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    2SD1797 Search Results

    2SD1797 Datasheets (6)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    2SD1797 Collmer Semiconductor Power / High Speed / Transistors Scan PDF
    2SD1797 Unknown Japanese Transistor Cross References (2S) Scan PDF
    2SD1797 Unknown The Transistor Manual (Japanese) 1993 Scan PDF
    2SD1797 Unknown Transistor Substitution Data Book 1993 Scan PDF
    2SD1797 Unknown Triple Diffused Planar Type High Power Darlington Transistor Scan PDF
    2SD1797 Unknown Shortform Data and Cross References (Misc Datasheets) Short Form PDF

    2SD1797 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: TO-220F17 2SD179

    2SD1797 O-220F17 SC-67 2SD1797 TO-220F17 2SD179 PDF


    Abstract: STK411-220E stk442-130 PAL005A UPC2581V FN1016 STRG6153 RSN313H25 STK407-070B MCZ3001D
    Text: R Serving The Electronic Industry Since 1982 Ordering at Dalbani is so easy Go to : Search & check stock Busque y revise nuestro inventario A Search Enter your Item number and click GO Entre el numero del producto y haga clicsobre GO The system will take you straight to the Item that you are looking for

    STVDST-01 CAT22 STK411-230E STK411-220E stk442-130 PAL005A UPC2581V FN1016 STRG6153 RSN313H25 STK407-070B MCZ3001D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SD1797 TRIPLE DIFFUSED PLANER TYPE HIGH POWER DARLINGTON GENERAL PURPOSE POWER AMPLIFIER Features • H ig h D .C . c u rre n t ga in • ¡ f t if f i't i H ig h re lia b ility : Applications • 'v J -ss ? i s * ’3.\'— 9 • D C -D C 3 W < —£ S w itc h in g re g u la to rs

    OCR Scan
    2SD1797 2SD1797 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SD1797 N P N TRIPLE DIFFUSED PLANER TYPE HIGH POWER DARLINGTON = M S t f c 7 i,- * - f ê GENERAL PURPOSE POWER AMPLIFIER Features • H igh D . C . cu rre n t gain • B i f iS 'l i H ig h reliability : Applications S w itc h in g regu lators • D C -D C aw «-*

    OCR Scan
    2SD1797 I95t/R89) PDF


    Abstract: SC64 2SB1204 2SD1802 2SD1771 2SD1771A 2SD1772 2SD1772A 2SD1808A 2SD1774
    Text: - 266 - Ta=25Tî, *EPfíTc=25<C M 2SD1771 2SD1771A 2SD1772 2SD1772A 2SD1773 2SD1774 2SD1774A 2SD1775 2SD1775A 2SD1776 2SD1776A 2SD1777 2SD1778 2SD1778A 2SD1779 2SD1780 2SD1781K 2SD1782K 2SD1783 2SD1784 ¿ÒUi föO 2SD1787 2SD1796 2SD1797 2SD1799 2SD1800

    OCR Scan
    2SD1771 2SD1771A 2SD1772 2SD1772A 2SD1773 2SD1774 2SD1774A 2SD1796 SC-67 2SD1797 2SD1796 SC64 2SB1204 2SD1802 2SD1808A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P ow er d arlington transistors • T h e DC c u r r e n t g a i n is h i g h . • H ig h ly v e rs a tile Device type VCBO V o lts Vcí o V o lts Veto sus V o lts Ic Pc c o n t. A m p s . W a tts h tt m in . le A m ps. Vo V o lts 2SD1797 60 60 50 7 30

    OCR Scan
    2SD1797 2SD833 2SD916 2SD1726 2SD834 2SD1073 2SD1071 2SD835 2SD1072 ET366 PDF

    etg36 040d

    Abstract: 2SC2930 diode b6 k 450 ETG36-040C 2SD1071 2SD1073 2SD1726 2SD1797 2SD2350 2SD833
    Text: T ra n sisto rs COLLHER Q SEMICONDUCTOR INC 4ÖE » • 2330712 OODlbOa 2T2 «COL High speed sw itch in g d arlin gton transistors • These are o f d arling to n typ e and are provided w ith a h ig h er hFE. • S w itchin g speed is in th e rang e o f tf=1|as.

    OCR Scan
    ETG36-040C ETG36-040D O-220F ET375 2SC2930 etg36 040d diode b6 k 450 2SD1071 2SD1073 2SD1726 2SD1797 2SD2350 2SD833 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TRANSISTORS IC AM PS Max. 3 5 IC AM PS Max. VceoV Pc su s W 800 Pc W 80 Device Type NPN 2SC3550 400 60 180 80 2SD921 800 40 Device Type NPN 2SC2929 2SC3549 800 80 2SC3551 50 25 2SD1157 1000* 80 ET383 200 25 2SD834 250 60 2SD1073 100 80 ET393 -80 30 2SB862*

