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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 6EC PLESSEY SENICONDS 43E D m 37b0522 D013blS 1 B P L S B GEC P L ES S EY ISEMICONDUCTORS I SP8690 200MHz + 10/11 SP8691 200MHz + 8/9 The SP8690 and SP8691 are low power ECL counters with both ECL 10K and TTL com patible outputs. They divide by the lower division ratio when either control input is in the

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    37b0522 D013blS SP8690 200MHz SP8691 SP8690/1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GEC PLESSEY SEMICONDS 37b0522 0014220 S « P L S B 43E D GEC PLESSEY [s e m i c o n d u c t o r s ^ - 7 1 . 0 -7 . 0 - 7 ^ PRELIMINARY INFORMATION MV1733 MAC SOUND CIRCUIT The MV1733 is the sound circuit for the Nordic VLSI C/D/D2 MAC Packet receiver chipset.

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    37b0522 MV1733 MV1733 MV1720 50ppm -150ppm 30ppm V1733 PDF

    SL521 Plessey

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GEC PLESSEY SEMICONDS 43E I> • 37b0522 QG133bl 7 ■ PLSB GEC PLESSEY ' S E M IC O N D U CT O R S T -1 3 ,-4 3 SL521 140MHz WIDEBAND LOG AMPLIFIER The S l 521A, B and C are b ip o la r m o n o lith ic integrated c irc u it w id e b an d am plifiers, intended p rim a rily fo r use in

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    37b0522 QG133bl SL521 140MHz 10MHz 100MHz. SL521 TheSL521 10MHz) SL521 Plessey PDF


    Abstract: IR 1838 3v with 3 pins
    Text: S i GEC P L E S S E Y s i; M i c o n i i c; r o DECEMBER 1996 r s DS4375-2.0 CLA90000 SERIES HIGH DENSITY CMOS GATE ARRAYS INTRODUCTION BENEFITS The CLA90000 family of gate arrays from GEC Plessey Semiconductors GPS) consists of 14 fixed-size arrays with

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    DS4375-2 CLA90000 144-ACB-4040 208-ACB-4545 209-ACB-4545 84-ACB-2828 P2QFP100-GH-1420 IR 1838 3v with 3 pins PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Si GEC P I E S S E Y SE M I CO N D U CT O RS DS3578-2 4 MA2910 RADIATION HARD MICROPROGRAM CONTROLLER The industry standard MA2910 Microprogram Controller forms part of the MA2900 family of devices. Offering a building block approach to microcomputer and controller design, each device in the range is expandable

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    DS3578-2 MA2910 MA2910 MA2900 Cobalt-60 Mil-Std-883 1x10s 1x101 GS010% PDF

    bfp 11A diode

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Si GEC PLESSEY S I M I t O N I L C T O H S P D S P 1 6 1 1 6 /A 16 BY 16 BIT COMPLEX MULTIPLIER Supersedes version October 1995 verison, DS3707 - 3.0) The PQSP16116A will multiply two complex (1 6 + 1 6 ) bit words every 50ns and can be configured to output the

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    DS3707 PQSP16116A PDSP16116/A PDSP16318, PDSP16116A 10MHz PDSP16116MC bfp 11A diode PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: w t GEC P LESS EY S I M I C O N I I I O K S P1480 LAN CAM 1KX64-BIT CMOS CONTENT-ADDRESSABLE MEMORY (SUPERSEDES SEPTEMBER 1993 EDITIO N The P1480 LAN CAM is a 1K X 64-bit fixed-width CMOS Content-addressable Memory (CAM) aimed at address filtering applications in Local-area Network (LAN) bridges

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    P1480 1KX64-BIT P1480 64-bit 37bflS22 37b6S22 28-LEAD 52-LEAD 37bfiS22 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GEC PLESSEY k? A » S• t PRELIMINARY INFORMATION M l C O N D U C T «O* JR ij-S -» D.S. 3906 1.3 VP87A8 32MHz 8-BIT ANALOG VIDEO INPUT INTERFACE The VP87A8 is an analog input interface dessigned for video signal conditioning and digitisation. Operating from a single +5V supply, the VP87A8 includes

