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    30SC22M Search Results

    30SC22M Datasheets (4)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    30SC22M Sanyo Semiconductor Aluminum Solid Capacitors with Conductive Polymer Original PDF
    30SC22M Sanyo Semiconductor SC Series - Standard Capacitor Original PDF
    30SC22M Sanyo Semiconductor General use, superior high frequency capacitors Original PDF
    30SC22M Sanyo Semiconductor Capacitor: 22UF: 30: 20%: 10 x 11.5: RDL: 5: 80: 1830: 2000 Original PDF

    30SC22M Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: LTC1625 LTC1775 LTC1775C LTC1775CGN LTC1775CS LTC1775I LTC1775IGN MBRS340 SUD50N03-10
    Text: LTC1775 High Power No RSENSE Current Mode Synchronous Step-Down Switching Regulator TM U DESCRIPTIO FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The LTC 1775 is a synchronous step-down switching regulator controller that drives external N-channel power

    LTC1775 LTC1625, LTC1775 150kHz LTC1702 500kHz; LTC1735 16-Pin 1775f THCR70E1H226ZT LTC1625 LTC1775C LTC1775CGN LTC1775CS LTC1775I LTC1775IGN MBRS340 SUD50N03-10 PDF

    Marcon DF

    Abstract: 1735E
    Text: • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ U FEATURES LTC1735 High Efficiency Synchronous Step-Down Switching Regulator DESCRIPTIO The LTC 1735 is a synchronous step-down switching regulator controller that drives external N-channel power

    LTC1735 500kHz) sn1735fb 1735fbs Si4410DY 10SL100M TPSD107M010R0065 DO3316P-152 LR2010-01-R010-F Marcon DF 1735E PDF


    Abstract: SANYO 16TQC100M 6TPU10M Sanyo date code marking sanyo capacitors 6SVPS120M SANYO POSCAP 6sp150M TAE 13005 2TPLF470M5 2R5TPF470M6L
    Text: SANYO Capacitors General Catalog 2008-10 Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Aluminum Solid Capacitors with Conductive Polymer Aluminum Solid Capacitors with Organic Semiconductive Electrolyte Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors with

    25TQC5R6M 20TQC8R2M 16TQC15M 16TQC10M 25TQC10M 20TQC15M 16TQC22M 25TQC22M 25TQC22MV 25TQC15M SANYO POSCAP 4TPB220M SANYO 16TQC100M 6TPU10M Sanyo date code marking sanyo capacitors 6SVPS120M SANYO POSCAP 6sp150M TAE 13005 2TPLF470M5 2R5TPF470M6L PDF


    Abstract: 10SC4R7M 16SC2R2M 16SC3R3M 25SC1R5M 25SC2R2M 30SC1M 30SC1R5M 30SC2R2M
    Text: 2 Organic Semiconductive Electrolyte Type / Radial Lead Type Aluminum Solid Capacitors with Conductive Polymer Aluminum Solid Capacitors with Organic Semiconductive Electrolyte SC RoHS compliance Standard radial lead type Series Suitable for noise limiters and switching power supplies that make a point of high frequency

    120Hz/20 25SC33M 25SC47M 16SC33M 25SC15M 30SC6R8M 100kHz, CTx65 CTx85 25SC1M 10SC4R7M 16SC2R2M 16SC3R3M 25SC1R5M 25SC2R2M 30SC1M 30SC1R5M 30SC2R2M PDF


    Abstract: 10SC4R7M 16SC2R2M 16SC3R3M 16SC4R7M 25SC1M 25SC1R5M 25SC2R2M 25SC3R3M 30SC1M
    Text: RoHS compliance SC Aluminum solid capacitors with Organic semiconductive electrolyte Standard radial lead type Series Suitable for noise limiters and switching power supplies that make a point of high frequency characteristics. Also, make use of it when needed long life span and high reliability.

