Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Alle Bechle lorbehallen/ i l l tights t t s t t t t i 3 3 - 27 All Diiensions in • lertin. Character. lichl lolerierle llasse/ free si/e lilerm es Original Size Oil t Oal. Oelail. Insp. Ian Han 3A-gw-M20 llassslab/lM/f 1 6 . 1 1 . 0 0 ROH. KR 1:1 TUIlengehause s e i l l i c h e r KabeIausgang/
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Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Alle B u h l e lorbthallen/ i l l rights ttstttti HARTING n \ A ll Oiiensions in •■ {/ O rig in a l S ize O l l A lechn. Character. lic h l lo le r ie r le Nasse/ D a l. O e la il. la it N a s s s la b / iH / f 18 .0 5 .0 i Loe. Insp. KR 08926525 Mod.
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09 21 007 3131
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Alle B u h l e lorbehallen/ i l l rights t t s t t t t i 3 R Mode in Germany co 1 OA 2 5 0V LD F a b r i que en R F A Han 7 D - f V 33,5 All Oiiensions in • lertin. Character. licht tolerierte lasse/ free s in lilerm es Original Size Oll A Oal. laae lassslab/iH/i
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Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Alle B u h l e lorbehallen/ U l rights resem i M 3 x 10 X T *> - T -f& M - C— O nI — 18,3 1 , 2 , * 3,3 X um 1 8 0 ° g e d r e h t 1 311801 I_ Fobriqué in RFA (6(921 Mode in Germonj|^_ i :& ö ö S :ö f e ö :ö ö & ' v\ All Oiiensions in
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Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Alle Hechle lorbehallen/ ill rights n u m i 15x 5 , 0 8 = 7 6 , 2 D t JijV - pw 9 4 , 9 *0,1 8 4 , 8 ± o.i I IHARTMG LO OO W 16CI T 1- 8 3 , 9 ±0,1 B - ^ 5 0 2 , 8 5 ±0,05 90 ±0,1 MI Oiiensions in m leriin. (hander. lichl tolerierte IIale//im
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09 21 007 3031
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Alle techie lorbehallen/ Ul riftls ttstttti 3 Dichtung/setf///?# J f7Í— H co l s» Hade in Germany ' LO CM E D C Fabrique en RFA ir 31,7 B All Oiiensions in • licht tolerierte lasse/ ftu ¡in lolenntes lertin. Character. Original Size Oli A Oal. Oelail.
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Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: A lle te d ile lorbeh alle n/ i l l rights m e n t i 3 M o n t a g e a u s s c h n i 11/ p a n e l c u t out M3x10 77,5 •Q- -Qc o 5 - -m k ij e; "r ÌL ' 1.2 ILL I 32.A 68,5 A ll Diiensions in ■ lertin . h i n d e r . lic h l lo le r ie r le Disse/ free si/e Mermes
OCR Scan
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Alle Buhle lorbehallen/ i l l 3 rights resene! Mon tage aus s c hni 11/ panel cut out M3x10 66 1 L - u - O ' <*d 3 - CD r m CVJ 15,3. r^j r -1 3! 5,9 _ 60 All Oiiensions in •■ lechn. [hander. Original Size Oil A Dal. laae Detail. 12.0i.99 K R
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Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Alle techie lorbehallen/ i ll tijtls resemi □ 0,6 Panel cut out Do I . D e lo il. 09 6 7 015 5616 3.1 * 0.1 09 6 7 015 5607 3.1 * 0.1 29 772 Pari number 0 hole Performance level Mod. 1 7 -A P R -0 2 D ol. CV 1 7 - A P R - 02 Hols Iob/ D-Sub, CV Insp. A ll O i l . in •
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Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Alle Buhle lorbehallen/ i l l rights resene! 3 Mon t ageausschni 11/ panel cut out 66 M3x10 -O 3 -CD O si /K •^ ÌL I CO <x> U .8 60 All Oiiensions in ■■ lechn. [hander. It 33,8 CO evi 1 lichl lolerierle Hasse/ free si/t Iclerures
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Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Aile Bechle lorbehallen/ 411 t ijt l s reserred All Oiiensions in •■ lechn. [hinder. lichl lolerierle Masse/ free s i n loletmes Original Size Dll A t Dal. Detail. ■aie Nassslab/iirWf Han 2 2 . 10.01 Gii Insp. KR 1: 1 T ü 11 e n g e h a u s e / hoods
OCR Scan
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Alle Bechle lorbehallen/ i l l rights reserretf 5 k 2 3 1 D C X um 1 8 0 ° g e d r e h t 1 v\ {/ All Oiiensinns in a* Original Size Oil A l lechn. Character. lichl lolerierle Masse/ free sire lilerm es lane Dal. Massslab/Jira/e Han /.6 E E -M -C Detail. 0 8 . 0 8 . 0 2 DY
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Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Alle Bechle lorbehallen/ i l l rights rts trn i 5 k No .20 conloct 2 3 1 N o .3 conlocl Ool. Doloil. 2 0 -JUN-02 None CV loop. Slond. 31056 2 0 -JUN-02 CV Mod. Ool. None har.mik HARTING EURL F-95972 Paris I/O be 11ow 20 poles female connector with solder cups
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Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Alle Bechle lorbehallen/ i l l rights rtstrni 5 k 2 3 1 D mark lor A=5,7 mm version PCB layout hole component side Moling loce occording to : MIL-C-24308 / DIN 41652 / B 09661147501 09661146501 09661145501 09661147505 09661146505 09661145505 Port number 6
OCR Scan
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Alle techie lorbehallen/ Ult rìghls resem i HARTING cr> c— i i i i i Hon / i i 1 -E3 \ /& 56 82 All Oiiensions in • ■ lechn. [harader. ■¡chi tolerierte Hasse/ free si/t liltruuts Original Size Oli A Dal. ■aie Detail. 1 0 . 06.99 PL SDT Insp.
