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    Fuses A

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BRITISH British fuses are typically used for industrial and general applications to protect cable and motor circuits. They are available with four different mounting plates. The most common sizes are shown here. Please consult Altech if you require sizes not listed.

    10NSGG 16NSGG 20NSGG 25NSGG 32NSGG 2/415V 4/415V 6/415V 10/415V 16/415V Fuses A PDF

    siemens 5s*23 C2 400V

    Abstract: siemens 3NA3830 3NH3430 3NH4030 FUSE SIEMENS 3nh3030 5SB261 5SE2216 3NH3030 3NWNS2 3NA3260
    Text: NEXT FIND IT TABLE OF CONTENTS MINIATURE DIAZED Mini fuses in five sizes to 20 Amps. • • • • Slow Blow Medium Blow Fast Blow Super Fast Blow NEOZED CYLINDER NH "Bottle" fuses in five sizes to 200 Compact fuses in three sizes to Standard cylinder fuses are

    F27SB 16D27SB 5SH111 5SH112 5SH113 5SH122 5SH123 5SH124 5SH2032 5SH2232 siemens 5s*23 C2 400V siemens 3NA3830 3NH3430 3NH4030 FUSE SIEMENS 3nh3030 5SB261 5SE2216 3NH3030 3NWNS2 3NA3260 PDF

    royal fuse

    Abstract: 5sb25 SIEMENS NH FUSE
    Text: TABLE OF CONTENTS MINIATURE DIAZED 20 Amps. • • • • NEOZED CYLINDER NH "Bottle" fuses in ve sizes to 200 Compact fuses in three sizes to Standard cylinder fuses are Amps. 100 Amps. available in four sizes to 125 Amps, with or without blown • gL/gG - Slow Blow

    NZ01C NZ02C NZ03C 5SH5002 5SH5004 5SH5006 5SH5010 5SH5020 5SH5025 5SH5035 royal fuse 5sb25 SIEMENS NH FUSE PDF

    marking GG

    Abstract: 660VAC SIEMENS NH FUSE royal fuse bs88-4 660V BS88 SIEMENS FUSES Neozed fuse class GG 20NSGG
    Text: NEXT FIND IT TABLE OF CONTENTS MINIATURE DIAZED Mini fuses in five sizes to 20 Amps. • Slow Blow • Medium Blow Click for PDF file • Fast Blow • Super Fast Blow NEOZED CYLINDER NH "Bottle" fuses in five sizes to 200 Compact fuses in three sizes to Standard cylinder fuses are

    250/660VAC 25/660VAC 50/660VAC 75/660VAC 25B17x41SC-2 50B17x41SC-2 75B17x41SC-2 100B17x41SC-2 125B17x41SC-2 150B17x41SC-2 marking GG 660VAC SIEMENS NH FUSE royal fuse bs88-4 660V BS88 SIEMENS FUSES Neozed fuse class GG 20NSGG PDF


    Abstract: 3NH3430 3NA3814 3NWNS2 3NA3801 3NA3832 3NA3260 3NW7020 3NA3144 siemens 3NA3830
    Text: NEXT FIND IT SIEMENS / ALTECH FUSE CROSS REFERENCE Note: Not all crosses are 100% identical but all are sufficient substitutes for fit, form and function. Siemens No. 3NA1431-6 3NA1432-6 3NA1434-6 3NA2105 3NA2107 3NA2110 3NA2114 3NA2117 3NA2120 3NA2122 3NA2124

    3NA1431-6 3NA1432-6 3NA1434-6 3NA2105 3NA2107 3NA2110 3NA2114 3NA2117 3NA2120 3NA2122 3NH3030 3NH3430 3NA3814 3NWNS2 3NA3801 3NA3832 3NA3260 3NW7020 3NA3144 siemens 3NA3830 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Stgnsttes DoeunwntNo. ass- SON No. O w eriM ua Ju n *4 , ISSO Statt» Produci Spedllceben FAST 74F1766 Burst Mode DRAM Controller BMDC FAST Praduca TYPE FEATURES • Allows burat*moda acoaaa for aystsms using Nlbbla/Paga/Statle column mod* DRAMa • Complata oontrol of DRAM accost,