    120Hz Table13 val22M 30SC22M 25SC33M 25SC47M 10SC47M 30SC22M 10SC4R7M 16SC2R2M 16SC3R3M 16SC4R7M 25SC1M 25SC1R5M 25SC2R2M 25SC3R3M 30SC1M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4. SPECIFICATIONS FOR EACH SERIES SC Series Standard Products Sleeve color : Purple Marking : Polarity , Rated voltage, Rated Capacitance (White) SANYO, OS-CON, Lot.No. Upper category temp.(105°C) •Specifications Items Category temperature range Tolerance on rated capacitance

    120Hz 100kHz, CTx65 CTx85 CTx95 CTx105 10kHz PDF


    Abstract: EEFUEOG181R FDS6680A LRF2010-01-R005J LTC1435 LTC1735 LTC1735CGN MBRS340T3 THCR70E1H226ZT 200A battery charger
    Text: LTC1735 High Efficiency Synchronous Step-Down Switching Regulator DESCRIPTIO U FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The LTC 1735 is a synchronous step-down switching regulator controller that drives external N-channel power

    LTC1735 12-Phase, SSOP-36 TSSOP-20 LTC3832 LTC4008 1735fc T2D DIODE EEFUEOG181R FDS6680A LRF2010-01-R005J LTC1435 LTC1735 LTC1735CGN MBRS340T3 THCR70E1H226ZT 200A battery charger PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LTC1735 High Efficiency Synchronous Step-Down Switching Regulator DESCRIPTIO FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ U ■ The LTC 1735 is a synchronous step-down switching regulator controller that drives external N-channel power

    LTC1735 SSOP-36 TSSOP-20 LTC3832 LTC4008 1735fc PDF


    Abstract: T2D DIODE EEFUEOG181R FDS6680A LRF2010-01-R005J LTC1735 LTC1735CGN MBRS340T3 THCR70E1H226ZT VN2222L
    Text: • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ U FEATURES LTC1735 High Efficiency Synchronous Step-Down Switching Regulator DESCRIPTIO The LTC 1735 is a synchronous step-down switching regulator controller that drives external N-channel power

    LTC1735 12-Phase, SSOP-36 TSSOP-20 LTC3832 LTC4008 1735fb LTC1435 T2D DIODE EEFUEOG181R FDS6680A LRF2010-01-R005J LTC1735 LTC1735CGN MBRS340T3 THCR70E1H226ZT VN2222L PDF

    sanyo OS-CON SH

    Abstract: sanyo 100uf 16v sepc 10SEQP270M T sanyo OS-CON sg SMD MARKING CODE w02 10SEP560M solid capacitor SEPC 560uf 4V sanyo os-con sl 6SEPC1500M 25SEP10M
    Text: '04 -10 12 SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. Electronic Device Company About this catalog •The contents of this catalog are current as of September 2004, but product names and specifications are subject to change for improvement or discontinuation without notice. When ordering products, please be sure

    2604-Forrest Singapore/079905/Singapore sanyo OS-CON SH sanyo 100uf 16v sepc 10SEQP270M T sanyo OS-CON sg SMD MARKING CODE w02 10SEP560M solid capacitor SEPC 560uf 4V sanyo os-con sl 6SEPC1500M 25SEP10M PDF


    Abstract: 16SC1M 30sc6 10SC10M 25SC47M 16SC15M 6SC22M 30SC1M 10SC47M 30SC2R2M
    Text: 1.シリーズ別仕様 SC 標準品 シリーズ SCシリーズは高周波特性を重視したノイズリミッタ、ス イッチング電源に、又その他一般回路の長寿命、高信頼化 にご利用下さい。 チューブ色:パープル

    120Hz 325WV0 01CVor0 30WV0 02CVor1 100kHz20 000Hrs. 25WV20V1 609095RH1 16SC10M 16SC1M 30sc6 10SC10M 25SC47M 16SC15M 6SC22M 30SC1M 10SC47M 30SC2R2M PDF

    sanyo OS-CON SA

    Abstract: sanyo OS-CON sg os-con spec os-con 220 OS-CON SA Series capacitor 1000uf electrolyte 16SA1000M os-con SM 10SV47M os-con SM Series
    Text: 1. SPECIFICATIONS OF IN SERIES Large capacitance and miniaturized products SA Suitable for high frequency switching power supplies, etc. Sleeve color : Purple Marking : Polarity , Rated voltage, Capacitance (White) SANYO, OS-CON, Lot.No. Max. operating temp.(105°C)

    120Hz) 300kHz) 100kHz. 100KHz) F/16WV F/10WV sanyo OS-CON SA sanyo OS-CON sg os-con spec os-con 220 OS-CON SA Series capacitor 1000uf electrolyte 16SA1000M os-con SM 10SV47M os-con SM Series PDF


