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    Eaton Corporation MPIA4015V2-R22-R

    Power Inductors - SMD 0.22uH 14A 7.5mOhms AEC-Q200
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    TTI MPIA4015V2-R22-R Reel 30,000 3,000
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    • 10000 $1.01
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    Pulse Electronics Corporation PSIBVU78

    Antennas V-Thinity,In-Bldg, VHF UHF 700/800 MHz
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    TTI PSIBVU78 Bulk 10 1
    • 1 $147.69
    • 10 $139.17
    • 100 $136.44
    • 1000 $136.44
    • 10000 $136.44
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    Nexperia PHPT60406NYX

    Bipolar Transistors - BJT PHPT60406NY/SOT669/LFPAK
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    TTI PHPT60406NYX Reel 4,500
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    • 10000 $0.19
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    Nexperia PHPT60406NY-QX

    Bipolar Transistors - BJT SOT669/LFPAK NPN BIPOLAR TRANS
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    TTI PHPT60406NY-QX Reel 4,500
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    • 10000 $0.191
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    Others HC43U-15.3MHZ

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    Chip 1 Exchange HC43U-15.3MHZ 52
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    Abstract: Audio Power Amplifier TOSHIBA circuit boards SL6609A 2SC5065 AN4399 DAP236K MA862 SL6619 vcxo philips
    Text: AN4399 Advice on using the SL6619 Application Note AN4399 ISSUE 1.6 April 1996 INTRODUCTION This application note outlines a basic circuit for the SL6619 Direct Conversion Pager Receiver for use in standard paging applications at 153MHz, 282MHz and 450MHz. An Evaluation Board based on 282MHz will be described and detailed setup procedure provided.

    AN4399 SL6619 SL6619 153MHz, 282MHz 450MHz. gyrator Audio Power Amplifier TOSHIBA circuit boards SL6609A 2SC5065 AN4399 DAP236K MA862 vcxo philips PDF

    Audio Power Amplifier TOSHIBA circuit boards

    Abstract: transistor c32
    Text: AN4399 Advice on using the SL6619 Application Note AN4399 - 1.6 April 1996 INTRODUCTION This application note outlines a basic circuit for the SL6619 Direct Conversion Pager Receiver for use in standard paging applications at 153MHz, 282MHz and 450MHz. An Evaluation Board based on 282MHz will be described and detailed setup procedure provided.

    AN4399 SL6619 AN4399 153MHz, 282MHz 450MHz. SL6619 Audio Power Amplifier TOSHIBA circuit boards transistor c32 PDF

    transformerless variable frequency drive

    Abstract: AN199 philips
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE AN199 Using the SL6609A Direct Conversion Pager Receiver AN199-2.0 July 1998 This application note outlines a basic circuit for the SL6609A Direct Conversion Pager Receiver for use in standard paging applications at 153MHz, 282MHz and 450MHz. Fig. 1 is a block diagram of the SL6609A, showing the pin allocation

    AN199 SL6609A AN199-2 153MHz, 282MHz 450MHz. SL6609A, transformerless variable frequency drive AN199 philips PDF

    AN199 philips

    Abstract: AN199 transformerless variable frequency drive gyrator 2SC5065 BFT25A MA862 SL6609A transistor 4F LNA N2261-A
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE AN199 Using the SL6609A Direct Conversion Pager Receiver AN199-2.0 July 1998 This application note outlines a basic circuit for the SL6609A Direct Conversion Pager Receiver for use in standard paging applications at 153MHz, 282MHz and 450MHz. Fig. 1 is a block diagram of the SL6609A, showing the pin allocation

    AN199 SL6609A AN199-2 153MHz, 282MHz 450MHz. SL6609A, AN199 philips AN199 transformerless variable frequency drive gyrator 2SC5065 BFT25A MA862 transistor 4F LNA N2261-A PDF


    Abstract: SL6619
    Text: AN4399 Advice on using the SL6619 Application Note AN4399 ISSUE 1.6 April 1996 INTRODUCTION This application note outlines a basic circuit for the SL6619 Direct Conversion Pager Receiver for use in standard paging applications at 153MHz, 282MHz and 450MHz. An Evaluation Board based on 282MHz will be described and detailed setup procedure provided.

