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    TE Connectivity 1SNA205532R2300

    PCMS 12 POLES RED | TE Connectivity 1SNA205532R2300
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    RS 1SNA205532R2300 Bulk 4 1
    • 1 $6.38
    • 10 $5.87
    • 100 $5.49
    • 1000 $5.49
    • 10000 $5.49
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    Avnet Abacus 1SNA205532R2300 9 Weeks 4
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    Master Electronics 1SNA205532R2300
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    • 10 $8.59
    • 100 $6.67
    • 1000 $5.94
    • 10000 $5.73
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    Sager 1SNA205532R2300 4
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    • 10 $5.62
    • 100 $5.62
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    32R2300 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 32r4610a 32R2020R 32r4610 32R2300 2300R
    Text: SSI 32R2300/2300R/2301/2301R 3.3V, 5V, 2, 4-Channel 2-Terminal Read/Write Device DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SSI 32R2300/2300R are BiCMOS monolithic integrated circuits designed for use with two-terminal recording heads. They provide a low noise read amplifier, write current control, and data protection circuitry

    32R2300/2300R/2301/2301R 32R2300/2300R 2300R 32R2300 20-Lead 32R4610A 32R2020R 32R2301/2301R 32R2300/ 32R4610AR 32r4610 PDF


    Abstract: 32F8020 32p3030 32R2214RX 32P3040 73M2550 73m550 73M223 spindle and VCM motor controller 32F8011
    Text: March 1996 SHORT FORM CATALOG ’96 Serving Serving Global Global Markets Markets with with Mixed-Signal Mixed-Signal ICs ICs “MSICs ” “MSICs®” Storage Communications ® Silicon Systems, Inc. • 14351 Myford Road • Tustin, CA 92680-7022 • 714 573-6000 • FAX (714) 573-6914 • e-mail:

    34P3216 34P3400 34R3430R 36C3950 36C3951 32R2024 32F8020 32p3030 32R2214RX 32P3040 73M2550 73m550 73M223 spindle and VCM motor controller 32F8011 PDF


    Abstract: 32r4610a
    Text: SSI 32R2300/2300R/2301/2301R m m 3.3V, 5V, 2, 4-Channel 2-Terminal Read/W rite Device s u s k n ts A TDK G roup/C om pany Decem ber 1993 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SSI 32R 2300/2300R are BiCM O S m onolithic inte­ grated circuits designed fo r use with tw o-term inal re­

    OCR Scan
    32R2300/2300R/2301/2301R 2300/2300R 2300R 32R2300 writ00R 2301R 32R2020R 32r4610a PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SSI 32R2300/2300R/2301/2301R ¿ w m s ifs k m 3.3V, 5V, 2, 4-Channel 2-Terminal Read/Write Device s ' A TDK Group/Company December 1993 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SSI 32R2300/2300R are BiCMOS monolithic inte­ grated circuits designed for use with two-terminal re­

    OCR Scan
    32R2300/2300R/2301/2301R 32R2300/2300R 2300R 32R2300 32R2301-4CV 32R2300/2301 PDF


    Abstract: 32R2020R
    Text: SSI 32R2300/2300R/2301/2301R cM M S U flm 3.3V, 5V, 2, 4-Channel 2-Terminal Read/W rite Device S A TDK Group/Company December 1993 DESCRIPTION FEATURES +3.0V to +5.5V voltage supply The SSI 32R2300/2300R are BiCMOS monolithic inte­ grated circuits designed for use with two-terminal re­

    OCR Scan
    32R2300/2300R/2301/2301R 32R2300/2300R 2300R 32R2300 32R2301R-4CV 32R2300R-2CL 32R2300R-4CL 32R2300R-4CV 32R2020R PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SILICON SYSTEMS INC b l E ]> • 3253^5 DOObbS? 7^0 SSI 32R2300/2300R/2301/2301R +3.3V/5.0V, 2, 4-Channel 2-Terminal Read/W rite Device ¿ m m s u s k m s ' A TDK Group/Company Advance Information December 1992 DESCRIPTION FEATURES “ T-S2_-3fc +3.0V - 5.5V voltage supply

    OCR Scan
    32R2300/2300R/2301/2301R 32R2300/2300R 2300R 32R2300 PDF


    Abstract: 32R4610ar 32R2020R 16C53 32R2300-4CV 2300R 32R2300-4CL
    Text: SSI 32R2300/2300R/2301/2301R M e m s y s te m 3.3V, 5V, 2, 4-Channel 2-Terminal Read/Write Device s A TDK G roup/C om pany December 1993 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SSI 32R2300/2300R are BiCMOS monolithic inte­ grated circuits designed for use with two-terminal re­

