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    28C256 SEEQ Search Results

    28C256 SEEQ Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: 24c04 Atmel 27c301 atmel 24c02 39SF040 24C08 ATMEL dataman s4 27C101 Xicor 28256 eeprom 2864a
    Text: Dataman S4 Programmer Device Support List Library Version 2.84 May 2001 8 Bit EPROMS, EEPROMS & Flash ROMS AMD 27010 2716B 2732B 27C010 27C100 27C512L 27HB010 28C256 28F256 29F002NBB 29F040 9716 9864-25 27128 27256 27512 27C020 27C128 27C64 2817A 28F010 28F512

    2716B 2732B 27C010 27C100 27C512L 27HB010 28C256 28F256 29F002NBB 29F040 27C32 24c04 Atmel 27c301 atmel 24c02 39SF040 24C08 ATMEL dataman s4 27C101 Xicor 28256 eeprom 2864a PDF

    winbond 25080

    Abstract: 29F200BB 16LF648A 89V51RD2 18f252 89S51 National SEMICONDUCTOR GAL16V8 29sf040 12f675 29F400BB
    Text: Dataman-S4 Version 3.00 <ALL> Devices List - 1. S4 8 bit EPROM lib. V3.00 - AMD 27010

    2732B 27C100 27HB010 27C256 27HC64 27C128 27C040 7128A winbond 25080 29F200BB 16LF648A 89V51RD2 18f252 89S51 National SEMICONDUCTOR GAL16V8 29sf040 12f675 29F400BB PDF


    Abstract: M27512FI TC571000D-15 et2732 TC571001D-15 4827128 27c1001a Toshiba TC571000D-20 28C256 27c32
    Text: Device List by Manufacturer . 2716 2716BDC 2732 2732A 2764 Am27C64 Am2864AE Am2864BE 27128 Am27C128 27256 Am27C256 Am27H256 Am27C512 Am27C512L Am27C010 Am27H010 Am27LV010 Am27LV010B Am27C020 Am27LV020 Am27LV020B Am27C040 Am27C080 AT28C04 AT28C16 AT28C17 AT28HC16 AT28HC16L AT27HC64

    2716BDC Am27C64 Am2864AE Am2864BE Am27C128 Am27C256 Am27H256 Am27C512 Am27C512L Am27C010 TMS27256 M27512FI TC571000D-15 et2732 TC571001D-15 4827128 27c1001a Toshiba TC571000D-20 28C256 27c32 PDF

    st 27c256b

    Abstract: 28C64 EPROM programmer Winbond 27c512 27c65 eprom AM2764A intel 27c512 eprom L27C128 2864a 28H256 27C512
    Text: PRODUCT DATA SHEET AD62 479-913 and AD50 (479-834) Package Converters for E(E)PROMs and FLASH etc (PLCC) Product Code Pins on skt Pins on Base Wiring Code Package Base pitch" Miscellaneous AD62 32 28 01 P .6 Clamshell Product Code Pins on skt Pins on Base

    AM2764A-# AM2764A- AM2764AJ Am2764J Am27C64- Am27C64-J Am27128A- Am27128A-J st 27c256b 28C64 EPROM programmer Winbond 27c512 27c65 eprom AM2764A intel 27c512 eprom L27C128 2864a 28H256 27C512 PDF

    AT28C256 rad

    Abstract: 197a8 radiation hardened prom WY smd transistor
    Text: 32K x 8 Radiation Hardened Programmable Read Only Memory PROM – 5 V Product Description Features Radiation Other • Fabricated with Bulk CMOS 0.8 µm Process • Read/Write Cycle Times ≤45 ns, (TC = -55°C to 125°C) • Total Dose Hardness through 2 × 105 rad(Si)

    5962R96891 197A807 28-Lead 28C256 AT28C256. AS9000, PUBS-01-B22-Q-011 MVA01-012 AT28C256 rad 197a8 radiation hardened prom WY smd transistor PDF

    prom 238A790

    Abstract: 238A790 BAE Systems prom 32K x 8 AEFJANTXV1N4100-1-BAE/TR/BAE ppi interface 1007 S/Stag Programmer Orbit AS9000 unisite 28C256 BAE Systems
    Text: 32K x 8 Radiation Hardened Programmable Read Only Memory PROM – 3.3V 238A790 Product Description Features Radiation • Fabricated with Bulk CMOS 0.8 µm Process • Total Dose Hardness through 2x105 rad(Si) • Neutron Hardness through 1x1012 N/cm2 • SEU Immune (No Latches)

