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    30313R Price and Stock

    Mersen Electrical Power 30313R

    CC FUSE BLOCK 600V 30A 3P S
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey 30313R Box 5 1
    • 1 $62.52
    • 10 $62.52
    • 100 $36.4692
    • 1000 $32.68
    • 10000 $32.68
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    Mouser Electronics 30313R 11
    • 1 $37.25
    • 10 $29.64
    • 100 $22.73
    • 1000 $20.42
    • 10000 $20.42
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    Bristol Electronics 30313R 63
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 -
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    Mersen Electrical Power 30313R (ALTERNATE: M213428)

    Fuse Block, Class CC, Screw Connector W/Double QC,#10-14 Wire,600V,0-30A,3 Pole | Mersen 30313R
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    RS 30313R (ALTERNATE: M213428) Bulk 20 11 Weeks 1
    • 1 $41.6
    • 10 $39.52
    • 100 $37.44
    • 1000 $37.44
    • 10000 $37.44
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    Ferraz Shawmut 30313R

    Fuse Block 30A 600V Screw Chassis Mount
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy 30313R
    • 1 $29.21
    • 10 $27.32
    • 100 $23.21
    • 1000 $22.25
    • 10000 $22.25
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    30313R Datasheets Context Search

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    ATDR 10

    Abstract: ATdR Fuses Q223068 V217276 ATDR6 fuse ATDR 20 ATDR12 L219338 ATDR30 ATDR5 Fuses
    Text: General Purpose US US Fuses General Purpose Fuses American Power Fuses AMP-TRAP 2000 ATDR Class CC TD The best protection for today’s small motors Amp-trap 2000® ATDR small-dimension fuses can provide IEC Type 2 “no damage” protection to your facility’s

    30320R 30321R 30322R 30323R 30350R 30351R 30352R 30353R X213943 D217008 ATDR 10 ATdR Fuses Q223068 V217276 ATDR6 fuse ATDR 20 ATDR12 L219338 ATDR30 ATDR5 Fuses PDF

    ATQR Fuses

    Abstract: ATQR10 ATQR30 ATQR20 USCC2 ATQR4/10 ATQR25 ATQR8 ATQR5 ATQR3
    Text: AMP-TRAP 2000 ATQR Time Delay/Class CC Take control of fault currents headed for your control transformer ATQR small-dimension fuses feature time delay characteristics ideally suited for the high inrush currents of control transformers, solenoids, and similar inductive loads. The newest member of our



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AMP-TRAP ATMR CLASS CC SMALL FUSE - BIG PROTECTION FOR GENERAL CIRCUITS Amp-trap ATMR fuses, in the Class CC family, are the smallest dimension 600V fuses suitable for branch circuit protection. The ATMR is a popular choice for economical protection of control circuits and

    30320R 30321R 30322R 30323R 30310R 30311R 30312R 30313R 30350R 30351R ATMR12 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ATDR Time-delay/Class CC The best protection for today’s small motors Amp-Trap 2000 ATDR small-dimension fuses can provide IEC Type 2 No Damage protection to your facility’s increasingly sensitive branch circuit components and small motors – minimizing the risk of fault-related damage. ATDR Class CC fuses deliver

    ATDR25 ATDR30 ATDR1-4/10 ATDR2-8/10 ATDR5-6/10 ATDR10 30310R 30320R 30350R 30311R ATDR5 PDF


    Abstract: USCC2I
    Text: ATMR Fast Acting/Class CC Small fuse - big protection for general circuits Amp-Trap ATMR fuses, in the Class CC family, are the smallest dimension 600VAC/ DC fuses suitable for branch circuit protection. The ATMR is a popular choice for B economical protection of control circuits and control circuit transformers where

    600VAC/ E2137 30310R 30320R 30350R 30311R 30321R 30351R 30312R 30322R ATMR1 USCC2I PDF

    ATQR Fuses

    Abstract: T212698 ATQR10 W211665 class cc time delay atqr T213710 T21-37 S212697 G215240 T219345
    Text: General Purpose US US Fuses General Purpose Fuses American Power Fuses AMP-TRAP 2000 ATQR Class CC TD Take control of fault currents headed for your control transformer ATQR small-dimension fuses feature time delay characteristics ideally suited for the high inrush

    X214955 GPUS23 GPUS24 ATQR Fuses T212698 ATQR10 W211665 class cc time delay atqr T213710 T21-37 S212697 G215240 T219345 PDF

    LINDNER fuses

    Abstract: e230073 LINDNER fuses neozed c2165 FR10GB69V30 FR14UC69V50 FR10GB69V12.5 M0816 Y300056 n300093c
    Text: Fuses – Fusegear Semiconductor Protection Fuses • Protistor Mapping 70 - 71 • American Round Fuses - Form 101 range 72 - 81 • Other American Round Fuses 82 • Ferrule-style Protistor fuses 83 - 87 • Protistor DIN standard fuses sizes 000-00 88 - 89