    OCR Scan
    32R2300/2300R 32R2300 24-Lead 32R2301-4CV 32R2301-4CV 32r4610a 32R4610ar 32R2020R 16C53 32R2300-4CV 2300R 32R2300-4CL PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SSI 32R2300/2300R/2301/2301R ¿ihmsiisfm' /c< 3.3V, 5V, 2 , 4-Channel 2-Terminal Read/Write Device A TDK Group ]Company December 1993 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SSI 32R2300/2300R are BiCMOS monolithic inte­ grated circuits designed for use with two-terminal re­

    OCR Scan
    32R2300/2300R 2300R 32R2300 32R2301R-4CV 32R2300R-2CL 32R2300R-4CL 32R2300R-4CV 32R2301R-4CV 3B-108 3B104 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SSI 32R2300/2300R/2301/2301R ¿iumsuskms' 3.3V, 5V, 2, 4-Channel 2-Terminal Read/Write Device A TDK Group/Company December 1993 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SSI 32R2300/2300R are BiCMOS monolithic inte­ grated circuits designed for use with two-terminal re­

    OCR Scan
    32R2300/2300R 32R2300 onl2300R-4CV 32R2301R-4CV 32R2300R-2CL 32R2300R-4CL 32R2300R-4CV 32R2301R-4CV 3B-10S PDF


    Abstract: 2300R 32R2020R 32R4610AR 32R2300-4CV 32R2300-4CL 32R2300-4
    Text: M m M b n s SSI 32R2300/2300R/2301/2301R 3.3V, 5V, 2, 4-Channel 2-Terminal Read/W rite Device ' A TDK G roup/C om pany December 1993 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SSI 32R2300/2300R are BiCMOS monolithic inte­ grated circuits designed for use with two-terminal re­

    OCR Scan
    32R2300/2300R/2301/2301 32R2300/2300R 2300R 32R2300 significR2301-4CV 32R2301-4CV 32r4610a 32R2020R 32R4610AR 32R2300-4CV 32R2300-4CL 32R2300-4 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SSI 32R2300/2300R/2301/2301R 3.3V, 5V, 2, 4-Channel 2-Terminal Read/Write Device A TDK Group/Company Preliminary Data August 1993 DESCRIPTION FEATURES 43.0V to +5.5V voltage supply The SSI 32R2300/2300R are BiCMOS monolithic inte­ grated circuits designed for use with two-terminal re­

    OCR Scan
    32R2300/2300R/2301/2301R 32R2300/2300R 2300R 32R2300 PDF


    Abstract: 1/Detector/"Detector IC"/"CD"/32R2300/M52777SP
    Text: SSI 32R2300/2300R/2301/2301R m m s m k m +3.3V/5.0V, 2, 4-Channel 2-Terminal Read/Write Device s A TDK Group/Company A dvance Inform ation December 1992 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SSI 32R2300/2300R are BiCMOS monolithic inte­ grated circuits designed for use with two-terminal re­

    OCR Scan
    32R2300/2300R/2301/2301R 32R2300/2300R 2300R 350ft 32R2300 32R2020R 1/Detector/"Detector IC"/"CD"/32R2300/M52777SP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SmnMkms' SSI 32R2300/2300R/2301/2301R 3.3V, 5V, 2, 4-Channel 2-Terminal Read/Write Device A TDK Group/Company December 1993 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SSI 32R2300/2300R are BiCMOS monolithic inte­ grated circuits designed for use with two-terminal re­ cording heads. They provide a low noise read ampli­

    OCR Scan
    32R2300/2300R 2300R 350i2 32R2300 32r4610ar PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SumMbits' SSI 32R2300/2300R/2301/2301R +3.3V/5.0V, 2, 4-Channel 2-Terminal Read/Write Device A TDK Group/Company Advance Information December 1992 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SSI 32R2300/2300R are BiCMOS monolithic inte­ grated circuits designed for use with two-terminal re­

    OCR Scan
    32R2300/2300R/2301/2301R 32R2300/2300R 2300R 32R2300 1292-re PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SSI 32R2310/231 OR ¿ ilim systems' +3.3V/5.0V, 2, 4-Channel 2-Terminal Read/Write Device A TDK Group/Company Target Specification January 1993 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SSI 32R2310/231 OR are BiCMOS monolithic inte­ grated circuits designed for use with two-terminal re­

