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    1110 LNA Search Results

    1110 LNA Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    F6922AVRI8 Renesas Electronics Corporation Dual-Channel Low Noise Amplifier for Ka-Band SATCOM Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    F0452EVB Renesas Electronics Corporation Evaluation Board for F0452 Switch / LNA Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    F6921AVRI Renesas Electronics Corporation Dual-Channel Low Noise Amplifier for Ku-Band SATCOM Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    F0111NBTI8 Renesas Electronics Corporation Dual Path Ultra-Low Noise Amplifier - 2.2GHz to 4.2GHz Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    F0452BEVB Renesas Electronics Corporation Evaluation Board for F0452B Switch / LNA Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    1110 LNA Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: x-band dro HMC784 HMC764LP6CE mmic AMPLIFIER x-band 10w HMC831LP6C 358 ez 802 E-band mmic HMC82 HMC807LP6CE
    Text: OCTOBER 2009 OFF-THE-SHELF Analog & Mixed-Signal ICs, Modules, Subsystems & Instrumentation Booth #1010 & 1110 See Page 7 for more details 31 New Products Released! Product Showcase 1 Watt Power Amplifi er HMC756 • Saturated Output Power: +33 dBm @ 28% PAE

    HMC756 cons31-475100 hmc789 x-band dro HMC784 HMC764LP6CE mmic AMPLIFIER x-band 10w HMC831LP6C 358 ez 802 E-band mmic HMC82 HMC807LP6CE PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Supertex inc. MD3872 Low Power, Low Noise Ultrasound Receive Front-End Eight-Channels of LNA, VGA, AAF, CPS & 12-Bit, 50MHz ADCs Features ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►►

    MD3872 12-Bit, 50MHz 14dB/18dB 480mVPP/300mVPP -47dB 15MHz) ANSI-644 DSFP-MD3872 A011713 tf2d PDF


    Abstract: MD3872 SWLNA CW8A
    Text: Supertex inc. MD3872 Low Power, Low Noise Ultrasound Receive Front-End Eight-Channels of LNA, VGA, AAF, CPS & 12-Bit, 50MHz ADCs Features ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►►

    MD3872 12-Bit, 50MHz 14dB/18dB 480mVPP/300mVPP -47dB 15MHz) ANSI-644 DSFP-MD3872 NR100912 tf2d MD3872 SWLNA CW8A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Supertex inc. MD3872 Low Power, Low Noise Ultrasound Receive Front-End Eight-Channels of LNA, VGA, AAF, CPS & 12-Bit, 50MHz ADCs Features ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►►

    MD3872 12-Bit, 50MHz 14dB/18dB 480mVPP/300mVPP -47dB 15MHz) ANSI-644 DSFP-MD3872 A022513 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Supertex inc. MD3872 Low Power, Low Noise Ultrasound Receive Front-End Eight-Channels of LNA, VGA, AAF, CPS & 12-Bit, 50MHz ADCs Features ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►►

    MD3872 12-Bit, 50MHz 14dB/18dB 480mVPP/300mVPP -47dB 15MHz) ANSI-644 DSFP-MD3872 A011613 tf2d PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Supertex inc. MD3872 Low Power, Low Noise Ultrasound Receive Front-End Eight-Channels of LNA, VGA, AAF, CPS & 12-Bit, 50MHz ADCs Features ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►►

    MD3872 12-Bit, 50MHz 14dB/18dB 480mVPP/300mVPP -47dB DSFP-MD3872 B060413 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Supertex inc. MD3872 Low Power, Low Noise Ultrasound Receive Front-End Eight-Channels of LNA, VGA, AAF, CPS & 12-Bit, 50MHz ADCs Features ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►►

    MD3872 12-Bit, 50MHz 14dB/18dB 480mVPP/300mVPP -47dB DSFP-MD3872 B011314 PDF

    BFR92 application note

    Abstract: fsk modulation and demodulation 433 mhz ask rf module SAW oscillator 1030 433.92 MHZ, 5V, ASK modulation RF RECEIVER MODULE BFR92 RF antenna 433.92 project 1110 lna AN2830 MC33591
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Application Note A Receiver Using Romeo2 Step-by-step Design for ISM Bands by: Laurent Gauthier Access and Remote Control Toulouse, France Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., 2004. All rights reserved. AN2830 Rev. 0, 9/2004 Introduction

    AN2830 Romeo21. BFR92 application note fsk modulation and demodulation 433 mhz ask rf module SAW oscillator 1030 433.92 MHZ, 5V, ASK modulation RF RECEIVER MODULE BFR92 RF antenna 433.92 project 1110 lna AN2830 MC33591 PDF

    vogt transformer

    Abstract: toko balun TOKO 10.7 transformer RT5880 VOGT pd Transformer tee transformer vogt Vogt Siemens Halbleiter
    Text: ICs for Communications LNA/MIXER PMB 2332 Version 1.2 Preliminary Specification 06.96 T2332-XV12-P2-7600 GLWLRQ  3XEOLVKHG E\ 6LHPHQV $* %HUHLFK +DOEOHLWHU 0DUNHWLQJ .RPPXQLNDWLRQ %DODQVWUD‰H   0QFKHQ Siemens AG 1995. All Rights Reserved.

