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    Eaton Electronics MFLA2010R3300FI (ALTERNATE: MFLA2010R3300FI)

    MFLA, 2010 EIA, 3/4 W | Eaton Electronics MFLA2010R3300FI
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    RS MFLA2010R3300FI (ALTERNATE: MFLA2010R3300FI) Bulk 14 Weeks 4,000
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    • 1000 -
    • 10000 $0.11
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    Eaton Electronics MFLA2010R1300FI (ALTERNATE: MFLA2010R1300FI)

    MFLA, 2010 EIA, 3/4 W | Eaton Electronics MFLA2010R1300FI
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    RS MFLA2010R1300FI (ALTERNATE: MFLA2010R1300FI) Bulk 14 Weeks 4,000
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    • 1000 -
    • 10000 $0.11
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    Eaton Electronics MFLA2010R4300FI (ALTERNATE: MFLA2010R4300FI)

    MFLA, 2010 EIA, 3/4 W | Eaton Electronics MFLA2010R4300FI
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    RS MFLA2010R4300FI (ALTERNATE: MFLA2010R4300FI) Bulk 14 Weeks 4,000
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    • 10000 $0.11
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    300FIA Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 32-BIT CMOS ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION UNIT FEATURES: IDT49C460 IDT49C460A IDT49C460B IDT49C460C IDT49C460D IDT49C460E DESCRIPTION: • Fast Detect 10ns max. 12ns (max.) 16ns (max.) 25ns (max.) 30ns (max.) 40ns (max.) Correct 14ns (max.) 18ns (max.)

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    32-BIT IDT49C460 IDT49C460A IDT49C460B IDT49C460C IDT49C460D IDT49C460E PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: te s SLOTTED OPTICAL SWITCH DPTDELECTROHICS CNY29 J 11 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS SYMBOL r-°T M ILLIM ETER S M IN. t r 3 - i* > r L b’ SECTIO N X - X T IN C H E S MIN. 10.7 11.0 .422 .433 A, 3.0 3.2 .119 .125 3.0 3.2 .119 .125 .024 .030 a 2 b, D D, d2 e2

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    CNY29 ST1326 ST1327 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: C *A QOQO HARRIS S E M I C O N D U C T O R ADVANCED INFORMATION M ay 1992 Quad-Gated Inverting Power Driver With Fault Mode Diagnostic Flag Output Features Description • Load Current The CA3292 quad-power NAND driver contains four NANDgate switches for interfacing low-level logic to inductive and

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    600mA CA3292 CA3272, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GEC P LESSEY w ADVANCE INFORMATION S E M I C O N D U C T O R S MA544 FAMILY IO-MEMORY LD/DTMF SWITCH ABLE DIALLER CHIPS The M A544 fam ily is a range of keypad switchable LD/DTMF dialler devices with Last N umber Redial facility and ten 24-digit memories.

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    MA544 24-digit MA545, MA547, MA541, MA548, MA585, MA587, MA588 PDF


    Abstract: SAA1500T 737k MKA529 MKA532 L100 MO SOT-163 simple powerful charge controller block diagram
    Text: Philips Semiconductors integrated Circuicts Objective specification State-of-charge indicator for NiMH and NiCd powered applications SAA1500T FEATURES APPLICATIONS • 5-segment state-of-charge indication for LED or LCD displays • Numerous display facilities to indicate the operational

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    SAA1500T 711002b SAA1500 737k MKA529 MKA532 L100 MO SOT-163 simple powerful charge controller block diagram PDF


    Abstract: 74FCT861
    Text: Integrated Device Technology, Inc« HIGH-PERFORMANCE CMOS BUS TRANSCEIVERS IDT54/74FCT861A/B IDT54/74FCT863A/B IDT54/74FCT864A/B FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • Equivalent to AMD's Am29061 ‘64 bipolar registers in pinout/function, speed and output drive over lull tempera­

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    IDT54/74FCT861A/B IDT54/74FCT863A/B IDT54/74FCT864A/B Am29861 IDT54/74FCT861A/863A/864A IDT54/74FCT861B/863B/864B FCT864 300pFt3) 74fct864 74FCT861 PDF

    anaren mixer 70580

    Abstract: 7B0055 anaren mixer x band dual balance mixer x band receiver MDS dbM anaren mixer 7A01 series balanced modulator
    Text: Balanced and Double-Balanced Mixers General Mixers are used to convert a signal from one frequency to another. This is done by combining the original RF signal with a local oscillator signal LO in a non-linear device such as a Schottky-barrier diode. The two diode outputs are summed in a tee where the dc

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    Abstract: 4432-C 4431EPA 4431 mosfet 4432C
    Text: Semiconductor, Inc. TC4431 TC4432 1.5A HIGH-SPEED 30V MOSFET DRIVERS FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • ■ ■ The TC4431/4432 are 30V CMOS buffer/drivers suit­ able for use in high-side driver applications. They will not latch up under any conditions within their power and voltage

