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    1IM3605 Search Results

    1IM3605 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: 41S21
    Text: TYPES 1N4151 THRU 1N4154 SILICON SWITCHING DIODES BU LL ET IN NO. DL-S 699270, O CTOBER 1 9 6 6 -R E V IS E D AU G U ST 1969 F A S T S W IT C H IN G D IO D E S • Rugged Double-Plug Construction Electrical Equivalents 1N4151 . . 1N3604 1N4152 . . 1IM3605 . . . 1N4533

    OCR Scan
    1N4151 1N4154 1N4151 1N3604 1N4152 1IM3605 1N4533 1N4153 1N3606 1N4534 1N4152 41S21 PDF