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    23Z128SM Datasheets (3)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    23Z128SM Pulse Engineering Transformer, LAN ISOLATION TRANSFORMER CATALOG Original PDF
    23Z128SMT Pulse Engineering Communication Transformer, Isolation Transformers For 10Base-T for adapter Card, Tape and Reel Original PDF

    23Z128SM Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: pc5023 80z1209Dsmd PE-64552 PE-64352 PE 68283 pe64382 W706 T608 80Z0509UNH
    Text: PINDEX 23Z81 23Z81SM 23Z87 23Z87SM 23Z290SM 23Z90SM 23Z91SM 23Z104 23Z104SM 23Z105SM 23Z106 23Z106SM 23Z107 23Z108SM 23Z109SM 23Z110SM 23Z111 23Z111SM 23Z112SM 23Z114SM 23Z116SM 23Z126SM 23Z128 23Z128SM 23Z133SM 23Z247 23Z247SMD 23Z354SM 23Z356SM 23Z338 23Z338SMD

    23Z81 23Z81SM 23Z87 23Z87SM 23Z290SM 23Z90SM 23Z91SM 23Z104 23Z104SM 23Z105SM PE-64382 pc5023 80z1209Dsmd PE-64552 PE-64352 PE 68283 pe64382 W706 T608 80Z0509UNH PDF


    Abstract: PE-68041 PE-64109 PE-64103 PE-64107 PE-64503 PE-65728 PE-65454 B4001 23Z90SM
    Text: LAN Transformers 10 Base-T & Ethernet Transformers 10BASE-T TRANSFORMERS Turns Primary Inductance Package Ratio OCL µH min L/W/H (in.)* Part Number PE-65454 1 E5017 2 PE-65726 23Z114SM PE-68048 2 PE-65745 23Z128SM 23Z356SM 2 23Z435SM 2 PE-68052 2 E4001 2

    10BASE-T PE-65454 E5017 PE-65726 23Z114SM PE-68048 PE-65745 23Z128SM 23Z356SM 23Z435SM PE-65726 PE-68041 PE-64109 PE-64103 PE-64107 PE-64503 PE-65728 B4001 23Z90SM PDF


    Abstract: EX2024 PE-65728 TD 68023 PE-64107 PE65723 E2023NL 65728 pe-6410x PE-64104
    Text: LAN ISOLATION TRANSFORMER CATALOG TABLE of CONTENTS ISOLATION TRANSFORMERS 10BASE-T FOR ADAPTER CARDS, MAUS, HUBS AND MOTHERBOARD APPLICATIONS Electrical Specifications: Surface Mount and Through Hole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2

    10BASE-T 10Base-T EC100 E2023 EX2024 PE-65728 TD 68023 PE-64107 PE65723 E2023NL 65728 pe-6410x PE-64104 PDF


    Abstract: NLXT901PC lxt901LC S553-0716 LXT901 LXT901PC ST7032 LXT907 VALOR pt4069 valor ST7032
    Text: LXT901/907 Universal 10BASE-T and AUI Transceivers Datasheet The LXT901 and LXT907 Universal 10BASE-T and AUI Transceivers are designed for IEEE 802.3 physical layer applications. They provide all the active circuitry to interface most standard IEEE 802.3 controllers to either the 10BASE-T media or Attachment Unit Interface AUI . In

    LXT901/907 10BASE-T LXT901 LXT907 PM6044 NLXT901PC lxt901LC S553-0716 LXT901PC ST7032 VALOR pt4069 valor ST7032 PDF

    sil t604

    Abstract: PE-67585 PE-51686 PE-68023 amd 2906 nec b1007 PE-68068 broadcom adsl nec c277 KS8761
    Text: LAN COMPONENTS LAN Modules/IC Cross Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-7 100 Mb Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-3 10Base-T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-6 Token Ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

    10Base-T sil t604 PE-67585 PE-51686 PE-68023 amd 2906 nec b1007 PE-68068 broadcom adsl nec c277 KS8761 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Isolation Transformers For 10Base-T Applications For Adapter Cards, Hubs, and Motherboards Designed to meet or exceed IEEE802.3, 10Base-T specifications Peak solder reflow Temperature rating per Table 5-2 defined in IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020C Available with Common Mode Choke options for EMI