    238A790 2x105 1x1012 28-Lead 28C256 AT28C256. AS9000, prom 238A790 238A790 BAE Systems prom 32K x 8 AEFJANTXV1N4100-1-BAE/TR/BAE ppi interface 1007 S/Stag Programmer Orbit AS9000 unisite BAE Systems PDF

    prom 238A790

    Abstract: AT28C256 rad WY smd transistor 238A790 BAE Systems prom 32K x 8 VT101 Atmel PART DATE CODE K109 AEFJANTXV1N4100-1-BAE/TR/BAE
    Text: 238A790 32K x 8 Read Only Memory PROM – 3.3V Product Description Features Radiation • Fabricated with Bulk CMOS 0.8 µm Process • Total Dose Hardness through 2x105 rad(Si) • Neutron Hardness through 1x1012 N/cm2 • SEU Immune (No Latches) • Latchup Free

    238A790 28-Lead 2x105 1x1012 28C256 AT28C256. AS9000, x5040) prom 238A790 AT28C256 rad WY smd transistor 238A790 BAE Systems prom 32K x 8 VT101 Atmel PART DATE CODE K109 AEFJANTXV1N4100-1-BAE/TR/BAE PDF


    Abstract: BAE Systems prom 32K x 8 fuse smd code N WY smd transistor BAE Systems b050 TRANSISTOR PACKAGE T 4-LEAD SMD TOP VIEW VDD 1. GND 2 smd atmel AT28C256 rad smd transistor a4
    Text: 32K x 8 Radiation Hardened Programmable Read Only Memory PROM – 5 V 197A807 Product Description Features Radiation • Fabricated with Bulk CMOS 0.8 µm Process • Total Dose Hardness through 2x105 rad(Si) • Neutron Hardness through 1x1012 N/cm2 • SEU Immune (No Latches)

    197A807 2x105 1x1012 5962R96891 28-Lead 28C256 AT28C256. AS9000, 197A807 BAE Systems prom 32K x 8 fuse smd code N WY smd transistor BAE Systems b050 TRANSISTOR PACKAGE T 4-LEAD SMD TOP VIEW VDD 1. GND 2 smd atmel AT28C256 rad smd transistor a4 PDF


    Abstract: ATMEL eeprom 2816A rom AE29f2008 HN462732G D27C64 AT27C64 ASD AE29F2008 d27C128 Toshiba tmm24128 HN2764
    Text: SALES/INFORMATION HOTLINE: +44 0 1226 767404 GLV32 DEVICE SUPPORT LIST ICE Technology Ltd August 30 2001 DIP devices of 32 pins or less are supported without the need of ANY adapter. Adapter number (see adapter list). Required for PLCC, SOIC or greater than 48 pins.

    GLV32 Am27C010 Am27C020 Am27C128 Am27C512 Am27C64 Am27H256 Am27LV010 Am27LV010B Am27LV020 ae29F2008 ATMEL eeprom 2816A rom AE29f2008 HN462732G D27C64 AT27C64 ASD AE29F2008 d27C128 Toshiba tmm24128 HN2764 PDF

    atmel 811

    Abstract: ROM 28C256 microchip ATMEL 350 Seeq 28C256 28C256 atmel 28C256 Intel 28C256-120 28C256-12 28C256-15
    Text: - I l l - 28C2 56 X ít « 28C256-12 28C256-120 28C256-15 28C256-20 28C256-25 28C256-250 28C256-300 28C256-350 28C256-70 28C256-90 28C256-90 28C256A-150 28C256A-200 28C256A-250 28C256AH-150 28C256AH-200 28C256AH-250 28C256H-120 28C256H- 70 28C256H-90 28F256-170P1C2

    OCR Scan
    28C256-12 28C256-120 28C256-15 28C256-20 28C256-25 28HC256-120 AT28HC256-70 AT28HC256-90 AT28HC256L-120 28PIN atmel 811 ROM 28C256 microchip ATMEL 350 Seeq 28C256 28C256 atmel 28C256 Intel PDF