    OCR Scan
    32R2310/231 32R2310R 32R2310 PDF

    sil 9185

    Abstract: ba1s tda 9178 tda 9162 rz ba10
    Text: SSI 32C9302 M m M Îm ts A TDK G rou p /C om pany PC-AT Combo Controller With Reed Solomon, 3.3V Operation Advance Information December 1993 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SSI 32C9302 is an advanced CMOS VLSI device which integrates major portions of the hardware

    OCR Scan
    32C9302 32C9302 88-bit sil 9185 ba1s tda 9178 tda 9162 rz ba10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SSI 32C9301 ó é m & tà m A TDK GroupICom pany s • PC-AT Combo Controller With Reed Solomon, 3V Operation Advance Information January 1993 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SSI 32C9301 is an advanced CMOS VLSI device which integrates major portions of the hardware

    OCR Scan
    32C9301 32C9301 PDF

    tda 8130

    Abstract: tda 8139 tda 8146 32R2300
    Text: SSI 32C9302 ó ic m ó m k m A TDK Group f Company s PC-AT Combo Controller With Reed Solomon, 3V Operation Advance Information January 1993 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SSI 32C9302 is an advanced CMOS VLSI device which integrates major portions of the hardware

    OCR Scan
    32C9302 32C9302 tda 8130 tda 8139 tda 8146 32R2300 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: April 1994 PRELIMINARY % M icro Linear ML6320 3V/5V 4-Channel Thin-Film Read/Write Circuit GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML6320 is a BiCMOS monolithic read/write circuit designed for use with two-terminal recording heads, in the next generation disk drives operating on 3V supplies. In

    OCR Scan
    ML6320 ML6320CR-3 ML6320CS-5 20-Pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SSI 32R2310/231 OR ¿ikonsifsknts' +3.3V/5.0V, 2, 4-Channel 2-Terminal Read/Write Device A TDK Group/Company Target Specification January 1993 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SSI 3 2 R 2 3 1 0/231 OR are BiCM OS monolithic inte­ grated circuits designed for use with two-terminal re­

    OCR Scan
    2310R 350i2 32R2300 PDF

    TDA 9155

    Abstract: HDB9 DG10-2 tda 9162 3001 intel
    Text: SSI 32C9301 m m s ifs k m PC-AT Combo Controller With Reed Solomon, 3V Operation s A TDK Group/Company Advance Information January 1994 FEATURES DESCRIPTION The SSI 32C9301 is an advanced CMOS VLSI device which integrates major portions of the hardware needed to build an ATA disk drive. The SSI 32C9301

    OCR Scan
    32C9301 32C9301 DD10272 TDA 9155 HDB9 DG10-2 tda 9162 3001 intel PDF

    TDA 9155

    Abstract: tda 9172 BA 9171 HDB13 pcmcia ata V5049
    Text: SSI 32C9301 ¿ é œ n s ifs k m PC-AT Combo Controller With Reed Solomon, 3V Operation s A TDK Group/Company Advance Information January 1994 FEATURES DESCRIPTION ATA Interface The SSI 32C9301 is an advanced CMOS VLSI device which integrates major portions of the hardware

    OCR Scan
    32C9301 32C9301 0194-rev 0D10272 TDA 9155 tda 9172 BA 9171 HDB13 pcmcia ata V5049 PDF


    Abstract: Tda 7153 TDA 7151 32H6300
    Text: SSI 32C9301 ó é rn s v à n A TDK Group/Company is " PC-AT Combo Controller With Reed Solomon, 3V Operation Advance Information January 1994 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SSI 32C9301 is an advanced CM OS VLSI device w h ich in te g ra te s m a jo r p o rtio n s of the hardw are

    OCR Scan
    32C9301 32C9301 flB53TbS HDB15 Tda 7153 TDA 7151 32H6300 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: November 1996 3 ^ Micro Linear ML6320 3V/5V 4-Channel Thin-Film Read/Write Circuit GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML6320 is a BiCMOS monolithic read/write circuit designed for use with two-terminal recording heads, in the next generation disk drives operating on 3V supplies. In

    OCR Scan
    ML6320 ML6320CR-3 ML6320CS-5 20-Pin CR910 PDF