    10Base-T IEEE802 10Base-T J-STD-020C E2457NL E2458NL ST4202NL PDF

    Valor Electronics PM6044 5V TO 9V

    Abstract: PM6044 valor ST7032 LT6032 pm6044 5v to 9v Valor Electronics PM6044 m-tron mp-1 99 20 44 ST7011 ST7032 valor VALOR lan transformer
    Text: LXT907 Universal Ethernet Interface Adapter APRIL, 1996 TABLE OF CONTENTS DATA SHEET LXT907 Universal Ethernet Interface Adapter Internal MAU GENERAL INFORMATION with Integrated 10BASE-T MAU, EnDec, AUI and Filters General Description 1 Features 2 T1/E1

    LXT907 LXT907 10BASE-T 56/DDS Valor Electronics PM6044 5V TO 9V PM6044 valor ST7032 LT6032 pm6044 5v to 9v Valor Electronics PM6044 m-tron mp-1 99 20 44 ST7011 ST7032 valor VALOR lan transformer PDF


    Abstract: PE-65454 PE-68023 E2023 SMT4 23Z128SM 23Z356SM 23Z467SM E4001 EC100
    Text: LAN ISOLATION TRANSFORMER CATALOG TABLE of CONTENTS ISOLATION TRANSFORMERS 10BASE-T FOR ADAPTER CARDS, MAUs, HUBS AND MOTHERBOARD APPLICATIONS Electrical Specifications: Surface Mount and Through Hole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

    10BASE-T 10Base-T EC100 PE-64502 PE-65454 PE-68023 E2023 SMT4 23Z128SM 23Z356SM 23Z467SM E4001 PDF


    Abstract: TNETE100A
    Text: nt magnetics nuvotem LAN Magnetic Components Interface Transformers and Chokes for Ethernet & Telecom Applications Sales & Marketing, Design and Manufacturing Facilities Eastern Europe & Czech Republic NT MAGNETICS s.r.o. Chebská 27



    Abstract: aui db15 to rj45 aui rj45 LXT901PC LXT901APC connector db15 ST4152 fil-mag 15pin fujitsu Universal Transceivers
    Text: USER GUIDE JULY 1997 Revision 1.1 LDB901 Demo Board for 10BASE-T and AUI applications General Description Features The LDB901 Demo Board is a complete working platform that allows system designers to test device performance and functionality prior to board prototyping. The LDB901

    LDB901 10BASE-T LDB901 LXT901, LXT907, LXT901A, LXT907A LXT908 LXT907PC aui db15 to rj45 aui rj45 LXT901PC LXT901APC connector db15 ST4152 fil-mag 15pin fujitsu Universal Transceivers PDF

    valor st7010

    Abstract: st6114 ST6114 VALOR SF1012 valor pt4116 ST7032 valor fil-mag 23z90sm valor SF1012 valor st6118 valor pt4116
    Text: Application Note 73 AUGUST 1998 Revision 1.2 Magnetic Manufacturers for Networking Product Applications General Description Features Magnetic Selection Magnetic Manufacturers This application note provides a reference list of compatible magnetic components from various

    10BASE-T 100BASE-TX AN73-T9xx-R1 valor st7010 st6114 ST6114 VALOR SF1012 valor pt4116 ST7032 valor fil-mag 23z90sm valor SF1012 valor st6118 valor pt4116 PDF


    Abstract: PE-68068 PE-68820 TNETE100A H306 pulse 23z128 PE-68810 pm5350 79C98 78Z034C
    Text: LAN Modules/IC Cross Reference 10Base-T Network Components 10Base-T Modules/IC Cross Reference IC Manufacturer AMD IC Part No. Pulse Part No. Ports Supported AM79C90 AM 79C98 AM 79C100 AM79C940 AM79C960/961 AM79C965/970 AM79C971 AM79C981/982/983 PE-68056 PE-68026

