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    Board to Board Connector QT01

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SPECIFICATIONS Mechanical Mating Force: 20kgf max. Unmating Force: 2.2kgf min. Durability: 30 Cycles Board to Board Connector QT01 Series 0.5mm Pitch For High Speed Application Mated w ith QT00 Series Electrical Current Rating: 0.5A max.per contact Contact Resistance: 55mΩ max. Initial , 75mΩ max.(After)

    20kgf Board to Board Connector QT01 PDF

    Board to Board Connector QT01

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SPECIFICATIONS Mechanical Mating Force: 20kgf max. Unmating Force: 2.2kgf min. Durability: 30 Cycles Board to Board Connector QT00 Series 0.5mm Pitch For High Speed Application Mated w ith QT01 Series Electrical Current Rating: 0.5A max.per contact Contact Resistance: 55mΩ max. Initial , 75mΩ max.(After)

    20kgf Board to Board Connector QT01 PDF

    jis s25c

    Abstract: scm435 T4 1060 JIS-10K S25C n210b S25C SUS-630 PN100 SUS316 SUS316L
    Text: EJA 智能变送器 产品简介: EJA智能变送器是日本横河电机株式会社最新推出的产品,率先采用数 字化传感器—单晶硅谐振式 传感器,传感器输出一对差值数字信号,在传感器部分直接消除外界干

    EJA438W EJA438WEJA438N 4-20mADC EJA438NBRAINCENTUM EJA438N EJA438W-DASJ1AA-AA01-92NN 4-20mA jis s25c scm435 T4 1060 JIS-10K S25C n210b S25C SUS-630 PN100 SUS316 SUS316L PDF

    yamatake DSTJ3000 TRANSMITTER

    Abstract: yamatake DSTJ3000 calibration manual yamatake DSTJ3000 yamatake DSTJ3000 manual DSTJ3000 Yamatake ST3000 smart transmitter JTG940A HONEYWELL DSTJ3000 honeywell st3000 DSTJ300
    Text: No.SS2-DST400-0100 Rev. 2 ST3000 Ace Smart Transmitter JTG Series of Pressure Transmitters JTG940A/JTG960A/JTG980A General The ST3000 Ace* Smart Transmitter is a microprocessorbased smart transmitter that features high performance and excellent stability. Capable of measuring pressures of gas, liquid, and

    SS2-DST400-0100 ST3000 JTG940A/JTG960A/JTG980A TDCS3000 3000X JTG940A/960A yamatake DSTJ3000 TRANSMITTER yamatake DSTJ3000 calibration manual yamatake DSTJ3000 yamatake DSTJ3000 manual DSTJ3000 Yamatake ST3000 smart transmitter JTG940A HONEYWELL DSTJ3000 honeywell st3000 DSTJ300 PDF


    Abstract: WMAS20B050S WMAS20B020T 32mm2 WMAS20L050T WMAS20B010S din 471 WMAS20B030T WMAS20B040T
    Text: ◆外形寸法図 ●口出線付外形図 ●接続端子付外形図(単相または三相) 内部接続 内部接続 B±3 VVF 3芯2mm2 (約300mm付) 取付可能方向 7.5 5 52 14 5 *単相の場合中央に端子はありません 35 取付可能方向

    32mm2 300mm 200VAC 50/60HzJIS WMAS20L010T WMAS20L015T WMAS20L020T WMAS20L030T WMAS20L040T WMAS20L050T WMAS20L100T WMAS20B050S WMAS20B020T 32mm2 WMAS20L050T WMAS20B010S din 471 WMAS20B030T WMAS20B040T PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BNC Style Connector BNC Series FEATURE Frequency Range DC to 2GHz Characteristic Impedance 50 Ω Lock Type Bayonet ・ BNC style connector is one of the most popular 50 Ω coaxial connector. ・ Bayonet coupling mechanism for reliable connection. It is suitable for the frequent

    200MHz. 200MHz, BNC75 JIS-C-5412, MIL-PRF-39012, DSP-C-6202 500VAC 20kgfã PDF


    Abstract: FRFN-251LV104KC4A0 DCR2-22A25 FDFDD631U104KDADZ0 RFM2H104KD FFALN251AU355UF0AA RFN2E473K EVN40M205UL FRFM-401LD504KBBA3 RFM2E145KPD
    Text: フィルムコンデンサ CAT.No.1003O 目 次 製品検索 製品一覧表 使用上の注意 品番の表し方 製品ガイド 自動挿入用テーピング仕様 最小梱包単位 温度特性 TACEシリーズ(高周波用) TACDシリーズ(高周波用)

