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    2A824D Search Results

    2A824D Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: A223D
    Text: « B tt* — 3 W * _ _ fi^ - n - o sr . . Interference Suppression Çapapitor ECQUX^ D nn Type ECQUX Across-the-line Capacitor Class X2 t: t o X K ïî? U i X 0.8 mmPJ.± •4$ m f c t L x 9 7 s a t z M ì $ Q ¥ X \ Pt-%. l i 4 f ^ 7 m COÜ 'E 'IÎ 8tH *r-X

    OCR Scan
    A564D A684D 2A824D A105D R32855 A224d A223D PDF


    Abstract: 2A183D 2A123d gpf mkt ecq-uv .1 uF K/2A153d 2A223 2A103D 2A105D 2a152D gpf 0.1
    Text: Panasonic P la stic Film C a p a cito rs Interference S u ppression C a p a citor M etallized P olyester Type ECQUV [Class X2] In a c c o r d a n c e w ith U L /C S A and E u ro p e a n s a fe ty regulations class X2 • Features •C o m p a c t •O v e rv o lta g e stress w ithstanding

    OCR Scan
    00DDDD0 CSAC22 2A153d 2A183D 2A123d gpf mkt ecq-uv .1 uF K/2A153d 2A223 2A103D 2A105D 2a152D gpf 0.1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Interference SuppréSjSjônXapaéitor E C Q U V M & * 8 * I I * ifê I £ Æ n nn Type ECQUV Across-the-line Capacitor Class X2 This series is esp e cially designed fo r ra d io interference s u p p re s s o rs in a c c o rd a n c e w ith U L /C S A and E u ro p ­

    OCR Scan
    2A274D 2A334DV 2A394DV 2A564DV 2A824DV 2A105DV PDF