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    Sifam Tinsley Precision Instrumentation Ltd PK-254300HEXX

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    Abstract: fbas 256k FIFO
    Text: pcGrabber-3 Hardware-Manual Ausgabe März 2000 Ein Produkt eines Unternehmens der PHYTEC Technologie Holding AG pcGrabber-3 Im Buch verwendete Bezeichnungen für Erzeugnisse, die zugleich ein eingetragenes Warenzeichen darstellen, wurden nicht besonders gekennzeichnet. Das

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-2151; Rev 0; 8/01 Low-Power, Low-Glitch, Octal 10-Bit VoltageOutput DACs with Serial Interface The MAX5308/MAX5309 operating temperature range is from -40°C to +85°C. Features ♦ Eight Highly Integrated 10-Bit DACs in 16-Pin TSSOP 6.4mm ✕ 5mm Package

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    Abstract: canton AS 60 cx service manual 8255A-5 microprocessor 8088 application seven segment decoder C1995 Programmer Interface Card LP4 LP5 8088 microprocessor mm58274a 12 24 hr clock BCD output AN-443 national
    Text: National Semiconductor Application Note 443 Wesley Lee June 1986 By installing a clock calendar chip some interface circuitry a battery backup system and two simple programs in your IBM PC you can add a real-time hardware clock to your computer For many personal-computer applications you need to use


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    Abstract: traffic light 8086 h52ad Epson 4401 RS422-B CABLE 9pin rs232 rs485 serial card datasheet 9pin connector AH-16 transistor int86
    Text: SERIAL SOLUTIONS SOFTWARE FOR DOS REFERENCE MANUAL 2.8 EDITION August 1995 Intro-1 GUARANTEE. FULL 36 MONTHS GUARANTEE. We guarantee your Serial Solutions Software for a full 36 months from purchase, parts and labour, provided it has been used in the specified manner. In the unlikely event of failure return your



    Abstract: TXC-06010 samsung Capacitance lables transwitch packettrunk fifo synchronus asynchronus PacketTrunk
    Text:  PacketTrunk-4 Plus Device TDMoIP/MPLS Gateway Device TXC-06010 DATA SHEET PRODUCT PREVIEW TXC-06010-MB, Ed. 2 June 2006 FEATURES APPLICATIONS • Four T1/E1/Serial or one T3/E3 TDM interfaces • One 10/100 Ethernet IEEE 802.3 MAC interface via MII/RMII/SMII/SSMII; HDX or

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    Abstract: lc oscillator ADR 180 S
    Text: Ordering number : EN*5396 CMOS LSI LC74751 On-Screen Display LSI Preliminary Overview Package Dimensions The LC74751 is a CMOS LSI that supports on-screen display of characters and patterns on a TV screen under the control of a microcontroller. The LC74751 includes an

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    Abstract: 263H 204 VSZ11 ILC02941 ILC02942 ILC02943 ILC02944 ILC02945 LC74751 adr 25 21
    Text: 注文コード No. N ※ 5396A LC74751 No.N ※ 5396A 31006 開発ニューズ No. ※ 5396 とさしかえてください。 LC74751 CMOS LSI オンスクリーン ディスプレイ用 LSI LC74751 はマイクロコンピュータの制御により、TV 画面上 に文字・パターンを表示するオンスクリーンディ

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    Abstract: LC74751
    Text: Ordering number : EN*5396 CMOS LSI LC74751 On-Screen Display LSI Preliminary Overview Package Dimensions The LC74751 is a CMOS LSI that supports on-screen display of characters and patterns on a TV screen under the control of a microcontroller. The LC74751 includes an

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    Abstract: LC7470
    Text: Ordering number:ENN3725 CMOS IC LC7470 Character and Pattern Display Control IC Overview Package Dimensions Character and pattern display control IC for TV screen. A character dot configuration is 12 x 18. The IC has 64 internal character ROMs and displays up to 288 characters 24