    Abstract: 10SC4R7M 16SC2R2M 16SC3R3M 16SC4R7M 25SC1R5M 25SC2R2M 25SC3R3M 30SC1M 30SC1R5M
    Text: 4. SPECIFICATIONS FOR EACH SERIES SC Series Standard Products Sleeve color : Purple Marking : Polarity , Rated voltage, Rated Capacitance (White) SANYO, OS-CON, Lot.No. Upper category temp.(105°C) •Specifications Items Category temperature range Tolerance on rated capacitance

    120Hz Table13 100KHz 25SC47M 10SC47M 16SC33M 25SC15M 25SC1M 10SC4R7M 16SC2R2M 16SC3R3M 16SC4R7M 25SC1R5M 25SC2R2M 25SC3R3M 30SC1M 30SC1R5M PDF

    Schottky BVR 0.7V

    Abstract: marcon capacitor Regulated Power Supply with mosfet switching Sche Marcon 450V TACR475M010R FDS6680A LTC1736 MBRS340T3 marcon capacitor ce 08055A470JAT1A
    Text: DEMO MANUAL DC252 DESIGN-READY SWITCHER LTC1736 5-Bit VID Constant Frequency Synchronous DC/DC Converter U DESCRIPTIO Demonstration Circuit DC252 is designed for mobile 5-bit VID-programmed notebook CPU applications using the LTC 1736 switching regulator controller. A high performance, constant frequency current mode architecture

    DC252 LTC1736 DC252 dc252f Schottky BVR 0.7V marcon capacitor Regulated Power Supply with mosfet switching Sche Marcon 450V TACR475M010R FDS6680A MBRS340T3 marcon capacitor ce 08055A470JAT1A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RoHS compliance SC Aluminum solid capacitors with Organic semiconductive electrolyte Standard radial lead type Series Suitable for noise limiters and switching power supplies that make a point of high frequency characteristics. Also, make use of it when needed long life span and high reliability.

    120Hz Table14 100KHz 300KHz 100kHz, CTx65 CTx85 CTx95 PDF

    sanyo OS-CON sg

    Abstract: 16SA47M TS 16SA100M T OSCON 10SH220M T 16sc33m t sanyo OS-CON SH sanyo OS-CON 25SP56M sanyo OS-CON sepc 16SH100M TS F25MM
    Text: 2 Features Low ESR obtained by using conductive polymer electrolyte Superior temperature characteristics Suitable as a decoupling capacitor, because its impedance has ideal frequency characteristics. Suitable as a smoothing capacitor, enabling miniaturizing

    applica2100 4SS150M 20SS100M 10SS150M 6SS220M 20SS150M 10SS330M 4SS470M 100kHz, CTx65 sanyo OS-CON sg 16SA47M TS 16SA100M T OSCON 10SH220M T 16sc33m t sanyo OS-CON SH sanyo OS-CON 25SP56M sanyo OS-CON sepc 16SH100M TS F25MM PDF

    SC-Series sanyo

    Abstract: 10SC4R7M 10X10 16SC2R2M 16SC3R3M 30SC1M 30SC1R5M 30SC22M sc series SANYO 30SC22M
    Text: 1. SPECIFICATIONS OF IN SERIES Standard Products SC Designed for general use. Superior high frequency characteristics make capacitors in the SC Series suitable for use in noise limiters and switching power supplies. Sleeve color : Purple Marking : Polarity , Rated voltage, Capacitance

    120Hz) 300kHz) 01CVor0 10SC47M 6SC47M 25SC22M 25SC47M 30SC22M 30SC10M SC-Series sanyo 10SC4R7M 10X10 16SC2R2M 16SC3R3M 30SC1M 30SC1R5M 30SC22M sc series SANYO 30SC22M PDF

    247a SWITCHER

    Abstract: 30142 marcon capacitor tg 348 0.1uf/50v Capacitor 247a STEP-DOWN DC247A MBRS340T3 VN2222 FDS6680A
    Text: DEMO MANUAL DC247 DESIGN-READY SWITCHER LTC1735 Constant Frequency Synchronous DC/DC Converter U DESCRIPTIO Demonstration Circuit DC247 demonstrates a 1.6V/9A notebook CPU application using the LTC 1735 switching regulator controller. A high performance, constant frequency, current mode architecture generates a precise