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    VP87A8 32MHz VP87A8 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ag GEC PLESSEY MAY1995 P R E L IM IN A R Y IN F O R M A T IO N S E M I C O N D U C T O R S DS402S- 1.7 VP531 NTSC/PAL DIGITAL VIDEO ENCODER The VP531 converts digital Y, Cr, Cb, data into analog NTSC/PAL composite video and S-video signals The outputs are capable of driving doubly terminated 75 ohm

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    DS402S- VP531 VP531 27MHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: an GEC PLESSEY JANUARY 1997 S E M I C O N D U C T O R S DS3112-3.0 P1480 LAN CAM 1kx64-BIT CMOS CONTENT-ADDRESSABLE MEMORY Supersedes Septem ber 1993 edition - version 2 The P1480 LAN CAM is a 1K X 64-bit fixed-width CMOS Content-addressable Memory (CAM) aimed at address

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    DS3112-3 P1480 1kx64-BIT P1480 64-bit 0D2T211 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: w GEC PLESS EY S E M I C O N D U C T O R S DS3587-3.3 MA36901 3 1553B BUS CONTROLLER/REMOTE TERMINAL The MA3690/1 chip set has three modes of operation: remote terminal, bus controller, and passive monitor It has a dual bus capability, requires minimum support hardware /

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    DS3587-3 MA36901 1553B MA3690/1 48-Pin MA3693 MA3690. Mil-Std-1553B. Mil-Std-883 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P J p i G E C P L E S S E Y ADVANCE INFORMATION S L M I I O IS I V C 1 O K S D.S.39061.4 VP87A8 32MHz 6-BIT ANALOG VIDEO INPUT INTERFACE Supersedes version in October 1994 Data Converters 1C Handbook, HB3037-2.0) The VP87A8 is an analog input interface dessigned for

    OCR Scan
    VP87A8 32MHz HB3037-2 VP87A8 37b0522 00244n PDF


    Abstract: REF12D REF12Z M/DS2475
    Text: ^ • { k. "L l F id GEC PLESSEY S E M I C O N D U C T O R S R E F 1 2 Z /R E F 1 2 D 1.26V MICROPOWER PRECISION REFERENCE The REF12Z and REF12D are integrated circuits using the bandgap principle to provide a precise stable reference voltage of 1.26V. There are two package options available:

    OCR Scan
    DS2475 REF12Z REF12D 90/iA REF12Z/12D 37bflS22 M/DS2475 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GEC P L E S S E Y M S E M I C O N D U C T O R S DS3594-3.3 54HSC/T Series RADIATION HARD HIGH SPEED CMOS/SOS LOGIC The CMOS/SOS HSC/T Series offer the combined benefits of low power, high speed CMOS with the inherent latch up immunity, Single Event Upset SEU immunity and the high

    OCR Scan
    DS3594-3 54HSC/T 54/74LS, Cobalt-60 MIL-STD-883 54xHSC139xxxxx 54175 PDF

    LM 4863 D

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: G E C P L E S S E Y PRELIMINARY INFORMATION S E M I C O N D U C T O R S DS3839-4.2 MA28140 PACKET TELECOMMAND DECODER The MA28140 Packet Telecommand Decoder PTD is a single-chip implementation of the core part of a telecommand decoder, m anufactured using GPS CMOS-SOS high

    OCR Scan
    DS3839-4 MA28140 MA28140 PSS-04-107 PSS-04-151, 0D2415Ã LM 4863 D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GEC PLESSEY S E M I C O N D U C T O R S DS3518-3.2 MA7001 RADIATION HARD 512 X 9 BIT FIFO The MA7001 512 x 9 FIFO is manufactured using GPS's CMOS-SOS high perform ance, radiation hard, 3jim technology. The GPS Silicon-on-Sapphire process provides significant

    OCR Scan
    DS3518-3 MA7001 MA7001 1015n/cm2, MIL-STD-883 1x105 1x1012 1x1015 37bflS22 PDF