    OCR Scan
    74F1766 150MHz 200mA 74F176S cas200 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Signeflct Document No. 853- ECN No. Date of issue Febfuary 1.1090 Status Preliminary Specification FAST 74F597, 74F598 Shift Registers 74F597 8-Blt Shift Register with Input Storage Registers 74F598 8-Blt Shift Register with Input Storage Registers 3-State

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    74F597, 74F598 74F597 74F598 120MHz 74F596 120MHz 16-Pin PDF

    saa 1030

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Slgn«flc« Document No. 853-1389 ECNNo. M l 44 Dan of luu e March IS, 1880 Status Product Specification FAST Products FEATURES • Metaatabla Immune Characteris­ tics • Propagation dalay skew and output to output skaw lass than 1.5na • Saa 74F5074 or Synchronizing

    OCR Scan
    74F50728 74F50728 74F5074 74F50109 74F50729 14-Pin 500ns saa 1030 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Signarte* Document No. 053-1390 ECN No. 98904 Date of issue February 23,1990 Status Product FAST 74F50729 Flip-Flop/Clock Driver Synchronizing Dual D-Type Flip-Flop Wlth-EdgeTiiggered Set And Reset And Metastable Immune Characteristics FAST Products FEATURES

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    74F50729 74F5074 74F50109 74F50728 14-Pin 500ns zckj PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product «pacification Philip« Semiconductor*-Slgnetlc* FAST Product* 64-Bit TTL bipolar RAM, inverting 3-State 74F189A FEATURES • 3-state outputs • High speed performance • Replaces 74F189 74F189A in 150 mil wide SO is preferred options for new designs

    OCR Scan
    64-Bit 74F189A 74F189 74F219A) 74F189A C3F189A 74F189 v\VM10% 500ns d3n03 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SAMSUNG S E M I CO ND UC T OR INC 05 D é JI 7Tfa414_2 D O O b i m 4 .: Octal D’ Type Transparent Latches with 3-State Outputs KS54AHCT KS74AHCT FEATURES DESCRIPTION • 8 latches In a single package » Full parallel access for loading • Function, pin-out, speed and drive compatibility with

    OCR Scan
    7Tfa414 KS54AHCT KS74AHCT 7Tb414S 90-XO 14-Pin PDF


    Abstract: 74F824N n74f823d F82W N74F823N f823 74F825D
    Text: S ig n e lic t Docum ent No. 853-1304 ECN No. 90464 Date of issue April 2 5 ,1 9 9 0 Status Product Specification FAST Products FEATURES • High spM d parallal registers with positive edge-triggered D-typa flipflops • High performance bus Interface buffering for wide data/address

    OCR Scan
    74F821/822/823/ 74F821/74F82210-Blt 74F823/74F824 74FB25/74F826 74F821, 74F822 74F823, 74F824 74F825, 74F826 74F825N 74F824N n74f823d F82W N74F823N f823 74F825D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TC74HC4022AP/AF O C TA L C O U N T E R / D IV ID E R The TC74HC4022A is a high speed CMOS O CTA L C O U N T ER D IV ID E R fab ricated with silicon gate C 2 MOS technology. It achieves the high speed operation sim ila r to equivalent L S T T L while maintaining the CMOS low power dissipatio n .

    OCR Scan
    TC74HC4022AP/AF TC74HC4022A TC74HC4022AP/AF-4 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 550-0205 550-0305 550-0105 550-0505 550-0605 550-0705 550-0805 •550-1005 550-1105 550-1205 550-1305 550-2205 550-2305 550-2105 550-2505 550-3005 550-3105 550-5105 550-5205 550-5305 550-5105 550-5505 550-5605 550-5705 550-5805 "A" GREEN DIFFUSED YELLOI DIFFUSED

    OCR Scan
    c-15844 550-1005 PDF


    Abstract: 74ALS20A 74ALS20AD 74ALS20AN
    Text: 74ALS20A Dual 4-Input NAND Gates Product Specification FUNCTION TABLE A H INPUTS c B H TYPE OUTPUT D TYPICAL SUPPLY CURRENT TOTAL TYPICAL PROPAGATION DELAY 4 .5 ns 7 4A L S 2 0 A 0 .6 5 m A _ I- - V H X H L X H 14-Pin Plastic DIP

