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    2246H5 Search Results

    2246H5 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: 2246H5C 2246h5 marking D3G TMC2246 TMC2301 C2581 TMC2246H5C1 93C36 TMC2246H5C
    Text: TMC2246 JH ^ M iM UM W M V V W CMOS Image Filter 11 x 10 Bit, 40M Hz The TM C2246 is a video speed convolutional array composed of four 1 1 x 1 0 bit registered multipliers followed by a summer and an accumulator. All eight multiplier inputs are accessible to the user and may be

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    TMC2246 11x10 40MHz TMC2246 25-bit MIL-STD-883 2246L5V1 C3JW 2246H5C 2246h5 marking D3G TMC2301 C2581 TMC2246H5C1 93C36 TMC2246H5C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 7771V TMC2246 CMOS Image Filter 1 1 x 1 0 B it , 4 0 M H z T h e T M C 2 2 4 6 is a vid e o sp e e d co n vo lu tio n al a rra y co m p o se d of fo u r 1 1 x 1 0 bit re g iste re d m u ltip lie rs fo llo w e d by a su m m e r an d an a cc u m u la to r. A ll e igh t

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    TMC2246 2246h5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TMC2246 TMC2246 CMOS Image Filter 11 X 10 Bit, 40 MHz Description The TMC2246 is a video speed The TMC2246 is a video speed convolutional array composed of four 11 x 10 bit registered multipliers followed by a summer and an accumulator. All eight multiplier inputs are accessible to

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    TMC2246 TMC2246 25-bit C2246H 2246H5C TMC2246H5C1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: b4E D m 7 5 c173bO RAYTHEON/ 000Ö022 b45 «RTN SEMICONDUCTOR — TMC2246 TMC2246 CMOS Image Filter 11x10 Bit, 40 MHz Description The TMC2246 is a video speed The TMC2246 is a video speed convolutional array composed of four 11 x 10 bit registered multipliers followed by a summer and an

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    173bO TMC2246 11x10 TMC2246 C2246H5C 2246H5C1 C2246L5V PDF