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    TC4431 TC4432 25nsec 78nsec 300fiA 300mA TC4431/4432 10nsec 4431C 4432-C 4431EPA 4431 mosfet 4432C PDF

    Halbleiterbauelemente DDR

    Abstract: diode BZW 70-20 VEB mikroelektronik Datenblattsammlung mikroelektronik DDR aktive elektronische bauelemente ddr mikroelektronik datenblattsammlung mikroelektronik applikation information applikation mikroelektronik "halbleiterwerk frankfurt"
    Text: 9 ¡M i n M W V S I I V I S N l l ¥ a Die vorliegenden Datenblätter dienen als Informationsmaterial für Geräteentwickler und Konstrukteure, Sie beinhalten Informationen über Halbleiterbauelemente des in "den Listen elektronischer Baulemente eingestuften Sortiments.

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    V4019 DDR-1035 Halbleiterbauelemente DDR diode BZW 70-20 VEB mikroelektronik Datenblattsammlung mikroelektronik DDR aktive elektronische bauelemente ddr mikroelektronik datenblattsammlung mikroelektronik applikation information applikation mikroelektronik "halbleiterwerk frankfurt" PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: pApci7cq SINGLE CHIP, 40MHz CMOS MMU/COMBO FEATURES — Illegal address error detection— programmable — Multi-Master arbitration • Implements the MlL-STD-1750A Instruction Set Architecture for Memory Management and Protection of up to 1 Megaword. All mapping

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    40MHz MlL-STD-1750A PACE1750A/AE 16-bit, 5962-8950504TX P1753-20GMB 5962-8950504XX P1753-20CMB 5962-8950505TX P1753-30GMB PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INT EGR ATED DEVICE T? dF | 4ÛES771 D0053S7 E J ~ i 4825771 INTEGRATED D E V I C E 97D 0 23 57 FAST CMOS OCTAL D REGISTER 3-STATE D ~f^~¥¿~09-Óf IDT54/74FCT574 IDT54/74FCT574A Integrated DeviceTechnolo3y. Inc. FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • IDT54/74FCT574 equivalent to FAST1“ Speed;

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    ES771 D0053S7 IDT54/74FCT574 IDT54/74FCT574A IDT54/74FCTS74A MIL-STD-883. 74fct574 PDF

    ic 2535

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IDT54/74FCT377 IDT54/74FCT377A IDT54/74FCT377C FAST CMOS OCTAL D FLIP-FLOP WITH CLOCK ENABLE DESCRIPTION: FEATURES: IDT54/74FCT377 equivalent to FAST speed IDT54/74FCT377A 25% faster than FAST IDT54/74FCT377C 40% faster than FAST Equivalent to FAST output drive over full temperature

    OCR Scan
    IDT54/74FCT377 IDT54/74FCT377A IDT54/74FCT377C IDT54/74FCT377/A/C IDT54/ 74FCT377/A/C MIL-STD-883, 2S771 ic 2535 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FAST CMOS 8-INPUT UNIVERSAL SHIFT REGISTER IDT54/74FCT299 IDT54/74FCT299A IDT54/74FCT299C Integrated Device Technology, Inc. FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • • • • The IDT54/74FCT299 and IDT54/74FCT299A/C are built using advanced CEMOS , a dual-metal CMOS technology.

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    IDT54/74FCT299 IDT54/74FCT299A IDT54/74FCT299C 1DT54/74FCT299A IDT54/74FCT299C 74FCT299 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TMS44400, TMS44400P, TMS46400, TMS46400P 1D48576-WORD BY 4-BIT DYNAMIC RANDOM-ACCESS MEMORIES SM H S 562C - MAY 1995 - REVISED NOVEMBER 1996 Organization . . . 1 04 85 76 x 4 DGAPACKAGE TOP VIEW S i n g l e S- V P o w e r S u p p l y f or T M S 4 4 4 0 0 / P

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    TMS44400, TMS44400P, TMS46400, TMS46400P 1D48576-WORD 200-fiA 300-fiA 4x400/P-60 4x400/P-70 562C PDF


    Abstract: harris 8211 low power consuming heater circuits Programmable zener REGULATOR IC 8212 LM199
    Text: 3 Ì H a r r is S E M I C O N D U C T O R ICL8211, ICL8212 m m my * m mm Programmable Voltage Detectors April 1994 Features Description • High Accuracy Voltage Sensing and Generation The Harris ICL8211/8212 are micropower bipolar monolithic integrated circuits intended primarily for precise voltage

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    ICL8211, ICL8212 ICL8211/8212 ICL8211 ICL8212 LM199 AN027 ICLB212 harris 8211 low power consuming heater circuits Programmable zener REGULATOR IC 8212 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P h ilips S em ico n d uctors M ilita ry M icrop ro cesso r Products P ro du ct s p ecifica tio n CMOS single-chip 8-bit microcontroller a K FEATURES «°E 32{?«32’ 16 80C52/80C52-16 To insure a good power-up reset, the RST pin must be high long enough to allow the oscillator time to start up normally a few