    1003O FRFM-501LD104KE1A0 FRFN-251LV104KC4A0 DCR2-22A25 FDFDD631U104KDADZ0 RFM2H104KD FFALN251AU355UF0AA RFN2E473K EVN40M205UL FRFM-401LD504KBBA3 RFM2E145KPD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BNC 形同軸コネクタ BNC Series 概 要 ◆ BNC シリーズは 50 Ω系同軸コネクタとして最 も広範囲に使用されている製品です。 特性インピーダンス 50 Ω ロック方式 バヨネット ◆小型軽量で着脱容易なバヨネットロック接続機構

    200MHz BNC75 JIS-C-5412, MIL-PRF-39012, PDF

    FERRITE core TRANSFORMER 300 watt inverter

    Abstract: Ferroxcube 3C8 FX3730 Ferrite 3c8 FERRITE core TRANSFORMER 50 watt inverter ferrite core transformer for projects FX3720 maranyl transformer 50KHz 100W power loss 3c8
    Text: Issued March 1990 K5796 ÔFerroxcubeÕ switched-mode power supply cores Stocknumbers 228-264, 228-270 These components are recognised industry-standard parts used for output transformer service in switchedmode power supplies and other high frequency applications where high operating flux and low core

    K5796 FX3730) FX3720) 918mm FERRITE core TRANSFORMER 300 watt inverter Ferroxcube 3C8 FX3730 Ferrite 3c8 FERRITE core TRANSFORMER 50 watt inverter ferrite core transformer for projects FX3720 maranyl transformer 50KHz 100W power loss 3c8 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BNC Style Connector BNC Series OUTLINE DDK’s 50 ohm BNC bayonet RF connector are available in several configurations to support Frequency Range DC to 2GHz Characteristic Impedance 50 Ω a variety of design alternatives. These BNC connectors are available in straight, right angle and

    BNC75 200MHz. PDF

    rd60 battery charger

    Abstract: S4 65 E134962 CB801 CB100-12S CB325-12 yellow crimps a14s R38-S5 R150-L10
    Text: 압착단자 Solderless Terminals 소 개 Introduction 압착단자 개관 이 카탈로그에는 한국몰렉스에서 생산하는 광범위한 압착단자들 을 수록했습니다. 한국몰렉스는 R타입, Y타입과 같은 규격 압착단자 뿐 아니라

    1-800-78MOLEX KOR-005/Rev Korea/2K/KY/KY/2002 rd60 battery charger S4 65 E134962 CB801 CB100-12S CB325-12 yellow crimps a14s R38-S5 R150-L10 PDF


    Abstract: optically clear adhesive hardness glass break touch screen
    Text: AMT News Express TOUCH TOTAL SOLUTIONS Bulletin No.:AMTNE0927 2009/ 07 / 15 AMT GFG Glass-Film-Glass Touch Screen Durability AMT continues to enhance resistive touch screen functions and features, as well as expand its application scopes in the market.

    AMTNE0927 TOUCH GLASS SCREEN optically clear adhesive hardness glass break touch screen PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TRIAC For general A.C. power control applications such as A.C. switches, light controls, speed controls and heater controls etc. • General A.C. power use • I RMS = 45A • High voltage up to 1200V • High surge current of 550A • Package types;stud

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    SSG45C40 SSG45C60 SSG45C80 SSG45C100 SSG45C120 B-285 SSG45C B-286 SSG45C120 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SANSHA E L E C T R IC UFA 37E CO D • 7^1243 .- 0000152 1 BSEMJ T - a S '- l? THYRISTOR TV ' O For general phase control applications such as speed controls, light controls and welders etc. • General power use • It=20A, Itirmsi~30A . • High voltage up to 1200V

    OCR Scan
    SC20C SC20C-20â SC20C-80â 7RR1243 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Waterproof Type SUM M ARY The 89M series is designed and manufactured to perform in outdoor and underwater use. There is no functional deterioration under rain, snow, or submerged conditions. These products are suitable for a wide range of applications including field communications, broadcasting, marine equipment and

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    20Kgf/cm2 PDF


    Abstract: SSG35C100
    Text: TRIAC For general A.C. power control applications such as A.C. switches, light controls, speed controls and heater controls etc. • General A.C. power use = 35A • High voltage up to 1200V • High surge current of 400A • Package types;stud _ • I t rms