    DC247 LTC1735 DC247 DC247A 13-Feb-2003 \padspwr\files\247a\2f-1735 LTC1735CS 247a SWITCHER 30142 marcon capacitor tg 348 0.1uf/50v Capacitor 247a STEP-DOWN DC247A MBRS340T3 VN2222 FDS6680A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ver.001 Application Note DC/DC コンバータの基礎 • 電源の構成 リニアレギュレータか DC/DC コンバータか 機器の電源構成を検討する際リニアレギュレータを使用するか DC/DC コンバータにするかを悩む

    200mA 300mA 36VA PDF


    Abstract: 10SC47M 16SC1M 10SC4R7M 16SC2R2M 16SC3R3M 30SC1M 30SC22M SANYO 30SC22M 16SC2R2
    Text: Specifications Items 1 Operating temperature range 2 Capacitance tolerance 120Hz 3 Tangent of loss angle(120Hz) 4 Leakage current(uA/2min.)(or less) 2 5 ESR(100k 300kHz) Temperature characteristics 6 Impedance ratio at 100kHz High-temperature load 105degrees C,

    120Hz) 300kHz) 100kHz 105degrees 2000Hrs. 000Hrs. 16SC1M 100kHz, 25SC4R7M 10SC47M 10SC4R7M 16SC2R2M 16SC3R3M 30SC1M 30SC22M SANYO 30SC22M 16SC2R2 PDF

    zener diode 4.7V

    Abstract: 55380-A2 alternator diode 1775 B LTC1625 LTC1775 LTC1775C LTC1775CGN LTC1775CS LTC1775I SPRAGUE 1775 capacitor
    Text: Final Electrical Specifications LTC1775 High Power No RSENSE Current Mode Synchronous Step-Down Switching Regulator TM U • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The LTC 1775 is a synchronous step-down switching regulator controller that drives external N-Channel power

    LTC1775 LTC1625, LTC1775 150kHz LTC1702 500kHz; LTC1735 16-Pin 1775i zener diode 4.7V 55380-A2 alternator diode 1775 B LTC1625 LTC1775C LTC1775CGN LTC1775CS LTC1775I SPRAGUE 1775 capacitor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LTC1775 High Power No RSENSE Current Mode Synchronous Step-Down Switching Regulator TM DESCRIPTIO U FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The LTC 1775 is a synchronous step-down switching regulator controller that drives external N-channel power

    LTC1775 LTC1625, LTC1775 150kHz LTC1702 500kHz; LTC1735 16-Pin 1775f PDF

    sanyo OS-CON sg

    Abstract: 10SVPC120MV SEPC 560 6 sanyo OS-CON sepc smd code marking p88 10SL47 6SVPE220M 16sc33m t os-con sp 270 f1310
    Text: OS-CON is an aluminum solid capacitor with high conductive polymer or organic semiconductor electrolyte material. OS-CON acquires low Equivalent Series Resistance ESR , excellent noise reduction capability and frequency characteristics. In addition, OS-CON has a long life span and its

    suppli470 CTx65 CTx85 CTx95 CTx105 120Hz 10kHz 100kHz sanyo OS-CON sg 10SVPC120MV SEPC 560 6 sanyo OS-CON sepc smd code marking p88 10SL47 6SVPE220M 16sc33m t os-con sp 270 f1310 PDF

    high efficiency current mode flyback converter

    Abstract: 36Vto 4412DY 55206-A2 N CHANNEL MOSFET MIL GRADE 55380-A2 NEC NeoCap AVXTPSD107M010R0065 lt1339 application note pc 817 mosfet gate drive
    Text: Final Electrical Specifications r r u v _ LTC1775 m TECHNO LO G Y High Pow er No R s e n s e C urrent M o d e Synchronous S tep-D ow n S w itching R egu lator FCnTURCS D iS C R IP T IO n • Highest Efficiency Current Mode Controller ■ No Sense Resistor Required

    OCR Scan
    300mV 30joA 16-Lead LTC1649 LTC1702 500kHz; LTC1735 16-Pin high efficiency current mode flyback converter 36Vto 4412DY 55206-A2 N CHANNEL MOSFET MIL GRADE 55380-A2 NEC NeoCap AVXTPSD107M010R0065 lt1339 application note pc 817 mosfet gate drive PDF