    A218707K Y211023K F215124K P219226K Z211024K MSD823I MSD10251I MSD831I MSD1031I MSD1038I LINDNER fuses e230073 LINDNER fuses neozed c2165 FR10GB69V30 FR14UC69V50 FR10GB69V12.5 M0816 Y300056 n300093c PDF

    Ferraz Shawmut 30311

    Abstract: Ferraz Shawmut 30312r E52283 30322 30313 30323 30323R 30310 30313R 30321R
    Text: MIDGET & CLASS CC 600 VOLT / FUSE BLOCKS 600 VOLT MIDGET AND CLASS CC FUSE BLOCKS Ferraz Shawmut Midget Fuse Blocks accommodate all 30 ampere 1-1/2” x 13/32” midget fuses. Class CC Fuse Blocks accommodate all 30 ampere Class CC fuses. A choice of box, screw, or pressure-plate

    600VAC: 200kA 30310R 30311R 30312R 30313R 30314R 30320R 30321R 30322R Ferraz Shawmut 30311 Ferraz Shawmut 30312r E52283 30322 30313 30323 30323R 30310 30313R 30321R PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ATQR Time-delay/Class CC Take control of fault currents headed for your control transformer ATQR small-dimension fuses feature time-delay characteristics ideally suited for the high inrush currents of control transformers, solenoids, and similar inductive loads.

    ATQR1-8/10 ATQR5-6/10 ATQR20 ATQR6/10 ATQR25 ATQR30 30310R 30320R 30350R 30311R 30310R PDF


    Abstract: ATMr30 ATMR20 ATMR10 USCC2I USCC1 30313R E2137 30323R ATMR25
    Text: AMP-TRAP ATMR class CC SMALL FUSE - BIG PROTECTION FOR GENERAL CIRCUITS Amp-trap® ATMR fuses, in the Class CC family, are the smallest dimension 600VAC/DC fuses suitable for branch circuit protection. The ATMR is a popular choice for economical protection of control circuits and

    600VAC/DC 30310R 30320R 30311R 30321R 30312R 30322R 30313R 30323R ATMR1/10 USCC3I ATMr30 ATMR20 ATMR10 USCC2I USCC1 30313R E2137 30323R ATMR25 PDF


    Abstract: ATDR10 ATdR30 ATDR1 ATDR 20 ATdR Fuses ATdR15 ATdr5 ATDR3.2 ATDR2
    Text: AMP-TRAP 2000 ATDR Time Delay/Class CC THE BEST PROTECTION FOR TODAY’S SMALL MOTORS. Amp-trap 2000® ATDR small-dimension fuses can provide IEC Type 2 “no damage” protection to your facility’s increasingly sensitive branch circuit components and small motors – minimizing the risk of

    30310R 30311R 30312R 30313R 30320R 30321R 30322R 30323R 30350R 30351R ATDR20 ATDR10 ATdR30 ATDR1 ATDR 20 ATdR Fuses ATdR15 ATdr5 ATDR3.2 ATDR2 PDF


    Abstract: ATQR Fuses ATQR10 ATQR30 ATQR20 30312R ATQR12 ATQR15/100 30313R 30322
    Text: AMP-TRAP 2000 ATQR TIME DELAY / CLASS CC TAKE CONTROL OF FAULT CURRENTS HEADED FOR YOUR CONTROL TRANSFORMER ATQR small-dimension fuses feature time delay characteristics ideally suited for the high inrush currents of control transformers, solenoids, and


    ajt fuse

    Abstract: AJT125 ATdR15 ajt350 A4BQ1200 A4BQ800 AJT60 US3J3I ATQR20 ATDR30
    Text: SMARTSPOT INDICATOR AMP-TRAP 2000 AJT Time Delay/Class J SMARTSPOT® WITH Maximum circuit PROTECTION Amp-trap 2000® SmartSpot® AJT fuses now provide a visual open fuse indicator. With advanced material technology added to the existing product line the AJT fuse provides IEC Type “2” No Damage

    600VAC ajt fuse AJT125 ATdR15 ajt350 A4BQ1200 A4BQ800 AJT60 US3J3I ATQR20 ATDR30 PDF


    Abstract: ATMR15 G215746 ATMR10 L216762 V223072 catalog P219870 N21-26 N212693
    Text: General Purpose US US Fuses General Purpose Fuses American Power Fuses AMP-TRAP ATMR Class CC Small Fuse - Big protection for general circuits Amp-trap ATMR fuses, in the Class CC family, are the smallest dimension 600V fuses suitable for branch circuit protection. The ATMR is a popular

    30310R 30311R 30312R 30313R 30320R 30321R 30322R 30323R 30350R W204857 Y218038 ATMR15 G215746 ATMR10 L216762 V223072 catalog P219870 N21-26 N212693 PDF