    OCR Scan
    SSG35C40 SSG35C60 SSG35C80 SSG35C100 SSG35C120 50/60Hz, SSG35C B-282 SSG35C80 SSG35C100 PDF


    Abstract: SC20C-60
    Text: THYRISTOR SC20C • M axim um Ratings SC20C-40 SC20C-60 V rrm R epetitive Peak Reverse Voltage 400 600 V rsm Non-Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage 480 Repetitive Peak O ff-S tate Voltage 400 Ite m S ym b o l V oR M SC20C-80 SC20C-100 SC20C-120 U n it 800 1000

    OCR Scan
    SC20C SC20C-40 SC20C-60 SC20C-80 SC20C-100 SC20C-120 QQQ24Q1 B-245 SC20C-60 PDF

    LT 7229

    Abstract: LT 7227 LT 7220 VM LT 7217 LT 7224 LT 7210 lt 7216 LT 7228 172778 LT 7215
    Text: AMR Product Specification 108-5166 19 OCT 99 n & im Rev. B1 Multi-Interlock Mark II Connector for wire to wire termination — n MI C Contents First 15 pages following this top sheet English version Next 15 pages Japanese version When only one of above versions is supplied to customers, this top sheet shall be

    OCR Scan
    3fcffT83^ FJ00-1742-99 J-002 LT 7229 LT 7227 LT 7220 VM LT 7217 LT 7224 LT 7210 lt 7216 LT 7228 172778 LT 7215 PDF


    Abstract: SC30C-120 SC30C-80 SC30C-100 SC30C-40 MAX5102
    Text: THYRISTOR SC30C For general phase control applications such as speed controls, light controls and welders etc. • • • • General power use It = 30A, It rms = 47A High voltage up to 1200V High surge current of 600A • Stud type F? I •> M6P1. Unit : mm

    OCR Scan
    SC30C_ SC30C-40 SC30C-60 SC30C-80 SC30C-100 SC30C-120 B-248 MAX5102 PDF

    TDA 7786

    Abstract: crystal washing machine service manual sfd 655 triac tag 8739 UM1233 E36 conclusion on lpg gas detector TL507 project on digital voltmeter using IC 7107 RS 307-402 TDA7786 causing for zero leading suppression 7447
    Text: Issued March 1988 8773 Data Library Contents list and semiconductor device type index Data library contents Subject Title Number Communications Equipment B.T. telephone connection system Digital compact paging system Escort 2 + 6 telephone switching system

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 6DI30M-050 30A POWER TRANSISTOR MODULE : Features • @i hFE High DC Current Gam High Speed Switching : Applications • 9 General Purpose Inverter • Uninterruptible Power Supply • N C x f^ M M • Servo & Spindle Drive for NC Machine Tools Robotics (Servo Drive for Robots)

    OCR Scan
    6DI30M-050 llS19# l95t/R89 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ;~-‘- ^ - - - j J - - ~ ~ ' ^ ' SANSHA ELECTRIC MFG CO 37E D TRIAC • -f- ^ ' — ' -^~-x- f | F ’- A f S g lW i 7T=ilEM3 ODDDITM b H S E M J P ^ S - - /7 T r<?y For general A.C . power control applications such as A.C . switches, light controls, speed controls and heater controls etc.

    OCR Scan
    SSG35C PDF

    transistor JSW

    Abstract: diode JSW FL 576-K125
    Text: 6DI30M-050 30 a Outline Drawings POWER TRANSISTOR MODULE ‘ F e a tu re s • ifi5hFE High DC Current Gain • iS i S TA'V’f-'sif High Speed Switching : A p p lic a tio n s • 9 General Purpose Inverter • Uninterruptible Power Supply • N C lflM S tM

    OCR Scan
    6DI30M-050 E82988 l95t/R89 Shl50 transistor JSW diode JSW FL 576-K125 PDF


    Abstract: SSG45C80 SSG45C60 SSG45C100 TG SANREX W45A v06v D-20 SSG45C40
    Text: For general A.C. power control applications such a s A.C. switches, light controls, speed controls and h eater controls etc. • • • • • General A.C. power use I t, « * “ 45A H igh eoltage up to 1200V H igh su rg e current of 550A Package types:stud

    OCR Scan
    SSG45C40 SSG45C60 SSG45C80 SSG45C100 SSG45C120 50/60Hz. Tj-25 SSG45C120 TG SANREX W45A v06v D-20 PDF