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    2N6849U Search Results

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    2N6849U Price and Stock

    Microchip Technology Inc 2N6849U

    MOSFET P-CH 100V 6.5A 18ULCC
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    Microchip Technology Inc JAN2N6849U

    MOSFET P-CH 100V 6.5A 18ULCC
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    Microchip Technology Inc JANTXV2N6849U

    MOSFET P-CH 100V 6.5A 18ULCC
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    International Rectifier JANTXV2N6849U

    Electronic Component
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    ComSIT USA JANTXV2N6849U 97
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    2N6849U Datasheets (2)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    2N6849U Microsemi P Channel MOSFET; Original PDF
    2N6849U Microsemi FETs - Single, Discrete Semiconductor Products, MOSFET P-CH 100V 18-LCC Original PDF

    2N6849U Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TECHNICAL DATA SHEET 6 Lake Street, Lawrence, MA 01841 1-800-446-1158 / 978 620-2600 / Fax: (978) 689-0803 Website: http: // P-CHANNEL MOSFET Qualified per MIL-PRF-19500/564 DEVICES LEVELS 2N6849 2N6849U JAN JANTX JANTXV JANS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TC = +25°C unless otherwise noted)

    MIL-PRF-19500/564 2N6849 2N6849U T4-LDS-0009 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2N6849U Qualified Levels: JAN, JANTX, JANTXV and JANS P-CHANNEL MOSFET Compliant Qualified per MIL-PRF-19500/564 DESCRIPTION This 2N6849U switching transistor is military qualified up to the JANS level for high-reliability applications. This device is also available in a thru hole TO-205AF package. Microsemi also

    2N6849U MIL-PRF-19500/564 2N6849U O-205AF 2N6849 MIL-PRF-19500/564. T4-LDS-0009-1, PDF


    Abstract: transistor DD 127 D 2N6849 2N6849 JANTX u18 transistor
    Text: 2N6849U Qualified Levels: JAN, JANTX, JANTXV and JANS P-CHANNEL MOSFET Compliant Qualified per MIL-PRF-19500/564 DESCRIPTION This 2N6849U switching transistor is military qualified up to the JANS level for high-reliability applications. This device is also available in a thru hole TO-205AF package. Microsemi also

    2N6849U MIL-PRF-19500/564 2N6849U O-205AF 2N6849 MIL-PRF-19500/564. T4-LDS-0009-1, DD 127 D TRANSISTOR transistor DD 127 D 2N6849 JANTX u18 transistor PDF

    2n6849 mosfet

    Abstract: 2N6849 2N6849 JANTX 80v P-Channel MOSFET 2n6849u ADC 0803 datasheet
    Text: TECHNICAL DATA SHEET 6 Lake Street, Lawrence, MA 01841 1-800-446-1158 / 978 620-2600 / Fax: (978) 689-0803 Website: http: // P-CHANNEL MOSFET Qualified per MIL-PRF-19500/564 DEVICES LEVELS 2N6849 2N6849U JAN JANTX JANTXV JANS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TC = +25°C unless otherwise noted)

    MIL-PRF-19500/564 2N6849 2N6849U T4-LDS-0009 2n6849 mosfet 2N6849 2N6849 JANTX 80v P-Channel MOSFET 2n6849u ADC 0803 datasheet PDF

    DD 127 D transistor

    Abstract: 2N6849
    Text: 2N6849 Qualified Levels: JAN, JANTX, JANTXV and JANS P-CHANNEL MOSFET Available on commercial versions Qualified per MIL-PRF-19500/564 DESCRIPTION This 2N6849 switching transistor is military qualified up to the JANS level for high-reliability applications. This device is also available in a low profile U surface mount package.

    2N6849 MIL-PRF-19500/564 2N6849 O-205AF T4-LDS-0009, DD 127 D transistor PDF


    Abstract: 1N6761-1 2N2369AU 2N2907AUB BR17 datasheet transistor SI 6822 Dimming LED aplications Dimming LED Driver aplications GC4600 IC ZL70572
    Text: Product Portfolio 2013-2014 ng-edge Embed Power Matters. About Microsemi Microsemi Corporation is a leading provider of semiconductor solutions differentiated by power, security, reliability and performance. The company concentrates on providing solutions for applications where power matters, security


    Diode 400V 5A

    Abstract: lm1083 BZY55C transistor 2n1208 bc109 spice IRF9024 CV7404 mnt6337j sml1258 SML1004RGN
    Text: PRODUCT 2C415 2C425 2C444 2C746 2N1131L 2N1132 2N1132CSM 2N1132DCSM 2N1208 2N1209 2N1482 2N1483 2N1483A 2N1484A 2N1485 2N1485A 2N1486 2N1486A 2N1613 2N1613L 2N1616 2N1617 2N1618 2N1711 2N1717 2N1721 2N1722 2N1724 2N1724A 2N1889 2N1890 2N1893 2N1893CSM 2N1893DCSM

