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    2N3157 Search Results

    2N3157 Datasheets (6)

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    2N3157 Motorola Motorola Semiconductor Datasheet Library Scan PDF
    2N3157 Unknown Transistor Shortform Datasheet & Cross References Scan PDF
    2N3157 Unknown Shortform Transistor PDF Datasheet Short Form PDF
    2N3157 Unknown GE Transistor Specifications Scan PDF
    2N3157 Unknown Historical semiconductor price guide (US$ - 1998). From our catalog scanning project. Historical PDF
    2N3157 Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF

    2N3157 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: AD149 AD148 2s812 2N2068-0 2N1437 OC26 germanium 2N256 m945
    Text: POWER GERMANIUM PNP Item Number Part Number I C •5 · 10 >= MP2145 2N2145 2N2145A 2N618 2N268A 2N20680 2N3161 MP2141 2N2141 2N2141A ~1~~~ 20 MP2146 2N2146 2N2146A 2N1761 2N3157 2N2660 2N2663 2N2666 · ~~~~~2 15 · 25 30 2N1758 2N1362 2N1363 2N1762 ADl63

    MP2145 2N2145 2N2145A 2N618 2N268A 2N20680 2N3161 MP2141 2N2141 2N2141A AD149 AD148 2s812 2N2068-0 2N1437 OC26 germanium 2N256 m945 PDF

    npn 10 a 50 v to-3 germanium

    Abstract: TO10 package germanium transistors NPN AD163 2N1041 AUY26 npn 10 a 50 v germanium 2n1040 germanium 2SB449
    Text: POWER GERMANIUM TRANSISTORS Item Number «C Part Number Manufacturer Type Max V BR CEO (A) (V) Po Max h re fT ICBO Max k)N Max ON) Min (HZ) (A) (s) r (CE)ut T Oper Max (Ohms) Max (°C) 250m 250m 230m 160m 470m 500m 250m 250m 250m 750m 10 10 10 750m 10 10 10

    2N2554 2N2558 2N1756 2N1760 2N3160 2N3156 2N1039 2N2555 2N2559 CK258 npn 10 a 50 v to-3 germanium TO10 package germanium transistors NPN AD163 2N1041 AUY26 npn 10 a 50 v germanium 2n1040 germanium 2SB449 PDF


    Abstract: MC880P MC9713P mc2257 1N4003 germanium diode specification 2N1256 S P 1N4465 MC9802P MC9718P 3N214
    Text: Semiconductor Data Library Master Index prepared by Technical Information Center The information in this book has been carefully checked and is believed to be reliable; however, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, this information does not convey to the

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: CD4003 2N2505 TF408 1N4465 250PA120 2N3017 pt 3570 trw rf pa189 Semicon volume 1
    Text: 1969 o < 00 x ic e uo <r\ *—4 rO O CM u J 'r < o o o CO r aJ. rfrr.~> y -< z X— < P“ -J Sem iconductor Annual At .0008" Dia. . . . there is no second source phire orifice insert. Tempress also created and supplied the tungsten carbide ultrasonic bonding tool and pioneered

    OCR Scan

    Thyristor Xo 602 MA

    Abstract: 5A/1/Thyristor Xo 602 MA ah 90360 1N126 2N339 2N3201 transistor bf 175 germanium transistor epitaxial mesa 2N241
    Text: GENERAL ELECTRIC THYRISTOR AND DIODE CONDENSED SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL ELECTRIC THYRISTOR AND DIODE CONDENSED SPECIFICATIONS This chapter is primarily devoted to condensed specifications of General Electric’s thyristors, thyristor assemblies, trigger devices, and

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    y51 h 120c

    Abstract: bd124 KT368 BFQ59 Silec Semiconductors BD214 al103 AFY18 bd192 MM1711
    Text: Towers' International Transistor Selector ! o Towers’ International Transistor Selector Specification data for the identification, selection and substitution of transistors by T D Towers, MBE, MA, BSc, C Eng, MIERE Revised Edition U pdate Three London: NEW YORK

    OCR Scan
    500MA 500MA 240MWF 240MWF y51 h 120c bd124 KT368 BFQ59 Silec Semiconductors BD214 al103 AFY18 bd192 MM1711 PDF