    T2332-XV12-P2-7600 vogt transformer toko balun TOKO 10.7 transformer RT5880 VOGT pd Transformer tee transformer vogt Vogt Siemens Halbleiter PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RangeMaster2 Datasheet – RFID Baseband Analog Signal Processor RangeMaster2 Datasheet Programmable Analog Signal Processor for a Universal RFID tag reader system -1- DS023800-U002d RangeMaster2 Datasheet – RFID Baseband Analog Signal Processor

    DS023800-U002d 20-Lead AN238C04) PDF


    Abstract: rfid card reader AN238C04 active bandpass filter 300 khz architecture rfid qfn 0707 tray RFID ARCHITECTURE ISO18000-6 J-STD-020A AN238E04
    Text: RangeMaster2 Datasheet – RFID Baseband Analog Signal Processor RangeMaster2 Datasheet Programmable Analog Signal Processor for a Universal RFID tag reader system -1- DS023800-U002d RangeMaster2 Datasheet – RFID Baseband Analog Signal Processor

    DS023800-U002d 20-Lead AN238C04) ANADIGM rfid card reader AN238C04 active bandpass filter 300 khz architecture rfid qfn 0707 tray RFID ARCHITECTURE ISO18000-6 J-STD-020A AN238E04 PDF


    Abstract: LS12 MAX2320 SS11 s11s
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > Wireless and RF Keywords: lna, rf, rfic, amplifier, stability, power gain, transmission lines, rfics, theory, smith chart, rf ics, radio frequency, amplifiers, low noise amplifier, amps Jan 09, 2003 APPLICATION NOTE 1851 Low-Noise Amplifier Stability Concept to Practical Considerations,

    MAX2320: com/an1851 AN1851, APP1851, Appnote1851, APP1851 LS12 MAX2320 SS11 s11s PDF

    circle surround 2 IC

    Abstract: Using Linvill Techniques LS12 MAX2320 MAX2720 MAX2721 SS11 app abstract
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > WIRELESS, RF, AND CABLE Keywords: lna, rf, rfic, amplifier, stability, power gain, transmission lines, rfics, theory, smith chart, rf ics, radio frequency, amplifiers, low noise amplifier, amps Jan 09, 2003 APPLICATION NOTE 1851 Low-Noise Amplifier Stability Concept to Practical Considerations,

    com/an1851 MAX2320: MAX2720: MAX2721: AN1851, APP1851, Appnote1851, circle surround 2 IC Using Linvill Techniques LS12 MAX2320 MAX2720 MAX2721 SS11 app abstract PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITEQ AM-1635 SERIES AMPLIFIER MODEL NUMBER GAIN dB (Min.) VAR. (±dB) (Max.) VSWR (Max.) IMPED. IN/OUT (Ohms) NOISE FIGURE (dB, Typ.) P1 dB (dBm) (Typ.) 200–1000 AM-1635-1000 14 0.5 2.0:1 50/50 3.3 27 15 235 7H 200–2000 AM-1635-2000 13 0.75 2.2:1 50/50

    AM-1635 AM-1635-1000 AM-1635-2000 AM-1635-2500 AM-1635-3000 PDF


    Abstract: EN07
    Text: Datasheet Power Management LSI for Mobile Phone BD71801GWL General Description The BD71801GWL is an integrated Power Management LSI available in a small 80-pins 0.4mm-pitch 3.8mm-by3.8mm Wafer-level CSP package, which is designed to meet demands for space-constrained Smart phones.

    BD71801GWL BD71801GWL 80-pins UCSP50L3C DFE252012R-H-2R2N EN07 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: STA308A Multi-channel digital audio processor with DDX Features  8 channels of 24-bit DDX  >100 dB SNR and dynamic range  Selectable 32 kHz - 192 kHz input sample rates  6 channels of DSD/SACD input  Digital gain/attenuation +58 dB to -100 dB in

    STA308A 24-bit TQFP64 32-bit PDF


    Abstract: DDX8000 7.1channel amplifier ST C6V3 DCC-12 C2H10 C2H11 PSC1-2 subwoofer ic type amplifier subwoofer ic type amplifier circuit diagram
    Text: STA308A Multi-channel digital audio processor with DDX Features ! 8 channels of 24-bit DDX ! >100 dB SNR and dynamic range ! Selectable 32 kHz - 192 kHz input sample rates ! Advanced PopFree operation ! 6 channels of DSD/SACD input ! ! Digital gain/attenuation +58 dB to -100 dB in