    AN4399 SL6619 AN4399 153MHz, 282MHz 450MHz. SL6619 AN439 PDF

    AN199 philips

    Abstract: Audio Power Amplifier Drive an 7070 transformerless variable frequency drive irf transistors AN199-1
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE AN199 Using the SL6609A Direct Conversion Pager Receiver Supersedes March 1995 version, AN199-1.7 AN199-2.0 July 1998 This application note outlines a basic circuit for the SL6609A Direct Conversion Pager Receiver for use in standard paging applications at 153MHz, 282MHz and 450MHz. Fig. 1 is a block diagram of the SL6609A, showing the pin allocation

    AN199 SL6609A AN199-1 AN199-2 153MHz, 282MHz 450MHz. SL6609A, AN199 philips Audio Power Amplifier Drive an 7070 transformerless variable frequency drive irf transistors PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: W164 Spread Spectrum Desktop / Notebook System Frequency Generator Features Key Specifications • Maximized EMI suppression using IC WORKS’ Spread Spectrum Technology • Reduces measured EMI by as much as 10dB Supply Voltages: I2C programmable to 153MHz 16 selectable frequencies

    153MHz SEL100/66# 48MHz 24/48MHz 318MHz FDS-026 101Nicholson PDF


    Abstract: 5400BL14B050 9-0-9 CENTER TAP transformer balun tc1-1-13m ADL5801 1850BL15B200
    Text: High IP3, 10 MHz to 6 GHz, Active Mixer ADL5801 FEATURES FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM VPLO GND NC IFON IFOP GND 24 GND 1 GND 2 23 22 21 20 18 VPRF 17 GND 16 RFIP LOIN 4 15 RFIN GND 5 14 GND GND 6 13 VPDT ADL5801 LOIP 3 V2I DET APPLICATIONS Cellular base station receivers

    ADL5801 24-lead ADL5801ACPZ-R7 ADL5801-EVALZ CP-24-3 82908-A ADL5801 TC1-1-43M 5400BL14B050 9-0-9 CENTER TAP transformer balun tc1-1-13m 1850BL15B200 PDF

    application of colpitts oscillator

    Abstract: colpitts oscillator 50MHz Colpitts Colpitts circuit design IRF 949 IRF C20 ZETEX Part Mark RFA colpitts crystal oscillator POCSAG MV6639
    Text: SL6649-1 3115 - 4.1 SL6649-1 200MHz DIRECT CONVERSION FSK DATA RECEIVER The SL6649-1 is a low power direct conversion radio receiver for the reception of frequency shift keyed transmissions. It features the capability of 'power down' for battery conservation.

    SL6649-1 200MHz SL6649-1 200MHz 100nV application of colpitts oscillator colpitts oscillator 50MHz Colpitts Colpitts circuit design IRF 949 IRF C20 ZETEX Part Mark RFA colpitts crystal oscillator POCSAG MV6639 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: High IP3, 10 MHz to 6 GHz, Active Mixer ADL5801 Data Sheet FEATURES FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM Broadband upconverter/downconverter Power conversion gain of 1.8 dB Broadband RF, LO, and IF ports SSB noise figure NF of 9.75 dB Input IP3: 28.5 dBm Input P1dB: 13.3 dBm

    ADL5801 24-lead 4-11-2012-A CP-24-3) ADL5801ACPZ-R7 ADL5801-EVALZ CP-24-3 TCM1-63AX PDF


    Abstract: irf 640 audio amplifier irf 3803 DS4015 N2261-A capacitor 2u2 SL6609 vr 4k7 2SC5065 BFT25A
    Text: SL6609A Direct Conversion FSK Data Receiver Advance Information DS4015 - 2.5 July 1995 This device is an advanced direct conversion receiver for operation up to 470MHz. The design is based on the SL6609 receiver and is a pin for pin product upgrade. The device

    SL6609A DS4015 470MHz. SL6609 M1686-A irf 640 audio amplifier irf 3803 N2261-A capacitor 2u2 SL6609 vr 4k7 2SC5065 BFT25A PDF

    capacitor 2u2

    Abstract: IRF C20 1N 917 Audio Output Transistor Amplifier BFT25A SL6609 vr 4k7 2SC5065 FMMT589 MA862
    Text: JULY 1995 ADVANCE INFORMATION DS4015 - 2.5 SL6609A DIRECT CONVERSION FSK DATA RECEIVER This device is an advanced direct conversion receiver for operation up to 470MHz. The design is based on the SL6609 receiver and is a pin for pin product upgrade. The device

    DS4015 SL6609A 470MHz. SL6609 capacitor 2u2 IRF C20 1N 917 Audio Output Transistor Amplifier BFT25A SL6609 vr 4k7 2SC5065 FMMT589 MA862 PDF

    balun tc1-1-13m

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FEATURES Power conversion gain of 1.6 dB Wideband RF, LO, and IF ports SSB noise figure of 11 dB Input IP3 of 28 dBm Input P1dB of 12 dBm Typical LO drive of 0 dBm Low LO leakage Single supply operation: 5 V @ 240 mA Exposed paddle, 4 mm x 4 mm, 24-lead LFCSP package

    24-lead ADL5802 CP-24-3) ADL5802ACPZ-R7 ADL5802-EVALZ CP-24-3 balun tc1-1-13m PDF


    Abstract: LTC5541 LT5554 LTC5551 LTC5510 LTC5583 LTC5577
    Text: LTC5577 300MHz to 6GHz High Signal Level Active Downconverting Mixer Features Description +30dBm IIP3 +15dBm Input P1dB n 0dB Conversion Gain n Wideband Differential IF Output n Very Low 2 x 2 and 3 × 3 Spurs n IF Frequency Range Up to 1.5GHz n Low LO-RF Leakage