    GP2015 plessey

    Abstract: AN4533 bandpass filter for GPS L1 front end GEC Plessey m ds4004 FP48
    Text: 5Ë GEC P L E SS E Y OCTOBER 1996 S L M I l O \ D U C T O K !» DS4374 • 2.4 GP2015 GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM RECEIVER RF FRONT END (Supersedes edition in August 1996 Global Positioning Products Handbook, HB4305- 1. 0 The GP2015 is a small format RF Front-end for Global

    OCR Scan
    GP2015 ds4374 HB4305-The GP2010 TheGP2015 42MHz) 37bfl522 0027ci5b GP2015 plessey AN4533 bandpass filter for GPS L1 front end GEC Plessey m ds4004 FP48 PDF


    Abstract: HF IGBT TCA150 TCA 150 8522 GE ITE40C06 ITE40F06 37B65 TCA 700 y
    Text: Si G E C P L E S S E Y S E M PRELIMINARY INFORMATION I C O N D U C T O R S D S 4 3 0 8 - 1.2 ITE40F06/ITE40C06 POWERLINE N-CHANNEL IGBT WITH OPTIONAL ULTRAFAST DIODE Th e IT E 4 0X 06 is a robust n-channel, enhancem ent mode insulated gate bipolar transistor IG BT designed for

    OCR Scan
    DS4308-1 ITE40F06/ITE40C06 ITE40X06 37bfl522 0D2b402 TCA150C HF IGBT TCA150 TCA 150 8522 GE ITE40C06 ITE40F06 37B65 TCA 700 y PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Si G E C P L E S S E Y S E M I C O N D U C T O R AD VANCE INFORMATION S PDSP16488A SINGLE CHIP 2D CONVOLVER WITH INTEGRAL LINE DELAYS Supersedes October 1995 Edition, DS3713 - 4.0 The PDSP16488A is a fully integrated, application spe­ cific, image processing device. It performs a two dimensional

    OCR Scan
    PDSP16488A DS3713 PDSP16488A 6488A 0E10P PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GEC PLESSEY ADVANCE INFORMATION S E M I C O N D U C T O R S DS3163-2 0 MA8112 DIGITAL SWITCH MODULE DSM The M A 8112 is a CMOS device providing digital switching for up to 256 8-bit channels as used in PCM or data systems 8-bit w ords are received and transmitted at 2 048 Mb/s on

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    DS3163-2 MA8112 37bB522 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S i GEC P L E S S E Y SI M i l ADVANCE INFORMATION <> -\ l> ( I c K S SP8858 1.5GHz PROFESSIONAL SYNTHESISER The SP8858 is a single chip synthesiser intended for PLL signal synthesis applications up to 1 .SQHz and includes a dual modulus prescaler, programmable A, M and R dividers,

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    SP8858 SP8858 SP8853 37b0522 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: X GEC P L E S S E Y SI I . O N D I I I ADVANCE INFORMATION «. H S DS3297 - 2.1 SL560 300MHz LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER This monolithiccircuit contains three very high performance transistors and associated biasing components in an eightlead TO-5 package forming a300MHz low noise amplifier. The

    OCR Scan
    DS3297 SL560 300MHz a300MHz SL560C SL560AC MIL-STD-883 Q021QS2 Gain13dB PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Si GEC PLESSEY ADVANCE INFORMATION S E M I C O N D U C T O R S DS3046-2 1 MV1403 PCM MACROCELL DEMONSTRATOR The M V1403 contains 8 PCM m acrocells w hich can be configured so as to perform the com m on channel signalling and error detection functions for a 2.048 Mbit 30 channel PCM

    OCR Scan
    DS3046-2 MV1403 V1403 CLA60000 MV1403. 37bAS22 G0204b7 37bflS2S PDF


    Abstract: ma31750
    Text: f.p r P I F S S F Y w S E M PRELIMINARY INFORMATION IC O N D U C T O R S DS3826-3.6 MA31754 PERIPHERAL SUPPORT CHIP PSC The MA31754 is a Peripheral Support Chip (PSC) designed to provide those features which are commonly required in an MA31750 processor system. It can be used to

    OCR Scan
    DS3826-3 MA31754 MA31754 MA31750 Mil-Std-883 1x101 37b05ES 0023bb5 9F08 PDF