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    3150UTRAM Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Provisional Data Sheet No. PD-9.1432 International IQ R Rectifier \ dv/dt R A T E D HEXFET* TRANSISTOR R E P E T IT IV E A V A L A N C H E A N D IRHNA7264SE N -C H A N N E L S IN G L E E V E N T E F F E C T S E E R A D H A R D 250Volt, 0.1100, (SEE) RAD HARD HEXFET

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    IRHNA7264SE 250Volt, 3150utram PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PD-2.474 bïtemational [torjRectifier HFA75MC40C Ultrafast, Soft Recovéry Diode HEXFRED Features V r = 400V ISOLATED BASE • Reduced RFI and EMI • Reduced Snubbing • Extensive Characterization of Recovery Parameters V f = 1.3V Qrr * = 500nC ANODE COMMON ANODE

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    HFA75MC40C 500nC 90A/pS Liguria49 3150utram PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: International S Rectifier PD - 2.271 A 85CNQ015 SCHOTTKY RECTIFIER 80Amp Major Ratings and Characteristics Characteristics Desciption/Features The 85CNQ015 center tap Schottky rectifier module has been optimized for very low forward voltage drop, with moderate leakage. The proprietary barrier technology

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    85CNQ015 80Amp 85CNQ015 3150utram 554S2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PD-2.447 International SRectifier HFA140NH60 Ultrafast, Soft Recovfery Diode HEXFRED" LUG TERMINAL ANODE Features • Reduced RFI and EMI • Reduced Snubbing • Extensive Characterization of Recovery Parameters V R = 600V ? T V f = 1.6V Q rr* = 1 4 0 0 n C

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    HFA140NH60 00A/fJS Liguria49 3150utram 4A55455 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: International SRectifier PD 9.1381 IRFL4105 PRELIMINARY HEXFET Power MOSFET • • • • • • Surface Mount Advanced Process Technology Ultra Low On-Resistance Dynamic dv/dt Rating Fast Switching Fully Avalanche Rated Vdss = 55 V ^D S o n - 0.045Q

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    IRFL4105 OT-223 uite201, Saalburgstrasse157 61350BadHomburgTel: ViaLiguria49 3150utram 10-02Tan 0316Tel: PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Provisional Data Sheet PD 9.679C International I R Rectifier irhn725o dv/dt RATED HEXFET TRANSISTOR IRHN8250 REPETITIVE AVALANCHE AND N-CHANNEL MEGA RAD HARD Product Summary 200 Volt, 0.1 On, MEGA RAD HARD HEXFET International Rectifier’s M EG A RAD HARD technology

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    irhn725 IRHN8250 3150utram DD2b032 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: International ^Rectifier P D 9 .1 3 8 3 IRFP064N PRELIMINARY HEXFET Power MOSFET • • • • • • Advanced Process Technology Ultra Low On-Resistance Dynamic dv/dt Rating 175°C Operating Temperature Fast Switching Fully Avalanche Rated V dss = 5 5 V

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    IRFP064N 3150utram MA55455 irfp064n PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PD - 9.543C International I R Rectifier IRFPG50 HEXFET Power MOSFET Dynamic dv/dt Rating Repetitive Avalanche Rated Isolated Central Mounting Hole Fast Switching Ease of Paralleling Simple Drive Requirements V DSS= 1000V ^DS on “ 2 -0 ^ lD = 6.1 A Description

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    IRFPG50 3150utram PDF


    Abstract: IR2110 MOS-Gated Transistors IRFD9110 AN IR2110 IR 2110 IR2110 design
    Text: International Hü] Rectifier D e sig n T ips DT 92-2A INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER • APPLICATIONS ENG. • 233 KANSAS ST. • ELSEGUNDO, CA. 90245 • TEL 310 322-3331 • FAX (310)322-3332 HIGH CURRENT BUFFER FOR CONTROL IC S By Laszlo Kiraly INTRODUCTION capacitance of the conducting output transistor

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    RH89BB, Suite201, 3150utram 10KF6 IR2110 MOS-Gated Transistors IRFD9110 AN IR2110 IR 2110 IR2110 design PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: International S Rectifier PD - 2.4 95 8 9 C N Q 1 50 SCHOTTKY RECTIFIER 80Amp Major Ratings and Characteristics Characteristics Descfption/Features The 89CNQ150 center tap Schottky rectifier module has been optimized for very low forward voltage drop, with

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    80Amp 89CNQ150 89CNQ150 3150utram 4AS5452 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: International [re s ] Rectifier PD — IR L P 2 5 0 5 PRELIMINARY HEXFET Power MOSFET • • • • • • • Logic-Level Gate Drive Advanced Process Technology Ultra Low On-Resistance Dynamic dv/dt Rating 175°C Operating Temperature Fast Switching

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    4751897IR 3150utram 10-02Tan PDF


    Abstract: DIODE 0A91
    Text: International PD'9-1254 SlgRectifier_ IRL630S HEXFET Power MOSFET • • • • • • • S urface M ount A vailable in Tape & Reel D ynam ic dv/d t R ating R epetitive A valanche Rated Logic-Level G ate D rive r d s ON S pecified at VGS = 4V & 5V

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    IRL630S SMD-220 Liguria49 3150utram 43S54S2 0D223T5 4ASS452 DIODE 0A91 PDF


    Abstract: 89CNQ150 T-884 SLD61-6 DT 8210 89CNQ 89CNQ150SM
    Text: International [^Rectifier P D - 2.495 89CNQ150 SCHOTTKY RECTIFIER 80Amp Major Ratings and Characteristics Characteristics If<av Rectangular waveform Desciption/Features B9CNQ150 Units 80 A The 89CNQ150 center tap Schottky rectifier module has been optimized for very low forward voltage drop, with

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    89CNQ150 80Amp B9CNQ150 40Apk, 125-C 89CNQ150 Q342 T-884 SLD61-6 DT 8210 89CNQ 89CNQ150SM PDF


    Abstract: 500V N-Channel IGBT TO-3P
    Text: International iqrIRectifier P D - 9.1297 IRGPC60M PRELIMINARY Short Circuit Rated Fast IGBT INSULATED GATE BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR Features • Short circuit rated - 10|js @ 125°C, V qe = 15V • Switching-loss rating includes all "tail" losses • Optimized for medium operating frequency 1 to 10kHz

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    IRGPC60M 10kHz) IRGPC60M 500V N-Channel IGBT TO-3P PDF