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    2SEP00 Search Results

    2SEP00 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FM93C86A 16K-Bit Serial CMOS EEPROM MICROWIRE Synchronous Bus General Description Features FM93C86A is a 16,384-bit CMOS non-volatile EEPROM organized as 1024 x 16-bit array. This device features MICROWIRE interface which is a 4-wire serial bus with chipselect (CS), clock

    FM93C86A 16K-Bit 384-bit 16-bit 16bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Features • • • • • • 0.280 7.112 0.260 (6.604) Glass passivated junction. 1500 W Peak Pulse Power capability on 10/1000 µs waveform. Excellent clamping capability. Low incremental surge resistance. Fast response time; typically less than 1.0 ps from 0 volts to BV for

    SMCJ170 SMC/DO-214AB 2-SEP-00) PDF

    93c46 fairchild

    Abstract: 93c46 rotated EEPROM 93C46 CONTENTS 93C46 FM93C46
    Text: FM93C46 1024-Bit Serial CMOS EEPROM MICROWIRE Synchronous Bus General Description Features FM93C46 is a 1024-bit CMOS non-volatile EEPROM organized as 64 x 16-bit array. This device features MICROWIRE interface which is a 4-wire serial bus with chipselect (CS), clock (SK), data

    FM93C46 1024-Bit 16-bit 2-SEP-00) 93c46 fairchild 93c46 rotated EEPROM 93C46 CONTENTS 93C46 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4 T H IS DRAWING C 3 RELEASED FOR P U B L I C A T IO N 15 UNPUBLISHED. COPYRIGHT 19 BY AMP INCORPORATED. ,1 9 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. m z DB2B M BB2B P2 P1 P2 1 1 14 14 2 2 15 15 3 3 16 16 4 4 17 17 5 5 18 18 6 6 19 19 7 7 20 20 8 8 21 21 9 9 22 22 10 10 23

    OCR Scan
    05-MAR-97 amp32428 /home/amp32428/edmmod 2SEP00 25APR0' T5jh PDF