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    Abstract: MAX5308 MAX5308EUE MAX5309EUE Nippon capacitors
    Text: 19-2151; Rev 0; 8/01 Low-Power, Low-Glitch, Octal 10-Bit VoltageOutput DACs with Serial Interface The MAX5308/MAX5309 operating temperature range is from -40°C to +85°C. Features ♦ Eight Highly Integrated 10-Bit DACs in 16-Pin TSSOP 6.4mm ✕ 5mm Package

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number:ENN3725 CMOS IC LC7470 Character and Pattern Display Control IC Overview Package Dimensions Character and pattern display control IC for TV screen. A character dot configuration is 12 x 18. The IC has 64 internal character ROMs and displays up to 288 characters 24

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    Abstract: video pattern generator vhdl ntsc XAPP248 XAPP286 RP-178 video pattern generator using vhdl XAPP294 RS-189-A EIA189-A free verilog code of test pattern generator
    Text: Application Note: MicroBlaze and Multimedia Development Board R Digital Video Test Pattern Generators Author: John F. Snow XAPP248 v1.0 January 7, 2002 Summary This application note describes methods of efficiently generating standard video test patterns

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    Text: PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET MICRONAS Edition July 25, 2001 6251-433-1PD MAS 3506D WorldSpace Broadcast Channel Audio Decoder MICRONAS MAS 3506D PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET Contents Page Section Title 4 4 4 1. 1.1. 1.2. Introduction Features of the MAS 3506D System Overview

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    Abstract: ADC0804 ADC1001 AN-276 C1995 schematic weigh scale
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    Abstract: CONNECTOR rg58 ISMC9000 CC000H D4000 PC104
    Text: APXNET Apex Ethernet LAN Daughter Board User Manual APXNET Ethernet LAN Daughter Board User Manual Document Part N° Document Reference Document Issue Level 127-186 127_186.Doc 1.0 Manual covers PCBs identified APXNET Issue 1.x x is any digit All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system, or

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-2151; Rev 0; 8/01 Low-Power, Low-Glitch, Octal 10-Bit VoltageOutput DACs with Serial Interface The MAX5308 has a digital output DOUT that can be used for daisy-chaining multiple devices. The MAX5309 has a hardware reset input (CLR) which clears all registers and DACs to zero. The MAX5308/MAX5309 have a

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PacketTrunk-4 Plus Device TDM-over-Packet Gateway Device TXC-06010 DATA SHEET PRELIMINARY TXC-06010- MB, Ed. 5 January 2008 FEATURES APPLICATIONS • Four T1/E1/Serial or one T3/E3 TDM interfaces • One 10/100 Ethernet IEEE 802.3 MAC interface via MII/RMII/SMII/SSMII;HDX or

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    Abstract: fbas graf
    Text: eGrabber-1 Framegrabber für PC/104-Bus - Systeme Hardware-Manual Ausgabe März 2000 Ein Produkt eines Unternehmens der PHYTEC Technologie Holding AG eGrabber-1 Im Buch verwendete Bezeichnungen für Erzeugnisse, die zugleich ein eingetragenes Warenzeichen darstellen, wurden nicht besonders gekennzeichnet. Das

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    Abstract: CTXIL103 smpte 424m to itu 656 smpte rp 198 3g hd sdi regenerator reclocker smpte 424m to smpte 274m Block diagram on monochrome tv transmitter 54 mhz crystal oscillator XAPP514 2048x1080
    Text: Audio/Video Connectivity Solutions for Virtex-II Pro and Virtex-4 FPGAs Reference Designs for the Broadcast Industry: Volume 1 XAPP514 v4.0.1 October 15, 2008 R R Xilinx is disclosing this Document and Intellectual Property (hereinafter “the Design”) to you for use in the development of

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    Abstract: mpeg-1 encoder pin diagram encoder MAS3587 mic 342 S/PDIF to analog convertor PMQFP64 MAS358 MPEG 1 Audio Compression
    Text: PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET MICRONAS Edition Nov. 7, 2001 6251-542-2PD MAS 3587F MPEG Layer 3 Audio Encoder/Decoder MICRONAS MAS 3587F PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET Contents Page Section Title 5 5 6 1. 1.1. 1.2. Introduction Features Application Overview 7 7 7 7 7 8 8

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