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    25FA4R7M Search Results

    25FA4R7M Datasheets Context Search

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    United Chemi-Con OS-CON

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ⅲ OS-CON Ⅲ Solvent Proof Ⅲ Low Impedance Ⅲ Long Life Ⅲ ‫؀‬105؇C Maximum Temperature OS -CON -105؇C FA FA OS-CON Series Actual Size The FA series is an OS-CON series with higher capacitance values and larger case sizes than the older CFM series. The low impedance characteristic makes these parts ideal for use in low profile

    16FA10M 16FA47M at20C) 16FA100M United Chemi-Con OS-CON PDF

    chemicon oscon

    Abstract: United Chemi-Con OS-CON os con 510 chemicon FA fa series 25FA10M
    Text: FA OS-CON Series Actual Size The FA series is a new OS-CON series with higher capacitance values and larger case sizes available than the older CFM series. The low impedance characteristic makes these parts ideal for use in low profile DC-DC converters and also for stereo and video recorder applications. These capacitors can

    16FA10M 16FA47M at20C) 16FA100M chemicon oscon United Chemi-Con OS-CON os con 510 chemicon FA fa series 25FA10M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OS-CON Solvent Proof Low Impedance Long Life ill +105°C Maximum Temperature »• iSCfSSf:;: S h SSS: The FA series is a new O S -C O N series w ith higher ca p a c ita n c e values and larger case sizes available th a n th e o ld e r CFM series. The low im p e d a n c e c h a ra c te ris tic m akes th e s e parts ideal fo r use in low

    OCR Scan
    20FA47M 20FA68M 20FA1 25FA4R7M 25FA6R8M 25FA10M 25FA15M 25FA22M 25FA33M 25FA47M PDF