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    AirBorn Inc ND-2P2-037-TH

    D-Sub Tools & Hardware Nanominiature Series .025
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    Mouser Electronics ND-2P2-037-TH
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 $116.97
    • 1000 $116.97
    • 10000 $116.97
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    AirBorn Inc ND-1P2-037-TH

    D-Sub Tools & Hardware
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics ND-1P2-037-TH
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 $116.97
    • 1000 $116.97
    • 10000 $116.97
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    AirBorn Inc ND-1R2-037-TH

    D-Sub Tools & Hardware
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    Mouser Electronics ND-1R2-037-TH
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 $116.97
    • 1000 $116.97
    • 10000 $116.97
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    AirBorn Inc ND-2R2-037-TH

    D-Sub Tools & Hardware
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    Mouser Electronics ND-2R2-037-TH
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 $116.97
    • 1000 $116.97
    • 10000 $116.97
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    237TH Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: no2rg SR119 msf1 D113 D114 D115 D116 D117 D118
    Text: HD66300T Horizontal Driver for TFT-Type LCD Color TV Description The HD66300T is a horizontal driver used for TFT-type (Thin Film Transistor) LCD color TVs. Specifically, it drives the drain bus signals of a TFT-type LCD panel. The HD66300T receives as input three video signals R, G, B, and their inverted signals 5, * and %.

    HD66300T HD66300T hd61105 no2rg SR119 msf1 D113 D114 D115 D116 D117 D118 PDF

    UMEC International

    Abstract: zener 20w UM1500
    Text: UM1500 SERIES 15 to 20 Watt DC-DC Converters ♦ Surface Mount Technology ♦ Efficiency 82% ♦ Wide Input Range ♦ 10.2 Watt/Cubic Inch ♦ Remote On/Off Control ♦ Low Profile SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS All specifications are typical at nominal line, full load and

    UM1500 330KHz 200Kloaded 237TH UM1500 UMEC International zener 20w PDF


    Abstract: HD61100A Hitachi LCD 1602 sony x35 lcd HD66710FS HCD66205L HD66840 HD44100H UPILEX VT hd44105
    Text: Hitachi LCD Controller/Driver LSI Data Book Index 04.10.1996 17:44 Uhr Seite 3 INDE X General Information LCD Driver Character Display LCD Controller/Driver Graphic Display LCD Driver for Small System Graphic Display LCD Driver 1 Negative LCD Power Supply Type

    HD66330T hd66840fs HD61100A Hitachi LCD 1602 sony x35 lcd HD66710FS HCD66205L HD66840 HD44100H UPILEX VT hd44105 PDF


    Abstract: SSL800 stv 312 Y219 psd961 y148 amplifier
    Text: PRELIMINARY PRODUCT INFORMATION MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT µ PD161801 240 OUTPUTS TFT-LCD SOURCE DRIVER WITH RAM DESCRIPTION The µ PD161801 is a TFT-LCD source driver that includes display RAM This driver has 240 outputs, a display RAM capacity of 172.8 K bytes 240 pixels x 18 bits x 320 lines and can provide a

    PD161801 PD161801 144-color R23-R0 SSL800 stv 312 Y219 psd961 y148 amplifier PDF


    Abstract: UM1511 UMEC International UM1513 UM1505 UM1500 UM1501 UM1502 UM1503 UM1504
    Text: UM1500 SERIES 15 to 20 Watt DC-DC Converters ♦ Surface Mount Technology ♦ Efficiency 82% ♦ Wide Input Range ♦ 10.2 Watt/Cubic Inch ♦ Remote On/Off Control ♦ Low Profile SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS All specifications are typical at nominal line, full load and

    UM1500 330KHz 200KN 237TH UM1500 um1507 UM1511 UMEC International UM1513 UM1505 UM1501 UM1502 UM1503 UM1504 PDF


    Abstract: SH120 Ga 81 SR118
    Text: HD66300T Horizontal Driver for TFT-Type LCD Color TV Description Features The HD66300T is a horizontal driver used for TFT-type (Thin Film Transistor) LCD color TVs. Specifically, it drives the drain bus signals of a TFT-type LCD panel. • LCD drive outputs: 120