    10Base-T AM79C90 79C98 79C100 AM79C940 AM79C960/961 AM79C965/970 AM79C971 AM79C981/982/983 78Z1120B-01 PE-68068 PE-68820 TNETE100A H306 pulse 23z128 PE-68810 pm5350 79C98 78Z034C PDF

    VALOR lan transformer

    Abstract: fil-mag valor Valor Electronics LT6030 PT3877 Valor pt3877 filmag 78z1122b-01 5999-01
    Text: Transformer Manufacturers APRIL, 1996 TABLE OF CONTENTS Transformer Manufacturers GENERAL NFORMATION for LevelIOne Network Product Applications 1 Transformer T1/E1 SHORTManufacturers -HAUL TRANSCEIVERS AND RECEIVERS 2 Product Application Part Number Manufacturer

    LXT901 23Z128, 23Z128SM S553-0716, A553-0716 TD42-2006Q, TG42-2006WH1 LXT907 LXT902 VALOR lan transformer fil-mag valor Valor Electronics LT6030 PT3877 Valor pt3877 filmag 78z1122b-01 5999-01 PDF


    Abstract: pt4116 TG110-S050N2 TG110-S050p2 valor st6118 st7010 Midcom 6241-37 valor ST7032 Midcom 6181-37 valor st7010
    Text: Magnetic Manufacturers for Networking Product Applications Application Note January 2001 Order Number: 248991-001 As of January 15, 2001, this document replaces the Level One document known as AN073. Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual

    AN073. LXT901/901A LXT907/907A LXT908 LXT914 LXT915 S553-1006-AE TD01-0756K TG01-0756N 23Z90 ST6114 pt4116 TG110-S050N2 TG110-S050p2 valor st6118 st7010 Midcom 6241-37 valor ST7032 Midcom 6181-37 valor st7010 PDF


    Abstract: PM6044 valor ST7032 LXT901 characteristics of twisted pair cable LXT901/907 MB86950 mtron LXT901/LXT907 RJ45 low connector pcb board
    Text: LXT901/907 Universal 10BASE-T and AUI Transceivers Datasheet The LXT901 and LXT907 Universal 10BASE-T and AUI Transceivers are designed for IEEE 802.3 physical layer applications. They provide all the active circuitry to interface most standard 802.3 controllers to either the 10BASE-T media or Attachment Unit Interface AUI . In

    LXT901/907 10BASE-T LXT901 LXT907 lxt901LC PM6044 valor ST7032 characteristics of twisted pair cable LXT901/907 MB86950 mtron LXT901/LXT907 RJ45 low connector pcb board PDF


    Abstract: 23Z91SM H306 ic h306 PE-64104 pm5350 NOV25PMD6 E5007 23Z108SM PE-64503
    Text: LAN Modules/IC Cross Reference Active Modules Active Modules/IC Cross Reference Application IC Manufacturer TP-FDDI ATM 155 100Base-TX ATM (155) Pulse Pulse Pulse Pulse IC Part No. Pulse Part No. PE-68531G PE-68532G PE-68537G PE-68538G PE-68531G PE-68532G

    100Base-TX PE-68531G PE-68532G PE-68537G PE-68538G EC200 PE-64102 23Z91SM H306 ic h306 PE-64104 pm5350 NOV25PMD6 E5007 23Z108SM PE-64503 PDF


    Abstract: BMPR10 VALOR PM6501 10BASE2 10BASE5 MB86960 MB86961 MB86965 MB84256 150145
    Text: MB86965 ETHERCOUPLER SINGLE-CHIP ETHERNET CONTROLLER DATA SHEET FEATURES • Provides interface to the I/O bus of PC/XT/AT or compatible computers • Optional, generic host interface to connect to industrystandard microprocessor buses • Interface to serial EEPROM for Node ID and configuration option storage allows construction of jumperless, electronically configurable adapter cards

    MB86965 10BASE-T 50-mil MB86965 PM6501 BMPR10 VALOR PM6501 10BASE2 10BASE5 MB86960 MB86961 MB84256 150145 PDF

    T901 transformer

    Abstract: aui rj45 LXT901LC LXT901/LXT907
    Text: Data Sheet MARCH 1999 Revision 3.1 LXT901/907 Universal 10BASE-T and AUI Transceivers General Description Features The LXT901 and LXT907 Universal 10BASE-T and AUI Transceivers are designed for IEEE 802.3 physical layer applications. They provide all the active circuitry to

