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    3584 f09

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LTC2360/LTC2361/LTC2362 100ksps/250ksps/500ksps, 12-Bit Serial ADCs in TSOT-23 DESCRIPTION FEATURES n n n n n n n n n n n n 12-Bit Resolution Low Noise: 73dB SNR Low Power Dissipation: 1.5mW at 100ksps 100ksps/250ksps/500ksps Sampling Rates Single Supply 2.35V to 3.6V Operation

    LTC2360/LTC2361/LTC2362 100ksps/250ksps/500ksps, 12-Bit TSOT-23 100ksps 100ksps/250ksps/500ksps TSOT23-8) TSOT-23 3584 f09 PDF

    marking code 8 lead msop package analog devices

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LTC2360/LTC2361/LTC2362 100ksps/250ksps/500ksps, 12-Bit Serial ADCs in TSOT-23 DESCRIPTION FEATURES n n n n n n n n n n n n 12-Bit Resolution Low Noise: 73dB SNR Low Power Dissipation: 1.5mW @ 100ksps 100ksps/250ksps/500ksps Sampling Rates Single Supply 2.35V to 3.6V Operation

    LTC2360/LTC2361/LTC2362 100ksps/250ksps/500ksps, 12-Bit TSOT-23 100ksps 100ksps/250ksps/500ksps TSOT23-8) TSOT-23 marking code 8 lead msop package analog devices PDF


    Abstract: ML2264 ML2264CCP ML2264CCR ML2264CCS
    Text: May 1997 ML2264* 4-Channel High-Speed 8-Bit A/D Converter with T/H S/H GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML2264 is a high-speed, µP compatible, 4-channel 8-bit A/D converter with a conversion time of 680ns over the operating temperature range and supply voltage

    ML2264* ML2264 680ns 500kHz. DS2264-01 AD7824 ML2264CCP ML2264CCR ML2264CCS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LTC2360/LTC2361/LTC2362 100ksps/250ksps/500ksps, 12-Bit Serial ADCs in TSOT-23 DESCRIPTION FEATURES n n n n n n n n n n n n 12-Bit Resolution Low Noise: 73dB SNR Low Power Dissipation: 1.5mW at 100ksps 100ksps/250ksps/500ksps Sampling Rates Single Supply 2.35V to 3.6V Operation

    LTC2360/LTC2361/LTC2362 100ksps/250ksps/500ksps, 12-Bit TSOT-23 100ksps 100ksps/250ksps/500ksps TSOT23-8) TSOT-23 PDF


    Abstract: ML2264 ML2264CCP ML2264CCR ML2264CCS 248khz
    Text: May 1997 ML2264 4-Channel High-Speed 8-Bit A/D Converter with T/H S/H GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML2264 is a high-speed, µP compatible, 4-channel 8-bit A/D converter with a conversion time of 680ns over the operating temperature range and supply voltage

    ML2264 ML2264 680ns 500kHz. AD7824 ML2264CCP ML2264CCR ML2264CCS 248khz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SH38300/SH38301 2.4GHz GFSK Transceiver Preliminary General Description SH38300/38301 is a monolithic CMOS integrated circuit for wireless applications in 2.4GHz ISM band. The device is provided in a 32-lead plastic QFN5X5 packaging and is designed as a complete GFSK transceiver up to 3Mbps/ 1Mbps data

    SH38300/SH38301 SH38300/38301 32-lead SH38300/SH38001 PDF


    Abstract: 491-kHz
    Text: May 1997 ML2264 4-Channel High-Speed 8-Bit A/D Converter with T/H S/H GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML2264 is a high-speed, µP compatible, 4-channel 8-bit A/D converter with a conversion time of 680ns over the operating temperature range and supply voltage

    ML2264 680ns 500kHz. 5833D 491-kHz PDF


    Abstract: ML2264 ML2264CCP ML2264CCR ML2264CCS standalone data acquisition system for 8051
    Text: May 1997 ML2264* 4-Channel High-Speed 8-Bit A/D Converter with T/H S/H GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML2264 is a high-speed, µP compatible, 4-channel 8-bit A/D converter with a conversion time of 680ns over the operating temperature range and supply voltage

    ML2264* ML2264 680ns 830ns 700ns AD7824 ML2264CCP ML2264CCR ML2264CCS standalone data acquisition system for 8051 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: [AK7722] AK7722 24bit 4ch ADC + 24bit 4ch DAC with Audio DSP 概 要 AK7722は4chの24ビットDACと入力セレクタ付きステレオADCと2ch入力ADCを搭載したディジタルシグ ナルプロセッサです。内蔵される4chのDACは108dBセレクタ付2chのADCは96dBのダイナミックレンジ