    28C256 seeq

    Abstract: EEPROM 28C256 seeq 28C256
    Text: 28C256 Technology, Incorporated Timer E2 256K Electrically Erasable PROM August 1992 Features Military, Extended and Commercial Temperature Range • -5 5 °C to +125° C Operation Military . -4 0 ° C to +85°C Operation (Extended) • 0°C to +70°C Operation (Commercial)

    OCR Scan
    28C256 28C256 MD400099/A 28C256 seeq EEPROM 28C256 seeq 28C256 PDF

    EEPROM 28C256

    Abstract: 28C256 28C256-200 28c255 28C256 seeq 28C256-250 28C256-350
    Text: 28C256 Technology, Incorporated Timer E 2 256K Electrically Erasable PROM August 1992 Features • Military, Extended and Commercial Temperature Range • —55°C to +125° C Operation Military • -4 0 ° C to +85°C Operation (Extended) >0°C to +70°C Operation (Commercial)

    OCR Scan
    28C256 MIL-STD-883 MD400099/A 28C256 EEPROM 28C256 28C256-200 28c255 28C256 seeq 28C256-250 28C256-350 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 11E » SEEÛ TECHNOLOGY INC • a i n S 3 3 QQOEbTÔ fl MODULES M28C010 Timer E 2 1024K Electrically Erasable PROM October 1989 Description Features SEEQ's MM28C010 is a CMOS 5 V only, 128Kx8Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory EEPROM . The MM28C010 consists o f4 28C256 (32K

    OCR Scan
    M28C010 1024K MM28C010 128Kx8Electrically 28C256 TheMM28C010isavailableina 32pin MM28C010 T-46-13-27 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MODULES M28C010 Timer E 2 1024K Electrically Erasable PROM October 1989 Description Features • SEEQ's MM28C010 is a CMOS 5V only, 128Kx 8 Elec­ trically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory EEPROM . The MM28C010 consists o f4 28C256 (32K x 8) CMOS EEPROMs and a 2 to 4 line decoder in LCC

    OCR Scan
    M28C010 1024K MM28C010 128Kx 28C256 32pinmodule MD400044/B 28C010 PDF

    ST 28C256

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 28C256 Timer E 2 2 5 6 K Electrically Erasable P R O M October 1989 Features Description • ■ CMOS Technology Low Power • 60 mA Active • 150 pA Standby ■ Page Write Mode • 64 Byte Page • 160 us Average Byte Write Time ■ ■ Byte Write Mode SEEQ's 28C 256 is a C M OS 5 V only, 32K x 8 Electrically

    OCR Scan
    28C256 28C256 000cycles 400020/E ST 28C256 PDF

    eeprom 2816

    Abstract: 2816A eeprom Atmel eeprom Cross Reference eeprom Cross Reference EEPROM 2864 INTEL 28C64 EEPROM xicor 28C64 Xicor 28C010 Xicor 2864 intel 2864
    Text: SEEQ TECHNOLOGY EEPROM CROSS REFERENCE Alternate Manufacturer Part # EEPROM Configuration SEEQ Part # AMD AMD AMD Atmel Atm el Atmel Atmel Atmel Atm el Atmel Atmel Atmel Atm el Atm el Atm el Atmel Atmel Cypress Cypress Cypress Exel Exel Exel Exel Intel Intel

    OCR Scan
    2864B AT28HC16 AT28C64 AT28C64E AT28C64X AT28HC64 AT28PC64 AT28C64F AT28C2S6 AT28C256F eeprom 2816 2816A eeprom Atmel eeprom Cross Reference eeprom Cross Reference EEPROM 2864 INTEL 28C64 EEPROM xicor 28C64 Xicor 28C010 Xicor 2864 intel 2864 PDF


    Abstract: 28C64 EPROM programmer Winbond 27c512 27C256 27PC512 st 27c256b 2864A 27pc256 32 pin plcc socket to dil 27c65
    Text: AD50/62 - Package Converters for E E PROMs and FLASH etc (PLCC) Q u C j j lP Page 1 of 5 PRODUCX d a t a sh eet AD62 and AD50 Package Converters for E(E)PROMs and FLASH etc (PLCC) Product Code Pins on skt Pins on Base Wiring Code Package Base pitch” Miscellaneous

