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    300220001V020301 Search Results

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    Abstract: SI4431 AN445 Si4432 Si4431B EN300-220-1 F133 monopole antenna kHz 300220001v020301 Y-K99
    Text: AN445 Si4431 RF P E R F OR MA N C E AND E T S I C O MP L I A N C E TE S T R ESULTS 1. Introduction The purpose of this application note is to provide measurement results and ETSI compliance results for the Si4431B when operated from 863 to 870 MHz. All tests are performed using an ISM-DK3 kit with a with a 4431-TB1-B-868 or DKDB1 TX/RX Split RF Test Card. The Wireless Development Suite (WDS) is used to control the

    AN445 Si4431 Si4431B 4431-TB1-B-868 ED0A AN445 Si4432 EN300-220-1 F133 monopole antenna kHz 300220001v020301 Y-K99 PDF