 128 136 144 160 176 208 240 272 304 44 64 80 100 144 44 68 B4 72 8B 132 176 208 401 0.8 10 0.8 0.8 0.65 0.8 0.65 0 65 0.65

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    10S0G 10S0210 10S0570 10S0980 10S1500 10S2250 38S0110 38S0210 38S0300 38S0570 CPGA132 PDF