    OCR Scan
    LXT901/907 10BASE-T LXT901 LXT907 T901 transformer aui rj45 LXT901LC LXT901/LXT907 PDF


    Abstract: eDP timing control VESA CIP 8D Decoder "aui transformers" SQFP100 100-PIN BA10 BA11 BA12 FPT-100-M05
    Text: FUJITSU MB86964 ETHERNET CONTROLLER WITH 10BASE-T TRANSCEIVER PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET FEATURES Fully compliant with ISO/ANSI/IEEE 8802-3 specifica­ tions Provides generic interface to industry-standard micropro­ cessor busses X86, 680X0 and RISC High-performance packet-buffer architecture pipelines

    OCR Scan
    MB86964 10BASE-T 680X0 10BASE-T, 10BASE-T MB86964 100-Pin FPT-100-M05 008SQ 004SQ eDP timing control VESA CIP 8D Decoder "aui transformers" SQFP100 BA10 BA11 BA12 FPT-100-M05 PDF

    VALOR pt4069

    Abstract: LXT901PC PT4069 fil-mag 23z128 m-tron mp-1 HALO connector TESTO 901 23Z90 23Z90SM LT6030
    Text: APRIL 1996 DATA SHEET LXT901 Universal Ethernet Interface Adapter Internai MAU with Integrated 10BASE-T MAU EnDec, AUI and Filters , The LXT901 Universal Ethernet Interface Adapter is de­ signed for IE E E 802.3 physical layer applications. It pro­ vides all the active circuitry to interface most standard 802.3

    OCR Scan
    LXT901 10BASE-T LXT901 LXT901can DS-T901-0696-5K VALOR pt4069 LXT901PC PT4069 fil-mag 23z128 m-tron mp-1 HALO connector TESTO 901 23Z90 23Z90SM LT6030 PDF

    ST7032 driver

    Abstract: PT4069 PM6044 LXT907 S553-0716
    Text: APRIL, 1996 DATA SHEET LXT907 Universal Ethernet Interface Adapter Internal MAU with Integrated 10BASE-T MAU, EnDec, AUI and Filters Generai Description The LXT907 Universal Ethernet Interface Adapter is de­ signed for IE E E 802.3 physical layer applications. It pro­

    OCR Scan
    LXT907 10BASE-T LXT907 DS-T907-0696-5K ST7032 driver PT4069 PM6044 S553-0716 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MB86965 FUJITSU ETHERCOUPLER SINGLE-CHIP ETHERNET CONTROLLER DATASHEET APRILI 993 FEATURES Provides interface to the I/O bus of PC/XT /AT or compatible computers Optional, generic host interface to connect to industrystandard microprocessor buses Interface to serial EEPROM for Node ID and configu­

    OCR Scan
    MB86965 10BASE-T 37MT75b MB86965_ 001IMD1 374T75L PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LXT901A/907A Revision 1.0 Universal Ethernet Transceiver General Description Features The LXT901A and LXT907A Universal Ethernet Transceivers are new-generation LXT901 and LXT907 replacements with improved noise immunity and output filtering. The feature set of the LXT901A/907A has been

    OCR Scan
    LXT901A/907A LXT901A LXT907A LXT901 LXT907 LXT901A/907A 10BASE-T PDF


    Abstract: national semiconductor 8390 program TG01-0756N
    Text: JANUARY 1998 Revision 1.1 L X T 9 0 1 A /9 0 7 A Universal Ethernet Transceiver Functional Features The LXT901A and LXT907A Universal Ethernet Transceivers are new-generation LXT901 and LXT907 replacements with improved noise immunity and output filtering. The feature set of the LXT901A/907A has been

    OCR Scan
    LXT901A LXT907A LXT901 LXT907 LXT901A/907A 10BASE-T FT4069 national semiconductor 8390 program TG01-0756N PDF