OCR Scan
09 00 000 5080
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Alle Buhle lorbehallen/ ill rights ttstttti 3 D All Oiiensions in • lertin. Character. licht lolerierle Nasse/ free sin Mermes Original Size Oll A 09 00 000 5082 09 00 000 5081 09 00 000 5080 B e s t e l l N r / Port No grün green schworz block grau 6,5
OCR Scan
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Alle Buhle lorbehallen/ ill rights resemé 3 CT> O si 09 00 000 5097 09 00 000 5096 09 00 000 5095 09 00 000 509L h e iIg e lb U g h i yellow oronge oronge broun brown b lou blue B e s te ll Nr/ Pori No F a rb e / colour u 28 20 25 17 21 u 18 D m in. D max.
OCR Scan
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Alle techie lorbehallen/ Ult rìghls m m t i All Oiiensions in • lechn. [harader. ■¡chi tolerierte Hasse/ free ¡i/t liltruuts Original Size Oli A Dal. ■aie Detail. 06.03.01 DY Insp. SDT Stand. HARTING KGaA 29293 Mod. Dat Name D-32339 ESPELKAMP HassslabISule
OCR Scan
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Alle Buhle lorbthallen/ U l rijtls resemi Detail 3:1 X □ 0,63 De t o i I X i£> / \ co CD <r> GO CNJ xz Pari Dal. Delai I. 25-APR-02 CV Mod. Ool. None SEK CV Slond. 25-APR-02 comprises 6 code pins o t loched Not Insp. 29778 number HARTING EURL F -95972 Paris
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Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Alle techie lorbehallen/ Ul tijtls resemi 33.6 0 0 m i - i - - r f 0.5 17.6 Ko n t a k t ! l a c h e zur Schi r m a n b i n du n g / conlocl surface for shielding P C B - layout 1:1 1 i \ c k / t hi ckness Han B r i d * 2 - m HART INC 1 0 A / 2 5 V / 0 , 8k V 3 '
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harting connector tb
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: A lle B u h le lorbeh alle n/ U l t ijtls tts m ti Buchseneinsatz/ fe m a le i n s e r t M3x10 Aufnahme für K o m b i-R a s te le m e n t 0 9 33 0 0 0 9 9 2 9 Aufnahme fü r B e z e ic h n u n g s schi Ider s l o t s fo r f i x i n g etemenls 09 33 OOO 9929
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harting connector tb
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Alle techie lorbehallen/ ill riqhh resemi Gesamtlänge im v e r s c h r a u b t e n Zustand ca. /.2,5mm r nmn I a t q Innn fh iÄthan nccam htorl nnn / ? Rmm Steckgesicht n Confaci face acc. All Oiiensions in m Original Size Oll A lechn. (hinder. lichl lolerierle Nasse/ free sin lelermes
OCR Scan
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Alle tettile lorbehallen/ ill rights meriti fi I led pre assembled stroin x to No. 1 B I - 1 contact, 1st wire of flot relief A> coble 7T 1 SEK Dal . Délai I . 09185105815 09185106815 09185107815 P o r t -No. 0,76 m Au 2 CV £ 3 ^ In s p . A l l Oifli. in i n
OCR Scan
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Alle techie lorbehallen/ ill tighls resemi 3 1:1 - — x S 1 B [1 .1 Steckgesicht n. Contact face acc, DIN I in • mi Oiiensions li EN 609/.7-5-2 lechn. [hander. licht tolerierte Hasse/ free si/e lilttiuts Origin iginal Size Oil A Dal. Detail. laae 1 6 . 0 7 . 0 2 Pae
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