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    Abstract: MN1280 TRANSISTOR 2SC5929 3SK129 3SK97 2sc5928 2PG009 2SC5929 equivalent 2sk4000 2sd965 TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT GUIDE
    Text: 2009 Discrete Semiconductors Selection Guide Request for your special attention and precautions in using the technical information and semiconductors described in this book 1 If any of the products or technical information described in this book is to be exported or provided to non-residents, the laws and

    responsibiliXP08081 XP08546 XP0A554 XP0D873 XP0D874 XP0D875 XP0E554 2sc5929 MN1280 TRANSISTOR 2SC5929 3SK129 3SK97 2sc5928 2PG009 2SC5929 equivalent 2sk4000 2sd965 TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT GUIDE PDF


    Abstract: 2SC6073 PANASONIC TRANSISTOR 2SC6073 2sc5929 MN1280 transistor 2SC6073 2SC5936 equivalent 2SC6074 TRANSISTOR 2SC5929 2sc5928
    Text: 2009 ver.2 Discrete Semiconductors Selection Guide Request for your special attention and precautions in using the technical information and semiconductors described in this book 1 If any of the products or technical information described in this book is to be exported or provided to non-residents, the laws and

    XP06501T XP06531 XP06545 XP0A554 XP0D873 XP0D874 XP0D875 2SC5936 2SC6073 PANASONIC TRANSISTOR 2SC6073 2sc5929 MN1280 transistor 2SC6073 2SC5936 equivalent 2SC6074 TRANSISTOR 2SC5929 2sc5928 PDF


    Abstract: an6512n 2sk3190 MN171202 mn158413 mn15142 mn187164 mn6740 AN7210 MN15283
    Text: Maintenance and Discontinued Types <Maintenance Types> Maintenance and Discontinued Types This product is not dealt with anymore. Customers dealing with this product conventionally may contact our sales division in the case of ambiguity. <Discontinued Types>

    MN101C01C MN15224 MN101C01D MN15226 MN101C027 MN15261 MN101C03A MN101C38A MN15263 MN101C06D MN1873287 an6512n 2sk3190 MN171202 mn158413 mn15142 mn187164 mn6740 AN7210 MN15283 PDF


    Abstract: 2SD2436 2SD2434 2SB1600 2SB642 2SB1627 2SD2433 2SD1010 2sB774 transistor HOA1404-2
    Text: • Silicon Small Signal Transistors Package No. S9TST0D Applica­ tion Functions SS Mini Type (D1) f 2SB1462 I 2 SD 22 I 6 S Mini Type (D5) Mini Type (D10) ( 2SB709A I 2 SDI 8 I 9A I 2SD601A (2SB1219/A í 2SB710/A I 2SD1820/A I 2SD602/A 1 2SB1218A T Mini Type New S Type

    OCR Scan
    O-92NL 2SB1462 2SD2216 2SB1218A I2SD1819A 2SB709A 2SD601A 2SB1627 I2SD2496 2SA1309A 2SD2458 2SD2436 2SD2434 2SB1600 2SB642 2SD2433 2SD1010 2sB774 transistor HOA1404-2 PDF


    Abstract: 2SB1627 2SC3312 2SD1010 2SD1993 2SD1995 2SB642 2SB1600 2sd661 2SB1601
    Text: ; •Silicon Small Signal Transistors / ! ; # General-use Low Frequency Amplifiers and Others I 2SB1462 12SD2216 1 2SA1791 General­ is e low freq. ampli­ fier 12SC4656 f 2SB1218A 12SD1819A 2SB1219/A I 2SD1820/A i 2SB709A I 2SD601A 1 2SB710/A I 2SD602/A

    OCR Scan
    2SB642 2SA1619/A 2SB1322A 2SB1462 12SD2216 2SB1218A 12SD1819A 2SB1219/A 2SA921 2SD2258 2SD2529 2SB1627 2SC3312 2SD1010 2SD1993 2SD1995 2SB642 2SB1600 2sd661 2SB1601 PDF


    Abstract: 2SD2433 2SD2434 2S897 2SD1995 2SC3312 2sb1446 2SD2458 2SD2529 D49 transistor
    Text: This I Silicon Small Signal Transistors _o UJ ru □a Copyrighted Ln >General-use Low Frequency Amplifiers and Others Package No. Applica­ tion Functions nj S S Mini Type (D1) ! 2SB1462 I2SD2216 □ □ b-1 S Mini Type (D5) ( 2SB1218A I 2S D I8I 9A Mini Type

    OCR Scan
    O-92NL 2SB1462 I2SD2216 f2SB1218A I2SD1819A 2SB709A 12SD601A f2SB1627 I2SD2496 C2SA1309A 2SD2436 2SD2433 2SD2434 2S897 2SD1995 2SC3312 2sb1446 2SD2458 2SD2529 D49 transistor PDF


    Abstract: 2SC4969 2SB1584 2sd2433 2sb1582 2sb1583 2sd2434 2SC4971 2sc4973 2sd2432
    Text: T Mini 3-pin Package IW f é Outline Transistors, Diodes s T S - a a O S m / 'C y 'f r - S / 't t . ? & |M > 3 il}:F 5 - S !i:ifc '< . a u — K a u t i J i t f i i t t i t £ / * • : / * r - y - e t c n - j f y - y 0) f f * Art) .7mmt » < , * » 0 5 f 5 lW b l= lllttt' t l i t o

    OCR Scan
    machine71 2SC4972 2SC4974 2SC4975 2SC4973 MA152A MA1U152A MA1U152K MA152K MA1U152WA 2SD2436 2SC4969 2SB1584 2sd2433 2sb1582 2sb1583 2sd2434 2SC4971 2sc4973 2sd2432 PDF


    Abstract: B1317 C4714 D1707 b1108 c2258 transistor D2052 transistor transistor b1154 2sD2504 transistor B1398
    Text: Transistors Selection Guide by Packages • SS Mini Type Packages (D1) \ V C E 0 (V) 10 lc (mA) \ pc= i 25 mw 15 20 40 50 150 185 2SC4627 A 2SC5021 -2SA1790 >2SC4626 2SC4655 15 30 2SA1806 2SC4809 2SC5295 (65mA) 2SC4808 50 80 2SD2345 (2SA1791 i 2SC4656 2SC4691

    OCR Scan
    2SC4627 2SC5021 -2SA1790 2SC4626 2SC4655 2SC4809 2SC5295 2SC4808 2SA1806 2SD2345 D1274A B1317 C4714 D1707 b1108 c2258 transistor D2052 transistor transistor b1154 2sD2504 transistor B1398 PDF