    OCR Scan
    AD50/62 com/ad62 27C128, 27C256, 27C512, 27HC256 27C513, 27C512 28C64 EPROM programmer Winbond 27c512 27C256 27PC512 st 27c256b 2864A 27pc256 32 pin plcc socket to dil 27c65 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E/M28C256 Timer E2 256K Electrically Erasable PROM October 1989 Features • ■ ■ Military and Extended Temperature Range • -5 5 °C to +125°C Operation Military • -4 0 ° to +85°C Operation (Exended) CMOS Technology Low Power •6 0 mA Active • 250 ¡jA Standby

    OCR Scan
    E/M28C256 E/M28C256 28C256is MD400021/E 28C265 M28C256 PDF

    28 pin 28c256

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E/M28C256 Timer E2 256K Electrically Erasable PROM October 1989 Features Military and Extended Temperature Range • S S °C to +125°C Operation Military • -40 ° to +85°C Operation (Exended) • CMOS Technology Low Power • 60 mA Active • 250 pA Standby

    OCR Scan
    E/M28C256 E/M28C256 Ca0021/E 28C265 MD400021/E 28 pin 28c256 PDF


    Abstract: fujitsu 814100 TC 55464 toshiba HN62304 hn623257 658128 816b 41c464 hn62324 M7202A
    Text: MEM ORY ICs FUNCTION GUIDE 3. C R O S S REFERENCE GUIDE 3.1 DRAM Density Org. Samsung Mode Toshiba Hitachi Fujitsu H M 51 256 M B 81256 NEC Oki 64K X 1 Page K M 416 4 25 6 K X 1 F. Page KM 41C256 TC 51256 Nibble KM 41C257 TC51257 S. C olu m n KM 41C258 TC 51258

    OCR Scan
    41C256 41C257 41C258 41C464 41C466 41C1000 44C256 44C258 44C1002 TC51257 fujitsu 814100 TC 55464 toshiba HN62304 hn623257 658128 816b hn62324 M7202A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SEEû TECHNOLOGY INC IT E D • 011 ^2 33 ~ 0005402 5 ■ T -4 U -B MODULES Q/E28C010 Timer E 2 1024K Electrically Erasable PROM October 1989 Description Features W CMOS Technology ■ Military Temperature Range ■ Low Power Operation • 70 mA Active Current

    OCR Scan
    Q/E28C010 1024K MQ/ME28C010 128Kx 28C256 MD400066/A MQ/ME28C010 T-46-13-27 MD4000 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MODULES-M28COW Technology, Incorporated Timer E2 1024K Electrically Erasable PROM August 1991 Features Description • CMOS Technology ■ Military, Extended and Commercial Temperature Ranges • -5 5 °C to +125° C Operation Military • ~ 4 0 °C to +85°C Operation (Extended)

    OCR Scan
    MODULES-M28COW 1024K M28C010 MD400109/- M28C010 PDF

    MP 1008 es

    Abstract: MP 6101 MD4000
    Text: MODULES M28C010 Timer E2 1024K Electrically Erasable PROM October 1989 Features Description • CMOS Technology ■ Military Temperature Range ■ Low Power Operation • 70 mA Active Curent • 2 mA Standby Current ■ On-Chip Timer • Automatic Erase Before Write

    OCR Scan
    M28C010 1024K MM28C010 128Kx8Electrically 28C256 32pin MM28C010 28C010 MP 1008 es MP 6101 MD4000 PDF


    Abstract: KM23C4000AG TC534000AF HN62308BP TC551632 hitachi cross mb83 68512U HITACHI 64k DRAM TC55B4256
    Text: MEMORY ICs CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE 3. CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE 3.1 DRAM D ensity 2 56 K 1M Org. x1 Toshiba F Page T C 51256 N ib b le K M 4 1C 2 5 7 T C 51257 H ita ch i H M 51 2 5 6 — F u jitsu M B 8 12 5 6 M B 8 12 5 7 NEC /P D 41256 — Oki M S M 5 1C 2 5 6

    OCR Scan
    TC511001 TC514101 514170B 514280B TC5316200P KM2X16100 KM23C16000G KM23C16100G KM23C16000FP KM23C16100FP TC55B8128 KM23C4000AG TC534000AF HN62308BP TC551632 hitachi cross mb83 68512U HITACHI 64k DRAM TC55B4256 PDF