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    1N78FR Search Results

    1N78FR Datasheets (2)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    1N78FR Advanced Semiconductor Silicon Point Contact Mixer Diode Scan PDF
    1N78FR Unknown Historical semiconductor price guide (US$ - 1998). From our catalog scanning project. Historical PDF

    1N78FR Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 1N78CMR 1N78C 1N78CM 1N78CR 1N78F 1N78FM 1N78FMR 1N78FR military marking symbols
    Text: MIL-S-19500/150C 11 February .12751- SUPERSEDING MIL-S-19500/130B r o t « *fn*7 A u u iie i9 /V | c u tu MIL-S-19500/129 SigC 20 July 1960 MILITARY SPECIFICATION SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, DIODE, SILICON, MIXER TYPES 1N78C, 1.N78CR- 1N78CM. 1N78CMR, 1N78F, 1N78FR, 1N78FM, ANü' 1N78FMR

    OCR Scan
    MIL-S-19500/130C MIL-S-19500/130B MIL-S-19500/129 1N78C, 1N78CR. 1N78CM. 1N78CMR, 1N78F, 1N78FR, 1N78FM, D65084 1N78CMR 1N78C 1N78CM 1N78CR 1N78F 1N78FM 1N78FMR 1N78FR military marking symbols PDF

    1N23 diode

    Abstract: 1N78 diode 1N23WGMR 1N26A diode 1n21we 1N26B ka2to 1N415 DMA4148-042 1n23 jan
    Text: Silicon Point Contact Mixer Diodes Features • ■ ■ High Burnout Resistance Low Noise Figure, even in the Starved L.O. Mode Hermetically Sealed * \ / \ Description These specifications allow the noise figure of the re­ ceiver to deteriorate no greater than 0.1 dB due to local

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: IN23E in23we DO-37 IN416D 1N26 DO-23 1N25 diode 1N26A diode IN23WGMR
    Text: 0258354 ADVANCED ADVANCED S EMI CONDUC TOR SEMICONDUCTOR ! 82D 0 0 0 6 3 fl2 D Dff|oa5ü3S4 o n - o~r 0□0 □Ob3 4 SILICONPOINTCOMCTMIXER OIOÛES ASI Point Contact Mixer Diodes are designed for applications from UHF through 26 GHz. They feature high burnout resistance, low

    OCR Scan
    DO-22, DO-23 DO-37 26GHz. supp26A DO-37 1N26B 1N26C IN23C IN23E in23we IN416D 1N26 1N25 diode 1N26A diode IN23WGMR PDF

    1N23C diode

    Abstract: DIODE ku 1490 1N25 diode 1N26A diode DO-37 DO-23 1N415C 1N4294 1N4603R 1N26BR
    Text: SILICON POINT CON TACT MIXER DIODES ASI Point Contact M ixer Diodes are designed for applications from UHF through 26 GHz. The overall noise figure is expressed by the follow ing relationship: NF0 = Lc NR0 + NF if -1 NF„ = overall receiver noise figure

    OCR Scan
    DO-22, DO-23 DO-37 ardN21H 1N21HR 1N150 1N160 1N150R 1N160R 1N23C 1N23C diode DIODE ku 1490 1N25 diode 1N26A diode 1N415C 1N4294 1N4603R 1N26BR PDF


    Abstract: IN415C IN23CR in23we 1N23F 1N3747 IN26 1N21C HP-432A 1n416
    Text: SILICONPOINTCONTACTMIXERDIODES They feature high burnout resistance, low ASI Point Contact Mixer Diodes are designed for applications from UHF through noise figure and are hermetically sealed. They are available in DO-7, DO-22, DO-23 26 GHz. and DO-37 package styles which make

    OCR Scan
    DO-22, DO-23 DO-37 26GHz. 1N26B DO-37 1N26C 30MHz, 1000Hz in23c IN415C IN23CR in23we 1N23F 1N3747 IN26 1N21C HP-432A 1n416 PDF

    1N23 diode

    Abstract: 1N23 1N53AR 1n3747 1N1132 1N53R 1N415C 1n415 1N26 1N23 ALPHA
    Text: ALPHA IN»/ SEMICONDUCTOR MAE D • 0SAS443 00011b3 447 ■ ALP Silicon Point Contact Mixer Diodes Description Alpha’s point contact mixer diodes are designed for applications through Ka-band 40 GHz . These diodes employ epitaxial silicon optimized for low noise figure

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