    STA308A 24-bit 32-bit STA308A DDX8000 7.1channel amplifier ST C6V3 DCC-12 C2H10 C2H11 PSC1-2 subwoofer ic type amplifier subwoofer ic type amplifier circuit diagram PDF


    Abstract: QSound Labs STA335BW C2B12 C2B20 C3B20 STA335BWQS STA335BWQS13TR
    Text: STA335BWQS 2.1-channel high-efficiency digital audio system with QSound QHD Features PowerSSO-36 ! Wide supply voltage range 4.5 V to 24 V ! 3 power output configurations – 2 channels of ternary PWM (stereo mode) (2 x 20 W into 8 Ω at 18 V), (2 x 37 W into

    STA335BWQS PowerSSO-36 c1v6 QSound Labs STA335BW C2B12 C2B20 C3B20 STA335BWQS STA335BWQS13TR PDF

    crystal oscillator 11.0592 mhz 2pin

    Abstract: 2pin male connector Single, Frequency Synthesizer W931 W9310
    Text: Preliminary WHT9361 i. lV in b o n d E lectronics Corp. 902- 928 MHZ GFSK RF MODULE GENERAL DESCRIPTION Winbond WHT9361 RF module is an enhanced version of WHT9360. With better electrical performance and fewer components, WHT9361 can provide several consumer applications.

    OCR Scan
    WHT9361 WHT9361 WHT9360. W9310F crystal oscillator 11.0592 mhz 2pin 2pin male connector Single, Frequency Synthesizer W931 W9310 PDF


    Abstract: W931
    Text: WHT9361 i'inbond Electronics Corp. •WHT9361 902 ~ 928 MHZ GFSK RF MODULE

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: Z251-72 z401 D69ZOV301 VARISTOR 595 -PH Z121-09 z131 ra-100 Z151 4500
    Text: D 6 S 9 M a X i m u m Part N um ber Actual Part M arking C ontinuous R ated Voltaae AC R M S DC Volts Volts E R a t i n a R s I Electrical R ated S lnale Pulse Transient E n e rg y P eak 2m s 10/1000|as 8/20ns Jo ule s Joules Am ps V aristor Voltage @ 1m A DC

    OCR Scan
    10/1000ns 8/20ns D6921ZOV11 0RA04 Z110-04 D6921ZOV140RA04 Z140-04 D6921ZOV170RA05 Z170-05 RA-220 Z251-72 z401 D69ZOV301 VARISTOR 595 -PH Z121-09 z131 ra-100 Z151 4500 PDF


    Abstract: CY7B922 ECL100K 8A000 B921 1010d26 CY7B933 dmb 10-111 CY7B92X
    Text: PRELIMINARY SEMICONDUCTOR HOTLink Transmitter/Receiver Features Functional Description • Fibre Channel compliant • IBM ESC O N ® compliant T he CY 7B92X H O T L ink Transm itterand CY 7B93X H O T L in k R eceiver are pointto -p o in t com m unications building blocks

    OCR Scan
    CY7B921/CY7B931, CY7B922/CY7B932, CY7B923/CY7B933 8B/10B-coded 10-bit 130-to 310-Mbps ECL100K 28-pin CY7B92X 1001dl CY7B922 8A000 B921 1010d26 CY7B933 dmb 10-111 PDF

    IR Sensor transmitter and receiver pair

    Abstract: SEV 1011 FC245B
    Text: fax id: 5004 CY7B923 CY7B933 HOTLink Transmitter/Receiver that transfer data over high-speed serial links fiber, coax, and twisted pair . Standard HOTLink data rates range from 160-330 Mbits/second. Higher speed HOTLink is also avail­ able for high speed applications (160-400 Mbits/second), as

    OCR Scan
    CY7B923 CY7B933 28-pin IR Sensor transmitter and receiver pair SEV 1011 FC245B PDF


    Abstract: NE2720 NE334S01
    Text: Small Signal GaAs FETs Selection Guide. 1-2 Small Signal GaAs FET Selection Guide LOW NOISE GaAs FETs Typical S pecificatio ns @ Ta = 25°C PM Number Sat« Gate Length W idth Mm ftim ) •i.t RecomrnaruM Frequency Rang* . pVMW ' gB S " NE23300 0.3 280 0.1 to 18

    OCR Scan
    NE23300 NE24200 NE27200 NE67400 NE32400 NE32500 NE32900 NE33200 NE325S01 NE329S01 LORB NE2720 NE334S01 PDF