    HD66300T HD66300T D287A SH120 Ga 81 SR118 PDF


    Abstract: UMEC International UMEC UM5113 UM5116 UM5109 UM5111 UM5112
    Text: UM5100 SERIES 5-7.5 Watt SMD DC-DC Converters ♦ Surface Mount Isolated DC-DC Converter ♦ High Efficiency ♦ 2:1 Input Range ♦ Pi Input Filter ♦ 1500 VDC Isolation ♦ Continuous Short Circuit Protection SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS All specifications are typical at nominal line, full load and

    UM5100 UM5100 237TH UMEC International UMEC UM5113 UM5116 UM5109 UM5111 UM5112 PDF

    IC Y180

    Abstract: stv 312 DB9 db15 y160 y204 Y175 Y229 SSL800 Y176 AUDIO IC
    Text: To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RoHS Compliant Balun Transformers MPS Industries announces that it has developed a new series of RoHS compliant Balun Transformers for CATV/Broadband/RF applications. Electronic component manufacturers are under increasing pressure to conform to a range of RoHS

    800MHz 237th PDF

    CKV 2310

    Abstract: RGB15 8080 rgb interfaces stv 312 stv 3090 PIN CONFIGURATION 7410 XAN 6520 PIN CONFIGURATION 7420 GSM based home appliance control circuit diagram PD161801
    Text: PRELIMINARY PRODUCT INFORMATION MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT µ PD161801 240 OUTPUTS TFT-LCD SOURCE DRIVER WITH RAM DESCRIPTION The µ PD161801 is a TFT-LCD source driver that includes display RAM This driver has 240 outputs, a display RAM capacity of 172.8 K bytes 240 pixels x 18 bits x 320 lines and can provide a

    PD161801 PD161801 144-color CKV 2310 RGB15 8080 rgb interfaces stv 312 stv 3090 PIN CONFIGURATION 7410 XAN 6520 PIN CONFIGURATION 7420 GSM based home appliance control circuit diagram PDF


    Abstract: LM470 Densitron LCD alphanumeric 4x20 LM4230 LM2442 LM780 lm68 densitron lm24 lm303 LM760
    Text: DENSITRON CORPORATION 2540 West 237th Street • Torrance, CA 90505 • Telephone 213 530-3530 FAX -.G2/G3: 213-534-8419 • TELEX II: 910-349-6200 D ate: A PR IL 1 , 1989 Subject: C urrent LCD Module Listing GENERAL INFORMATION The following inform ation is for use as a quick guide reference for all alphanum eric modules.

    OCR Scan
    237th LM4420 LM470 Densitron LCD alphanumeric 4x20 LM4230 LM2442 LM780 lm68 densitron lm24 lm303 LM760 PDF

    640 400 p plasma

    Abstract: spx corp DENSITRON plasma densitron lcd SPX20 vt320
    Text: DC □ ENSITRON CORPORATION RS232 C O N TR O LLE R C A R D FO R 4 0 0 x 6 4 0 LCD a n d P L A S M A DISPLAYS SPX20 SERIES CATALOG NO. SPX20I40/50/60 The SPX20 Series o f controller cards provide a simple and complete solution to interfacing complex flat panel displays to an

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    RS232 SPX20 SPX20I40/50/60 178mm 108mm) J26914 237th 640 400 p plasma spx corp DENSITRON plasma densitron lcd vt320 PDF

    TCA700Y equivalent

    Abstract: SAJ300R SAF1092 SAK215 n525 by133 tca700y itt zener diode zpd ITT INTERMETALL BC327-25
    Text: Pages Contents 2 and 3 List of Types 4 to 7 DIGIT2000 Digital TV System 8 to 21 ICs for TV and Radio Receivers 22 ICs for Telephone Applications 23 ICs for Electronic Clocks 24 and 25 ICs for Automobile Applications 26 ICs for other Applications 27 Voltage Stabilizers

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    DIGIT2000 237th YU-61000 TCA700Y equivalent SAJ300R SAF1092 SAK215 n525 by133 tca700y itt zener diode zpd ITT INTERMETALL BC327-25 PDF


    Abstract: ic ZN 415 yx 861 1g1b
    Text: H D66300T- Horizontal Driver fo r TFT-Type LC D C olor TV The HD66300T is a horizontal d river used for TFTtype (Thin Film Transistor) LCD color TVs. Specifi­ cally, it drives the drain bus signals of a TFT-type LCD panel. The HD66300T receives as input three video signals R,

    OCR Scan
    D66300T----------------- HD66300T HD66300T SHI20 ic ZN 415 yx 861 1g1b PDF