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    2SK1332APPLIED Search Results

    2SK1332APPLIED Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 2SK303
    Text: Ordering number:EN3137 N-Channel Junction Silicon FET 2SK1332 Low-Frequency General-Purpose Amplifier Applications Package Dimensions unit:mm 2058 [2SK1332] 0.425 • Ideal for use in variable resistors, analog switches, low-frequency amplifiers, and constant-current

    EN3137 2SK1332 2SK1332] 2SK1332applied 2SK1332 2SK303 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O rdering num ber: E N 3 1 3 7 2SK1332 N o .3 1 3 7 N -C hannel Ju n ctio n Silicon FET Low-Frequency General-Purpose Amp Applications A p p lic a tio n s •Ideal for use in v ariable resistors, analog sw itches, low-frequency am plifiers, an d co n stan t-cu rren t

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    2SK1332 2SK1332-applied 6089MO PDF


    Abstract: 2SK303
    Text: O rdering num ber: EN3137 2SK1332 N-Channel Junction Silicon FET Low-Frequency General-Purpose Amp Applications A p p licatio n s - Ideal for use in variable resistors, analog switches, low-frequency amplifiers, and constant-current circuits. F e a tu re s

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    EN3137 2SK1332 2SK1332-applied 2SK1332 2SK303 PDF