    AK7722] AK7722 24bit AK7722ã 108dBã 1536step/fs 48kHzã MS1328-J-00 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: [AK7722] AK7722 24bit 4ch ADC + 24bit 4ch DAC with Audio DSP GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AK7722 is a digital signal processor with an integrated 4ch 24bit DAC, a stereo ADC with input selector and a 2ch input ADC. The integrated 4ch DAC, the 2ch ADC with input selector and the other 2ch ADC

    AK7722] AK7722 24bit AK7722 108dB, 1536step/fs 48kHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: May 199? ro Linear ML2264 4-Char»nel High-Speed 8-Bit A/D Converter with T/H S/H GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The M L2264 is a high-speed, (J.P compatible, 4-channel 8-bit A/D converter with a conversion time of 680ns over the operating temperature range and supply voltage

    OCR Scan
    ML2264 L2264 680ns 500kH ML2264 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MICRO LINEAR 3SE » • bCH3mfl DOOIDTT T ■ MLN May 1990 _ f PRELIMINARY c Micro Linear ML2261 j j ? Compatible High-Speed 8-Bit A/D Converter with T/H S/H GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML2261 is a high-speed, fiP compatible 8 -bit A/D converter with a conversion time of 670ns over the

    OCR Scan
    ML2261 ML2261 670ns 800ns 250kHz ML2261BMJ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M ay 1997 PRELIM INARY % Micro Linear ML2261 liP Compatible High-Speed 8-Bit A/D Converter with T/H S/H GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES Th e ML2261 is a high-speed, (xP com patible 8 -bit A/D co nverter w ith a conversion tim e of 670ns o ver the operating tem perature range and supply voltage

    OCR Scan
    ML2261 670ns 500kHz. AD7821. ML2261 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: July 1992 PRELIMINARY Micro Linear ML2261 /j P Compatible High-Speed 8-Bit A/D Converter with T/H S/H GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML2261 is a high-speed, /j P compatible 8 -bit A/D converter with a conversion tim e of 670ns over the operating temperature range and supply voltage

    OCR Scan
    ML2261 ML2261 670ns 850ns 700ns 250kH TMS320 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: July 1992 PRELIMINARY % M icro Linear ML2261 H? Compatible High-Speed 8-Bit A/D Converter with T/H S/H GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML2261 is a high-speed, /jP compatible 8 -bit A/D converter with a conversion time of 670ns over the operating temperature range and supply voltage

    OCR Scan
    ML2261 ML2261 670ns 850ns 700ns 250kHz TMS320 GGD32T2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: August 1992 u ^ M ìc r o L in e a r ML2264 4-Channel High-Speed 8-Bit A/D Converter with T/H S/H GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML2264 is a high-speed, fiP compatible, 4-channel 8 -bit A/D converter with a conversion time of 680ns over the operating temperature range and supply

    OCR Scan
    ML2264 ML2264 680ns 830ns 700ns TMS320 ML2264BM] ML2264BIJ ML2264BCP PDF


    Abstract: ME-44
    Text: May 1997 PRELIMINARY Micro Linear ML2261 f i ? Compatible High-Speed 8-Bit A/D Converter with T/H S/H GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML2261 is a high-speed, >uP compatible 8 -bit A/D converter with a conversion time of 670ns over the operating temperature range and supply voltage

    OCR Scan
    ML2261 670ns 500kHz. AD7821. ML2261BCP L2261BCQ 248khz ME-44 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O cto b er 1994 o ^ M ic r o L in e a r ML2264 4-Channel High-Speed 8-Bit A/D Converter with T/H S/H GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES Th e M L2 2 6 4 is a high-speed, n P com patible, 4-channel 8 -bit A /D con verter w ith a conversion tim e of 680n s over the operating tem perature range and supply voltage

    OCR Scan
    ML2264 ML2264BMJ ML2264BIJ L2264BCP ML2264BCS ML2264CMJ ML2264CIJ ML2264CCP L2264CCS PDF


    Abstract: 235n
    Text: A ugust 1992 Micro Linear ML2264 4-Channel High-Speed 8-Bit A/D Converter with T/H S/H GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES T h e M L2264 is a hig h-sp eed, fjP co m p atib le , 4-ch ann el 8-bit A /D co n v e rte r w ith a co n ve rsio n tim e of 680ns o ve r the op eratin g te m p e ratu re range and su p p ly

    OCR Scan
    ML2264 L2264 680ns TMS320 L2264BM ML2264BIJ L2264BCP L2264BCS L2264CM DB618 235n PDF