    2C415 2C425 2C444 2C746 2N1131L 2N1132 2N1132CSM 2N1132DCSM 2N1208 2N1209 Diode 400V 5A lm1083 BZY55C transistor 2n1208 bc109 spice IRF9024 CV7404 mnt6337j sml1258 SML1004RGN PDF


    Abstract: 2N7549 2n7545 2N7476T1 smd 92112 2N7546 IRHNJ9130SCS 2N7471 2N7426 2N7468
    Text: Hi-Rel Products Shortform Hermetic MOSFETs High Voltage MOSFETs for PFC and Primary Switch Applications Hi-Rel Components Schottky and HEXFRED Products Hi-Rel Schottky Diodes Hi-Rel HEXFRED  Diodes Hi-Rel Linear and Switching Regulators Fixed Voltage Regulators


    smd 662

    Abstract: 2N7422 2n7425 2N7426 2N7383 601 SMD 2N7389 IRHM9260 2N7422U 2N7219U
    Text: QPL Product Matrix February, 1999 Government & Space Products Package TO39 LCC MO036 MO036 MO036 TO39 LCC TO39 LCC TO3 TO39 LCC TO3 TO39 LCC TO39 LCC TO257 TO257 TO39 LCC TO254 SMD-1 TO254 SMD-1 TO3 TO254 SMD-1 TO254 SMD-1 TO254 TO-254 SMD-1 TO-254 SMD-2 TO-254

    MO036 O-254 2N6782, IRFF110 2N6782U, IRFE110 smd 662 2N7422 2n7425 2N7426 2N7383 601 SMD 2N7389 IRHM9260 2N7422U 2N7219U PDF

    transistor 564H

    Abstract: 2n6849 jantxv JANHCA2N6849 2N6849 2N6849U 2N6849 JANTX 2N6849 JANS 2N6851 2N6849 datasheet IRFF9232
    Text: INCH-POUND The documentation and process conversion measures necessary to comply with this revision shall be completed by 2 September 2009. MIL-PRF-19500/564H 2 June 2009 SUPERSEDING MIL-PRF-19500/564G 13 June 2005 PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION SHEET SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR, P-CHANNEL, SILICON,

    MIL-PRF-19500/564H MIL-PRF-19500/564G 2N6849, 2N6849U, 2N6851 2N6851U, MIL-PRF-19500. transistor 564H 2n6849 jantxv JANHCA2N6849 2N6849 2N6849U 2N6849 JANTX 2N6849 JANS 2N6849 datasheet IRFF9232 PDF

    irf P-Channel MOSFET audio

    Abstract: 2N6849U 2N6849 JANS 2N6849 IRFE9130 JANS2N6849U JANTX2N6849U JANTXV2N6849U 2n6849 mosfet
    Text: Provisional Data Sheet No. PD - 9.1716 IRFE9130 REPETITIVE AVALANCHE AND dv/dt RATED 2N6849U HEXFET TRANSISTOR 2N6849U 2N6849U [REF:MIL-PRF-19500/564] Ω , HEXFET -100Volt, 0.30Ω The leadless chip carrier LCC package represents the logical next step in the continual evolution of

    IRFE9130 JANTX2N6849U JANTXV2N6849U JANS2N6849U MIL-PRF-19500/564] -100Volt, irf P-Channel MOSFET audio 2N6849U 2N6849 JANS 2N6849 IRFE9130 JANS2N6849U JANTX2N6849U JANTXV2N6849U 2n6849 mosfet PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Provisional Data Sheet No. PD - 9.1716 International IO R Rectifier IRFE9130 dv/dt R A TED J 2N6849U HEXFET TRANSISTOR 2N6849U 2N6849U [REF:M IL-PRF-19500/564] R E P E T IT IV E A V A LA N CH E A N D P-CHANNEL Product Summary -1 OOVolt, 0.30Q, HEXFET

    OCR Scan
    IRFE9130 ANTX2N6849U JANTXV2N6849U JANS2N6849U MIL-PRF-19500/564] PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Provisional Data Sheet No. PD - 9.1716 In t e r n a t io n a l IOR Rectifier ir f e 913o dv/dt RATED 2N6849U HEXFET TRANSISTOR 2N6849U 2N6849U [REF:MIL-PRF-19500/564] R EPETITIVE AVALANCHE AND -100Volt,0.30Q , HEXFET T he le a d le ss c h ip c a rrie r LC C p a cka g e re p re se n ts

    OCR Scan
    -100Volt JANTX2N6849U JANTXV2N6849U JANS2N6849U MIL-PRF-19500/564] PDF