    LTC5577 300MHz 30dBm 15dBm 16-Lead LTC2208 LTC2153-14 V/380mA V/180mA 16-Bit, LTC5569 LTC5541 LT5554 LTC5551 LTC5510 LTC5583 LTC5577 PDF


    Abstract: ds4003 diode BFT25A vr 4k7 IRF 725
    Text: SL6610 Direct Conversion FSK Data Receiver Advance Information Supersedes the October 1994 edition, DS4003 - 1.4 DS4003 - 2.2 September 1995 This device is an advanced direct conversion receiver for operation up to 470MHz. The design is based on the SL6609A

    SL6610 DS4003 470MHz. SL6609A ds4003 diode BFT25A vr 4k7 IRF 725 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ill# ICW0RKS W164 Spread Spectrum D esktop / N otebook System Frequency G enerator Key Specifications Features Maximized EMI suppression using IC W O R K S ’ Spread Spectrum Technology Reduces measured EMI by as much as 10dB l2C programmable to 153MHz 16 selectable frequencies

    OCR Scan
    153MHz SEL100/66# 48MHz 24/48M 318MHz FDS-026 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GEC P LES S EY w , O c t o b e r 1994 ADVANCE INFORMATION S E M I C O N D U C T O R S D S 4 0 0 3 - 1.4 SL6610 DIRECT CONVERSION FSK DATA RECEIVER This device is an advanced direct conversion receiver for operation up to 470MHz. The design is based on the SL6609A

    OCR Scan
    SL6610 470MHz. SL6609A 37bfl522 0Q23172 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Si GEC PLESSEY ADVANCE INFORMATION S E M I C O N D U C T O R S SL6610 DIRECT CONVERSION FSK DATA RECEIVER Supersedes the October 1994 edition, DS4003 - 1.4 This device is an advanced direct conversion receiver for operation upto470MHz. The design is based on the SL6609A

    OCR Scan
    SL6610 DS4003 upto470MHz. SL6609A -73dBm 282MHz 1200bps, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3 7 b f i 522 DD 2 0 1 1 E S 47 H P L S B a i GEC P L E S S E Y FEBRUARY 1994 PRELIMINARY INFORMATION S E M I C O N D U C T O R S DS2464 - 4.9 MV6639 POCSAG DECODER Supersedes November 1992 edition - DS2464 - 3.3 The MV6639 POCSAG decoder is capable of operating

    OCR Scan
    DS2464 MV6639 MV6639 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SL6649-1 IS FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES ONLY AND IS N O T RECOMMENDED FOR N E W DESIGNS Si GEC PLESSEY S E M I C O N D U C T O R S SL6649-1 200MHz DIRECT CONVERSION FSK DATA RECEIVER Supersedes edition in August 1994 Personal Communications 1C Handbook The SL6649-1 is a low power direct conversion radio

    OCR Scan
    SL6649-1 SL6649-1 200MHz 1200bps, 470pf. PDF

    s b 8748

    Abstract: HA1111
    Text: SL6609A MITEL Direct Conversion FSK Data Receiver SE M IC O N D U C T O R Advance Information D S 4 0 1 5 - 2 .5 This device is an advanced direct conversion receiver for operation up to 470MHz. The design is based on the SL6609 receiver and is a pin for pin product upgrade. The device

    OCR Scan
    SL6609A 470MHz. SL6609 s b 8748 HA1111 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ail rights s tric tly re s e rv e d . R eproduction or issue to third parties in any farm w ha te ve r is not perm itted w ithout w ritten authority from the p ro p rie to rs . Alle Rechte a u sd rü cklich V o rb e h a lte n . V e rv ie lfä ltig u n g oder Mitteilung an D ritte ,

    OCR Scan
    153MHz 49x52x27 PDF

    ds4003 diode

    Abstract: DS4003 Green LED LT 620 of seoul semiconductor 7597 lt transistor
    Text: SL6610 M ITEL Direct Conversion FSK Data Receiver Advance Information SE M IC O N D U C T O R Supersedes the O ctober 1994 edition, DS4003 - 1.4 DS4003 - 2.2 This device is an advanced direct conversion receiver for operation up to 470MHz. The design is based on the SL6609A

    OCR Scan
    DS4003 SL6610 470MHz. SL6609A ds4003 diode Green LED LT 620 of seoul semiconductor 7597 lt transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M. GEC PLESSEY S F. M I C O \ f t C T O R S SL6649-1 200MHz DIRECT CONVERSION FSK DATA RECEIVER S upersedes September 1991 edition) The SL6649-1 is a low power direct conversion radio re c e iv e r for the re c e p tio n of fre q u e n cy shift keyed transmissions. It features the capability of power down' for

    OCR Scan
    SL6649-1 200MHz SL6649-1 200MHz. 1200bps, 28C51 PDF