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    80C52/80C52-16 80C51 16-bit 12MHz 16MHz PDF

    diagram for a 12v 250w power amplifier

    Abstract: UCC38xx 500w mosfet power amplifier circuit diagram UCC28xx SEM1200 Unitrode Power Supply Design 500w hf power amplifier circuit diagram UCC18xx amp 7313
    Text: y UCCI 817/18 UCC2817/18 UCC3817/18 U N IT R O D E BiCMOS Power Factor Preregulator ADVANCE INFORMATION FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Controls Boost Preregulator to near Unity Power Factor The UCC1817/UCC1818 provides all the functions necessary for active power factor corrected preregulators. The controller achieves near unity

    OCR Scan
    UCC2817/18 UCC3817/18 UCC1817/UCC1818 250pA diagram for a 12v 250w power amplifier UCC38xx 500w mosfet power amplifier circuit diagram UCC28xx SEM1200 Unitrode Power Supply Design 500w hf power amplifier circuit diagram UCC18xx amp 7313 PDF


    Abstract: CJ 53B
    Text: INTEGRATE» DEVICE Integrated Device Technology, Inc. SflE D 40 257 71 FAST CMOS OCTAL REGISTERED TRANSCEIVERS [m0b25 733 M X D T IDT29FCT52A/B/C IDT29FCT53A/B/C " T S 2 .-3 0 -0 2 FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • Equivalent to AMD's Am2952/53 and National's 29F52/53 in pinout/function

    OCR Scan
    m0b25 IDT29FCT52A/B/C IDT29FCT53A/B/C Am2952/53 29F52/53 IDT29FCT52A/53A IDT29FCT52B/53B IDT29FCT52C/53C 24-pin 28-pin idt29FCT52 CJ 53B PDF


    Abstract: QFP64-P-1010-0 ON RDA 117-A TA8576AFN ctx12 10-1005
    Text: TO SH IB A _ TA6008F TOSHIBA BIPOLAR LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TA6008F LASER POWER CONTROL IC FOR OPTICAL DISK DRIVE The TA6008F outputs the wave transform ation signal for optical disk. Besides the TA6008F correspond to both of PWM and PPM

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    TA6008F TA6Q08F TA6008F TA8576AFN, TA6008F. TA60Q8F QFP64-P-1010-0 ON RDA 117-A TA8576AFN ctx12 10-1005 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P54/74FCT374/A/C P54/74PCT374/A/C P54/74FCT574/A/C (P54/74PCT574/A/C) OCTAL D FLIP-FLOPS WITH 3-STATE OUTPUTS FEATURES • Function, Pinout, and Drive Compatible with the FCT and F Logic Outputs Meet Levels Required for CMOS Static RAM Low Power Standby Mode

    OCR Scan
    P54/74FCT374/A/C P54/74PCT374/A/C) P54/74FCT574/A/C P54/74PCT574/A/C) 250MHz PS4/74FCT374/A/C MIL-STD-883, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: jUK i 5 19W P54/74FCT646/A/C P54/74PCT646/A/C P54/74FCT648/A/C (P54/74PCT648/A/C) OCTAL TRANSCEIVER/REGISTER X f - — -

    OCR Scan
    P54/74FCT646/A/C P54/74PCT646/A/C) P54/74FCT648/A/C P54/74PCT648/A/C) P54/74PCTB48/A/C) MIL-STD-883, PDF


    Abstract: nsm 4000 rial ip MAX3185C
    Text: 1 9 -10 76 : R ev 0 :9 /9 6 ± 1 5 k V ES D-P rotected, EMC-CompHant, 2 3 0 k b p s RS-232 Se rial Port for M o t h e r b o a r d s / D e s k t o p PCs The MAX3185 has three RS-232 transmitters, five RS232 receivers, and no charge pump, optimizing it for operation in desktop PC and motherboard applications.

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    RS-232 MAX3185 15kVusing RS232 230kbps, AX318 nsm 4000 rial ip MAX3185C PDF


    Abstract: microphone Elected duplex RTD on15 LB1021
    Text: as S G S - T H O n S O N 07E D | öiü 19 209 D 0013030 I | " ' ' 'f 7 S - Q 7 - f S ' m m P R E L I M IN A R Y D A T A AN A T & T P R O D U C T SPEAKERPHONE KIT LB1020AF VOICE PATH SWITCH AND LB1021AD SPECIAL AMPLIFIER re which permits steady background noise to be

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    00130BÃ LB1020AF LB1021AD LB1020 47/iF U318 microphone Elected duplex RTD on15 LB1021 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I M LT1312 T E C H N O LO G Y Single PC M C IA VPP Driver/Regulator FCOTURCS DCSCRICTIOn • Digital Selection of OV, Vcc. 12V or Hi-Z ■ 120mA Output Current Capability ■ Internal Current Limiting and Thermal Shutdown ■ Automatic Switching from 3.3V to 5V

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    LT1312 120mA LT1312 S51A4ba CL-PD6710 MMSF3P02HD SI9933DY MMDF2P01HD PDF