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    vending machine

    Abstract: automatic ticket vending machine vending led 7-segment ticket vending machine mdb interface led7segment BELT 200NT led 7 segment
    Text: Bill Validating Unit CHINA / TAIWAN Type : Bill Validating Unit Part No : EUCC6 _ _ _ _ _ Feature High recognition performance Thin,light,and compact Improved theft prevention performances High serviceability Failure indication by LED(7 segment)

    1yuan5yuan10yuan20yuan 100NT 200NT 100bills 80mmD) 262mmH) vending machine automatic ticket vending machine vending led 7-segment ticket vending machine mdb interface led7segment BELT 200NT led 7 segment PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HD74HCT125, HD74HCT126 # Quad. Bus Buffer Gates with 3-state outputs The HD74HCT125, H074HCT126 require the 3-state control input C to be taken high to put the output into the high im­ pedance condition, whereas the HD74HCT125, HD74HCT126 requires the control input to be low to put the

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    HD74HCT125, HD74HCT126 H074HCT126 HD74HCT126 HD74HCT125 HCT125 HCT126 20yuA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TC7W139FU TC7W 139FU 2-TO-4 LINE DECODER Unit in mm The TC7W139FU is a high speed C2MOS 2 to 4 LINE DECODER/ DEMULTIPLEXER fabricated with silicon gate C2MOS technology. It achieves the high speed operation similar to equivalent LSTTL while maintaining the C2MOS low power dissipation.

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    TC7W139FU 139FU TC7W139FU PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: / 'K -v 1 DESCRIPTION The MN5500 is a 12 Bit A/D Converter designed specifically for microprocessor applications. Internal circuitry is sup­ plied for chip select, address decoding, and the other inter­ face signals required by popular microprocessors. In most

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    MN5500 conver02 MN2020 74LS175 74LS00 74LS02 74LS04 74LS20 74LS205 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: # 8 -b it S e ria l or P a r a lle lin p u t/S e r ia l- o u t p u t S h ift R e g is te r w ith 3 -s t a te o u tp u ts The HD74HC589 Is sim ilar in fu n ctio n to the HD74HC597, which is n o t a 3-state device. PIN ARRANGEMENT This device consists o f an 8 -b it storage latch which feeds

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    HD74HC589 HD74HC597, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TC7S32F TC7S32F 2-INPUT OR GATE T h e T C 7 S 3 2 F is a high speed C2M O S 2-IN P U T O R G A TE fabricated w ith silicon gate C2M O S technology. I t achieves high speed operation sim ila r to eq u iv alen t L S T T L w hile m a in ta in in g the C2M O S low power dissipation.

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    TC7S32F TC7S32F) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TC74HC688AP/AF/AFW 8-B IT EQ UALITY COMPARATOR The TC74HC688A is a high speed cm os 8 -B IT EQ U A LITY CO M PA RA TO R fabricated w ith silicon gate C2MOS technology. It achieves the high speed operation sim ilar to equivalent LSTTL w hile m ain tain in g the CMOS low power

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    Abstract: m51995ap M51977 M51995 ac dc m51995afp AC to DC smps circuit diagram with M51995 M51995AP equivalent M51995 16 DIP Mitsubishi Electric SWITCHING REGULATOR CONTROL fp FLY BACK REGULATOR
    Text: MITSUBISHI Dig./Ana. INTERFACE M51995AP/FP SWITCHING REGULATOR CONTROL DESCRIPTION M51995A is the primary switching regulator controller which is especially designed to get the regulated DC voltage from AC power PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) supply. This IC can directly drive the MOS-FET with fast rise and fast fall

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    M51995AP/FP M51995A M51977 M51995 20ns/div 50mA/div 10mA/div m51995afp m51995ap ac dc m51995afp AC to DC smps circuit diagram with M51995 M51995AP equivalent M51995 16 DIP Mitsubishi Electric SWITCHING REGULATOR CONTROL fp FLY BACK REGULATOR PDF


    Abstract: irfb 640 TMP90C840AN TMP90C840 DGMOS 90c041 mt 6n6 om02 t04 p6 p830c
    Text: T O SH IB A TMP90C840A/841A CMOS 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLERS TMP90C840AN/TM P90C841AN TM P90C840AF/TM P90C841AF 1. OUTLINE AND CHARACTERISTICS T he TM P90C840A is a high-speed advanced 8 -bit micro co n tro ller applicable to a v a rie ty of equipm ent. W ith its 8-bit CPU , ROM, RAM, A/D converter, m u lti-fu n ctio n tim er/ev e n t counter

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    P90C840A/841 TMP90C840AN/TM P90C841 P90C840AF/TM P90C841AF TMP90C840A TMP90C841A TMP90C840AN/841 TMP90C841AN irfb 640 TMP90C840AN TMP90C840 DGMOS 90c041 mt 6n6 om02 t04 p6 p830c PDF