    OCR Scan
    2SD921 2SC2929 2SC3549 2SC3551 2SD1157 2SC3550 ET383 2SD834 2SD1073 ET393 ET-191 PDF


    Abstract: transistor 2SC4977 25c2625 2SC2625 2SC2047 2SC4977 transistor ET-191 2SC4795 2SC3320 ET391
    Text: FUJI <S SWITCHING TRANSISTORS B| TO-220AB T O -3 P • t ' 5 /% ■m * 1 * 1 T O -3 P F BBS 1C AMPS Max. 3 80 Device Type NPN 2SC3550 180 80 2SD921 800 80 2SC3551 1000* 80 ET383 V ceoV sus 800 5 Pc W IC AMPS Max. 400 60 Device Type NPN 2SC2929 800 40 2SC3549

    OCR Scan
    2SC3550 2SD921 2SC3551 ET383 2SC3505 2SC4419 2SC2656 2SC3030 ET190 2SD923 2sc4977 transistor 2SC4977 25c2625 2SC2625 2SC2047 2SC4977 transistor ET-191 2SC4795 2SC3320 ET391 PDF


    Abstract: 2SK1217 2SK2850 ESAB92M-02N 2SK2879 2SK2765 2SK2645 2SK1916 2sk2645 MOSFET 2sk1082
    Text: / Discontinued Types 9. S! Descciptien / ' f ' 7 - MOSFET Power MOFET O w c o n t& n je d ty p e ItW B S W P Â R e p la c a d typ e 2SK1009 2SK1010 2SK1011 2SK1012 2SK1015 2SK2871 2SK2875 2SK2639 2SK2641 2SK2755 2SK1016 2SK1023 2SK1024 2SK1082 2SK2643 2SK2646

    OCR Scan
    2SB1532 2SC3821 2SC3822 2SC3865 2SC3886 2SC4383 2SC4507 2SC4508 2SD1726 2SD1740 ET412 2SK1217 2SK2850 ESAB92M-02N 2SK2879 2SK2765 2SK2645 2SK1916 2sk2645 MOSFET 2sk1082 PDF


    Abstract: ETG36-040D diode B4 diode b6 k 450 ETG36-040C 2SD1071 B4 diode 2SD2350 2SD1726 2SD833
    Text: Transistors COLLMER SEMI CONDUCTOR I NC 2230712 MAE D 0001b02 2T 2 ICOL »* 2 °\ High speed switching darlington transistors • These are o f d arling to n typ e and are pro vided w ith a h ig h er hFE. • S w itch in g speed is in th e rang e o f tf=1jas.

    OCR Scan
    0001b02 ETG36-040C ETG36-040D O-220F ET365 ET385 ET375 2SC2930 diode B4 diode b6 k 450 2SD1071 B4 diode 2SD2350 2SD1726 2SD833 PDF


    Abstract: transistor 2SC4977 ET-190 2sc3320 transistor 2sC2625 transistor ET391 ET-391 2SC4786 2sc4831 2SC4977 transistor
    Text: FUJI STLSÊirtEDÊ SWITCHING TRANSISTORS Ée "j . '• ï>> I TÉjJii * N fq & zo \ _ < § P". m \k ‘ W » M î» T Is V l IC AMPS Max. 3 5 6 8 VcEoV J sus 800 80 Device Type NPN 2SC3550 180 80 2SD921 800 80 2SC3551 1000* 80 ET383 700 80 2SC3505 Ppc IC AMPS

    OCR Scan
    2SC2929 2SC3549 2SD1157 2SD834 2SD1073 2SB862* 2SD1128 2SD982 2SC2767 2SD1072 2sc4977 transistor 2SC4977 ET-190 2sc3320 transistor 2sC2625 transistor ET391 ET-391 2SC4786 2sc4831 2SC4977 transistor PDF


    Abstract: Transistor 2sc2246 ETG36-040D 2sd920 2SC2437 2SC2930 ET403 NPN 2SC382 2SC303 transistor ET191
    Text: COLL MER SEMICONDUCTOR INC MAE D • 22367=12 OüDlSflQ SOI « C O L Switching Iftmsistors/MQV's ^ g SWITCHING TRANSISTORS TO-220AB TO-220F kcont. V c e o s u s Volts Pc Device type Amps. Max. Min. Watts NPN 3 400 600 60 40 2SC2929 2SC3549 4 250 60 2SD1073

    OCR Scan
    O-220AB 2SC2929 2SC3549 2SD1073 2SB862* 2SD1128 2SD930 2SD2767 2SD834 2SD982 2SC3033 Transistor 2sc2246 ETG36-040D 2sd920 2SC2437 2SC2930 ET403 NPN 2SC382 2SC303 transistor ET191 PDF


    Abstract: 2SD1073 2SD1726 2SD1797 2SD2350 2SD833 2SD834 2SD835 2SD916 ETG36-040C
    Text: T ra n sisto rs COLLHER Q SEMICONDUCTOR INC 4ÖE » • 2330712 OODlbOa 2T2 «COL High speed sw itch in g d arlin gton transistors • These are o f d arling to n typ e and are provided w ith a h ig h er hFE. • S w itchin g speed is in th e rang e o f tf=1|as.

    OCR Scan
    ETG36-040C ETG36-040D O-220F ET375 2SC2930 2SD1071 2SD1073 2SD1726 2SD1797 2SD2350 2SD833 2SD834 2SD835 2SD916 PDF