    OCR Scan
    74ALS20A 74ALS20A 14-Pin 74ALS20AN 74ALS20AD 74ALS 500ns 74ALS20AD 74ALS20AN PDF


    Abstract: IL-074 ILG74
    Text: SINGLE CHANNpL IL74 SIEM ENS ILD74 QUAD CHANNEL ILQ74 DUAL CHANNEL Phototransistor Optocouper FEATURES • 7400 Series T2!. Compatible • Transfer Ratio, 39% Typical • Coupling Capacitance, 0.5 pF • Single, Dual, & Quad Channel • industry Standard DIP Package

    OCR Scan
    ILD74 ILQ74 E52744 Add-X001 20tiA IL/ILD/ILQ74 10rrv> 10nki IL/ILO/ILQ74 IL074 IL-074 ILG74 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Signetics FAST 74F323 Register FAST Products 8-Bit Universal Shift/Storage Register With Synchronous Reset and Common I/O pins 3-State Product Specification FEATURES • Common parallel I/O for reduced pin count • Additional serial Inputs and outputs for expansion

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    74F323 20-Pin N74F323N N74F323D 74F323 74F299 500ns PDF


    Abstract: 74ALS273D
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Octal D-type flip-flop 74ALS273 FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION • Eight edge-triggered D-type flip-flops RR • Buffered common clock [T 20| VCC Q0 \ J ]9 ] DO [ T 3 D7 D1 | T Ï7 ] D6 3 06 Q7 • Buffered asynchronous master reset

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    74ALS273 74ALS377 74ALS373 74ALS374 74ALS273 74ALS 500ns 74als273n 74ALS273D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product specification Philip» Sem lconductors-Signetics FA ST Products 8-Bit shift register with input storage registers 3-State FEATURES TYPE • High impedance PNP base input for re­ duced loading (20mA in High and Low states) • 8-bit parallel storage register

    OCR Scan
    74F598 105MHz 100MHz 20-pin 500ns PDF


    Abstract: 54F244/YBDGAQ
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors Military FAST Products Octal buffer 3-State 54F244 FUNCTION TABLE FEATURES • Octal bus interface OUTPUTS INPUTS OE. • 3-State buffer outputs sink 48mA 1. L L L L L H H H X H = High voltage level L = Low voltage level

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    54F244 54F244 500ns 110fl5b 54F244/YBDGAQ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ICL7660S 33 HfMSSSS Aprii 1994 Super Voltage Converter Description Features • Guaranteed Lower Max Supply Temperature Ranges Current lor All • Wide Operating Voltage Range 1.5V to 12V • 100% Tested at 3V • No External Diode Over Full Temperature and Voltage

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    ICL7660S ICL7660S ICL7660 ICL7660S. ICL7611 ICL7660S, AN051 ICL7660SCBA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Signetics FAST 74F398, 74F399 FAST Products Registers 74F398 Quad 2-Port Register With True And Complementary Outputs 74F399 Quad 2-Port Register FEATURES • Select inputs Irom two data •ources • Fully positive edge triggered • Both True and Complementary

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    74F398, 74F399 74F398 74F399 120MHz 120MHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Signetics FAST 74F3040 30Q Line Driver FAST Products Dual 4-Input NAND 30i2 Line Driver FEATURES • • P ro d u c t S p e c ific a tio n 3 0 f t lin e d r iv e r 1 6 0 m A o u t p u t d r i v e c a p a b il i t y In • TYPICAL PROPAGATION DELAY TYPE th e L o w s ta te

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    74F3040 16-Pin N74F3040N N74F3040D 74F3040 500ns PDF

    lg crt tv ca-14f69 circuit diagram

    Abstract: No abstract text available

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    TDA1675A TDA1675A 15-lead 89DSTDA1675A-12 89DSTDA1675A-M B9DSTDA1675A-15 lg crt tv ca-14f69 circuit diagram PDF